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Fallout Wiki

The hunting rifle is a weapon in Fallout 4.


The hunting rifle is a left-handed, bolt-action rifle commonly carried by super mutants and raiders. It can be found early in the game although these early rifles will be unmodded. Its effectiveness in the early game sections can be limited by the amount of .308 ammunition the Sole Survivor can find. The hunting rifle is a viable weapon during the early to mid-stages of the game, and can remain somewhat viable in later stages of the game as well via the use of modifications, especially when modified to fire .50 caliber ammunition, and finding a legendary variant.

From a general point of view, the hunting rifle is the game's mid-tier long-range precision weapon, reflected in its crafting perk requirements, with the hunting rifle's top-tier modifications requiring three points in Gun Nut.

The appearance of a basic, unmodified hunting rifle boasts a short barrel and a wooden stock that has apparently been sawed into a pistol grip and wrapped with a layer of duct tape at some point in the past. However, outfitting the gun with increasingly more advanced barrels and ergonomic stocks made from what seems to be polymers quickly turns it into a high-grade sniper rifle.

Weapon modifications[]

ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard receiverStandard.Gears x1
Oil x2
Screw x2
Spring x2
Steel x4
Light frame receiver
Lighter weight. Reduced damage.-25% AP cost
-5% iron sights transition
-3Adhesive x1
Aluminum x3
Gears x1
Oil x2
Screw x2
Heavy frame receiver
Heavier weight. Improved damage.+25% AP cost
+5% iron sights transition
+3Adhesive x1
Gears x1
Oil x2
Screw x2
Steel x6
Tuned receiver
Improved rate of fire.-10% AP cost
+25% reload speed
+5% hipfire accuracy
+1Adhesive x3
Oil x4
Screw x2
Steel x5
Calibrated receiver
Better critical shot damage.+100% critical damage
+10% hipfire accuracy
+1Adhesive x3
Gears x4
Oil x3
Screw x3
Steel x6
Hardened receiver
Better damage.+9Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Gears x2
Oil x3
Screw x3
Steel x5
Powerful receiver
Superior damage.+18Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x8
Gears x3
Oil x4
Screw x6
Calibrated powerful receiver
(Calibrated powerful)
Superior damage. Better critical shot damage and accuracy.+100% critical damage
+10% hipfire accuracy
+18+1Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x6
Aluminum x9
Gears x4
Oil x5
Screw x7
.38 receiver
Reduced damage. Changes ammo type to .38 round.-9Gun Nut 3 to craftAdhesive x7
Aluminum x10
Gears x4
Oil x5
Screw x8
.50 receiver
Exceptional damage. Changes ammo type to .50 caliber. Improved rate of fire.-25% reload speed+27+1Gun Nut 3 to craftAdhesive x7
Aluminum x10
Gears x4
Oil x5
Screw x8
ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeRange changeAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Short barrel
Standard.-10% recoil
+10% sighted accuracy
Adhesive x1
Screw x3
Steel x3
Short light barrelImproved hip-fire accuracy.-10% recoil
-15% AP cost
+10% sighted accuracy
+25% hipfire accuracy (min cone)
Adhesive x2
Aluminum x2
Screw x3
Long barrelSuperior range and sighted accuracy. Better recoil. Poor hip-fire accuracy.-15% recoil
+3% iron sight transition speed
+10% AP cost
+40% sighted accuracy
-100%/-50% hipfire accuracy (min/max cone)
+84+2Adhesive x3
Screw x6
Steel x6
Long light barrelSuperior range and sighted accuracy. Better recoil. Reduced hip-fire accuracy.-15% recoil
+40% sighted accuracy
+40% sighted accuracy
-20%/-50% hipfire accuracy (min/max cone)
+84+3Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x5
Screw x6
Long ported barrel
Superior recoil, range and sighted accuracy. Poor hip-fire accuracy.-25% recoil
+3% iron sight speed
+10% AP cost
+40% sighted accuracy
-100%/-50% hipfire accuracy (min/max cone)
+84Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x7
Screw x6
ModDescriptionEffectsAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Short stockStandard.+7% stability
-15% recoil
+5% iron sight transition
Adhesive x2
Screw x5
Wood x5
Full stockBetter recoil.+7% stability
-20% recoil
+20% AP cost
+10% iron sight transition
Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x3
Screw x6
Wood x6
Markman's stock
Superior recoil. Better aim with scopes.+9% stability
-25% recoil
+30% AP cost
+10% iron sight transition
Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x5
Rubber x2
Screw x6
Spring x3
ModDescriptionEffectsAmmo capacity changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard magazineStandard.-10% reload timeSpring x2
