Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

GI BluesTommygunner32 is member of the Tunnel Snakes.
XBoxLogoTommygunner32 likes xbox360's and ps3s !!!! .
GW100H100Tommygunner32 is knowledgeable about Fallout 3
WikiTommygunner32 is trying to reach 1050 edits


TUNNEL SNAKES RULE !!!!!!!!! [[1]]

Maintenance manual Nominated for deletion Broken redirects Double redirects New pages
Dead end pages Uncategorized categ. Uncategorized files Uncategorized pages Wanted categories

About me[]

  • My name is Tom Mason, I'm 17 years old and i love fallout 3, i want to thank my british friend who i met on xbox for giving me this acount with over 100 edits :O i have been playing it for 3 years now .BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My ps3 gamertag is ToMmY GuN 97, and my xbox tag is Xx NuCLeAr CaBBaGe Xx.
  • The first edit i did was over a year ago when i was an unregistered user, i created the irradiated outhouse article(TERRIBLY).
  • My favourite thing about Fallout 3 is the Tunnel snakes :) because they are so cool and so does my friend who prieviously had this account, and i also love the Single shotgun 'cause it's powerful up close.
  • I am working on the Fallout 3 locations project by creating articles and editing current ones.
  • My favourite characters are Butch DeLoria because he has lots of cool stuff to say, and The King because he has a cool accent.
  • I hate people who mess around and vandal the wiki 'cause they're morons and need to take anti-tumor medicine.
  • My main role on the wiki is to improve Fallout 3\New vegas location articles and make sure any and all artices MAKE SENSE because a lot have missing letters, words, are untrue or they are simply hard to read and follow.
  • If anyone wants to talk about Fallout please message me, i will be happy to talk (Especially about the snakes) :) THANKYOU.

Friends and fellow wikiapedians !!![]

I want to thank my friends >>wesleyeye<< for creating my userboxes,, >>AreYouGoingToEatThatNuke<< for my custom signature,,,>>Gothemasticator<< for being extra helpful and finally Butch deloria for for his cool hair style.

Edit count and other stuff[]

There should have been a list of this user's edit counts here, but the edit counts feature is no longer available.

As you can tell i spend a lot of time on discussion pages :D

My articles,,Please help improve them!!!![]

I made all of these articles,,they are in need of improvement,I would appreciate any help editing them, adding images, and if you have any ideas please add them,,thanks.

Me and the boys[]

  • This is me and my boys chillin in da vault crib harassing some prostitute.

Me and my boys chillin

