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This is a transcript for dialogue with Institute scientist.


1-{Angry} You traitor!
2{Angry} I knew you'd turn on us!
3{Angry} We trusted you!
4{Impressed, friend} You're here! Glad you made it.
5{Polite, but a bit concerned} All this must be a little overwhelming for you.
6{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} Power armor, huh? You take down a Brotherhood soldier?
7{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} Seeing you in that power armor makes me think we should design some of our own.
8{Impressed. It's rare to see power armor, and hard to get. / Impressed} I bet Doctor Thompson would love to take that power armor apart and get a look at the inner workings.
9{Distracted, almost rhetorical} Feels like this project has been going on for months...
10{Disapproving} Please don't get any germs on me.
11{Rhetorical, a bit irritated} Do we really need all these Coursers roaming the halls?
12{Friendly, upbeat} Rumor is, Advanced Systems will be starting a new Dark Matter initiative soon.
13{Somber} So you were there the day the bombs fell? That must have been terrifying.
14{Friendly, upbeat} Mankind - redefined. It's catchy, isn't it?
15{Disdain} I can't imagine living on the surface. It sounds like a nightmare.
16{Exasperated} Three levels of approval. Do you believe that? Three!
17{Impressed} Father was a great leader. I'm glad you're here to succeed him.
18{Impressed} Father's a great man. You must be very proud.
19{Polite, but a bit concerned} You wouldn't happen to have a spare polarizer on you, would you?
20{A little hero worship / Friendly} Father's work has been a real inspiration for me.
21{A little hero worship / Friendly} I think more clearly while I'm walking.
22{Cheerful, friendly / Friendly} Theoretical limits are made to be broken.
23{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Good day.
24{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Good day, director.
25{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Hi there.
26{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Excuse me.
27{Pleasant, polite / Friendly} Excuse me, director.
4{Friendly, but cautious / Concerned} We're all looking forward to working with you.
5{Bemused, a bit condescending... the player is walking around a perfectly safe place in a hulking suit of armor / Puzzled} I don't think you'll be needing that suit of power armor in here.
6{Bemused, a bit condescending... the player is walking around a perfectly safe place in a hulking suit of armor / Puzzled} Power armor? What would you need that for?
7{Judging, critical / Defiant} Power armor if effective, sure, but it's hardly efficient.
8{Concerned / Concerned} I heard we lost another gen 3. Doctor Ayo was furious.
9{Excited} Doctor Orman's lecture on cold fusion was nothing short of a revelation.
10{Excited} Everyone's excited about the new synth project.
11{Distracted, almost rhetorical} So much research, so little time.
12{Disapproving} You smell like you've been above ground.
13{Distracted, rhetorical} Did I turn off the interferometer?...
14{In a hurry} Excuse me, I've got reports to deliver.
15{Excited / Happy} I hear we're about to get a new food supplement.
16{Conspiratorial, just between you and me / Irritated} Doctor Watson can be a little obsessive when it comes to rules and policies.
17{Wonder and amazement / Impressed} A child synth... it's just remarkable.
18{Friendly / Friendly} Hope you're settling in.
19{Friendly / Friendly} Good to see you.
20{Friendly / Friendly} Good to see you, director.
21{Friendly / Friendly} Hello!
22{Friendly / Friendly} Pardon me.
23{Friendly / Friendly} Pardon me, director.
24{Friendly / Friendly} Good day.
25{Friendly / Friendly} Good day, director.


28DialogueInstituteCourserScientistScene1InstituteCourser: Excuse me, doctor.Yes, what is it?InstituteCourser: Have you noticed any suspicious activity lately? Synths operating outside their protocols? Maybe a citizen expressing any controversial views?A1a
29InstituteCourser: Have you noticed any suspicious activity lately? Synths operating outside their protocols? Maybe a citizen expressing any controversial views?{Worried / Worried} Why? Is something wrong?InstituteCourser: No. We're just taking precautionary measures in light of some recent situations. If you do notice anything, please be sure to report it immediately.A1a
30InstituteCourser: No. We're just taking precautionary measures in light of some recent situations. If you do notice anything, please be sure to report it immediately.{Grateful / Grateful} Of course. Thank you.A1a


