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This is a transcript for dialogue with Colonel Cassandra Moore.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Damn Brotherhood, bunch of elitist jerks. What were we to do, leave good armor out in the wastes to rust? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Whatever it is, make it quick. I don't have time for idle chatter. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Angry, frustrated} As if I didn't have enough to worry about, one of our facilities was recently broken into and its power diverted. 3
Neutral 50 Have you seen that damned tower in the Strip, all aglow? Of course you've seen it. Everyone's seen it. 4
Neutral 50 That was {stressed} our power that did that, and I {stressed} will find out who did it. {beat, realizes the player's there, rant ends} Did you have something to report? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Not right now, I'm busy. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 You again. What do you want? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Good, you made it. I've been receiving reports about the "savior of the NCR" for a while now, and wanted to meet you myself. 8
Neutral 50 You've proven yourself especially capable, and right now I can use all the capable people I can get. 9
Neutral 50 Crocker gets handed the fluff missions that no one else wants to do. When people need something really important done, they come to me. 10
Neutral 50 Usually, I dispatch one or more rangers to see these things through, but I'm a little shorthanded at the moment. Think you're up for a real mission? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Good, you made it. I've been receiving reports of your activities for a little while now, and wanted to meet you myself. 12
Neutral 50 Even though you've caused us a great deal of trouble, you've proven yourself very capable, and right now I can use all the capable people I can get. 13
Neutral 50 Crocker gets handed the fluff missions that no one else wants to do. When people need something really important done, they come to me. 14
Neutral 50 Usually, I dispatch one or more rangers to see these things through, but I'm a little shorthanded at the moment. Think you're up for a real mission? 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Good, you made it. I've been receiving reports of your activities for a little while now, and wanted to meet you myself. 16
Neutral 50 The reports label you a troublemaker, but also extraordinarily capable, and right now I can use all the capable people I can get. 17
Neutral 50 Crocker gets handed the fluff missions that no one else wants to do. When people need something really important done, they come to me. 18
Neutral 50 Usually, I dispatch one or more rangers to see these things through, but I'm a little shorthanded at the moment. Think you're up for a real mission? 19
GREETING Neutral 50 Good, you made it. I've been receiving reports of your activities for a little while now, and wanted to meet you myself. 20
Neutral 50 You've proven yourself especially capable, and right now I can use all the capable people I can get. 21
Neutral 50 Crocker gets handed the fluff missions that no one else wants to do. When people need something really important done, they come to me. 22
Neutral 50 Usually, I dispatch one or more rangers to see these things through, but I'm a little shorthanded at the moment. Think you're up for a real mission? 23
GREETING Neutral 50 Yes, did you have an update on the Khans? 24
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you discovered what the Omertas are up to? 25
GREETING Neutral 50 Report. Is Mr. House still a threat? 26
GREETING Neutral 50 Has the Brotherhood been found? 27
GREETING Neutral 50 Is the president safe? 28
GREETING Neutral 50 It's best not to keep the general waiting. 29
GREETING Neutral 50 Ah, our hero returns. What can I do for you? 30
VFreeformHooverDamHDColonelMooreTopic000 I was, uh, just sightseeing. Sorry to bother you. Neutral 50 Then I suggest you make your way back outside. My men have orders to shoot anyone caught sneaking around in sensitive areas. 31
VFreeformHooverDamHDColonelMooreTopic001 Ambassador Crocker said to come see you about Freeside. Neutral 50 You say Crocker sent you? Let me see... I just received a memo regarding him recently and haven't had a chance to read it in detail. 32
Neutral 50 Ah, the matter with the so-called Kings. Crocker's been wringing his hands while good people die for too long, and now the matter's fallen to me. 33
Neutral 50 Unlike the good ambassador, I don't intend to blink. Tell the leader of this gang to stand down or face annihilation. 34
Neutral 50 That is his choice. If he chooses the latter, a squad of my men will be there to back you up. Any questions? 35
Ambassador Crocker said to come see you about Freeside. Neutral 50 You know, I just received the strangest memo about Freeside. It said that Colonel Hsu has already dispatched a squad to take care of the problem. 36
Neutral 50 I'll let Hsu's men deal with things, but the good ambassador is going to learn a harsh lesson regarding protocol. 37
Neutral 50 I trust you can find your own way out. 38
VFreeformHooverDamHDColonelMooreTopic002 No ma'am. Neutral 50 Good. When the task is done, report back to Crocker. My men have other orders and will return here on their own to make their report. 39
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 40
