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I'm in charge of the radio - hence the title "Comm Officer." I'd much rather be out on patrol, since nothing much happens around here.

Comm Officer Scheffer is the communications officer stationed at Ranger Station Delta in 2281.


Scheffer is the communications officer for Ranger Station Delta. Because her particular post is not as exciting, she'd prefer to be on patrol.[1] Despite the boredom she is a professional,[2][3] and isn't bothered by Sergeant Reyes' efforts to secure their radio transmissions.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Notable quotes[]

  • "I'm not supposed to let civilians just walk around this place. There better be a good reason for you being here." – When first meeting her without wearing an NCR disguise.
  • "I'm pretty sure you're not authorized to be here, whatever unit you happen to be from. What do you want?" – When first meeting her without wearing an NCR disguise.
  • "Well, when there's trouble regular NCR troops can't handle, they send in a Ranger. Problem solved. We're also responsible for keeping the borders of the NCR secure, scouting out threats, that sort of thing." – When asked about the NCR Rangers.
  • "I'm in charge of the radio - hence the title "Comm Officer." I'd much rather be out on patrol, since nothing much happens around here." – When asked what her role is at the station.


Comm Officer Scheffer appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What do you do here?"
    Scheffer: "I'm in charge of the radio - hence the title "Comm Officer." I'd much rather be out on patrol, since nothing much happens around here."
    (Scheffer's dialogue)
  2. Scheffer: "I'm not supposed to let civilians just walk around this place. There better be a good reason for you being here."
    (Scheffer's dialogue)
  3. Scheffer: "I'm pretty sure you're not authorized to be here, whatever unit you happen to be from. What do you want?"
    (Scheffer's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "I've brought radio security code updates from Sergeant Reyes at Camp Forlorn Hope."
    Scheffer: "Very well. You can tell Reyes that this station is secure."
    (Scheffer's dialogue)