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My older brother sacrificed himself so they could evacuate some of the wounded.Private Kowalski

Private First Class Donald Kowalski was a soldier for the New California Republic Army, mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.


Donald was serving in the New California Republic Army during the First Battle of Hoover Dam in 2277. He sacrificed himself so wounded soldiers could be evacuated and was killed when Boulder City was blown up as part of a trap for Caesar's Legion, one of the 187 troopers whose names are inscribed on the Boulder City Memorial.[1] [2]

In 2281, while on layover in Boulder City awaiting a caravan to take him back to New California, Donald's younger brother, a Private himself, spent the time in-between paying his respects at the Memorial.[3][4]


Donald Kowalski is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. The Courier: "What is this memorial?"
    Kowalski: "It commemorates the Battle of Hoover Dam. The rangers lured the best of Caesar's Legion into Boulder City, then blew the whole town up. The NCR still lost a bunch of troops in the fighting, though. My older brother sacrificed himself so they could evacuate some of the wounded."
    (Kowalski's dialogue)
  2. Kowalski: "What the fuck are you doing? My brother died at the Battle of Hoover Dam. You're desecrating a war memorial."
    (Kowalski's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Where are you normally stationed?"
    Kowalski: "Camp McCarran, but I'm on leave at the moment - heading back to California to see my folks. I'm supposed to join up with a caravan that's heading that way up at the 188, but they're not due to arrive for awhile yet."
    (Kowalski's dialogue)
  4. Kowalski: "You here to pay your respects, too?"
    (Kowalski's dialogue)