VFreeformHooverDamHDColonelMooreTopic003 This plan seems awfully confrontational. Neutral 50 Do you have any idea what our current situation is? As we speak there is a huge army of madmen not ten miles from here waiting to kill us all. 41
Neutral 50 We don't have the luxury of long-term diplomacy any longer. Anyone that could prove a hindrance in the battle to come must be dealt with swiftly. 42
Neutral 50 You have your orders. I expect you to carry them out. 43
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 44
VFreeformHooverDamHDColonelMooreTopic004 Nope. I'm to go to Freeside and shoot up some Kings. Neutral 50 Not exactly. Give them the chance to do the right thing at least. Personally, I doubt they'll do it. 45
Neutral 50 Crocker's been making overtures to these savages for months and gotten nowhere. Expect a fight, but don't look for one. 46
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 47
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic000 I've spoken to the Great Khans. Their new leader has agreed to fight for the NCR. Neutral 50 Excellent. You've done very well indeed. These tribals will make useful machete fodder. 48
Neutral 50 And if it should turn out we need their land later, well, it's not like we don't have the force to drive them out again. 49
Neutral 50 In the meantime, however, I have something else I want you to look into. 50
I've spoken to the Great Khans. Their new leader has agreed to fight for the NCR. Neutral 50 We've had some disturbing reports recently concerning the Omertas, one of the Three Families that run the Strip. 51
Neutral 50 Our intelligence has discovered that high ranking members of the Omertas have been having clandestine meetings for the past several months. 52
Neutral 50 We haven't been able to determine whom they've been meeting with, but if it's Caesar's men, we'll need to act. 53
Neutral 50 I need you to uncover what they're up to, and stop it if it threatens the NCR. Any questions? 54
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic001 Not yet. I'm still working on it. Anger 50 Then stop wasting my time and get on it! 55
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic002 Yes, ma'am. Neutral 50 Since the majority of my men are on assignment dealing with the Legion, I need someone to handle other matters that have arisen. 56
Neutral 50 Make no mistake, there's a battle coming, and I intend to make sure there are no loose ends when the time comes. 57
Neutral 50 One such loose end is a gang known as the Great Khans. Have you heard of them? 58
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic003 I'm a little busy at the moment. Neutral 50 But not too busy to come all the way out here? I don't think so. Stay a while, and listen to my offer. 59
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic004 You could say we've had dealings. Neutral 50 Then I don't need to tell you that they can be a pain in the ass. 60
You could say we've had dealings. Neutral 50 The NCR has a rather sordid history with them, and I'm concerned that we'll find them aiding our enemies when the Legion attack comes. 61
Neutral 50 That is, unless we get to them first. I want you to visit them in their canyons to the far west and make sure they're in no shape to join the Legion. 62
Neutral 50 They're just another gang of raiders as far as I'm concerned, so deal with them appropriately. Any questions? 63
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic005 I have a score to settle with them. Neutral 50 Good, that anger is something I can use, and I think you may get a chance to settle your score sooner than you might have planned. 64
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic006 I might have heard of them. Remind me. Neutral 50 They're a rowdy bunch, and pride themselves as warriors. The dark leather and horned helmets they wear are pretty distinctive. 65
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic007 What if I find they're committed to joining Caesar? Neutral 50 Then you'll need to make sure none of them are left to do so. Any other questions? 66
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic008 Will I have any NCR support in this? Neutral 50 I can't lend you any troops, but I've already sent word to quartermaster Bardon that you're to be given full access to our hardware. 67
Neutral 50 You'll have to pay for what you take, however. We can't afford to give away equipment. Did you have any other questions? 68
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic009 No questions, ma'am. Neutral 50 Good. I look forward to hearing of your progress. 69
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 70
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic011 No ma'am. Neutral 50 Liza O'Malley at the Embassy may have some information for you as well. 71
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 72
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic012 The Khans won't be a problem to anyone ever again. Neutral 50 Good riddance. We've had reports for years that they're the ones who supply the Fiends with chems, but no one's done anything about it. 73
Neutral 50 In any event, no one will miss them. And I've got another mission for you. 74
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic013 Where should I start? Neutral 50 Head to their casino, Gomorrah, and ask around. If you discover that what they're up to threatens the NCR, stop it. 75
