The Karate Kid Wiki
The Karate Kid Wiki

"Well, I figured with summer ending and school starting back up, we could stop all the fighting and be friends again."
―Moon to Samantha LaRusso[src]

Moon is a supporting character in the Netflix series Cobra Kai. She is portrayed by Hannah Kepple. She is introduced as Yasmine's best friend, and later as a love interest to Eli Moskowitz. She becomes a pacifist and rejects violence, which leads to her ending things with Hawk, though their relationship rekindles when he redeems himself.

She yearns for the karate war to be over so everyone can go back to being friends again.


Moon was born in either 2001 or early 2002, and raised in Encino Hills. She attends West Valley High School. Her mother is wealthy and is open-minded enough that she gave Moon marijuana for her birthday.

Cobra Kai[]

Season 1[]

Moon was a passenger in Yasmine's car, along with Samantha LaRusso, when Yasmine crashed into the Firebird belonging to Johnny Lawrence. She, like her friends, was terrified when Johnny demanded the girls exit the car and shouted that Yasmine should drive off.

Yasmine, Moon, and Samantha hosted a pool party at the LaRusso house on the last day of summer, and Moon filmed a classmate flipping into the water and cheered him on, until Daniel arrived home and demanded that everyone leave. That evening, Moon talked with Yasmine and Samantha about arriving to school the next day and briefly recalled the hit-and-run incident.

Moon, along with Yasmine and Samantha, attended the Halloween dance dressed as Laker girls and quietly mocked Aisha at the refreshment table while Samantha and Kyler briefly left. She and Yasmine sent around a cruel meme comparing Aisha to a pig, much to their schoolmates' amusement.

Yasmine and Moon went to a concert together and disinvited Samantha, having believed a lie in which Kyler claimed that Samantha performed fellatio on him in a movie theater and considered herself superior to Yasmine and Moon. The latter two smoke marjiuana in Moon's car and accidentally draw Lynn, a homeless woman, to them via eye contact. Sam then confronts the two and ends their friendship.

Moon, Yasmine, Kyler, and his friends planned to host Yasmine's birthday celebration at a lake but arrive to find it crowded with people whom Yasmine would have never invited. Moon sees Hawk in the crowd, is immediately attracted to him, and rushes to join him, claiming that she wanted a beer despite Yasmine's reminding that they had their own. Over the course of the night, Moon and Hawk begin kissing, and she apologizes to Aisha for her cruelty at the Halloween dance. When Yasmine demands that the two of them leave, Moon refuses and watches in concerned silence as Aisha takes revenge on Yasmine by giving her a front wedgie.

Moon attended the fiftieth annual All-Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament with Demetri and cheered on Hawk. Her admiration of Hawk's looks led Demetri Alexopoulos to reconsider taking lessons from Cobra Kai. It is currently unknown how she reacted to Hawk's disqualification for the illegal contact to Robby Keene in the semi-finals.

Season 2[]

"I'm not dating a bully"
―Moon to Hawk[src]

Moon hangs out with the Cobra Kais along with Demetri, with whom she has clearly become friends. After Hawk attempts to attack Demetri[1] she declares she is not dating a bully and breaks up with him. She rekindles her friendship with Sam[2] and, while video chatting with her, Moon invites Sam over for a party. During the party, Hawk tries to flirt with a girl named Piper to make Moon jealous; however, he soon discovers Piper is actually Moon's girlfriend, shocking him.

When the school brawl between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do Karate occurs the next day, Moon asks "Come on guys, can’t we all just get along?" However, she then screams and moves away when a Cobra Kai student and Miyagi-Do student nearly run into her while fighting.

Season 3[]

Moon helps organize a group that protests the hate and violence circulating through West Valley High School. During the protest, she even plays the guitar. When the school reopens she witnesses Nathaniel and Chris making fun of Yasmine, who complains that the "losers" have taken over. Yasmine then asks about Aisha, but Moon says that she was moved to a private school, which Yasmine considers good news. Moon expresses that she feels bad about Sam losing her childhood friend.[3] She later helps with a student car wash to raise money for Miguel's medical bills.[4]

As the days pass, she sits at a table with Yasmine when Demetri demonstrates his science project. She is then shown cheerleading during an intramural soccer game. Hawk attempts to wink at her after scoring a goal but she rolls her eyes and instead appears to flirt with a guy standing next to her.[5]

Season 4[]

Moon is walking with Yasmine when the two approach Demetri and Hawk. Despite not dating him, she compliments Hawk's new mohawk color (since he'd changed his mohawk color from red to purple, symbolizing his desire to find balance within himself) and explains the meaning of the color purple. While Miguel and Johnny are recruiting female students, Moon approaches them and is offered a chance to join Eagle Fang, but declines. Moon then recommends her ex Piper and gives the two ways to talk to her. Later on, she is also at the prom dancing with Demetri and Yasmine, with Eli watching her.

Moon is also watching the tournament and tells Eli to ignore Kyler, saying that Kyler has always been a bully, but that is not who Eli is. When Eli admits he doesn't know who he is, she tells him that it wasn't the mohawk that attracted her, but his confidence. The two then kiss, rekindling their relationship. Moon then cheers for Eli after he wins the boys division for Miyagi-Do.