Medium magazineBetter ammo capacity. Reduced reload speed.-5% reload time
+5% AP cost
+1% iron sight transition
+2Adhesive x1
Screw x3
Spring x3
Steel x3
Large magazine
(High capacity)
Superior ammo capacity. Inferior reload speed.+10% AP cost
+3% iron sight transition
+5Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x4
Screw x4
Spring x5
Steel x5
Quick eject mag
Superior reload speed.-30% reload time
-5% AP cost
Adhesive x4
Aluminum x3
Oil x3
Screw x4
Spring x5
Medium quick eject mag
Better ammo capacity and reload speed.-25% reload time
-5% AP cost
+1% iron sight transition
+2Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x5
Aluminum x5
Oil x2
Screw x3
Spring x6
Large quick eject mag
(Quick high capacity)
Superior ammo capacity. Improved reload speed.-25% reload time
+3% iron sights transition
+5Gun Nut 3 to craftAdhesive x6
Aluminum x6
Oil x4
Screw x4
Spring x8
ModDescriptionEffectsAccuracy changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard sightsStandard.Adhesive x1
Steel x2
Glow sights
Improved focus and better sighted accuracy.-7.5% AP cost
-5% iron sights transition
+10% sighted accuracy
+1Adhesive x2
Nuclear material x2
Steel x2
Short scope
Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+30% AP cost
+10% iron sights transition
4x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+16Adhesive x2
Glass x2
Screw x2
Steel x2
Reflex sight
Better focus and sighted accuracy.-15% AP cost
-10% iron sights transition
1.25x zoom
+15% sighted accuracy
+6Adhesive x3
Aluminum x3
Glass x3
Nuclear material x2
Screw x3
Silver x2
Reflex sight
Better focus and sighted accuracy.-15% AP cost
-10% iron sights transition
1.25x zoom
+15% sighted accuracy
+7Adhesive x3
Aluminum x3
Glass x3
Nuclear material x2
Screw x3
Silver x2
Medium scope
Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+45% AP cost
+15% iron sights transition
6x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+23Gun Nut 1 to craftAdhesive x3
Glass x4
Screw x3
Steel x3
Long scope
Superior magnification and sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+50% AP cost
+20% iron sights transition
10x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+36Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x5
Glass x5
Screw x3
Short night vision scope
Night vision. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+30% AP cost
+10% iron sights transition
4x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+16Gun Nut 2
Science! 1 to craft
Adhesive x4
Aluminum x6
Circuitry x3
Fiber optics x3
Glass x5
Nuclear material x3
Screw x4
Silver x3
Medium night vision scope
Night vision. Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+45% AP cost
+15% iron sights transition
6x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+23Gun Nut 2
Science! 1 to craft
Adhesive x5
Aluminum x7
Circuitry x3
Fiber optics x4
Glass x6
Nuclear material x3
Screw x4
Silver x3
Long night vision scope
Night vision. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+50% AP cost
+20% iron sights transition
10x zoom
+20% sighted accuracy
+36Gun Nut 3
Science! 1 to craft
Adhesive x6
Aluminum x8
Circuitry x4
Fiber optics x4
Glass x6
Nuclear material x4
Screw x5
Silver x3
Short recon scope
Tracks targets. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+30% AP cost
+10% iron sights transition
4x zoom (monochrome, target tracking)
+20% sighted accuracy
+16Gun Nut 3
Science! 1 to craft
Adhesive x7
Aluminum x9
Circuitry x4
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x5
Nuclear material x4
Screw x5
Silver x4
Long recon scope
Tracks targets. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy.-20% stability
+50% AP cost
+20% iron sights transition
10x zoom (monochrome, target tracking)
+20% sighted accuracy
+36Gun Nut 3
Science! 1 to craft
Adhesive x7
Aluminum x9
Circuitry x4
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x5
Nuclear material x4
Screw x5
Silver x4
ModDescriptionEffectsRange changeAccuracy changePerk requirementsComponents
No muzzle
Superior bash. Inferior range.+100% bash damage-18Adhesive x1
Screw x2
Steel x2
Improved per-shot recoil. Improved recoil control. Reduced range.-15% recoil-12+1Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x3
Aluminum x3
Muzzle brake
Exceptional recoil control. Better per-shot recoil. Inferior range.-20% recoil-18+1Gun Nut 2 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x4
Suppresses sound from firing. Exceptional per-shot recoil. Improved recoil control. Poor range.-30+1Gun Nut 3 to craftAdhesive x4
Aluminum x6
Plastic x4
Screw x2



