The Karate Kid Wiki
The Karate Kid Wiki

"You can't let the mistakes of your past determine your future."
―Carmen Diaz to Johnny Lawrence[src]

Carmen Diaz is one of the main characters in the Netflix series Cobra Kai. She is portrayed by Vanessa Rubio. She is the mother of Miguel Diaz and current girlfriend of Johnny Lawrence.


Carmen was born in Ecuador on March 27th, 1984. She got married at eighteen to a man named Hector Salazar. After she learned that her husband was not who she thought he was, Carmen fled Ecuador with her mother and unborn son. They moved around the United States until settling in Riverside, where her son, Miguel, grew up. She found employment as a nurse and X-Ray technician at local hospitals, though her job required her to work long shifts to support her family. The family of three eventually moved to Reseda, a neighborhood in Los Angeles.

Cobra Kai[]

Season 1[]

Carmen comes home late again from work and has dinner with her son and mother. She asks Miguel what costume he wants to wear for the Halloween dance and he says that he wants to go as Deadpool. However, Carmen is unable to afford the price of the costume so she says that she can make him one. She inquires about his injured hand, but her mother brushes off her concern.

Carmen is horrified when Johnny Lawrence brings Miguel home after Kyler and his goons severely beat him at the Halloween dance. She blames Johnny and his karate for Miguel's assault and forbids him from training with Johnny ever again. Before Miguel leaves for the next school day, she offers to inform the school for protection, but he rejects her offer and insists on continuing his karate training. Carmen forbids Miguel from training and argues with her mother about the training, in which she calls Johnny a "bad influence" and a "loser". She later picks up Miguel from school with the intention to take him to the movies, but Miguel, upset with the bullying at school, asks her to drive them home. After Johnny sees a father and son eating at dinner, he comes to Miguel's apartment and tells Carmen that Miguel is the only person who never gave up on him, and he promises that he won't fail him again. She agrees, knowing how much her son cares for Johnny as a father-figure.

After her son spends a night training at the dojo for the All-Valley Tournament, she invites Johnny over for supper. Carmen voices her concern for Miguel's well-being at the tournament, but Johnny explains that there is no danger, which sets her at ease. When Miguel leaves to talk to Sam, Carmen expresses gratitude that Miguel was able to make good friends despite difficulty due to their constant moving, and tells Johnny of her marriage and fleeing Ecuador. Johnny apologizes and she says that it is unwise to let the past take control of the future. Johnny takes Carmen's words to heart and cleans up his life.

Carmen is later seen attending the All-Valley Karate Tournament, rooting for her son. She panics about her son's health and possible loss, and is confused as to why her mother is visibly relaxed at the tournament. Nevertheless, her son wins the tournament, beating Robby Keene 3-2 and bringing Cobra Kai back to the spotlight, except for Johnny Lawrence who feels that despite the victory, his students have been misled and become dirty fighters.

Season 2[]

Carmen grows closer to Johnny thanks to him helping Miguel make more friends. Johnny also begins to show a romantic interest in Carmen, and even asks her out in the episode Glory of Love. After dressing up for the date in Pulpo Carmen denies to her mother that she is interested in Johnny, but Rosa sees right through her and laughingly accuses her of being "hot for teacher." Carmen and Johnny go on a successful date in the episode, where Carmen also meets and befriends Amanda and Daniel LaRusso. However, after Miguel is injured horribly in a fight with Robby at the end of the season, a heartbroken Carmen blames Johnny for the accident and tells him she never wants to see him again.

Season 3[]

"What's the matter, Sensei? Can't let your guard down? Or too scared?"
―Carmen Diaz to Johnny Lawrence[src]

Devastated by Miguel's injury, Carmen is distraught in the early episodes. Initially she is cold and angry with Johnny for what she perceives as his role in her son's injury, but after she sees him leaving a large check with the hospital for Miguel's surgery in "Now You're Gonna Pay" she begins to warm up to him again. Throughout the season Johnny coaches Miguel as he relearns how to walk, which further helps salvage Carmen's feelings.

In "The Good, The Bad, and The Badass", Carmen reconciles with Johnny, admitting that it wasn't really his fault Miguel got injured, and that she is touched by how much he clearly cares for her son. She then kisses Johnny passionately and they vanish into his bedroom.

In "Feel The Night", they wake up in bed together, strongly implying they had sex. Carmen and Johnny talk about what this means for their relationship, but they stop short of a commitment, promising to talk more about it when Carmen gets home from work. After spending the day with Ali Mills and getting closure on his past, Johnny decides to admit to Carmen that he loves her, but instead finds a beaten-up Miguel due to the Cobra Kai students' attack on the LaRusso house.

