The Karate Kid Wiki
The Karate Kid Wiki

This article layout guide is an official policy on The Karate Kid Wiki and is considered a standard that all users should follow.

The layout guide was created to observe uniformity throughout all article pages on The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Wiki. This will help us to create a professional look to the wiki, by keeping all information organized and presentable. If you have any questions regarding the layout guide, please contact an active administrator. On this page, single bulleted information indicates Headings while double-bulleted information indicate Sub-Headings.

General Rules

As a general rule of thumb:

  • Please refrain from adding any unconfirmed or theory-based information to the layout of pages. This includes upcoming information regarding future seasons.
  • Infoboxes: All infoboxes should be filled out to the best of your ability, including the best image you can find. An external shot is preferred for location types, but an interior shot is allowed if the exterior has yet to be shown.
  • Images: Screenshots are allowed on character pages, with the exceptions of low-quality images (less than 720p) and GIFs. Images may be placed anywhere on the article except for the Notes and Trivia and Personality sections.
  • Categories added to layouts should coincide with our pre-existing categories. If you have a suggestion for an added category, please contact one of the admins before adding them. Please view our Category Policy
    • Help Needed/Stub: If a page is lacking information, a stub template may be added to alert editors that the page is in need of updating. There is no need to add the associated category as the template will automatically generate it for you. The stub template can be added by typing the following:
  • Quotes: Pages should feature a quote from the series directly related to the article you are placing the quote on. Please note that quotes should not be used in every section of a page, only those of importance. The top of an article and personality sections are the most common places for a quote template.
{{Quote|Cobra Kai never dies.|'''John Kreese'''}}
  • Third Person Point of View: All articles and content-based pages must be written from third person point of view, such as "Hawk and Eli fight" instead of "We see Hawk and Eli fight".
  • Character Pages: Character pages should only be created when a character is significant to the overall plot or appeared in more then three episodes. However all character pages must have credited actors and character names. Seeing as how some uncredited characters may provide a significance to the plot, these pages should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Having a bunch of uncredited minor character pages is unneeded. Instead of creating these pages, focus your attention on article stubs or pages needing improvement.

Film Pages

Non-Heading information

  • Movie Infobox - filled out to the best of your ability. Please leave extra parameters be as they may be filled out at a later date.
  • Template:Quote - this should be the slogan of the film
  • Introductory sentence/paragraph - this should describe the film, the year it was released, the number it is in the film franchise, its genre, director, writer, and stars. For example:
The Karate Kid is an American martial arts romantic drama film directed by John G. Avildsen and written by Robert Mark Kamen. It is the first movie of The Karate Kid franchise. It starred Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita and Elisabeth Shue.

Heading information

  • Synopsis - the official overview of the film released by the film company. This is also the blurb you will find on the back of any DVD or digital purchase of the film.
  • Plot - a detailed recap of the film that is user-written. This should be written in third person point of view with excellent grammar and spelling. While mistakes are normal, the admins urge you to do your best.
  • Cast - a bulleted list of the cast member in order of credits.
  • Reception
    • Box Office - this section should be a sub-heading and will detail out much money the film made in each major country. Please provide references when listing the numbers.
    • Critical Response - this should be a sub-heading and will detail how critics received the film, including the Rotten Tomatoes score. Please reference each critic.
  • Trivia - filled out to the best of your ability.
  • Navigation - The Karate Kid Franchise Template should be placed under the Navigation heading
  • References - the template Reflist should be included here.

Please ensure the following is completed when creating a page for a new film:

  • If an actor or character doesn't have a page, don't leave a hyperlink as it'll leave a red broken link and make the page look unattractive.
  • At the end of the page, there should be the TheKarateKidSeries template.
  • Film pages only require one category called "Films".
  • Only high quality images should be uploaded to the infobox.