  • Raiders, Minutemen, Gunners and super mutants often carry variants of this weapon.
  • A hunting rifle may be found at Walden Pond, in the sewer on top of a duffle bag. This is the closest guaranteed hunting rifle spawn to Sanctuary Hills.
  • Abraham Finch carries one.
  • A hunting rifle variant is on top of a kiosk at College Square.
  • A hardened hunting rifle with a full stock, long barrel and medium scope can be found on the roof of a red rocket station just northeast of College Square. Stairs are located at the rear of the building.
  • At the steeple of the Old North Church, a rifle identical to the one at the College Square red rocket will be found provided that the neighborhood between Cabot House and the church was not visited first.
  • One may be found in Kendall Hospital, after taking the elevator up to the sixth floor it will be on a shelf in the room to the left of the machinegun turret.
  • One may be found near Skylanes Flight 1981. On the rocky hills south of the flooded entrance, there is a Vault-Tec van and a skeleton holding a hunting rifle.
  • One can be found at the Mass Pike Tunnel, entrance from the Boston Police rationing site as passed the generator room and the corridor with a single mole rat, turn left at the locked door with a terminal into a small room with a military skeleton.
  • One can be found the roof of the Red Rocket gas station north of the Nahant Sherrif's Department.
  • Arturo Rodriguez sells two to three rifles. The mods vary according to the player's level.
  • One on a table in Vault 75, in a bottleneck area to the northwest.


  • There is no bipod modification, although one of the loading screens shows said bipod. A bipod modification was cut from the final release, and is unobtainable in-game even with console commands.
    • The bipod can only be "obtained" by placing the Rifle at the players position with the ID 00214001. This is the static object the game uses for the loading screen. It can not be used as a weapon. Once spawned, it cannot be moved via the Workshop, and would require commands to move or delete.
  • A hunting rifle with a short barrel and scope changes the name to "scoped hunting rifle." When a long barrel is attached, it changes the name to "sniper rifle."
  • The long light barrel is considerably thicker than the standard barrel.
  • The long light barrel has 2 bores clipping with each other, this is because the inner-barrel and the fluted outer-barrel both have fully modeled bores, which are not completely aligned. This can be most easily be seen by looking into the barrel, where a partial rim from the fluted outer barrel can be seen.
  • On a Fallout 4 promotional image, the hunting rifle on the Sole Survivor's back appears to be right handed despite it being the opposite in gameplay.[1]
  • Rechambering the weapon to load .50 caliber rounds changes its gunshot sound effect.
  • The hunting rifle will still visually use .308 caliber magazines when modified to use .50 caliber rounds.
  • When modified with a marksman's stock, the rifle's buttstock and grip slightly resembles that of the sniper rifle from Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas.


