Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

A list of characters in the New California Republic.




Rank Members Ref
  • General
Lee Oliver [1]
  • Brigadier general
Cassandra MooreCut content [2]Cut content
  • Colonel
Cassandra Moore · James Hsu · Royez [3]
  • Major
Dhatri · Gerard · Elizabeth Kieran · Joseph Polatli · Knight [4]
  • Captain
Gilles · Marie Pappas · Parker · Ronald Curtis [5]
  • Lieutenant
Ashville · Carrie Boyd · Gorobets · Haggerty · Hayes · Markland · Monroe · Romanowski [3]
  • Second lieutenant
Theodore Gorobets [6]
  • Master Sergeant
  • First sergeant
Astor [7]
  • Staff sergeant
Arms merchant [8][9]
  • Technical Sergeant
Reyes [10]
  • Sergeant
Andrews · Banner · Bitter-Root · Daniel Contreras · James Merish · Kilborn · Lee · McCredie · McGee · NCR sergeant [11]
  • Corporal
Betsy · Mags · Marcus Christensen · Sterling · Walter Hornsby · White · William Farber [6]
  • Private First Class
Donald Kowalski · Jeremy Watson · Roger Westin III [6]
  • Private
Ackerman · Christina Morales · Daniels · Davey Crenshaw · Foster · Gilbert · Halford · Humphreys · Jackson · Jake Erwin · James Sexton · Jeffery Hui · Jensen · Kowalski · Kyle Edwards · O'Hanrahan · Ortega · Poindexter · Razz · Renolds · Seamer · Stone · Watkins [12]


Rank Members Ref
  • Chief
Elise · Hanlon
  • Ranger/RGR

Andy · Bryce Anders · Castillo · Dobson · Erasmus · Ericsen · Ghost · Gomez · Ranger Grant · Green · Jackson · Keller · Kudlow · Lenk · Milo · Pason · Rebecca Lineholm · Scheffer · Stella · Stepinac · Stevens · Tilden


  1. The Courier: "The president has departed safely."
    Cassandra Moore: "Good, his death could have had a major impact on morale. This whole affair was ill-advised from the start, and I for one am glad it's over. While you were out, General Oliver arrived and briefed all senior officers regarding a change in our strategy. I'm not at liberty to divulge what was said, but I've been instructed to send you to him immediately. He's set up his camp in the office area at the south end of this power plant. Dismissed."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  2. Cut content The Courier: "How have things been since the battle?"
    Cassandra Moore: "Surprisingly good. Our forces have managed to secure the region with little resistance, and trade should soon reach an all-time high. The brass was particularly surprised by the lack of domestic threats in the area. They were prepared to spend months pacifying known troublemakers. When they found those threats absent, they turned to the man in charge of the area, but Hsu being Hsu, he denied having anything to do with it. So now the men have to answer to Brigadier General Moore, and both they and I have you to thank for it. We made a good team. I hope we can work together again in the future."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Courier: "Who are you?"
    Carrie Boyd: "Not big on reading nametags, huh? That's okay, my name is long and difficult to pronounce. Ready for it? It's Boyd. Lieutenant Boyd to my friends. Colonel Hsu has me handling the policing duties for the base. I've told him he could make my job a whole lot easier if he would just let me shoot anyone who talks back to me, but you know how colonels can be."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  4. Dhatri: "For my effort, I was promoted to major. Not quite the way I'd have wanted it."
    (Major Dhatri's dialogue)
  5. Ronald Curtis: "Took me three-and-a-half years, just to make Captain. Usually takes four, but I made sure there was an early vacancy."
    (Curtis' dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Boulder City Memorial
  7. First Sergeant Astor's log
  8. Arms merchant: "Staff sergeant, Third Platoon, Bravo Company. I was at the Dam when the Legion hit us, three years back."
    (Arms merchant's dialogue)
  9. Balmoral, NCR Ranger action reports
  10. Reyes' character name: Tech Sergeant Reyes
  11. Dog tag fist (crafted using NCR dogtags)
  12. Strip letter