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Scott Butler is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels.

Controlling the dominant Rebels' faction alongside long-time ally Kirby Bentley, Scott enjoyed a smooth run throughout the tribal phase of the game. Shortly after the merge however, Scott was forced to confront the emotional turmoil of the game; unable to bear the toll, he opted to quit.


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Scott (Rebel)

Art Director

Scott is a Survivor super fan and playing the game is something he's dreamt of for a long time.

As a free spirit, he works as an Art Director at MONA Museum in Hobart and while he's very comfortable in the creative world, he thinks his fellow tribemates will be surprised to know "I spend as much time in the gym as I do with my head bowed in fantasy books.

"I think with these chicken arms and painter's limbs, people are just going to categorise me straight away and that will be a big mistake."

Growing up in England until the age of 18, he emigrated to Australia and hasn't looked back. Positive and bubbly, Scott loves adventure and doing things that push him out of his comfort level.

He won't let people walk all over him in the game and knows how to stand up for what's right. And while playing his favourite game is the best part, the money won't go astray either. Scott says, "Winning is super important to me. $500,000 is lifechanging for someone like me, I've never seen that sort of money. I could help my family, I could start my own family with my partner. That's not cheap or easy to do in a queer relationship in Australia right now. So winning is a huge motivator!"[1]

Australian Survivor[]

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Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Rebels Fire Starter Reward No Won
Rock n' Roll Immunity No Won
2 Tug of War Reward No N/A1
Nut Bucket Immunity No Won
3 (No title) Reward No Lost
Challenge Pitch Immunity No Lost
4 (No title) Reward Yes Won
Survivor Dodgeball Immunity No Lost
5 Hipsters Reward No Won
Great Escape Run Immunity No Lost
6 (No title) Reward No Won
Boats, Brains & Brawn Immunity No Won
Switched Tribes, Day 15
7 Titans (No title) Immunity No Won
8 (No title) Immunity No Won
9 Survivor Spelling Bee Reward No Won
(No title) Immunity Yes Lost
10 Chopstix Immunity No Lost
Get Barreled Immunity Lost
11 Hangover Immunity No Won
12 By Any Means Necessary Immunity Yes Lost
Tribes Merged, Day 26
13 Tasi Bow Diddley Reward/Immunity Lost
Crocodile Rock Immunity Lost
Quit, Day 27
^1 This Reward Challenge was played in four rounds, with the winner of each round taking a different reward item.

Episode Scott's
Voted Against
1 Rebels Tribe Immune
2 Rebels Tribe Immune
3 Peta -
4 Tobias -
5 Mock Vote1
6 Rebels Tribe Immune
7 Titans Tribe Immune
8 Titans Tribe Immune
9 Garrick -
10 Ineligible2 -
11 Titans Tribe Immune
12 Kelli -
13 No Vote
Quit, Day 27

^1 In "Where Angels Fear to Tread", the Rebels were subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the player they voted out was switched to the other tribe.
^2 In "Bad Hair Day", Scott became ineligible to vote after losing the Individual Immunity Challenge.


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  • Scott is the lowest-placing person to make the merge, placing 14th.
  • Scott is the highest-placing quitter in Australian Survivor, and the only person to quit after the merge.
  • Scott is the only contestant in Titans v Rebels not to receive any votes against him.


Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels Castaways
AUS11 aileen t
AUS11 alex t
AUS11 caroline t
AUS11 charles t
AUS11 eden t
AUS11 feras t
AUS11 frankie t
AUS11 garrick t
AUS11 jaden t
AUS11 jessica t
AUS11 kelli t
AUS11 kirby t
AUS11 kitty t
AUS11 mark t
AUS11 nathan t
AUS11 peta t
AUS11 raymond t
AUS11 rianna t
AUS11 sarah t
AUS11 scott t
AUS11 tobias t
AUS11 valeria t
AUS11 viola t
AUS11 winna t