31DialogueInstituteGenericScientistsScene1{Professional / Neutral} Doctor, I left a copy of the lab report on your desk. Did you get a chance to read it?ScientistFemale: I did. Remarkable work. I think we should proceed to the next round of testing immediately.A1a
32ScientistFemale: I did. Remarkable work. I think we should proceed to the next round of testing immediately.{Professional / Neutral} Of course. I'll inform the team.A1a
26ScientistMale: Doctor, I left a copy of the lab report on your desk. Did you get a chance to read it?{Confident / Confident} I did. Remarkable work. I think we should proceed to the next round of testing immediately.ScientistMale: Of course. I'll inform the team.A1a
27ScientistMale: Doctor, I left a copy of the lab report on your desk. Did you get a chance to read it?{Irritated / Irritated} Yes, I read it. Those results are useless to me. Go back and develop a more efficient prototype. And test it properly this time.ScientistMale: Of course. I'll inform the team.A2a
28ScientistMale: Doctor, I left a copy of the lab report on your desk. Did you get a chance to read it?{Professional / Neutral} I haven't, there was a situation last night I had to deal with. I'll come and find you as soon as I've had a chance to look it over.ScientistMale: Of course. I'll inform the team.A3a
33DialogueInstituteGenericScientistsScene2ScientistFemale: Doctor, you've requested another synth memory reset. May I ask for what reason?{Growing more and more angry / Angry} You want a reason? Ineptitude, aggression, disorderly behavior, overall insubordination...I could go on, but we'd be here for hours.ScientistFemale: Very well, I'll schedule it in.A1a
34ScientistFemale: Doctor, you've requested another synth memory reset. May I ask for what reason?{Irritated. Dismissive. / Irritated} Because I said so. Isn't that reason enough, doctor?ScientistFemale: Very well, I'll schedule it in.A2a
35ScientistFemale: Doctor, you've requested another synth memory reset. May I ask for what reason?{Calm and confident / Confident} It's pre-emptive. I want to avoid a potential...high risk situation.ScientistFemale: Very well, I'll schedule it in.A3a
29{Questioning, maybe a little concerned / Question} Doctor, you've requested another synth memory reset. May I ask for what reason?ScientistMale: You want a reason? Ineptitude, aggression, disorderly behavior, overall insubordination...I could go on, but we'd be here for hours.A1a
30ScientistMale: You want a reason? Ineptitude, aggression, disorderly behavior, overall insubordination...I could go on, but we'd be here for hours.{Professional / Neutral} Very well, I'll schedule it in.A1a
36DialogueInstituteGenericScientistsScene3{Secretive / Conspiratorial} Have you noticed the recent increase in security? I wonder what's going on...ScientistFemale: Something about disappearing synths, I think.A1a
37ScientistFemale: Something about disappearing synths, I think.{Pensive / Disbelief} Disappearing? Must be something to do with the salvage teams.ScientistFemale: I believe so, yeah. Apparently, the SRB can't figure it out.A1a
38ScientistFemale: Doctor's Ayo been on a tear lately trying to get to the bottom of it.{Curious / Puzzled} What do you think?ScientistFemale: It's got to be someone on the inside, and when Ayo finds out who, there'll be hell to pay.A1a
31ScientistMale: Have you noticed the recent increase in security? I wonder what's going on...{Secretive / Conspiratorial} Something about disappearing synths, I think.ScientistMale: Disappearing? Must be something to do with the salvage teams.A1a
32ScientistMale: Disappearing? Must be something to do with the salvage teams.{Secretive / Conspiratorial} I believe so, yeah. Apparently, the SRB can't figure it out.A1a
33{Quiet, secretive} Doctor's Ayo been on a tear lately trying to get to the bottom of it.ScientistMale: What do you think?A1b
34ScientistMale: What do you think?{Serious but with a slightly joking tone / Amused} It's got to be someone on the inside, and when Ayo finds out who, there'll be hell to pay.A1a
39DialogueInstituteGenericScientistsScene4{Friendly, confused / Puzzled} Doctor, what are you doing here? Isn't today your day off?ScientistFemale: It is, but honestly, what am I going to do with a day off?A1a
40ScientistFemale: It is, but honestly, what am I going to do with a day off?{Friendly / Friendly} I don't know, what do you usually do in your spare time?ScientistFemale: Read test reports, compare data...work. What do you do?A1a
41ScientistFemale: Read test reports, compare data...work. What do you do?{Admitting something funny, said with a chuckle / Worried} Pretty much the same thing, I guess.A1a
42{Friendly.} Well, enjoy your day off.A1b
35ScientistMale: Doctor, what are you doing here? Isn't today your day off?{Friendly / Friendly} It is, but honestly, what am I going to do with a day off?ScientistMale: I don't know, what do you usually do in your spare time?A1a
36ScientistMale: I don't know, what do you usually do in your spare time?{Friendly, a little embarrassed maybe / Friendly} Read test reports, compare data...work. What do you do?ScientistMale: Pretty much the same thing, I guess.A1a


