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This is a transcript for dialogue with Max Loken.


1DialogueInstituteMaxFirstGreeting{Profound, with great important} You've arrived at a momentous time.MaxLoken: Our third-generation synths are a true breakthrough, the culmination of centuries of research.A
2NPCMMaxLoken: You've arrived at a momentous time.Our third-generation synths are a true breakthrough, the culmination of centuries of research.A1a
3It's no exaggeration to say that they're superior in almost every way to human beings.Player Default: What I've seen so far is pretty impressive.A1b
4Player Default: What I've seen so far is pretty impressive.It's just the beginning.MaxLoken: Like I said, a momentous time.A1a
5Player Default: No robot is superior to me.You might think so now, but just wait.B1a
6You've only seen a fraction of what our synths can do. Their potential is limitless.MaxLoken: Like I said, a momentous time.B1b
7Player Default: What makes them superior?The list of improvements is exhaustive. I can talk for an hour and still not cover all of it.Y1a
8Imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger or disease.Y1b
9Imagine what you could create if you could use every waking moment of your life as you saw fit, with no need of sleep?MaxLoken: Like I said, a momentous time.Y1c
10Player Default: It's just the beginning.Like I said, a momentous time.A1a
11-{Emphasis on "I". Filling an awkward pause in the conversation... the player has stopped talking. } Well I think it's interesting.
12{Proud, almost reverent} With our third-generation synths, we've improved upon humanity.
13{Proud, with a hint of arrogance} All our divisions are important, but I tend to think of Robotics as the first among equals.
14{Reverent} The synths aren't just Father's legacy, they're his gift to humanity.
15{Annoyed, blaming someone else} If you ask me, the synth software could use a little more de-bugging.


16DialogueInstituteAlanMax1SceneCome now, Alan. It could have been anything.A1a
17It was probably just a glitch in the nervous system. The fine motor control software could use an update.Alan: If it were just a limb twitching, perhaps, but her eyes were moving as well.A1b
18Alan: You just don't want to admit to yourself what it is.If you're about to launch into one of your impassioned speeches about artificial sentience and machines with souls, don't bother.A1a
19I've heard enough of them by now. Hell, I could write them down from memory.Alan: But we can't just ignore the question. If a synth can dream, why can't it have a soul?A1b
20Alan: Of course, it's far more comfortable to think of them as machines, so we can do what we want with them.If you disapprove of the work we do here, Doctor Binet, you know where to find the teleporter.Alan: Now just a moment, I never said that.A1a
21Alan: I'm simply trying to open everyone's eyes to new possibilities.Well it's an unwanted distraction.A1a
22We're men of science, not philosophers. You'd do well to remember that.A1b
23DialogueInstituteRobotics2Scene{Polite, asking for a favor} SRB's asking if we can prioritize the Courser musculature upgrades.A1a
24{Polite, asking for a favor} I'm swamped right now. Can you accomodateIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar them?Alan: I'll see what I can do.A1b
25{Polite, asking for a favor} Advanced Systems says the new linguistic software is ready for installation.A2a
26{Polite, asking for a favor} Any chance you can take that on?Alan: I'll see what I can do.A2b
27{Polite, asking for a favor. Gen 1s is "gen (as in generation) ones"} Facilities has gently reminded us that the gen 1s are overdue for maintenance.A3a
28{Polite, asking for a favor} I was hoping you could handle it. I'm overtasked as it is.Alan: I'll see what I can do.A3b
29Alan: I'll see what I can do.{Resignation. You are taking on extra work.} Thanks.A1a
30Alan: I'll see what I can do.{Resignation. You are taking on extra work.} Sounds good.A2a
31Alan: I'll see what I can do.{Resignation. You are taking on extra work.} Alright, I'll let them know.A3a
32DialogueInstituteRobotics3SceneAlan: Something about a twitch in the right hand that's affecting their manual dexterity.Yes, I've seen the same thing myself a time or two.A1a
33I made a note to look into it when there's time.Alan: Sounds like you're on top of things, then.A1b
34Alan: Something about a twitch in the right hand that's affecting their manual dexterity.I saw the message about that. There's a maintenance cycle coming up, so we can look into it then.A2a
35I'd do it sooner, but my plate's just as full as yours.Alan: Sounds like you're on top of things, then.A2b
36Alan: Something about a twitch in the right hand that's affecting their manual dexterity.I'll take care of it once I've worked through the other hundred tasks on my list.Alan: Sounds like you're on top of things, then.A3a
37DialogueInstituteRobotics4SceneHow's that personal synth of yours working out? I've heard that Liam's grown quite attached to it.Alan: Not "it", Doctor Loken, "she." And she has a name.A1a
38Alan: To answer your question, Eve has been an indispensable companion, both to Liam and myself.{Concerned, a little patronizing} Alan, I know it's been difficult for you since you lost your wife, but don't lose perspective.A1a
39{Concerned, but also a lecture} A synth might look like a man or a woman, but it isn't. It's not healthy to become too attached.Alan: Need I remind you, Doctor Loken, that in biochemical terms a human being is also a machine.A1b
40Alan: Need I remind you, Doctor Loken, that in biochemical terms a human being is also a machine.Don't hide behind technicalities, Alan. I'm your friend. I'm not judging you, but others will.A1a
41Such behavior could be construed as deviant. You know where that will lead.Alan: There's no need to get worked up over it, Max. I'm simply carrying out an experiment.A1b
42Alan: Only through close observation can I prove my hypothesis.Alright, Alan. I'll trust your judgement on this. Just be careful.A1a
43DialogueInstituteRoboticsScene5InstituteScientist: Should I tell him that?{Exasperated, annoyed / Stern} No, I'll handle it. I wouldn't wish dealing with that man on my worst enemy.A1a
44InstituteScientist: Doctor Loken, we've received a work order from SRB.{Curious / Puzzled} What do they need?InstituteScientist: They're requesting replacement Coursers again. Quite a few, actually. I guess they lost a whole unit on the surface.A1a
45InstituteScientist: They're requesting replacement Coursers again. Quite a few, actually. I guess they lost a whole unit on the surface.{Upset / Irritated} Is this some sort of joke? This is the third time this month. Doctor Ayo can't keep using my synths so recklessly. I refuse to give him anymore.InstituteScientist: Should I tell him that?A1a