Example page The Karate Kid

Character Pages

Non-Heading information

  • Infobox - Template:Charact - filled out to the best of your ability
The "friends" and "enemies" sections of infoboxes should be kept as short as possible to avoid a lengthy template. If a character is friends with all, or the majority of, the Cobra Kai Dojo, do not list every student or sensei. A simple "Cobra Kai students" is sufficient.
  • Quote - Template:Quote - if applicable
  • Introduction - should be written with the characters named bolded followed by their role in the series (main, recurring, guest character) and the series in which they are in - The Karate Kid or Cobra Kai. Following the introductory sentence should be the actor who portrays them and then a few short sentences describing the character. This is usually the official character description released by Netflix, or a user-written overview of the character.
    • Do not label what the characters role in the series is - i.e. supporting antagonist, tertiary character, etc. This fills the lede with unnecessary terms that are not of value to the character page. Only use the broadest terms available (main character, protagonist, antagonist, minor, supporting) and nothing overly specific.
    • Do not start paragraphs by season such as "In season 1, Hawk...". This introductory paragraph should be a very simple overview of the character and not season-based.
EXAMPLE: Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz is one of the main characters in the Netflix series Cobra Kai. He is portrayed by Jacob Bertrand. Initially a quiet and bullied student, Eli joins Cobra Kai Dojo and gains confidence after learning to "flip the script".


  • Biography - information from before their appearance in the series. All instances must have been shown in the series and not just believed by the fandom.
  • Film series
    • Title of Film
  • Cobra Kai
    • Season #
  • Personality
Do not use any form of sub-headings in this section. Do not include seasons in the personality section. If an event causes a character's personality to shift, explain the situation as briefly as possible then move on to how the character changed. For example, "After the school brawl, Samantha suffered from PTSD." You can then explain how she suffered and what she experienced, without going into lengthy detail about the circumstances of the brawl.
  • Fighting Style (if applicable)
Do not include seasons in the fighting section. If an event causes a character's fighting style to shift, explain the situation as briefly as possible then move on to how the fighting style was impacted. For example, "Under the tutelage of both Daniel and Johnny, Hawk learned..." then insert however the character grew in fighting skills.
Fighting style only applies if the character trains in Karate. Please also minimize this section to keep it relevant to the character only. We do not rank the characters from best to worst. Just describe their style.
  • Relationships (if applicable)
    • Character name as subheading - please only use these sparingly
    • Other Relationships - under this sub-heading you will list the other characters and a one-word recap of their relationship. For example:
      *'''[[Daniel LaRusso]]''' (Friend)
  • Appearances
  • Trivia
  • Gallery
  • References - with the template Reflist

Please ensure the following is completed when creating a page for a new character:

  • The personality section should be at least one paragraph in length.
  • Only high quality images should be uploaded to the infobox.

Example page: Daniel LaRusso


This easy copy and paste guide has been created to provide users with a quick and stress-free way to create character pages. Please be sure to review the previous sections before creating characters.

|image1 =
|name =
|status =
|job = 
|relatives =
|friends =
|enemies =
|love_interest(s) =
|affiliation =
|awards =
|first_appearance =
|last_appearance =
|portrayed_by =
'''NAME''' is a TYPE - replace this with either minor, main, recurring, supporting - character in the ''Netflix'' original series, ''[[Cobra Kai]]''. NAME is portrayed by [[Actor]].



==Film series===
===Film title===

==Cobra Kai==
===Season #===


==Fighting Style==


===Other Relationships===

'''Season #'''
* ''Episode Title''




Season Pages

The main template for season pages is as follows: Non-heading information

  • Season template - filled out to the best of your ability. Please leave any unused parameters as they may be filled in at a later date.
  • An introductory statement - The fourth season of Cobra Kai was announced on [insert date]. It will premiere on [insert date].

Heading information

  • Plot
  • Cast
    • Starring
    • Guest Starring
    • Co-Starring
  • Episode List
  • Awards and Nominations (if applicable)
  • Gallery
    • Posters
    • Promotional
    • Videos
  • Soundtrack (if applicable)
  • Trivia
  • References - please ensure the use of the Reflist template.

Please ensure the following is completed when creating a page for a new season:

  • The page should start with the "Season" template containing all the relevant information.
  • The plot should be the general overview of the season. It is usually posted by official sites or press releases.
  • Only two categories are needed: "TV Shows" and "Cobra Kai (Season #)" where # is replaced with the season number.
  • Only high quality images should be uploaded to the infobox.