Neutral 50 The Omertas themselves likely won't be forthcoming, so you may need to talk to some of their help to pick up a trail. Anything else? 76
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic014 Can you give me any leads? Neutral 50 Our preliminary research shows that the Omertas used to do some business in Freeside, mostly buying weapons. Any other questions? 77
{Speech >= 60}
They have a point, it is their armor. You should give it back. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Fine, this isn't worth the trouble to fight over. 78
You should listen to them. They have lasers, you know. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No, we have men to outfit and are putting it to good use. 79
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic016 The Omertas were up to something big, but I stopped them. Happy 30 Excellent. You'd think living in the lap of luxury and power would be enough for some people, but no. 80
The Omertas were up to something big, but I stopped them. Anger 10 But we have other problems. While investigating the Omertas, what little I could on my end, I came across something much more sinister. 81
Neutral 50 Evidence suggests that Mr. House is planning to make some kind of move when the battle breaks out, and I'm guessing he won't be coming to our rescue. 82
Neutral 50 While we don't know what his exact plans are, my orders are to avoid all risks. I'm sending you to take Mr. House out of the equation. Any questions? 83
The Omertas were up to something big, but I stopped them. Neutral 50 Now that that's out of the way, let's see... Mr. House {emph} was a concern, but someone conveniently dealt with him for us. 84
Neutral 50 Oh, that reminds me, you might be happy to know that your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. 85
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic017 I'm still working on it. Neutral 50 The next time we speak, I expect you to have something for me. 86
{ Speech > 70 }
<Lie> The Omertas are planning to attack New Reno. It's none of NCR's concern. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I wouldn't dismiss it that lightly, but it's nothing we need get involved with for now. Good work, I suppose. 87
<Lie> You've got nothing to worry about. The Omertas are perfectly clean. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I highly doubt that. You'd do well to report only facts to me, otherwise we might have ourselves a problem. 88
Neutral 50 However, their activity has quieted down some so maybe my original information was wrong. 89
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic019 I was hoping to ask you some questions. Neutral 50 If you must, but please keep it brief. 90
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic020 Mr. House won't be a problem. He's been disconnected from his system. Neutral 50 But he's still alive? I'll have to remember to send someone to follow up on that later. Anyway, at least he's out of the picture for the time being. 91
Neutral 50 You might be happy to know that your efforts haven't gone unnoticed, either. 92
Mr. House won't be a problem. He's been disconnected from his system. Neutral 50 The brass have been throwing around the idea of having the president visit the dam for a while now. To rally the troops and boost morale and such. 93
Neutral 50 With our recent achievements, they finally feel secure enough to stage the damn thing. But while it's being planned, I have one last mission for you. 94
Neutral 50 Several years ago, we managed to wrest the HELIOS One solar power station from the Brotherhood of Steel chapter local to this area. 95
Neutral 50 It was a crushing victory, but no one's heard a peep from the Brotherhood since. Most people assume the Brotherhood is scattered and not a threat. 96
Neutral 50 Recently we've had scouts go missing in an area west of HELIOS, and I'm concerned that the Brotherhood is involved. 97
Neutral 50 I want you to find them, and once you do, finish them for good. Any questions? 98
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic021 I killed Mr. House. Neutral 50 Then that's one more nuisance we won't have to worry about. Good work. Our efforts haven't gone unnoticed, either. 99
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic022 I'm still working on it. Neutral 50 I shouldn't have to say this, but please don't bother me until the mission is completed. 100
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic024 Is there no peaceful way to resolve this? Neutral 50 {Player talked Khans into helping} No, just because you secured the aid of the Khans, {said under her breath} assuming they don't try to kill us, don't think the Brotherhood will be so easily swayed. 101
Neutral 50 These are people that both hate us *and* outgun us. There can be no compromise. Anything else? 102
Is there no peaceful way to resolve this? Neutral 50 Don't even think about it. Any Brotherhood survivors likely harbor a deep grudge against us. We can't afford to leave such an enemy alive. 103
Neutral 50 Any other objections? Maybe you'd like to bring the Brotherhood some flowers? 104
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic025 How do you expect me to destroy an entire Brotherhood chapter? Neutral 50 A fair question, and one I've had our strategists think about for some time. Their consensus is that we must focus on the one thing we can count on. 105
Neutral 50 With the Brotherhood that's their obsessive attachment to technology. They'd never go anywhere that didn't have working power. 106
