Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
FalloutFloating eye bot
Fallout 2Floating eye bot
Fallout 3Eyebot
Outcast eyebotCut content
Fallout: New VegasEyebot
Medical eyebot Lonesome Road (add-on)
Repair eyebot Lonesome Road (add-on)
Cut content Broken eyebot Lonesome Road (add-on)
Fallout 4Eyebot
Servomech eyebot Automatron (add-on)
Cybermech eyebot Automatron (add-on)
Trashbot Automatron (add-on)
Nuka-World eyebot Nuka-World (add-on)
Galactic Zone eyebot Nuka-World (add-on)
Fallout 76Eyebot
Watoga Eyebot
Comrade eyebot
Responder eyebot
Eyebot guard
Whitespring eyebot
Eyebomb Wild Appalachia
Arktos Pharma eyebot Wild Appalachia
Campus security Eyebot Wastelanders
Blood Eagle Eyebot Wastelanders
Die bot Test Your Metal
Golden Eyebot Test Your Metal
Van BurenFloating eye bot
Eyebots spread President Eden's pre-recorded Enclave message throughout the Capital Wasteland.Fallout 3 loading screen

The Eyebot is a hovering all-purpose robot with whip-like radio antennas resembling long "whiskers" pointing to its back and loudspeakers in the front. Uses of Eyebots vary and have been known to include the spreading of propaganda, reconnaissance, and surveillance, delivering messages, and even repair and medical services.


One of the more elegant creations of RobCo Industries, the Eyebot is a hovering robot designed for a variety of purposes.[1] On the surface, it was designed for giving consumers instant access to radio and television on the go. It uses a sophisticated antenna array to deliver the latest news bulletins and presidential addresses even in subterranean areas like subways, and was used heavily for advertising.[2] However, it was also outfitted with advanced facial and auditory recognition technology, making it a useful tool for surveillance and security.[1][Non-game 1] RALPHIE the Robot's Incredible Odyssey! was a popular pre-War broadcast about the titular RALPHIE eyebot.

Although the design was compact and quite sophisticated, there was still room for post-War expansion. The Enclave attempted to create a line of superior Duraframe Eyebots at Adams Air Force Base, but eventually scrapped the program, leaving one survivor.[3] Usually found near settlements or cities, the automated bases of Hopeville and Ashton later reproduced these robots in quantity, creating dedicated repair and medical variants, showcasing the potential still remaining in the Eyebot.[4]


Floating eye bot[]

FoModel Floating eye
Gameplay articles: Fallout, Fallout 2

These hovering, taser-equipped robots were mostly used as a sentry for important areas in vital facilities, such as the Sierra Army Depot VI.[Non-game 2][5]


Fo3 Enclave eyebot

Used by the Enclave on the East Coast for broadcasting the Enclave Radio, which consists of propaganda, presidential speeches and patriotic marching music for the people of the Capital Wasteland, these robots are almost harmless to most others, as they have the least health of any robot in the game, and a weapon hardly on par with a AEP7 laser pistol. To player characters of lower level, they can still be dangerous though, and in the later stages of the game, some eyebots will call in Enclave patrols when destroyed.

Eyebot duraframe subject E[]

Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

The eyebot duraframe subject E (also known as ED-E) is an Enclave eyebot from the East Coast,[Non-game 3] built by Whitley at Adams Air Force Base. ED-E is a prototype "Duraframe" model and has been enhanced for regular combat as opposed to the original Eyebots, which functions primarily as a mobile radio transmitter, and standard Duraframe models. These enhancements include an additional dish directed sensor, armor plating to protect the side-mounted vacuum tubes, and a front-mounted, miniaturized Tesla cannon for improved offensive capabilities from the standard laser cannon.[Non-game 4][Non-game 5] However, since the war with the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel necessitated increased production of Enclave Hellfire armor, eyebot production was stopped, and ED-E became the last surviving model. Whitley uploaded an enormous amount of valuable data on Poseidon Energy and his duraframe research into ED-E's logs, then dispatched it on a cross-country journey to Navarro. ED-E is superior to any other eyebot in combat, both in terms of armor and firepower.

Eyebot duraframe subject E (clone)[]

ED-E clone
Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

This Eyebot is found at the start of the Lonesome Road add on, in the Hopeville silo bunker. He stays with the character throughout and is necessary to progress, opening doors and also commissary terminals for the Courier. Once upgraded (see Camarader-E) his upgrades are sent to the original ED-E in the Mojave. He also has an onboard workbench and reloading bench.

