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Private Jeffery Hui was a member of the New California Republic Army who fought during the First Battle of Hoover Dam in 2277.[1]


During the battle, the rangers lured Caesar's Legion into Boulder City, previously having planted explosives as part of a trap.[2] Private Hui along with Ranger Teresa Lutz and Corporal Marcus Christensen were cut off from the rest of their platoon and surrounded by legionnaires.[3] Realizing that they would be unable to escape before the detonations, Lutz recorded a holotape explaining the situation and stating that the group would hold out against the enemy as long as they could.[3] Before signing off, she indicated that both Hui and Christensen upheld the ideals and honor of the New California Republic with distinction, and should be commended for their valor and sacrifice.[3]

His name appears on the Boulder City Memorial alongside Lutz and Christensen, a monument placed to commemorate the fallen.[1] The recording can be found in a destroyed house near the Boulder City ruins entrance and in the Whittaker farmstead.


Jeffery Hui is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas message box transcriptions; Boulder City Memorial
  2. Private Kowalski: "It commemorates the Battle of Hoover Dam. The rangers lured the best of Caesar's Legion into Boulder City, then blew the whole town up. The NCR still lost a bunch of troops in the fighting, though. My older brother sacrificed himself so they could evacuate some of the wounded."
    (Private Kowalski's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ranger holodisk message