43DialogueInstituteGorillaHabitatScene1FemaleScientist: The specimens seem agitated today. I wonder if it's a reaction to their recent dietary changes.{Disagreeing with the other scientist / Disbelief} What are you talking about? They're acting the same as they do every day.FemaleScientist: They may look docile, but I assure you, that is not the case.A1a
44FemaleScientist: You can tell by their posture. They look... anxious, ready for trouble as it were.{Doubtful / Question} And you're sure about that?FemaleScientist: I observe them every day. They might be the most remarkable creations in the Institute's history.A1a
45FemaleScientist: I observe them every day. They might be the most remarkable creations in the Institute's history.{Puzzled / Puzzled} Huh...I've never really understood why we created them in the first place. I still don't see their purpose.FemaleScientist: I like to think the ability to create them is purpose enough.A1a
37MaleScientist: Huh...I've never really understood why we created them in the first place. I still don't see their purpose.{Confident / Confident} I like to think the ability to create them is purpose enough.A1a
38{Intrigued / Puzzled} The specimens seem agitated today. I wonder if it's a reaction to their recent dietary changes.MaleScientist: What are you talking about? They're acting the same as they do every day.A1a
39MaleScientist: What are you talking about? They're acting the same as they do every day.{Confident, expertly analyzing / Confident} They may look docile, but I assure you, that is not the case.A1a
40{Pensive, a little worried} You can tell by their posture. They look... anxious, ready for trouble as it were.MaleScientist: And you're sure about that?A1b
41MaleScientist: And you're sure about that?{Passionate / Happy} I observe them every day. They might be the most remarkable creations in the Institute's history.MaleScientist: Huh...I've never really understood why we created them in the first place. I still don't see their purpose.A1a


46DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene5{Neutral} Doctor Karlin, a retrieval team just sent back preliminary test results from one of our surface crops.Isaac: Go on.A1a
47Isaac: Go on.{slightly worried / Worried} The specimens are showing an abnormal growth rate. They were designed to thrive in a radiated environment, but we didn't expect these results.Isaac: What a peculiar result...I'd like it brought back to the lab so I can test the rate of cellular degeneration.A1a
48Isaac: What a peculiar result...I'd like it brought back to the lab so I can test the rate of cellular degeneration.{Neutral} I'll let them know immediately.A1a
49DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene6{Professional / Neutral} Doctor Holdren, I was told you were looking for me.Clayton: Yes, the retrieval team supposedly arrived with the surface sample. What state is it in?A1a
50Clayton: Yes, the retrieval team supposedly arrived with the surface sample. What state is it in?{Breaking bad news / Apologetic} Unfortunately there's been too much harmful exposure for it to be useful. From preliminary testing it appears the water radiation was lethal.Clayton: All the same, I'd like to see it. We could still learn something.A1a
51Clayton: All the same, I'd like to see it. We could still learn something.{Professional / Worried} Of course.A1a
52{Preoccupied} Doctor, I was thinking, if our modified subject deteriorated so quickly then how can anything else possibly survive up there?Clayton: Frankly, they don't. The surface is still too dangerous for life to truly thrive. That's why what we do here is so important.A1b
53DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene7Dean: Not yet.{Irritated. / Irritated} Have you been able to at least test the samples I gave you?Dean: No. Look I've been very busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.A1a
54Dean: No. Look I've been very busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.{Apologetic, justifying / Apologetic} Well it shouldn't take long. It's not like I'm asking you to cure cancer.Dean: Wouldn't that be nice.A1a
55{Neutral} Doctor Volkert, have you had a chance to fill that prescription I requested?Dean: Not yet.A1a