Neutral 50 I'm willing to bet that wherever they're hiding, there's a working reactor powering their equipment. That's their vulnerability. 107
Neutral 50 Detonate that reactor, and we can safely cross the Brotherhood off our list of concerns. Was there anything else? 108
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic026 I thought the Brotherhood were all wiped out at HELIOS One. How could they have survived? Neutral 50 After the battle, we consolidated our hold on the plant before pursuing our enemies. 109
Neutral 50 It was a mistake, to be sure, but there wasn't really any place for them to go. When we finally gave chase, however, they had simply vanished. 110
Neutral 50 Some of our people think they had some means of conveyance, like the vertibirds the Enclave used, and hightailed it out of here. 111
Neutral 50 I think that they found someplace to hide close to HELIOS, and never went that far at all. Any other questions? 112
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic027 No ma'am. Neutral 50 Dismissed. 113
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic028 The Brotherhood has been eliminated. Neutral 50 {Triumph, relief} Ah, that's a relief. A Brotherhood attack while we're busy with the Legion would be catastrophic. 114
Neutral 50 The situation being what it is, we can't afford to lose even a single man unnecessarily. 115
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic029 Not yet. Neutral 50 Don't give up. They're out there, somewhere, and we're not safe until they've been destroyed. 116
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic031 I talked the Brotherhood into supporting the NCR. Neutral 50 {She is not pleased} And you believed them? Do you have any idea how long we've been fighting those bastards? 117
Neutral 50 Ugh, Crocker will have a field day with this. He'll want to establish diplomatic relations with them, for pete's sake. 118
I talked the Brotherhood into supporting the NCR. Neutral 50 But we've got more important matters to attend to. The president is due to arrive soon, and we're sure the Legion won't waste such an opportunity. 119
Neutral 50 I want you to assist the security detail we've prepared for the president. His safety is critical to maintaining the mens' fighting spirit. 120
Neutral 50 Go up to the visitor center and speak to Ranger Grant. He's in charge of security during the president's visit. Dismissed. 121
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic032 The president has departed safely. Neutral 50 Good, his death could have had a major impact on morale. This whole affair was ill-advised from the start, and I for one am glad it's over. 122
The president has departed safely. Neutral 50 While you were out, General Oliver arrived and briefed all senior officers regarding a change in our strategy. 123
Neutral 50 I'm not at liberty to divulge what was said, but I've been instructed to send you to him immediately. 124
Neutral 50 He's set up his camp in the office area at the south end of this power plant. 125
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 126
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic033 The president was killed by assassins. Anger 50 Damn it! The timing couldn't be any worse. I tried to warn those buffoons, but they insisted on this little show. 127
Disgust 50 We'll be lucky if the men don't throw down their guns and surrender as the Legion approaches. I guess there's nothing to be done about it now. 128
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic034 I don't know. The visit is still going on up there. Anger 50 Then what the hell are you doing down here? Get back topside and protect the president! 129
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic035 I was hoping to ask you some questions. Anger 50 This is no time for questions! Get back topside and protect the president! 130
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic036 Tell me about the NCR. Neutral 50 I don't have time to discuss all the different aspects of the NCR with you, but if you want it all in a nutshell - the NCR is progress. 131
Neutral 50 If you wander around the wasteland you'll find all sorts of tribes, villages, and such where people spend most of their time trying to survive. 132
Neutral 50 The NCR gives its citizens a shot at something more. We have laws, currency, health care, government. All the things that were lost. 133
Neutral 50 It's not perfect, but it's worth protecting, which is why we also have the largest military in existence. 134
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic037 I'll find you when you're done here. Neutral 50 Wait for me downstairs, this won't take long. 135
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic038 How did you get to be a colonel in the NCR? Neutral 50 I joined up at a young age. Was barely sixteen when I left home and volunteered to be in the military. 136
Neutral 50 Got a few strange looks at first, but those stopped when I got top marks across the board during training, and became an officer at seventeen. 137
Neutral 50 A few years went by, my squad helped take down gangs of raiders here and there, and one day an invitation to join the Rangers arrived. 138
Neutral 50 Those were the best years of my life. Doing something that truly matters, and having the freedom to handle it as you see fit. Then I got injured. 139
Neutral 50 Everyone was very supportive. I received a promotion to colonel and given greater responsibility, but my days as a Ranger were over. 140
