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If you're about to launch into one of your impassioned speeches about artificial sentience and machines with souls, don't bother.— Max to Alan Binet

Max Loken (username Loken.M)[1] is a scientist in the Institute in 2287.


An enthusiastic supporter of third generation synths and their development, Loken believes that the Institute is on the cusp of a breakthrough, creating beings superior in almost every way to regular humans. These third generation synths are, in Loken's opinion, a material improvement upon humanity and at the same time Father's gift to mankind. Naturally, it also makes his division, Robotics, the first among equals.[2]

While Loken is zealously devoted to advancing synth science, capable of talking for an hour and not covering the whole topic, he does not believe synths to be persons. To him, they remain machines and nothing more. In fact, he considers debating artificial sentience or souls in machines to be a waste of time, something that philosophers do, not men of science. This puts him at odds with his close friend, Alan Binet, and his impassioned speeches about synths' potential personhood. The arguments between them can be tense, including suggestions that Alan use the teleporter to get out of Loken's hair and the Institute's that helps shut the discussion down.[3]

The two remain friends despite their disagreements over synth status, and for good reason: Robotics is struggling to keep up with requests from other divisions of the Institute, including debugging faulty routines, general maintenance cycles, and many other tasks.[4] Binet is essential to keep the division going and Loken frequently delegates requests to him, ranging from courser musculature upgrades from the SRB,[5] through new linguistic software from Advanced Systems,[6] to mundane maintenance of the first generation synths used by Facilities.[7]

Loken does draw the line at Eve, Binet's personal synth Alan requested after his wife's death. Both Alan and his son became attached to her, to the point that Max questions Binet's judgement and is concerned Binet's behavior might be construed as deviant, with all the consequences. While Binet explains this as a necessity for proving his hypothesis - close observation is a must - and Loken accepts it initially,[8] he remains concerned about the propriety of such a relationship and perception thereof. He is not alone in believing that living with a third generation "unit" is unprofessional, at best, due to any relationships that might emerge.[9]

However rocky his relationship with Binet might be, the one person Loken truly despises is Justin Ayo, head of the SRB. Ayo has a tendency to use coursers liberally for surface operations, including liberally using them up. At one point, Ayo lost three whole units in combat ops on the surface in less than a month, which caused Loken to refuse to complete future work orders from the SRB. He took it upon himself to inform Ayo, rather than forcing a subordinate to deal with the ornery division head.[10]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • A House Divided: Lawrence Higgs talks Loken into protesting the selection of the Sole Survivor as Father's heir apparent, by locking himself in the hydroponics labs responsible for providing food to the Institute, complete with a troop of overridden second generation synths. The player character can either talk them down, kill them, or talk them down and then elect to have them executed for treason.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Cleanroom suit or
Institute jumper
Hydroponics key


Max Loken appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. Institute Robotics terminal entries; Robotics terminal, Surface Work Crew Tracking
  2. Max Loken: "Well I think it's interesting. With our third-generation synths, we've improved upon humanity. All our divisions are important, but I tend to think of Robotics as the first among equals. The synths aren't just Father's legacy, they're his gift to humanity. If you ask me, the synth software could use a little more de-bugging."
    (Max Loken's dialogue)
  3. Max Loken: "Come now, Alan. It could have been anything. It was probably just a glitch in the nervous system. The fine motor control software could use an update."
    Alan Binet: "If it were just a limb twitching, perhaps, but her eyes were moving as well. Involuntary twitching and rapid eye movements while sleeping can only mean one thing, Max. You just don't want to admit to yourself what it is."
    Max Loken: "If you're about to launch into one of your impassioned speeches about artificial sentience and machines with souls, don't bother. I've heard enough of them by now. Hell, I could write them down from memory."
    Alan Binet: "But we can't just ignore the question. If a synth can dream, why can't it have a soul? And if a synth has a soul, then it is a living person by every standard we can measure. Of course, it's far more comfortable to think of them as machines, so we can do what we want with them."
    Max Loken: "If you disapprove of the work we do here, Doctor Binet, you know where to find the teleporter."
    Alan Binet: "Now just a moment, I never said that. I'm simply trying to open everyone's eyes to new possibilities."
    Max Loken: "Well it's an unwanted distraction. We're men of science, not philosophers. You'd do well to remember that."
    (Max Loken and Alan Binet's dialogue)
  4. Alan Binet: "Sounds like some of the gen 2s are acting up. Something about a twitch in the right hand that's affecting their manual dexterity."
    Max Loken: "Yes, I've seen the same thing myself a time or two. I made a note to look into it when there's time."
    Max Loken: "I saw the message about that. There's a maintenance cycle coming up, so we can look into it then. I'd do it sooner, but my plate's just as full as yours."
    Max Loken: "I'll take care of it once I've worked through the other hundred tasks on my list."
    Alan Binet: "Sounds like you're on top of things, then."
    (Alan Binet and Max Loken's dialogue) Note: The game randomly selects one of Max's responses.
  5. Max Loken: "SRB's asking if we can prioritize the Courser musculature upgrades. I'm swamped right now. Can you accomodateIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar them?"
    Alan Binet: "I'll see what I can do."
    (Max Loken and Alan Binet's dialogue)
  6. Max Loken: "Advanced Systems says the new linguistic software is ready for installation. Any chance you can take that on?"
    Alan Binet: "I'll see what I can do."
    (Max Loken and Alan Binet's dialogue)
  7. Max Loken: "Facilities has gently reminded us that the gen 1s are overdue for maintenance. I was hoping you could handle it."
    Alan Binet: "I'll see what I can do."
    (Max Loken and Alan Binet's dialogue)
  8. Max Loken: "How's that personal synth of yours working out? I've heard that Liam's grown quite attached to it."
    Alan Binet: "Not 'it', Doctor Loken, 'she.' And she has a name. To answer your question, Eve has been an indispensable companion, both to Liam and myself."
    Max Loken: "Alan, I know it's been difficult for you since you lost your wife, but don't lose perspective. A synth might look like a man or a woman, but it isn't. It's not healthy to become too attached."
    Alan Binet: "Need I remind you, Doctor Loken, that in biochemical terms a human being is also a machine."
    Max Loken: "Don't hide behind technicalities, Alan. I'm your friend. I'm not judging you, but others will. Such behavior could be construed as deviant. You know where that will lead."
    Alan Binet: "There's no need to get worked up over it, Max. I'm simply carrying out an experiment. I believe that our third-generation synths are sophisticated enough to form social bonds, even familial bonds. Only through close observation can I prove my hypothesis."
    Max Loken: "Alright, Alan. I'll trust your judgement on this. Just be careful."
    (Max Loken and Alan Binet's dialogue)
  9. Max Loken: "I know that we've discussed this matter before, but I'm not sure I've made the extent of my concerns clear to you. Many of us are increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of a synth living with Doctor Binet. Frankly, many of us believe Alan doesn't understand how inappropriate his relationship with the third-generation unit is."
    (Max Loken's dialogue)
  10. Institute scientist: "Doctor Loken, we've received a work order from SRB."
    Max Loken: "What do they need?"
    Institute scientist: "They're requesting replacement Coursers again. Quite a few, actually. I guess they lost a whole unit on the surface."
    Max Loken: "Is this some sort of joke? This is the third time this month. Doctor Ayo can't keep using my synths so recklessly. I refuse to give him anymore."
    Institute scientist: "Should I tell him that?"
    Max Loken: "No, I'll handle it. I wouldn't wish dealing with that man on my worst enemy."
    (Institute scientists' and Max Loken's dialogue)
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