Example page: Cobra Kai (Season 4)

Episode Pages

Non-Heading information

  • Infobox episode - filled out to the best of your ability, please leave extra parameters as they may be filled in at a later date.
  • Introductory sentence - Episode name is the number episode of the number season of Cobra Kai.

Heading information

  • Summary - the official episode synopsis released by Netflix.
  • Plot - a breakdown of the episode written in third person point of view that details the events of the episodes as a viewer sees it. Do not let your bias for a situation affect how you write this section.
  • Cast
    • Starring
    • Guest Starring
    • Co-Starring
    • On occasion, an additional cast credit may appear. These can include "Special Guest Star" or "Featuring". Ensure these additional credits are added to the cast list in credited order.
  • Trivia
  • Gallery
  • References

Please ensure the following is completed when creating a page for a new episode:

  • The end of the page should have "TheKarateKidSeries" template.
  • Only two categories needed "Cobra Kai Episodes" and "Season # Episodes" where # is replaced with the season number.

Example page: December 19


Example page: Fight at West Valley High School

These pages should be created sparingly. Not every fight or party needs its own page, only those where the ramifications of the event are felt for more then one episode, or talked about enough to warrant a page. Please ensure that every page has correct grammar, spelling, and links. Below is the basic layout of an event page. This layout may shift depending on the type of event being documented. The lede (opening sentence) may need a prefix such as, "The" before the bolded text. Use your best judgement there. All images added to event pages should follow our image policy for naming and quality. If you are unsure if an event needs a page, or have any questions, please Contact an Admin for help.

  • Brief Background - typically one or two paragraphs long, this describes the events leading up to the event in-question, or how the characters ended up here. You can add the planning process, execution, who-asked-who, if there was any friction beforehand, etc.
  • The Fight - change this heading out with whatever is needed. "Fight" can be changed to "Dance", "Party", or any other descriptive of the event. This should be detailed as it describes the entire event.
  • Aftermath
    • Sub-heading - this sub-heading should include a short description. These should be one or two paragraphs per sub-heading, and handles what happened immediately after the event. In the case of a fight, include "Hospitalizations and Injuries" as a sub-heading.
  • Participants - optional heading.
  • Gallery
  • References

Copy/paste this pre-formatted text for quick creations.

| title1=
| image1=
| caption1=
| location=
| date(s)=
| participants=
'''Name of event''' was a brief opening description of the event. Follow this with the ramifications/consequences of the fight.

==Brief Background==

== The Fight ==





Minor Character Pages

The characters added to these pages should only include minor characters that do not have enough information to warrant a page. They are almost always credited as "co-stars" and appear only a few times a season. For example, the character of "Aunt Kandace" is a minor character who has some relevance to the plot, but not enough to need her own page. These pages should be written and linked in a specific way. If referring to the character's actions in a specific episode, use:

[[Season 1 Minor Characters#Episode Name|Character Name]]

so that when a user clicks on the link, they are taken to the episode section on the page. Simply replace the episode name with the episode you wish to reference.

The sections themselves are fairly simple to create. It's a basic gallery section with a photo of the character, their name, and their portrayal. Please be sure the image you supply is in-character and not just of the actor in another series or photoshoot. The images should reflect how we see the character on-screen.

These images may be of a lower quality then those found on established character pages, but must include a clear and non-blurry shot of their characters face. If a character appears more than once in the season, you must add a different image to each episode they appear in! An image of a minor character from one episode should not repeat across the page.

These images should be named properly - i.e. 101 Name.jpg, 102 Name.jpg. You may also use the full episode title and not just the number - Ace Degenerate-Character Name.jpg. Please contact an admin if you require help. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, so please reach out if you need help or further explanation. The admin team is always here to help!

An example of the ideal section is the following:

==Episode Title==
<gallery spacing="small" orientation="portrait">
101 Example.jpg|Example by Actor

See Also

Rules & Policies
Use this navigation template to find all of our rules and policies:
Administrator GuidelinesBlockingCategoriesGeneral PoliciesLayout GuideModerator GuidelinesShipping GuidelinesSpoilersImages