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic039 What can you tell me about Hoover Dam? Neutral 50 It's of immense strategic value to the NCR. Hoover Dam sends enough electricity west to light every city and major settlement. 141
Neutral 50 It's moderately defensible, with a single point of entry on the east side. To get to the power plants below, the enemy has to cross the entire top. 142
Neutral 50 The Legion's tried to cross the water on a few occasions, but slow-moving boats make easy targets for sharpshooters. 143
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic040 What do you know about Caesar's Legion? Neutral 50 They're organized, I'll give them that. The few times I've encountered them firsthand, I've been impressed with their discipline. 144
Neutral 50 I've heard they don't allow women in their military, considering them nothing more than breeding stock. 145
Neutral 50 Their men, however, are typically quite large, in phenomenal condition, and prefer close-quarter weapons. 146
Neutral 50 Recent engagements have taught us to fear their shock attacks, so it's a blessing that we seem to have superior firearms. 147
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic041 Are you in charge of the NCR around here? Neutral 50 I command the garrison here at the dam, yes, but Colonel {shoo} Hsu over at McCarran is technically in charge of the area's forces. 148
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic042 Sounds like you miss it. Neutral 50 I do, sometimes. There are days I'd give anything to out in the open air, planting explosives and laying down covering fire. 149
Neutral 50 But here I am, stuck in the same stale office day after day, while other people get to do the actual fighting. 150
Neutral 50 But enough reminiscing. Did you have other questions? 151
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic043 It's better to be in charge. Happy 20 Oh, it has its perks, to be sure. I'm free to see that things on a large scale are done my way, and don't have to tolerate any disagreement. 152
Neutral 50 Those few people in a position to countermand my orders only care about results, and in that regard I never leave them less than pleased. 153
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic044 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 I can only spare a few more moments. What did you wish to speak about? 154
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic045 What impressed you about their discipline? Neutral 50 I've never once seen a single one of them back down, or disobey an order. 155
Neutral 50 They'll happily charge a fortified position with little more than a sharpened stick if ordered to, and do so without hesitation. 156
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic046 You mentioned that they were in good shape? Neutral 50 Yes, extremely so. They must use conditioning routines on par with the rangers, or better. 157
Neutral 50 Their soldiers can run near half again as fast as my best men, and close distances with frightening speed. And they're as strong as they are fast. 158
Neutral 50 Their superior physicality makes them extremely dangerous up close, so I've had the men run drills for taking on larger, stronger opponents. 159
Neutral 50 But they've all been instructed to take them down at range, if possible. I've made it clear I don't want any heroes in my squad, just survivors. 160
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic047 What kind of weapons do they use? Neutral 50 Their standard kit seems to be a blade of some sort and light armor. Guns are not uncommon, but are of questionable condition. 161
Neutral 50 While they prefer to use their blades, it's common for them to scavenge better weapons from their enemies and use those. 162
Neutral 50 The men have been told to toss their weapons over the side of the dam if they receive a fatal wound, but I doubt many will remember. 163
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic049 Where should I start looking for them? Neutral 50 As I said, our scouts were some ways west of HELIOS when they disappeared. 164
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic050 What if I can convince them not to join the Legion? Neutral 50 Don't fool yourself. I've dealt with enough of these gangs to know that they can't be trusted. Was there anything else? 165
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic051 I thought Mr. House already agreed to hand over New Vegas to the NCR. Neutral 50 Yes, that's what he wants us to believe. And when we turn our attention to other threats, he'll begin moving against us. 166
Neutral 50 No, far safer to simply eliminate him and the risk he represents now. Besides, with him gone, New Vegas will truly be ours once the dust settles. 167
Neutral 50 Any other objections or questions? 168
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic054 I wanted to ask you some questions. Neutral 50 Very well, but be brief. 169
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic055 What could Mr. House possibly be up to? Anger 20 To name a few things off the top of my head - expand his borders, get the NCR and Legion to wipe each other out, and seize Hoover Dam. 170
Neutral 50 Any other questions? 171
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic056 What evidence do you have that Mr. House will make a move? Neutral 50 We've had reported sightings of Mr. House's Securitrons spying on both NCR and Legion forces. 172