Season 5[]

After Miguel came back from his trip in Mexico, during which he fought on the phone with Sam, Moon and Yasmine helped their friend on the matter, advising her on not trying to fix issues on the phone but speaking face to face. She later brings her friends in a center where are offered experience in self-actualization pods, i.e. sensory deprivation chambers (an obsolete description, according to Moon, being them not about deprivation): inside them, Moon has a vision of herself as a "drop of dew glistening in the moonlight", while Sam has a vision that leads her to decide to take a break about her relationship with Miguel, needing time to understand what she wants.

The next day, the three are sunbathing at a water park. They are approached by Anthony, who can't stop staring at Moon and Yasmine, much to Sam's disgust. The two girls then start staring back at the boy, who leaves embarrassed, much to Moon's amusement. She then asks Sam about her breakup, to which the friend answers positively, being finally able to focus on herself only, but just then arrives Eli, who kisses Moon, along with Miguel: the latter and Sam tries to keep it cool, but embarrassment flies high. They then witness Anthony being bullied by Kenny, Kyler and others Cobra Kais, starting a fight that eventually leads everyone being kicked out of the park. At the parking lot, Miguel asks for Sam's whereabouts, and Moon replies she left way before they got kicked out, not wanting to get involved in any more fights.

When Eagle Fang's and Miyagi-Do's trainees are accepted at Sekai Taikai, they celebrate and, thanks to Moon's invitation, they are joined by the whole East Valley High School.


"Sam, trust me, get rid of all this negative energy. Clear your chakras and have some fun."
―Moon to Sam[src]

Moon is sweet and personable, though not a particularly deep thinker, and sometimes very spaced-out. She is a sex and body positive feminist, and has an overall hippie and new age vibe, both in her fashion sense and personal beliefs.

Moon later develops a friendly relationship with Demetri, which allows her kind and considerate nature to showcase itself. However, she tires of Hawk's increasing aggression and breaks up with him. After this, she tries her best to get people to be friends and get along, no longer wanting the division between the students; she desperately wants to repair the fractured student body.



Yasmine is Moon's best friend and both are part of the popular clique at school. However, when Moon turns over a new leaf and advises Yasmine to apologize to Aisha, Yasmine is upset with her former friend. Moon is horrified when Aisha strips Yasmine of her popularity by giving her a wedgie in front of everyone. While their friendship appeared to be strained, Moon shows Aisha a picture of Yasmine in France, and they remain friends.

Samantha LaRusso[]

Sam is Moon's close friend. They became friends throughout school, until Moon and Yasmine learn from Kyler that Sam thinks she's better than them. After believing that Kyler had oral sex with Sam, they succumbed to centuries old sexism and shunned her from their group. When Moon ultimately changes her attitude to be friendlier and more open-minded, she and Sam seemingly resume their friendship.


"I liked you from your energy, your confidence."

Hawk is Moon's former bullying target and boyfriend. Moon and Yasmine, along with Kyler and Brucks, made fun of Eli's lip for years. When Eli turns into "Hawk", she begins seeing him differently; she sees him from afar at Yasmine's interrupted lake party, and smiles when he notices her and grins. At one point, they make out.

Moon dumps Hawk for threatening to beat Demetri up over a Yelp review about the Cobra Kai Dojo as she herself has changed and rejects bullying, which upsets him. While attending Moon's party, Hawk attempts to seduce a new girl to make his ex jealous, but to his great surprise, he then sees Moon kiss the new girl. Moon then introduces Piper to him; Hawk tells her he finds it to be awesome, covering his jealousy. Despite passing moments where Hawk indicates lingering feelings towards her, Moon remains uninterested in his advances. Since their relationship is clearly over, he covers the tattoo of her name and the moon that he got for her with a grim reaper tattoo.

After Hawk leaves Cobra Kai, Hawk tells Demetri he and Moon are trying to remain friends, and that she already has a girlfriend. However, Demetri replies that Moon and Piper's relationship is over, as they broke up weeks ago, much to Hawk's surprise and puzzlement. During the tournament, Moon talks to him to encourage him to do his best, having noticed the change in his behavior now that he's back to Eli. She gives him a kiss, presumably rekindling their relationship.

Demetri Alexopoulos[]

After Moon begins dating Hawk she and Demetri are frequently seen together. When Hawk begins bullying Demetri, Moon angrily breaks up with him, stating that she doesn't want to date a bully. Moon seems quite fond of Demetri; he makes her laugh and she is very impressed by his hard work on their science project in The Right Path. Demetri states that Moon confided in him that she loved Hawk, indicating that he and Moon have become fairly close.

Other Relationships[]


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]


  • Moon is the first LGBTQ+ character in the Cobra Kai series. She has dated both Hawk and Piper.
  • Moon is the first pacifist on the show.
  • She makes the most appearances in seasons 1 and 2.
  • She is acquainted with Tory; however, they don’t interact much in scenes, only where she is sitting next to her in season two, and when she has invited her and the other Cobra Kai students to her house for the party later that season.
  • Though she appears in season 5 four times, one half is physical while the other half has her mentioned.