Season 4[]

Carmen Diaz continued to take care of her son Miguel Diaz and date Johnny Lawrence. After the first day of training, Johnny makes dinner for her and her son Miguel, basing it off a Mexican dish from Chili's. During dinner, she then remarked on Johnny's first day of training which is turning to a work in progress, and is glad that he and Daniel are getting along so they can ensure Miguel Diaz's safety. She is also happy for Miguel's reconciliation with Sam as well. Following dinner, she and Johnny wash dishes as he tells her that the things he said to his ex-girlfriend Ali Mills wasn't romantic. She also brushes off Johnny's conversation about the fight at the LaRusso home, saying that they should slow things down and give enough time. Johnny agrees, unconvincingly to give it some time but when she leaves, he tosses his sponge.

Carmen and her family come to the LaRusso house for dinner and praises how Daniel and Johnny are not letting their rivalry affect the night. She also talks about the dealership and how things are running. After Miguel tells the LaRusso's about going to Stanford, Carmen explains about the school and tells him to stay local.

She and Johnny talk about Daniel and Miguel bonding. After spending a lot of time with each other, she decides that Johnny can tell Miguel when he's ready. Back at their apartment, she sees Miguel stretching and tells her that Eagle Fang is going through intense training. When Johnny arrives, he and Carmen talk about how they're going to tell Miguel about their relationship. After he sees them, Miguel gives his sensei his headband. Later, Johnny and Carmen talk to Miguel about their relationship. He tells them that he's happy that his mom is dating Johnny. The two kiss and tell each other how happy they are to finally tell the truth. When Miguel comes home late, she and Johnny ensure that they want him to be safe but Johnny tells him in a dirty way.

The Diaz's come to the LaRusso house to take pictures with Samantha and the rest of the LaRusso family before Miguel and Sam go to prom. Carmen attends the All-Valley Tournament where she and Rosa watch Miguel compete for another championship. She gets excited after Ron brings out grammy award winning artist Carrie Underwood. When Miguel faces off against his former Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang classmate Eli, he injures himself, shocking Carmen, Rosa and Johnny in the process.

Johnny, Carmen and Rosa are watching a medic tend to Miguel's injury and are relieved that it's only a pulled muscle, though Miguel chooses to not participate in the finals, which allows Hawk to win the semifinals by default. Nevertheless, Carmen and Rosa still continue to watch the final divisions. After the tournament, she tells Johnny that Miguel went home by himself, saying he needs to be left alone but informs Johnny that they should go home now, having been disappointed for Cobra Kai's victory. Carmen then goes home while Johnny first goes to the old Cobra Kai dojo, reuniting with Robby Keene. When Johnny returns home, Carmen reveals a letter Miguel wrote saying he left to find his biological father. Carmen tells Johnny that she never told him about her ex-husband and wants Miguel home.

Season 5[]

Johnny heads to Mexico with Robby with the intent of finding Miguel before he meets his father. She stays in communication with Johnny for updates, while trying to reach Miguel on his cellphone. Miguel finally answers to Carmen's relief, though the boy is angry. He chastises her for lying to him about Hector knowing he had a son. He tells her that Hector is a good man, nothing like she describes him, and that he missed out on everything because of her. He hangs up on her so she calls Johnny, telling him to hurry as Hector is more dangerous than Miguel can understand. She gives Johnny a tip that leads them to an underground MMA club. That night, Miguel calls her crying, admitting that his father isn't the man he thought he was. He's ready to come home.

Once back in Reseda, Carmen continues her relationship with Johnny, as he solidifies his presence in Miguel and Rosa's lives. Carmen starts to get sick and tells Johnny she's a few days late, clarifying for the man that she might be pregnant. He goes into overdrive to prove to her and himself that he's ready for this next phase of their lives. She's skeptical as his fear in the drug store makes her think he's not ready. She tells him to think about what he wants - if he doesn't want to be "that guy" that leaves, then don't be. After processing the information, Johnny baby proofs his apartment, changes his outlook on life, and after finding out they are having a baby and it's not longer a scare, is joyous about the next phase of their lives. Even if he is petrified, he promises to be there every step of the way, refusing to be absent like he was for Robby.

Johnny commits to getting Robby and Miguel to bury their hatchet, though his first few attempts fail. He finally gets them to put their shit aside by letting them fight it out in the apartment complex. Johnny is relieved they put it aside, as he couldn't imagine them still fighting when the baby comes. This stuns both boys, and Johnny realizes he's let it slip. He tells them to pretend to be excited when he and Carmen tell them. Miguel screams "holy shit" with glee, and Robby grins as they congratulate Johnny on the news. The trio heads to the Diaz apartment for Olive Garden, and Carmen comes home to find the peaceful dinner. She tells Robby he's always welcome at their house, pleased that Johnny finally got them to friendly terms.

Johnny accompanies Carmen during her ultrasound. When they leave, they run into Terry Silver in the elevator, with Johnny standing protectively in front of Carmen. Silver offers his congratulations for qualifying in the Sekai Taikai, but tells him that he isn't just doing the competition because he wants too. He's securing his future, thinking about his legacy, the same way the couple is. Johnny heads to LaRusso Auto to tell Daniel, Amanda, and Chozen about their run-in with Silver. The couple later reveals Carmen's pregnancy, which is a cause for celebration, according to Louie. The group heads out for a night on the town, with Carmen enjoying herself even without alcohol. She loves dancing and pulls Amanda onto the dance floor with her for a few songs. She returns for Johnny, dancing with him on the floor. When the night ends, the women decide to go home but encourage the men to continue their fun.