56DialogueInstituteRoboticsScene5Max: Is this some sort of joke? This is the third time this month. Doctor Ayo can't keep using my synths so recklessly. I refuse to give him anymore.{Neutral} Should I tell him that?Max: No, I'll handle it. I wouldn't wish dealing with that man on my worst enemy.A1a
57{Professional / Neutral} Doctor Loken, we've received a work order from SRB.Max: What do they need?A1a
58Max: What do they need?{Concerned / Neutral} They're requesting replacement Coursers again. Quite a few, actually. I guess they lost a whole unit on the surface.Max: Is this some sort of joke? This is the third time this month. Doctor Ayo can't keep using my synths so recklessly. I refuse to give him anymore.A1a
59DialogueInstituteRoboticsScene6{Professional, but delicate / Neutral} In light of recent events, we've been asked to take a look at the behavioral mapping in the gen-3s.Alan: I assure you Doctor, that is not a malfunction.A1a
60Alan: I see...Another of Doctor Ayo's manipulative power plays. Well he's wrong. The Gen-threes are functioning just as designed.{Professional / Neutral} SRB doesn't agree. Statistically, the gen-threes have shown an increase in autonomic behavior, suggesting a malfunction in the latest models.Alan: I assure you Doctor, that is not a malfunction.A1a
61DialogueInstituteRoboticsScene7Alan: Think about it, doctor. You and everyone else firmly hold onto the archaic opinion that the synths are inferior. By limiting them, we limit our work.{Closed minded / Defiant} I am well aware of your ideas, doctor, and there is a reason they are not the popular ones.A1a
62{Closed-minded} There needs to be a distinction between us and them.Alan: No, they are an evolution of us. The synths possess vast untapped potential, if we'd only let them show it...A1b
63Alan: No, they are an evolution of us. The synths possess vast untapped potential, if we'd only let them show it...{Cold, standoffish / Defiant} I suggest you keep your radical opinions to yourself from now on.A1a
64{Ominous, a warning} Otherwise, you might find yourself being escorted to the teleporter for a one-way trip.A1b


65DialogueInstituteSRBScene5{Professional / Neutral} Doctor Secord, I've just been informed that a Courser in grid J-twelve has stumbled across a rogue synth completely by accident.Alana: What model?A1a
66Alana: What model?{Professional. "s one fourteen" / Neutral} A gen-3, designation S1-14. The report indicates that it has no memory of the Institute or that it is a synth.Alana: That unit's been missing for months.A1a
67Alana: That unit's been missing for months.{Professional / Neutral} Seeing as how this was not the initial target, how should we proceed?Alana: Bring it back here for reset. We'll send the Courser back out immediately after.A1a
68DialogueInstituteSRBScene6{Nervous to deliver bad news / Nervous} Doctor Ayo, we've had a...uh...situation in the field.JustinAyo: What is it this time?A1a
69JustinAyo: What is it this time?{Nervous, professional / Nervous} One of our Courser teams was ambushed by raiders. They survived, but suffered severe damage and can't relay back.JustinAyo: Damnit! It's not like I have a limitless number of Coursers to put in the field.A1a
70JustinAyo: Alright, send two Coursers for the extraction. Tell them to proceed with caution, those raiders might still be around.{Professional / Neutral} If we do that, we'll be down to the minimum number of on-site units.JustinAyo: We don't have a choice. Let's hope those geniuses in Robotics get off their asses and provide us with some new units.A1a
71DialogueInstituteSRBScene7{Neutral} Doctor, we've located a group of abandoned gen-1 synths on the surface. How should we proceed?JustinorAlana: Interesting...Engage with extreme aggression, these gen-ones are likely to be hostile.A1a
72JustinorAlana: Interesting...Engage with extreme aggression, these gen-ones are likely to be hostile.{Confused. / Puzzled} The Coursers will destroy them, shouldn't we try to reclaim them in an operational state?JustinorAlana: Then we'll strip them for parts once they get back here.A1a
73JustinorAlana: Find me when they've returned.{Neutral} Yes, of course.A1a


