Minecraft Wiki

A block of raw gold is a raw metal block equivalent to nine raw gold.



Blocks of raw gold can be mined only with an iron pickaxe or better.

Block Block of Raw Gold
Hardness 5
Breaking time[A]
Default 25
Wooden 12.5
Stone 6.25
Iron 1.25
Diamond 0.95
Netherite 0.85
Golden 2.1
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Raw Gold


Blocks of raw gold are a compact way to store raw gold.

Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Raw Gold Block of Raw Gold


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierBlock tagsTranslation key
Block of Raw Goldraw_gold_blockguarded_by_piglins

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Block of Raw Goldraw_gold_block708Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.raw_gold_block.name
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-rawOh Shiny
Distract Piglins with gold NetherWhile aggravated, give a piglin one of these 25 gold-related items in the #piglin_loved item tag: Other gold-related items do not distract the piglin and do not trigger this advancement.nether/distract_piglin


Java Edition
1.1721w15aBlock of Raw Gold JE1 BE1 Added the block of raw gold.
April 19, 2021Block of Raw Gold (pre-release) JAPPA shows a new block of raw gold texture.
21w16aBlock of Raw Gold JE2 The texture of block of raw gold has been changed.
April 23, 2021Block of Raw Gold JE3 JAPPA shows new block of raw gold texture.
21w17aBlock of Raw Gold JE3 The texture of block of raw gold has been changed.
21w18aPiglins are now drawn towards and pick up dropped blocks of raw gold.
Piglins now become angry toward players who destroy blocks of raw gold.
Bedrock Edition
1.17beta of Raw Gold JE1 Added the block of raw gold under the Caves and Cliffs experimental gameplay toggle.
beta of raw gold are now now longer only available in experimental gameplay.
beta of Raw Gold JE3 The texture of block of raw gold has been changed.
Piglins are now drawn towards and pick up dropped blocks of raw gold.
Piglins now become angry toward players who destroy blocks of raw gold.



Issues relating to "Block of Raw Gold" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
