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The Karate Kid Wiki

"After the whole, you know...front wedgie thing...I know what it's like. Sucks to have everyone laughing at you."
―Yasmine to Demetri[src]

Yasmine is the secondary antagonist of Season 1 and a minor protagonist in Season 3 onwards in the Netflix series Cobra Kai. She is portrayed by Annalisa Cochrane. She is a socially prominent student at West Valley High School. She is over the course of season one, however, Yasmine's clique is dismantled and her status seriously damaged by students of the Cobra Kai dojo, culminating with Aisha taking revenge by giving her a front wedgie in front of a huge crowd of her school peers.

She returns as something of an outcast, but her harsh attitude begins to soften as she realizes how it feels to be the laughingstock. She also surprises herself by developing an attraction to Demetri, which turns into a romantic relationship.


Little is known about Yasmine's upbringing except that she comes from a wealthy family. She was born in May of 2001. At some point, she became the spoiled and vindictive leader of the rich girl clique at West Valley High School. While not a physically violent person, she was still a bully, preferring whisper campaigns and online harassment. She frequently victimized Aisha Robinson for her looks, often fat shaming her and making crude remarks. She seemed to rely on Kyler and his pack of bullies to physically harass and intimidate her enemies when she felt the necessity.

Cobra Kai[]

Season 1[]

Yasmine inadvertently sets Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence on a collision course after she crashes her car into Johnny's Pontiac Firebird in a parking lot, with Sam and Moon riding her vehicle as passengers. Yasmine then looked shocked when they hit the vehicle on accident, and was told by Sam to not use her phone while driving. When Moon tells her what they should do next, Sam suggests that they should call the authorities, but Yasmine refuses because her parents might scold her if they do so. While this is happening, an enraged Johnny began to scare them, demanding them to get out of the car resulting her, Sam and Moon driving away. Although Johnny gets in his car to pay them back, it breaks down once more. Johnny's car winds up being towed to Daniel's auto dealership for repairs, resulting in the two old rivals seeing each other for the first time in many years.

She and Moon have been secretly invited to a pool party by Sam. Later in the day she tells Sam and Moon that her father is going to buy her a new car due to the accident, after she lied to him that she hit a deer. When Samantha expresses guilt about not alerting authorities about the accident, Yasmine rationalizes that the dangerous-looking, scruffy man shouting at them was probably some "meth-head zombie" who would've chained her, Sam, and Moon up in his basement. During lunch at school, she then made spiteful comments on outsiders Demetri and Eli Moskowitz, who were also eating lunch along with Miguel Diaz, who had been newly enrolled at the school. Yasmine also began commenting on Aisha, claiming "she ate a picnic table"

She bullies and looks down on the unpopular crowd, most notably Aisha due to her weight. Her most notable action against Aisha is posting a cruel pig meme of her eating Cheetos during the Halloween dance causing several people to mock her.

The following day, when Sam asks Yasmine and Moon why they have been ignoring her, Yasmine says because Kyler told them that Sam thinks she's better than them, though Kyler was lying to them. While Sam denies this, neither believe her, indicating that their friendship is over. They also look down on Sam for "going down" on Kyler at the movie theater, which was another lie Kyler told them to get back at Sam for rejecting his advances. An angry Sam then hints that Yasmine may be bulimic.

Yasmine and her friends arrive at the canyon for her birthday party, only to find the Cobra Kai students and a host of uninvited guests from school already there. Flustered, Yasmine tells Kyler to get rid of them, but upon spotting Miguel in the crowd, he loses his nerve and suggests they find another spot. Yasmine is angered but Kyler is unconcerned. As Kyler leaves Moon joins the party and Yasmine reluctantly accompanies her. While at the canyon, she angrily confronts Aisha for ruining her party. Aisha counters that her friends were there first, causing Yasmine to insult her. She then demands that Moon leave with her, but Moon says that she is staying. She states that she has apologized to Aisha, and she suggests that Yasmine do the same. Enraged, Yasmine insults Moon and stalks away, but not before intentionally shouldering Aisha. Fed up with Yasmine's bullying, Aisha gets her revenge by giving her a wedgie so severe it lifts her off the ground. Aisha then drops Yasmine into the dirt, humiliating her in front of everyone.

Season 2[]

Yasmine is on vacation for the summer in France and isn't seen.