Cut content
{Professional, but concerned} I know that we've discussed this matter before, but I'm not sure I've made the extent of my concerns clear to you.A1a
47{Professional, but concerned} Many of us are increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of a synth living with Doctor Binet.A1b
48{Professional, but concerned} Frankly, many of us believe Alan doesn't understand how inappropriate his relationship with the third-generation unit is.Player Default: I hope you'll consider having a word with Doctor Binet.A1c


49-{Measured, uncertain. The player was promoted and you aren't sure it was deserved.} I honestly thought Doctor Li or Doctor Holdren would be appointed to succeed Father.
50{Measured, uncertain. The player was promoted and you aren't sure it was deserved.} You have a lot to learn if you're really going to be the next director of the Institute.


51-{An admission... maybe you were wrong / Neutral} I had my doubts about you, but you're starting to erase them.
52{An admission... maybe you were wrong / Neutral} You might just make a good director after all.


53-{Weighty, important / Stern} The Institute is in your hands now, director.A
54{Sympathetic, sad / Sad} Father was a great man. He'll be missed.
55{Sympathetic, sad / Sad} Father was a great man. He'll be missed.
56{Sympathetic, sad / Sad} Father was a great man. He'll be missed.
57{Weighty, important / Stern} The Institute is in your hands now, director.
58{Weighty, important / Stern} The Institute is in your hands now, director.


59InstM03HiggsReassure{Worried / Worried} Who's that in the control room?Lawrence: Father's heir apparent. He made it past your impenetrable defenses.A1a
60Lawrence: Father's heir apparent. He made it past your impenetrable defenses.{Worried} But if he got that far...Lawrence: Compose yourself, man. We've always known the risks, but we are still in control.A1a
61Lawrence: Father's heir apparent. He made it past your impenetrable defenses.But if she got that far...Lawrence: Compose yourself, man. We've always known the risks, but we are still in control.A2a
62InstM03OpenHydroDoor1Lawrence: What do you think, Max?{Hopeful / Neutral} Even the most fastidious researcher must sometimes take a leap of faith.A1a
63{Hopeful} I say let's give it a try.Lawrence: Very well, then. Open the door and let's return to the fold.A1b
64Lawrence: Very well, then. Open the door and let's return to the fold.{Shouting orders} Synths, abort command override and resume normal functions.A1a
65InstM03OpenHydroDoor2Lawrence: Max, no!{Angry, firm, raised voice / Angry} It's over, Lawrence, and you're a fool if you can't see that.A1a
66{Angry} Now unless you intend to shoot me, please stand aside while I put an end to this.Lawrence: Future generations will remember this decision, Max. I'll make sure of it.A1b
67Lawrence: Future generations will remember this decision, Max. I'll make sure of it.{Somber} I suggest we confine ourselves to quarters until our fate's decided. We can at least face the consequences with our dignity intact.Lawrence: What choice do we have?A1a
68{Angry / Angry} Enough! Have you lost your mind, Lawrence?Lawrence: Max, no!A1a
69Max: Enough! Have you lost your mind, Lawrence?{Resigned, admitting defeat / Sad} I'll do it. I'll open the door.Lawrence: Max, no!A1a
70InstM03ReactDoor{A shouted warning / Angry} The door's unlocked! Synths, defense protocol one!A1a
71InstM03ReactGorillas{Panic, shouting / Angry} The gorilla pen door is opening!A1a
72InstM03ReactGuardCombatLawrence: Look out!{Panic, a shouted warning / Afraid} Quickly, take cover!A1a


73-{Ashamed / Disbelief} I can't believe I let Lawrence talk me into that scheme.
74{Ashamed / Apologetic} I regret what we did. In fact, I feel like a complete fool about it.
75{Contrite / Apologetic} I was wrong about you. I think you'll make a great leader for the Institute.


76-{Angry} Leave us alone.
77{Defeated / Angry} I suppose we deserve this.
78{Defeated, hopeless / Angry} I never appreciated how comfortable my bed was.
79{Contrite / Angry} I'm sorry for what happened. I really am.
80{Defeated, hopeless / Angry} I admit it, I regret what I did.