74HoldupDialogue{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} You got me. I won't try anything.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A
75HoldupStartScenePlayer Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Shit...A1a
76Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Damn it...A2a
77Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} You gotta be kidding me.A3a
78Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Don't shoot.A5a
79-{Afraid} Don't shoot me.
80{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} I heard you. Let's just stay calm.


81-{Impressed / Impressed} Sounds like those raiders at Libertalia were quite a handful.
82{Impressed / Impressed} Nice work bringing that rogue synth back.
83{Relived, also impressed / Relieved} From what I hear, that rogue synth at Libertalia was a real menace. Glad it's back where it belongs.
84{Disappointed / Concerned} Judging by Doctor Ayo's mood, I'm guessing the retrieval mission in Libertalia didn't end well.
85{Relived, also impressed / Sad} Too bad about that rogue synth at Libertalia. We really needed that unit back.
86{Disappointed / Sad} We were really hoping you'd get that rogue synth back. Oh well. I'm sure you did your best.


87-{Excited... this is a great day / Happy} We've got more energy than we need now.
88{Relieved / Relieved} No more power rationing. I won't miss that.
46{Enthusiastic, friendly / Friendly} The new reactor's even more impressive than I expected.
47{Concerned / Concerned} If the Brotherhood of Steel really poses a threat to us, then we should do something about it.


89InstituteSS2Scene{Sly, fishing for info about a juicy rumor/secret / Amused} When are you going to tell me about this mysterious Phase 3?InstituteScientistFemale01: You know I can't talk about that.A1a
48InstituteScientistMale01: When are you going to tell me about this mysterious Phase 3?{Irritated, leave me alone / Irritated} You know I can't talk about that.A1a
49InstituteSS4Scene{A mechanic working on a robot} Almost done. Just need to tighten up this primary drive servo.AllieFilmore: That's the third primary drive breakdown this month.A1a
50AllieFilmore: As far as I'm concerned, the phase-out on these older models can't come soon enough.{Careful, deliberate, contradicting a boss... also a touch defensive} Oh, I don't know. Most of them have lasted long past their projected lifespans.A1a
51{Taking pride in your work, even though it's being challenged} If you ask me, they were built pretty well.AllieFilmore: I can't argue with that. Even so, I'm ready to see the full gen-3 rollout.A1b
52AllieFilmore: I can't argue with that. Even so, I'm ready to see the full gen-3 rollout.{Finishing up a repair job. Upbeat, pleased.} There we go. All set. Unit, you can return to duty.Synth: Thank you, ma'am.A1a
53AllieFilmore: Thanks again.{Curt, polite, just doing your job} Of course.A1a
90InstituteSS7Scene{Disappointed, irritated, your favorite food is no longer available / Irritated} Is it true food supplement 77 has been discontinued?FoodVendor: That is correct.A1a
91FoodVendor: That is correct.{Whining, unhappy / Sad} That was my favorite one. Can't we keep it a little longer?FoodVendor: I will be happy to forward your request to the BioScience division.A1a
92FoodVendor: In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy one of our other nutritious and flavorful food supplements.{Emphasize "want". Complaining, whining. / Angry} I want supplement 77.FoodVendor: I am sorry, sir, but that supplement is no longer available.A1a
93FoodVendor: I am sorry, sir, but that supplement is no longer available.{Grumbling to yourself / Angry} Useless machine.A1a
94InstituteSS8Scene{Cheerful, friendly / Friendly} Doctor Holdren's synth gorilla project is showing promising results.A1a