Neutral 50 Also, given a recent analysis of the sightings, we now estimate that Mr. House has at least four times as many securitrons as previously assumed. 173
Neutral 50 He wouldn't show his hand like that if he weren't prepared to move. And neither the NCR or Legion can spare the troops to investigate. 174
Neutral 50 Which is why I'm sending you. Any other questions? 175
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic057 Won't getting rid of Mr. House have huge repercussions for New Vegas? Anger 10 Perhaps, but that's not my problem. Vegas is a nice place for the men to go on vacation, but it'd be an acceptable loss next to the Dam. 176
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic058 No, ma'am. Neutral 50 Good, then you have your orders. See that Mr. House does not present a problem. 177
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 178
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic059 How have things been since the battle? Neutral 50 Surprisingly good. Our forces have managed to secure the region with little resistance, and trade should soon reach an all-time high. 179
Neutral 50 The brass was particularly surprised by the lack of domestic threats in the area. They were prepared to spend months pacifying known troublemakers. 180
Neutral 50 When they found those threats absent, they turned to the man in charge of the area, but Hsu being Hsu, he denied having anything to do with it. 181
Happy 50 So now the men have to answer to Brigadier General Moore, and both they and I have you to thank for it. 182
Neutral 50 We made a good team. I hope we can work together again in the future. 183
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic060 Do you have any work for me? Neutral 50 I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you. There's much to be done, but nothing for someone with your skills. 184
Neutral 50 You should take some time off. You've earned it. 185
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic061 What happened to the Legion? Neutral 50 With their leader dead, the rest of their army retreated to the east. We've sent scouts to track them, but that's it. 186
Neutral 50 We don't have the forces or supplies necessary to chase them down. More's the pity. 187
Neutral 50 Still, I've sent a few skilled men out to make sure their journey is "eventful". It should be a long time before they even think of returning. 188
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic062 Let's go back to speaking of the Khans. Neutral 50 Of course, have they been dealt with? 189
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic063 Let's go back to talking about the Omertas. Neutral 50 Very well. Do you know what they're up to? 190
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic064 Let's go back to discussing Mr. House. Neutral 50 Okay. Is he still a threat? 191
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic065 Let's go back to talking about the Brotherhood. Neutral 50 Fine by me. Have you found them yet? 192
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic066 I should be going. Neutral 50 Good, I've got more work than time to do it. 193
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic067 The Great Khans' second-in-command seems amenable to allying with the NCR. Neutral 50 An alliance? That's an interesting proposition - any plan where I can throw packs of raiders at the enemy instead of my own soldiers is a good one. 194
Papa Khan has named me his successor. We might be able to arrange an alliance with NCR.
Papa Khan has named me his successor. We might be able to arrange an alliance with NCR. Neutral 50 An alliance? That's an interesting proposition - any plan where I can throw packs of raiders at the enemy instead of my own soldiers is a good one. 195
VFreeformHooverDamVHDColonelMooreTopic070 I wanted to speak to you about the Great Khans. Neutral 50 What precisely about them did you wish to discuss? 196
VMS45VHDColonelMooreTopic003 The current leader of the tribe is dead-set against it. Maybe a diplomatic solution would work. Neutral 50 We don't have time for diplomacy. This battle is coming any time now; if the leader won't be budged, he'll have to be replaced. 197
Neutral 50 I want you to go back to Red Rock Canyon and assassinate this Papa Khan. You'll have to be stealthy - if they see you do it, they'll kill you. 198
VMS45VHDColonelMooreTopic004 Okay, I'll do it. What's the plan? Neutral 50 Here, take this lockpicking gear. Your best bet is to wait until late at night find a back door, or catch him by surprise when he's alone. 199
Neutral 50 Good luck, soldier. 200
Neutral 50 Dismissed. 201
VMS45VHDColonelMooreTopic005 I'm not interested in a career in political killings. Neutral 50 Then why are you wasting my time? 202
Neutral 50 Dismissed! 203


VHDKimballSpeech02 VHDKimballSpeech02 Neutral 50 Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank you for coming out here today for this very special occasion. 204
VHDKimballSpeech02 Neutral 50 It is my pleasure to introduce to you. The President of the New California Republic, Aaron Kimball! 205
vHDPowerArmor vHDPowerArmor Anger 50 A battle is about to be fought out there, to come here requesting our men to give up their armor is insane. 206
vHDPowerArmor2 vHDPowerArmor2 Neutral 50 You know what? I don't need this bullshit right now. We'll take off that goddamn power armor, if it'll just shut you up. 207


Death Death Neutral 50 {Death sound} 208