The Karate Kid Wiki
The Karate Kid Wiki

The Fight at West Valley High School, often referred to as the karate brawl was a cataclysmic student body fight that involved two warring karate dojos - Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do, as well as, the entire student body of West Valley High School. Several faculty members were also involved to varying degrees. The ramifications of the fight were immense and long-lasting.

Brief Background

Leading up the fight, the two rival dojos in the San Fernando Valley were Cobra Kai Dojo and Miyagi-Do Karate. Both sides had inflicted pain, created drama, and problems for the other. Their continuous tit-for-tat battle escalated and the tension was evident. Notably, Tory Nichols, Samantha LaRusso, Miguel Diaz, and Robby Keene were involved in a complex love square; Tory had feelings for Miguel and felt that Sam had unjustly stolen him for her, while Sam had broken up with Miguel to date Robby. Tory learned that Sam and Miguel had kissed each other and her jealousy and anger exploded. Meanwhile, several students from both dojos had lost friendships and alliances in the name of their respective dojos.

The Fight

Tory broke into the announcer's room and stole the microphone. She used it to broadcast a warning to Sam that she was coming for her. The girls met in the hall shortly after. They circled one another before the fight began. Robby intervened to stop the fight, just as Miguel witnessed him grabbing Tory. With months of pent-up jealousy and anger having been built, Miguel attacked Robby. With that, multiple members of both dojos had begun to fight, as the actions of the original four fighters had lit a spark that couldn't be contained. Aisha tries to stop the fight but she was pushed by a Miyagi-Do student and ultimately punched him back.

When Moon attempted to stop the fight by asking if they can just get along, Doug Rickenberger threw a Miyagi-do student into a locker but was kicked away by the student. Stingray, who was at West Valley High School trying to get a job as a security guard, saw the fight happening. He demonstrates his competency to the principal by dispatching several members of Miyagi-Do. The fight between the two dojos moved to a different part of the school as more high school students come watch the fight for amusement. When a member of school's staff intervened to break it up, Doug violently elbowed him and flipped to the ground just as Demetri brought Mr. Palmer, hoping that the latter could help end the fight. However, Mr. Palmer witnessed Doug Rickenberger take down another teacher and refused to get involved. Hawk spotted Demetri, their complicated history of being best friends to becoming enemies more apparent than ever. Demetri ran from the fight while Hawk defeated a Miyagi-Do student. He then chased Demetri and attacked him. After being hit twice, Demetri used Miyagi-Do Karate to block and counter all of Hawk's attacks. He then kicked Hawk into a trophy case and sarcastically apologized.

Miguel gained the upper-hand on Robby but noticed the increasingly heated fight between Tory and Sam. He went to stop the girls when Robby blocked his way, threw him back, and resumed their fight. Miguel was assisted by his Cobra Kai students who restrained Robby. Miguel ran to Tory and Sam in an effort to stop them from fighting.

Bert fought Miyagi-Do Karate student Nathaniel, who absorbed more hits, though Bert ultimately broke his own glass. Nathaniel took this opportunity to tackle his former friend and punch him repeatedly. A security guard arrived and picked up Nathaniel. Bert tried to continue the fight, but the guard merely grabbed his hand and took both of them away.

Mitch fights Chris who dominated the fight at first before being kicked to the ground by Mitch. Chris ultimately won the after striking Mitch in the face with his textbook.

Tory and Sam's fight became brutal, as Tory used her spiked bracelet as a knuckle duster to further harm Sam, who had the upper-hand in the fight. She slashed Sam's arm which left deep cuts. Their fight extended from the hallway to the stairs. Tory raised her spiked bracelet to strike Sam in a final blow. Sam blocked the strike and kicked Tory off. She then kicked Tory down the stairs, and both were wounded to a point where neither could continue.

Simultaneously, the fight between Miguel and Robby raged on in the halls before it reached the balcony. Miguel angrily told Robby that Sam loved him more. Robby the gained the upper-hand for a moment before Miguel recovered. He flipped Robby and trapped him in an arm lock. Several Cobra Kai's urged Miguel to break Robby's arm. Miguel ultimately showed mercy and tried to apologize to Robby for the events, but Robby with blinded by anger, kicked Miguel in the stomach. Miguel stumbled backwards and fell over the balcony, two stories before he landed on the railing, bouncing off and landed at the base of the steps, unconscious. Sam looked up at Robby, horrified, and asked what he had done. Robby quickly ran off while the students surrounded Miguel, including Hawk, Sam, and a police officer.[1]



Multiple students were either admitted to the hospital or taken the emergency room after the fight. Notably, Samantha LaRusso had broken ribs and her arm required stitches from the gashes made by Tory Nichols. Miguel Diaz was rushed into the hospital with a broken spine, a concussion, and multiple abrasions. After multiple surgeries, Miguel was rendered comatose as his body attempted to heal from the traumatic event he endured. He awakened from his coma weeks later, but suffered paralysis from the waist down for many more weeks. He had to go through intensive therapy and training to regain his mobility, and even more to build his strength back up. He ultimately made a full recovery. Sam returned to school after two weeks after healing her arm as she was suspended.

Legal Ramifications

Legal action was taken against multiple participants in the school fight, including Tory Nichols, Robby Keene, and Raymond. The LaRusso family pressed charges against Tory for her assault of Sam. This landed the girl in a juvenile detention center which she was later compassionately released from due to being the primary caregiver of her ill mother and younger brother. She was placed on unsupervised probation as an alternative. While on probation she must conform to the probationary regulations or a probation officer will arrest her and face a harsher sentence. A condition of her probation is that she cannot commit another violent act - whether it's self-defense or not.

Robby Keene became a wanted fugitive for his role in Miguel's injury. Robby ran from the fight and went into hiding to avoid arrest. The police issued an urgent appeal to find him which was broadcast on the local news channels. His capture is made possible when he visited his mother in a rehab center. She had called Daniel LaRusso and he made a deal with the attorney's for Robby to surrender himself in exchange for a lighter sentence. Robby was placed in Sylmar Juvenile Corrections Center. He participated in community service and stayed out of trouble in the hopes of an early release. When he was released, he was placed on probation.

Due to his age, Raymond was arrested for his role in the fight and placed in jail. He was later sentenced to an unspecified length of probation and bound to a restraining order not allowing to have any form of contact with minors, forcing him to quit karate. His probation ended months later, which allowed him to return to a sense of normalcy.

School Disciplinary Action

West Valley High School suspended or expelled multiple students as a consequence for their involvement in the fight. Aisha Robinson was not punished by West Valley High. Instead, her parents transferred her to a private school when they moved to Santa Barbara.

In addition, the school implemented new security measures. Each student has to pass through a metal detector, comply with backpack searches performed by security guards, and random locker searches. If a student brings anything that could potentially be used as a weapon, they are suspended pending a formal hearing. The school's state of the art science lab was removed as a result of the fight, as the dangerous chemical, machinery and surgical tools were deemed a liability issue. Students who participated in any fights thereafter were given detention or suspension.

Months later, Tory's expulsion was revoked with the permission of the LaRusso family after Tory began turning her life around for the better with the help of Amanda LaRusso.

Valley-Wide Consequences

Due to Robby kicking Miguel and crippling him, Miyagi-Do got blamed for what happened to Miguel.[2] As a result of the crippling injuries that were sustained throughout the valley as a result of karate, including the recent karate brawl at West Valley High School and the rivalry between Miyagi-Do, Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai, the Northridge city council cancelled the 2019 All Valley Karate Tournament. However, the decision was overturned after an appeal heralded by Miguel Diaz and Samantha LaRusso.[3]


