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Small, dependable, reasonably powerful and widely available, the 10mm Pistol has been a staple of Wasteland combat since the bombs first fell.Fallout 4 loading screens

The 10mm pistol is a weapon in Fallout 4.


Main article: 10mm pistol

The 10mm pistol is a semi-automatic sidearm created before the Great War, known for its ubiquity and versatility.[1] While it is a different design from the N99, it can be transformed into something similar.[Non-game 1] One of the key differences is a slide release lever, automatically locking the slide back when the weapon runs dry.[2]

Available to both government and civilian clients, the 10mm pistol could be fitted with an automatic receiver to be made into a machine pistol, as well as a variety of optics (including high-tech recon scopes), suppressors, and other accessories to improve its performance.[3]


The 10mm pistol is one of the first weapons found inside Vault 111 (after the security baton), located in the overseer's office. The pre-War pistol does reasonable damage.[4] It also allows for a fair amount of modifications that further emphasizes its versatility. However, despite being provided with a substantial amount of ammunition in Vault 111, ammunition in the early portions of the game afterward is rare.

Weapon modifications[]

The AP modifiers seen below may be deceptive: the weapon's base AP cost is 28, but because it is impossible to modify this by less than 20% (-10% each from grip and barrel), the standard gun will never obey this. However, any modifiers to AP are relative to 28, so ex. a net 25% AP reduction results in a 21 AP cost gun.

ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard receiverStandardGears x1
Oil x2
Screw x1
Steel x2
Light frame receiver
Lighter weight. Reduced damage.-1.8-7Adhesive x1
Aluminum x2
Gears x1
Oil x2
Screw x1
Heavy frame receiver
Heavier weight. Improved damage.+1.8+7Adhesive x2
Gears x2
Oil x2
Screw x2
Steel x3
Calibrated receiver
Better critical shot damage.+100% critical damage+1Adhesive x3
Gears x3
Oil x3
Screw x3
Steel x5
Hardened receiver
Better damage.+4.5Adhesive x3
Gears x4
Oil x3
Screw x4
Steel x6
Automatic receiver
Improved rate of fire. Inferior damage and range.Fully automatic-4.5+80.61-11.95-12+7Adhesive x4
Gears x5
Oil x3
Screw x4
Steel x6
Armor piercing automatic receiver
(Armor piercing auto)
Improved rate of fire and armor penetration. Reduced range. Inferior damage.Fully automatic
+40% Armor penetration
-4.5+80.61-10.76-12+7Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Gears x5
Oil x3
Screw x4
Steel x5
Hair trigger receiver
(Hair trigger)
More sensitive trigger. Better rate of fire.+23.3-4-2.8Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x5
Oil x5
Screw x5
Spring x6
Steel x7
Powerful receiver
Superior damage.+9Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x7
Gears x5
Oil x5
Screw x5
Hardened automatic receiver
(Hardened auto)
Improved rate of fire. Reduced damage. Inferior range.Fully automatic+80.61-11.95-12+7Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Gears x5
Oil x3
Screw x5
Steel x6
Rapid automatic receiver
Superior rate of fire. Inferior range. Inferior damage.Fully automatic-4+112.43-11.95-12+7Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x7
Gears x5
Oil x4
Screw x5
Calibrated powerful receiver
(Calibrated powerful)
Superior damage. Better critical shot damage and accuracy.+100% critical damage+9+1Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x3
Aluminum x3
Gears x2
Oil x3
Screw x2
Hardened piercing auto receiver
(Hardened piercing auto)
Improved rate of fire and armor penetration. Reduced damage and range.Fully automatic
+40% Armor penetration
+80.61-10.76-12+9.8Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x6
Aluminum x8
Gears x5
Oil x5
Screw x6
Advanced receiver
Exceptional damage. More sensitive trigger. Better rate of fire.+13.5+23.3-4-2.8Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x6
Aluminum x9
Gears x6
Oil x6
Screw x6
Powerful automatic receiver
(Powerful auto)
Improved damage and rate of fire. Inferior range.Fully automatic+4.5+80.61-11.95-12+7Gun Nut 3 to craftAdhesive x7
Aluminum x9
Gears x6
Oil x6
Screw x7

ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Short barrelImproved hip-fire accuracy. Inferior range and sighted accuracy.-15% AP cost
-3% iron sight transition
Adhesive x1
Screw x2
Steel x2
Long barrel
Standard.-10% AP cost
-3% iron sight transition
+36+1Adhesive x2
Screw x3
Steel x3
Long light barrel
Improved hip-fire accuracy.-15% AP cost
-3% iron sight transition
+34+2Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x3
Screw x2
Steel x4
Long ported barrel
Superior recoil.-10% AP cost
-3% iron sight transition
-25% recoil
+36+2Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x6
Screw x4
Long light ported barrel
Improved hip-fire and recoil.-15% AP cost
-3% iron sight transition
-25% recoil
+36+3Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x6
Screw x5

ModDescriptionEffectsAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard gripStandard.+50% bash damage
-10% AP cost
Screw x1
Steel x1
Comfort grip
(Comfort grip)
Improved recoil and hip-fire accuracy.+50% bash damage
-10% AP cost
+5Adhesive x1
Screw x2
Wood x3
Sharpshooter's grip
Better recoil and hip-fire accuracy.+50% bash damage
-15% AP cost
+7Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Rubber x3
Screw x2
Steel x4

ModDescriptionEffectsAmmo capacity changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard magazineStandard.Adhesive x1
Screw x1
Spring x2
Steel x2
Large magazine
(High capacity)
Better ammo capacity. Inferior reload speed.+10% AP cost
+3% iron sights transition
+12Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x3
Screw x2
Spring x4
Steel x4
Quick eject mag
Better reload speed.-5% AP costGun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x2
Aluminum x2
Oil x2
Screw x1
Spring x5
Large quick eject mag
(Quick high capacity)
Better ammo capacity. Improved reload speed.+3% iron sights transition+12Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x5
Oil x2
Screw x2
Spring x6

ModDescriptionEffectsAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard sightsStandard.Adhesive x1
Steel x1
Glow sights
Improved focus and better sighted accuracy.-7.5% AP cost
-5% sighted transition
+1Adhesive x1
Nuclear material x1
Steel x1
Reflex sight
Better focus and sighted accuracy.-15% AP cost
1.5x zoom
+7Adhesive x2
Aluminum x3
Glass x3
Nuclear material x2
Screw x2
Reflex sight (circle)
Better focus and sighted accuracy.-15% AP cost
1.5x zoom
+7Adhesive x2
Aluminum x3
Glass x3
Nuclear material x2
Screw x2
Recon scope
Tracks targets. Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+40% AP cost
+10% iron sights transition
2x zoom (monochrome/target tracking)
+9Gun Nut: 2
Science!: 1 to craft
Adhesive x5
Aluminum x6
Circuitry x3
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x2
Nuclear material x4
Screw x4

ModDescriptionEffectsRange changeAccuracy changePerk requirementsComponents
No muzzle
Improved per-shot recoil. Improved recoil control. Reduced range.+15% better recoil per shot
+75% better recoil arc
-12+6Gun Nut: 1 to craftAdhesive x3
Aluminum x4
Muzzle brake
Exceptional recoil control. Better per-shot recoil. Inferior range.+20% better recoil per shot-18+7Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x5
Silences weapon. Exceptional per-shot recoil. Improved recoil control. Poor range.+25% better recoil per shot
Weapon suppressed
-30+5Gun Nut: 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x6
Plastic x4
Screw x3




  • Despite the long barrel modification being considered the "standard" for the weapon, the majority of 10mm pistols spawned in the world use the short barrel, similar to the .44 pistol and the Deliverer.
  • The two 10mm pistols found in Vault 111 both share a rare quality, in that whenever they are picked up, they will automatically be equipped, replacing the currently equipped weapon. This occurs even if the weapons are modded and renamed.
  • The Brotherhood of Steel refers to the pistol as the "10mm combat pistol" in a supply requistion.[4]
  • In the Fallout TV series, various scenes feature a live-action prop recreation of this 10mm pistol.


PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 When the standard magazine mod is detached from a weapon, that mod cannot be re-attached to any 10mm pistol (including the one it came from). In order to remove a different magazine type off a 10mm pistol, either a new standard magazine must be crafted, or a different magazine type must be swapped on to the pistol in order to obtain the desired magazine mod. [verified]



  1. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Small, dependable, reasonably powerful and widely available, the 10mm Pistol has been a staple of Wasteland combat since the bombs first fell."
  2. Weapon appearance in Fallout 4.
  3. Weapon modifications in Fallout 4.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Boston Airport terminal entries; supply depot terminal; Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2200


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Art of Fallout 4 p. 236: "The base 10mm, for instance, is a different design from the version in Fallout 3. But with the proper mods, you can transform it into something very similar."