95InstKickOutShaunDeadScene{anger, horror} You... you killed him!RelaySpeakerRef: How could you do that? He was your son!A1a
96RelaySpeakerRef: You... you killed him!{anger, horror} How could you do that? He was your son!RelaySpeakerRef: You... You'd better run, because if we find you, we're going to kill you!A1a
97RelaySpeakerRef: How could you do that? He was your son!You... You'd better run, because if we find you, we're going to kill you!RelaySpeakerRef: You hear me? You're dead!A1a
98RelaySpeakerRef: You... You'd better run, because if we find you, we're going to kill you!You hear me? You're dead!A1a


99-{Mild concern, but also impressed that the player was able to solve the crisis / Concerned} Sounds like things got pretty tense up at Warwick Homestead.
100{Impressed / Impressed} Doctor Karlin has really been singing your praises.
101{Impressed / Impressed} The new specimen at Warwick is really impressive. I hear we have you to thank for that.


102-Doctor Ayo was looking for you. It sounded important.
103{Question} Did Doctor Ayo find you? He wanted to talk to you about something.


104-{Concerned / Concerned} Doctor Binet hasn't been the same since Liam was banished. He's... not doing well.
105{Sad / Sad} Poor Doctor Binet. He'll probably never see his son again.
106{Disapproving / Somber} It's pretty despicable, what Doctor Ayo was doing.
107{Concerned / Concerned} I don't envy Doctor Secord, having to take over the SRB with no warning at all.
108{Impressed / Impressed} If it wasn't for you, Doctor Ayo would still be manipulating everyone.
109{Impressed / Impressed} Doctor Ayo had everyone fooled until you came along.
110{Impressed / Impressed} Liam had everyone fooled until you came along.
111{Impressed / Impressed} If it wasn't for you, Liam would still be setting the synths loose on the surface.


112-{Concerned, worried, a little surprised / Concerned} I knew Doctor Higgs was dissatisfied, but I didn't think he would go this far.
113{Concerned, worried, a little surprised / Concerned} Without access to BioScience, how are we going to eat?
114{Derisive, these men are acting like spoiled brats who didn't' get their way / Irritated} Holding our food supply hostage... Higgs and Loken are delusional if they think that's going to work.
115{Derisive, these men are acting like spoiled brats who didn't' get their way / Irritated} Higgs and Loken have officially lost their minds. They'll be lucky not to be exiled.
116{Derisive, these men are acting like spoiled brats who didn't' get their way / Irritated} Higgs and Loken are no better than children throwing a temper tantrum.
117{Derisive, these men are acting like spoiled brats who didn't' get their way / Irritated} If you ask me, this ridiculous plot by Higgs and Loken is just a stunt to get attention.
118{Concerned, worried, a little surprised / Concerned} Sounds like things are pretty bad in BioScience. I hope you can resolve the situation.


119-{Impressed / Impressed} I wanted to compliment you on your handling of the situation in BioScience. Bravo.
120{Impressed / Impressed} You showed a lot of leniency with Doctor Higgs and Doctor Loken.
121{Impressed / Impressed} Higgs and Loken are lucky to be alive. Not everyone would have handled that situation as well as you did.
122{Critical, disapproving / Stern} Doctor Higgs and Doctor Loken were out of line, but did they really need to die?
123{Critical, disapproving / Stern} You went too far when you had Higgs and Loken executed, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.
124{Critical, disapproving / Stern} If you plan to execute everyone who disagrees with you, there won't be an Institute left for you to lead.
125{Critical, disapproving / Stern} Solving problems with deadly force isn't how we do things here. You might want to consider that.
126{Critical, disapproving / Stern} Higgs and Loken were trying to protect the Institute. They deserved a second chance.
127{Worried, sad... you feel pity for Higgs and Loken / Sad} Banished to the surface... it might have been kinder just to have Higgs and Loken executed.
128{Sad / Sad} I'm not saying that Higgs and Loken didn't deserve exile, but I wish you'd have given them another chance.
129{Bitter, critical / Irritated} Doctor Higgs and Doctor Loken are probably dead by now, but I doubt you'll lose any sleep over that.
42{Enthusiastic / Friendly} You must be quite honored.
43{Enthusiastic / Friendly} Congratulations, future director.
44{Relieved / Friendly} It's good to finally know who's going to succeed Father as director.
45{Relieved / Friendly} You're no the choice we expected for our next director, but you'll have our support.