Season 3[]

Yasmine returns to school, but is no longer popular due to the front wedgie incident. Moon appears to be her only friend, while Nathaniel openly mocks her. During her arrival back to school, she begins to wonder what happened following an all-out brawl between Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai. While she maintains her mean exterior, she starts to get to know Demetri when they are partnered on a science project. When Kyler bullies Demetri by drawing a penis on his cast Yasmine realizes she empathizes with him, especially now that she herself is a laughingstock. She later catches up with Demetri and signs the cast in such a way that makes it look like the two of them are together, turning Kyler's cruelty into a potential boost for Demetri's reputation.

Later, Miguel Diaz and Sam catch Yasmine passionately kissing Demetri in the hallway at school, although Yasmine immediately denies that they are dating and hurries off in embarrassment.

Season 4[]

Yasmine meets Demetri and Eli when they arrive at school. Yasmine admits to Demitri that she is unable to make it to the West Valley High School Junior Prom or the All Valley Karate Tournament because she needed to go to Sydney, Australia to see her father's wedding, but assures Demetri she'll still cheer him on, and says to consider her an admirer from afar (mirroring his words to her at the beach party in Different but Same). Yasmine then leaves telling she'll see Demetri at lunch, but not before she smacks his butt.

However, she has a change of heart and decides to fly back to the United States so she could go to prom along with Demetri, considering the fact that she'll be back in Australia in a day to see her father's wedding, as well as complaining about having to fly on economy plus.

Season 5[]

Yasmine, along with Moon, eats at a restaurant with Sam, advising the latter about her relationship with Miguel. She reads a text sent by Miguel (ghost-written by Demetri), concluding that the he is desperate and aware of being in trouble, but acknowledges that he's being nice. She then stops Sam from writing what she feels on text, being it better to do in person, but then argues with Moon whether the short text Sam needs to sent should (Moon) or not (Yasmine) end it with a smiling face. Sam listens to Yasmine. The three later go to a spa where they enjoy an experience inside a self-actualization pod (a newer way to describe sense deprivation chamber), but while Moon and Sam, in their own way, manage to have a vision that helps them (despite Sam being a little disturbed by it), Yasmine apparently doesn't do so as well, noting only that her pod must be broken, since the water inside was freezing.

Days later, the trio goes to a water park where they sunbathe. They're approached by Anthony, who can't stop staring at his sister's friends, much to Sam's disgust and the amusement of Moon and Yasmine, who start staring back at him. The boy leaves embarrassed, to which Moon chuckles while Yasmine, knowing that the next year the boy will start high school, maliciously suggests Sam torture him by making him think that Yasmine may be interested in him, to which Moon laughs even more while Sam asks to be left out of such schemes.

The girls are then joined by Eli and Miguel, with whom Sam just broke up with, so even though the two try keep it cool, the situation is heavy. Yasmine comments by asking if she's alive or she died of embarrassment and that's hell. Unfortunately, Yasmine and Moon leave after the Eagle Fang, Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai students are kicked out of the water park.

Season 6[]

While the twelve students were night training, Yasmine appears and looks for Demetri. He promises her that he'll win the tournament and the two make out.


Despite her consistently toxic attitude Yasmine is a popular student. Smug and arrogant, she picks on and looks down on people she views as low status, most notably Aisha, and to a good extent Eli and Demetri. Aside from being a bully herself she is openly amused by Kyler's bullying. She is easily manipulated at one point by Kyler, after he lies to her about Samantha saying she is better than her, indicating a possible deep-seated insecurity. Her popularity finally comes to an end when Aisha finally gets her revenge by giving her a front wedgie in front of a huge crowd, making her a laughingstock in front of her classmates.

Yasmine returns from France but is no longer queen of the school, and is made fun of by the other students for the front wedgie incident. After being partnered with Demetri on a school project, she begins to see him in a new light, and her personality begins to soften. After Kyler draws a penis on Demetri's arm cast, causing a lunchroom full of students (except the Miyagi-Do students) to laugh at him, Yasmine does not look amused; instead, for the first time, she looks concerned for another person. When she signs and counter-graffiti's Demetri's cast, it's the first act of kindness from her; a touched Demetri tells her he knows how she feels about being made fun of.

Yasmine becomes a better person but still remains very prideful, which she grows out of when she realizes there's more to Demetri than she realized, and stops caring so much about what others think of her; she is passionately in love with Demetri and no longer cares who sees them together, as well as openly sweet and flirtatious to him. Yasmine shows touches of her old haughtiness, complaining about having to fly economy class after showing up at prom. She retains a bit of her old wicked self when she jokingly proposes to Sam to psychologically torture Anthony, guilty of staring at her while sunbathing, insinuating that she might be interested in him. However, in both cases it's clear that there's no actual malice behind it.


