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This is a transcript for dialogue with the arms merchant at 188 Trading Post.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 You a merc? 'Cause you don't look like a prospector... 1
GREETING Happy 50 I've still got guns and ammo, if you need them. 2
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic000 Something like that. Are you an NCR soldier? Neutral 50 Hell, yes sir. Well... not officially. Not anymore. {Emphasis on "officially."} 3
Neutral 50 They mustered me out a year ago. Administrative discharge. 4
Something like that. Are you an NCR soldier? Neutral 50 Hell, yes ma'am. Well... not officially. Not anymore. {Emphasis on "officially."} 5
Neutral 50 They mustered me out a year ago. Administrative discharge. 6
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic001 You do a lot of business with prospectors? Neutral 50 Sure do. Lots of folk been coming out east, sorting through junk, looking for whatever they can sell. 7
Neutral 50 Times are tough back home. Too many people, not enough work. Unless you like shoveling brahmin shit. 8
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic003 Administrative discharge? What does that mean? Neutral 50 It means my C.O. was an asshole, and I told him to eat shit. He ordered me to flog a couple "deserters." 9
Neutral 50 Those kids didn't desert. They just got liquored up on the Strip and missed roll call. 10
Neutral 50 I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here. 11
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic004 What was your rank? Neutral 50 Staff sergeant, Third Platoon, Bravo Company. I was at the Dam when the Legion hit us, three years back. {Proud of her service} 12
Neutral 50 That was a shitstorm, and don't let anybody tell you different. The brass try to play it down, but most of them were back at McCarran. 13
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic005 How did you end up selling weapons? Neutral 50 Going home didn't feel right, not with those savages camped on the other side of the river, sharpening their knives. 14
Neutral 50 And I still get to see my old platoon when they pass through here... make sure the new C.O. is treating them right, and sneak them extra ammo. 15
Neutral 50 Anyway, I was always complaining about the standard issue gear. The new kids don't even get body armor, can you believe that? 16
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic006 NCR doesn't have the caps to outfit their troops? Neutral 50 Vegas is bleeding us dry. We're tossing caps at a hundred different problems, while Caesar bides his time and lets us wear ourselves out. 17
Neutral 50 This war is gonna bankrupt the NCR, unless we finish off the Legion fast and dirty. {Emphasis on "fast" and "dirty"} 18
Neutral 50 We shouldn't be perched up at the Dam - we ought to be crossing the Colorado and sticking a boot up Caesar's ass. 19
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic007 Go on. Neutral 50 So I hooked up with a couple other vets... bribed a Gun Runner... 20
Neutral 50 Now we're supplying grunts, mercs, and anybody else on our side. We don't make much... but at least we're saving lives. 21
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic013 Goodbye. Neutral 50 I'll be here a while yet, if you need any guns or ammo. 22
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic014 Why did you leave the army? Neutral 50 I didn't. My C.O. ordered me to flog a couple "deserters," and I told him to eat shit. So they kicked me out for insubordination. 23
Neutral 50 Those kids didn't desert. They just got liquored up on the Strip and missed roll call. 24
Neutral 50 I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here. 25
VFreeform188188NCRMerchantTopic015 Show me what you have for sale. Neutral 50 Sure, no problem. 26