Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
G3ASSAULTRIFLEThis user is a Raider of the Lost Vault
USA Flag Pre-WarThis user is from the USA

Field Log[]

These are documents of various missions and travels of Charles through the wasteland.

Fallout 3[]

Combat style- Energy Weapons

Weapon of choice- MPLX Novasurge

Base of operations- Megaton

Partner- Butch DeLoria

Favorite softdrink- Nuka-Cola

Enemies- John Henry Eden (neutralized), Professor Calvert (neutralized)

Allies- Henry Casdin, Owyn Lyons, Desmond Lockheart

Objective- Cleanse the Capital Wasteland of Enclave forces.

Mission status- Completed

The Capital Wasteland proved to be a bloody battlefield between super mutants, raider gangs, mercinaries and those just trying to survive. The hell I went through there is not something I would like to repeat. Althogh I usualy work solo, I was recruted into the Brotherhood of Steel to help destroy the Enclave forces flooding into the DC area. I didnt let them down. Destroying there bases in Raven Rock and Adams Airforce Base left them helpless. I met some nice folks in my time hear but I must move on. Next stop, New Vegas.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Combat style- Guns

Weapon of choice- Trail carbine

Base of operations- Lucky 38 presidential suite

Partner- Arcade Gannon

Favorite softdrink- Nuka-Cola Victory

Enemies- NCR, Robert House (neutralized)

Allies- Caesar's Legion

Objective- Gain controle of Hoover Dam and New Vegas.

Mission status- In Progress
