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Fallout Wiki

The Boston Airport terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at the Boston Airport in Fallout 4.

Gantry control area terminal[]


Gantry Control Area

System Inactive[]


System currently inactive. Subject not present.

Liberty Prime Current Status[]

Status depends on progress during Liberty Reprimed.


CPU: Online/Offline
Mobility: Online/Offline
Weapons: Online/Offline
Fusion Core: Online/Offline

Liberty Prime is now running on independent system. (all systems online)

Liberty Prime Work Reports[]


Liberty Prime Work Reports

Work Report 0977A-LP02[]


Entered By: Ingram IG-444PR

Now that all the crates have been unloaded and I'm looking at the wreckage of Liberty Prime, I'm just starting to grasp the daunting task ahead. Maxson doesn't just want him restored, he wants me to make improvements on the original design. I have all of the schematics from the Citadel's databanks, and I've been studying them ever since we left the Capital Wasteland. I just hope I can get all this work done in time.

Work Report 0977A-LP11[]


Entered By: Ingram IG-444PR

Work is progressing at a rapid pace. My engineering team is doing a heck of a job refitting his damaged parts. Unfortunately, the metalworking, the electrical wiring and the limb assembly - all of that's the easy part. The real problem is with his power system. I've shorted out two CPUs already and they don't exactly grow on trees. If I can't work these power problems out, Prime won't be any more than a pretty metal statue.

Work Report 0977A-LP20[]

Entry appears when the Sole Survivor gives Ingram a high-powered magnet.


Entered By: Ingram IG-444PR

Thanks to our new recruit, we were able to get a specialist on site to lend a hand with the power problems. It only took them a short time to get everything figured out. Now, Prime's CPU has a nice, steady flow of power that should remain stable when we fire up his fusion core. Next on the list is getting electromagnetic actuators built for his legs.

Work Report 0977A-LP23[]

Entry appears when the Sole Survivor creates four electromagnetic actuators and gives them to Ingram.


Entered By: Ingram IG-444PR

Prime's old arms and legs ran off of a liquid-feed hydraulic system. Unfortunately, we've resigned the arms and legs to accommodate his new frame and they're almost twice as heavy. The only thing strong enough to drive those limbs would be electromagnetic actuators. Fortunately, our new recruit was able to use our workbench facility to build them for us. All that remains now is getting Prime's arms and legs attached, arming him with bombs, and getting his core started.

Work Report 0977A-LP26[]

Entry appears when the Sole Survivor gives Ingram the location of Mark 28 nuclear bombs.


Entered By: Ingram IG-444PR

Our new recruit came through again by finding us an old weapons disposal facility full of Mark 28 nuclear bombs. We have more than enough to equip Prime for his upcoming mission. The last step is starting up his fusion core with a Beryllium Agitator. Once that device is plugged in, we can pull the big guy off of life support and send him on his way.

Airport warehouse terminal[]

Warehouse Door Controls[]


Door mechanism locked. Override not possible.

Liberty Prime Work Reports[]

Supply depot terminal[]


Brotherhood of Steel
Supply Depot Terminal Gavil GV-180KS

Incoming Supplies[]

Incoming Supply Order RJR-1733[]


3x Steel Bundles
4x Cases 10mm Ammunition
13x Stimpack In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
4x Missile Launcher Ammunition

Incoming Supply Order RJR-1740[]


8x Copper Sheeting
10x Electrical Wiring
10x Iron Plating
12x Type I Ground Barricades
4x Fragmentation Grenades

Incoming Supply Order RJR-1756[]


2x Vertibird Replacement Rotors
4x Cases Clean Water Bottles
10x Med-X
14x Rad-X
2x Mirelurk Egg

Incoming Supply Order RJR-1770[]


8x Fiber Optic Bundles
2x Cases Non-Belt Feed 5mm Ammunition
2x Eyebot Logic Unit
4x Abraxo Cleanser In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
10x Assorted Bottles of Liquor (Teagan)

Incoming Supply Order RJR-1783[]


2x Laser Rifle Firing Coils
12x Fusion Core
3x Cases of Assorted Books (Quinlan)
10x Buffout
4x Crates of Assorted Fresh Vegetables

Outgoing Supplies[]

Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2200[]


1x 10mm Combat Pistol
2x Stimpack In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar
2x Bottles Clean Water
1x Fragmentation Grenade

Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2210[]


50x Rounds 5mm Ammunition
1x 5mm Man-Portable Minigun
1x Combat Knife

Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2214[]


1x Power Armor T-60 Knight's helmet
1x Fusion Core
1x Laser Rifle (BoS Standard Configuration)

Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2220[]


10x Copper Sheeting
8x Iron Plating
3x Bundles of Electrical Wiring
4x Boxes Screws

Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2231[]


1x Wrench
2x Wonderglue
10x Boxes of Metal Spatulas
1x Fat Man Nuke Round