Amanda and Carmen return to the LaRusso house and talk, but a panicked call from Daniel changes plans. He reveals that Barnes hijacked their limo and then he, Chozen, and Johnny went off to fight Silver while drunk. He needs Amanda to pick him up, but she's scared too when a Cobra Kai car pulls into the driveway. Luckily for them, it's Stingray, who has a change of heart after learning about a brawl at the dojo against the Miyagi-Do's and Eagle Fangs. He helps the women save Daniel and drives them to the main dojo. Amanda wants to call the police a few times, until she remembers they're the ones breaking and entering. When the trio enters the dojo, they see the kids brawling and bleeding, so she decides it is time to call the cops.

Once the fighting is over, Johnny, Barnes, and Chozen rush to the dojo to reunite with their loved ones. Carmen embraces Johnny, who is badly beaten, remarking that she was afraid she lost him. He assures Carmen she can't get rid of him that easily; Johnny stated that the thought of losing his family allowed him to regain his strength and fight back, while adding that he couldn't stand the thought of missing out on the rest of their life together. Carmen, moved by the words, kisses Johnny in the parking lot.

Season 6[]


Carmen is a caring mother who cares deeply for her son's well-being. She wants the best for him, and encourages him to solve his problems without violence. She was initially against Miguel joining Cobra Kai, as she didn't want him to change or become violent. Her caring nature applies to those around her, including her elderly mother. She works hard to provide for her family and rarely takes time for herself. Carmen sees the good in people, which is what drew her to Johnny Lawrence, as she saw his positive impact on Miguel and how her son's confidence grew thanks to Johnny.


Miguel Diaz[]

Carmen cares deeply about her son, Miguel. At first, she had doubts about him learning Karate when Miguel got beaten up in school. She later reluctantly agreed. When Miguel was hospitalized, she told Johnny to stay away from the family.

Rosa Diaz[]

The two seem to have at least a somewhat good relationship with each other. Rosa is critical of her daughter's judgment at times, both regarding her marriage to Miguel's father and her initial disdain for Johnny.

Hector Salazar[]

Carmen is afraid of her ex-husband due to his criminal connections and his monstrous nature. She warned Miguel never to get involved with him, becoming worried when he tells her he's looking for Hector in Mexico.

Johnny Lawrence[]

Johnny is Carmen's neighbor and love interest. She initially disapproved of Johnny teaching Miguel karate, which is amplified when Miguel is beaten up by his fellow students. She forbids Johnny from teaching him, but has a change of heart when Johnny promises not to fail Miguel again. As they continue to spend time together and bond over their mutual caring for Miguel, they develop feelings for each other. Carmen advised Johnny to be a bigger man when it came to his rivalry with Daniel. After learning that Carmen's date is using her, Johnny used his martial arts experience to ensure that the man never went near Carmen again. Johnny and Carmen later went on a date. After Miguel's accident, Carmen pushed Johnny away and banned him from seeing Miguel ever again. When Miguel expressed a desire for Johnny to help him learn to walk again, Carmen reluctantly agreed. Her disdain for Johnny turned to love once more when Miguel fully recovered from his spinal injury due to Johnny's help. The pair began to date without labeling their relationship. They had sex and Johnny looked forward to his future with her, until he was side-tracked by John Kreese's coordinated attack on the students of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang karate.

As Johnny prepared for the 2019 All Valley to determine the fate of the dojos, he and Carmen sorted through their relationship and he confessed his love for her in front of Rosa and her friends. They kissed passionately and began a committed, serious relationship. They love each other deeply and accept on another for who they are. He strives to be better for her, while she loves his fun and rebellious nature. Things start to change when Carmen tells Johnny she might be pregnant, and he goes into overdrive to prove to her and himself that he's ready for this next phase of their lives. He baby proofs his apartment, changes his outlook on life, and after finding out they are having a baby, is joyous about the next phase of their lives. Even if he is petrified, he promises to be there every step of the way, refusing to be absent like he was for Robby. Johnny commits to making Robby and Miguel bury their shit, and succeeds, which pleases Carmen. They continue to have fun with the LaRusso's and Chozen, who Johnny confides in about loving Carmen. After defeating Silver, Johnny came straight to her make sure she was okay, promising that he would never leave her, and they shared a hug.



  • Carmen's development in Season 1 parallels that of Lucille LaRusso's role in The Karate Kid film.
  • Carmen became a main character in Season 4.
  • Carmen Diaz loves Top Gun, which is a 1986 movie that starred Tom Cruise and also involved fighter jets. Ironically, Iron Eagle is Johnny Lawrence's favorite film, which released in the same year.