Demetri Alexopoulos[]

Demetri is Yasmine's love interest. Demetri expresses that he is attracted to Yasmine, but she looks down on him. Later in the season Yasmine looks disgusted when Demetri attempts to chat with her.

In season 3, Yasmine is initially rude to Demetri but begins to warm up to him upon seeing the prehistoric model he created for their group science project. After Kyler draws a penis on his cast Yasmine shows sympathy by signing his cast and telling him she now knows what it feels like to be laughed at since the wedgie incident. She looks visibly touched when Demetri sympathizes with her in return. Later she is caught kissing Demetri by Miguel and Sam, but out of embarrassment she insults Demetri and says she would never date him, although she gives him a flirtatious look and touches his chest before she leaves.

In Season 4, Yasmine approaches Demetri and Hawk while they are talking about Terry Silver, and admires Demetri for his intelligence and kisses him. She and Demetri reunite at the prom, and the two dance with each other alongside Moon. At the after party Yasmine and Demetri kiss on the couch in the living room before wandering off to explore the house.

Yasmine and Demetri do not appear in any scenes together in season 5, but in episode 10, Head of the Snake, Kyler refers to Hawk and Demetri as "Yasmine and Moon's bitches," indicating that their relationship is ongoing.

Aisha Robinson[]

Aisha is Yasmine's former bully victim. She often bullies Aisha because of her weight. During the Halloween party, Yasmine posts a cruel pig meme of her eating Cheetos during the Halloween dance, which deeply upsets Aisha. When the Cobra Kai students crash Yasmine's party at the Canyon, she confronts Aisha, who tells her they were here first. Yasmine then insults her and walks away, only for Aisha to stop her and finally get revenge by giving her a wedgie in front of everyone. This humiliation continues months later when Yasmine returns from France, as she is still being mocked for the wedgie incident; afterwards, she voices her disgust to Moon about the nerds running the school, and asks Moon if Aisha is the queen. Moon says Aisha transferred to a private school after the fight, causing Yasmine to express approval.

Other Relationships[]



Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


  • It can be assumed that Yasmine is born on May 18th because it could be possible that the All Valley Karate Tournament was said to take place on the May 19th and there are many evidence that it happened yesterday.
  • She is voiced by Tara Sands in the video game adaptation.
  • In Party Time, when Demetri called Yasmine "Jessica Rabbit," he was referring to a character from the novel "Who Censored Roger Rabbit?" and its movie adaptation, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," as Yasmine's prom outfit bears resemblance to the character.
  • She has made more appearances in her debut season (season 1) than in the other four, having her appear quadrice in season 3 and twice in seasons 4 and 5.
    • Season 2 is the only season where she is absent entirely, only being mentioned in two episodes.
  • Seeing how Kyler treated Demetri when the latter had a cast, Yasmine felt guilty for her past actions in the first season. It's also likely she realized Sam had been telling the truth and Kyler had been trying to make Sam look bad.
    • Upon this, she is seen hanging out with Sam and Moon in Playing With Fire, meaning the friendship trio has been rekindled.
           Cobrakai Villains

John Kreese | Terry Silver | Kim Da-Eun | Kyler Park

Season I
Kyler Park | Yasmine | Brucks | Rory | Tom Cole | Louie LaRusso, Jr. | Sid Weinberg | Trey | Cruz | John Kreese

Season II
John Kreese | Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz | Tory Nichols | Mitch | Doug Rickenberger | Trey | Cruz | Tom Cole | Armand Zakarian

Season III
John Kreese | Tory Nichols | Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz | Robby Keene | Kyler Park | Mitch | Doug Rickenberger | Brucks | Tom Cole | Trey | Cruz | Sid Weinberg | Captain George Turner | Shawn Payne | David

Season IV
Terry Silver | John Kreese | Tory Nichols | Robby Keene | Kenny Payne | Kyler Park | Anthony LaRusso | Shawn Payne

Season V
Terry Silver | Kim Da-Eun | Kenny Payne | Hyan-Woo | Kyler Park | Mitch | Hector Salazar | John Kreese | Kim Sun-Yung

Season VI
John Kreese | Kim Sun-Yung | Kim Da-Eun | Kwon Jae-Sung | Zenker