This variant differs from the original ED-E in that he is armed with an arc welder, and appears to be much less battered, with a fresh-looking paint job, a smaller grill and a cleaner casing. He still retains the same basic characteristics and personality, as he is just a copy of ED-E in another body.

Prototype eyebot[]

Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

The model for this eyebot is found inside the REPCONN headquarters building, just past the first few rooms of displays, however, it is not operational. It is said to have advanced facial and voice recognition. It also differs from the other models in the way it actually has a screen, instead of a grille at the front. It is accompanied by a prototype Mister Handy model, experimental Protectron model, and a prototype variant of the sentry bot.

Medical eyebot[]

Medical eyebot
Gameplay article: Lonesome Road

Medical eyebots appear in the battle against Ulysses, and will constantly heal the damage the player deals to him. Also to note, that the color of their lasers is similar to the one belonging to the AER14 prototype. Only seen in the Divide, the medical eyebots purpose was to assist medical staff in the treatment of patients. After being destroyed they will continually respawn unless the player manually shuts them off.

Repair eyebot[]

Repair eyebot
Gameplay article: Lonesome Road

Repair eyebots appear in several nuclear silos spread out across the Divide, maintaining everything that needs to be repaired before eventual launches. After being destroyed they will continually respawn unless the player manually shuts them off. Only seen in the Divide, the repair eyebots were most likely used for minor repairs and maintenance while engineers performed the more complicated tasks and repairs.


FO76 Eyebot
Gameplay article: Fallout 76

Summoned by the Imposter Sheepsquatch during Encryptid, the Eyebomb is painted black and red and explodes within proximity to those who attack it or the Assaultron.

Servomech eyebot[]

Gameplay article: Automatron

Found only in the Commonwealth, created by The Mechanist, the servomech eyebot's purpose was to spread the Mechanist's message of peace and protection.

Brotherhood Outcast eyebot[]

Outcast Eyebot

At one point in development, it appeared that the eyebot was a generic robot, etc., as opposed to an Enclave-specific robot. There are textures for an Outcast version (but not a model or unused GECK creature) and textureless models for U.S. Army, Brotherhood, and Enclave versions (the model used in-game is the generic version, not Enclave). None of these robots can be summoned in-game without modding.

Sunset Sarsaparilla eyebot[]

Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

This cut content Eyebot (Form ID 0010470A) was intended to be a sentry alarm, within the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters and warehouse.

Broken eyebot[]

Gameplay article: Lonesome Road

Cut eyebot, similar in appearance to the destroyed eyebot.

Notable eyebots[]




  1. 1.0 1.1 REPCONN headquarters placard: ""The 'I' in 'Eyebot.'""
    "RobCo's always had an eye for robotics, and this little fellow is no different! This robotic marvel can not only recognize your face and voice with advanced facial and auditory recognition technology, it can also broadcast video and audio as well! Think of it - all the sights and sounds of your radio and TV in your living room at home blasted directly at you on the street, subway, bathroom, or wherever you may be! Never fear, you'll never miss a news bulletin or presidential address again, no matter where you are! Exhibit Brought to You By Your Friends at RobCo."
    (Fallout: New Vegas message box transcriptions)
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "Is there anything dangerous nearby that I should know about?"
    Sofia Daguerre: "My scan also showed a bunch of Eyebots. I remember when they were used for advertising, not sure if they're more or less annoying now that they're just murderous."
    (Sofia Daguerre's dialogue)
  3. ED-E
  4. Lonesome Road
  5. Frank dialogue file
  1. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.359: "The eyebot is one of the smaller robots designed by RobCo Industries. Their spherical, hovering forms are a common sight in the wasteland. Despite their compact size, they are outfitted with a number of useful technologies; long range antennas that allow them to receive radio broadcasts even in subway stations or other underground sites, facial and voice recognition for use in security applications and even a laser weapon. In pre-War America they were used to broadcast radio transmissions, announcements, and news bulletins. Now these eyebots are in use by the likes of the Brotherhood of Steel to promote propaganda and by the Minutemen for surveillance. Others can are roaming the wastes still following their original programming and broadcasting the local radio station, military chatter on repeat or mysterious messages and frequencies from unknown sources. While often friendly when encountered, they will defend themselves if attacked and the degradation to their systems leads some units to be hostile on site."
  2. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets: p.33: "The Floating Eyebot is a quick-observation robot commonly found in prewar military installations. The Floating Eyebot uses a powerful electric prod (melee attack) to keep intruders in line."
  3. Bethesda Podcast Episode 3 (2:00-2:30)
  4. Concept art, p. 467; Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition
  5. Concept art, p. 467; Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition
  6. Concept art, p. 467; Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition
Enclave Symbol (FO3)