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Rianna Bowley is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels.

Rianna's close friendship with her primary ally Kirby Bentley stood at the core of her game. Despite a skittishness that caused her to renege on several plans at the last minute, Rianna was usually kept in the loop on strategic plans and leveraged her strong physical game to solidify a place in the endgame. However, after Alex Coe's impassioned speech blew up Kirby and Rianna's games at the previous night's Tribal Council, a desperate Kirby's victory in the subsequent Immunity Challenge left Rianna firmly in the Tasi tribe's crosshairs. Seeking to cut Kirby off at the knees, the tribe voted out Rianna in seventh place.


Retrieved from

Rianna (Rebel)


Rianna is a paramedic from Adelaide who knows how to handle pressure. She says, "My job is really tough. I've had so many highs like delivering babies and it's so amazing but then we see some really sad or dangerous things and you need to be strong, so that's tough."

An adrenaline junkie by trade and for fun, Rianna loves skydiving, bungee jumping and is full of energy. Rianna is hoping her resilience from her work and growing up in the country will help her deal with the elements, saying it feels like it's all led her to coming on Survivor.

"We've gotta spend 47 days out here, dealing with rain and other elements. Do I have what it takes? 100%. I go on solo camping trips, I know how to fend for myself, I am excited to be out here for 47 days."

With a plan to play a strong social game and build a stable alliance from the get-go, Rianna says coming out of this as the Sole Survivor would be a dream come true.[1]

Australian Survivor[]

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Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Rebels Fire Starter Reward No Won
Rock n' Roll Immunity No Won
2 Tug of War Reward No N/A1
Nut Bucket Immunity No Won
3 (No title) Reward No Lost
Challenge Pitch Immunity No Lost
4 (No title) Reward No Won
Survivor Dodgeball Immunity No Lost
5 Hipsters Reward No Won
Great Escape Run Immunity No Lost
6 (No title) Reward No Won
Boats, Brains & Brawn Immunity No Won
7 (No title) Immunity No Lost
8 (No title) Immunity No Lost
9 Survivor Spelling Bee Reward No Lost
(No title) Immunity No Won
10 Chopstix Immunity No Won
11 Hangover Immunity No Lost
12 By Any Means Necessary Immunity No Won
Tribes Merged, Day 26
13 Tasi Bow Diddley Reward/Immunity Lost
Crocodile Rock Immunity Lost
14 (No title) Immunity Won
15 (No title) Reward Lost
Over-Extended Immunity Lost
16 Survivor Auction
A Bit Tipsy Immunity Lost
17 Splash Back Immunity Won
18 Shooting Gallery Reward Lost
(No title) Immunity Received2
19 (No title) Reward Invited
Holy Hell Immunity Won
20 Domino Effect Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 41
^1 This Reward Challenge was played in four rounds, with the winner of each round taking a different reward item.
^2 Kirby gave up her immunity to Rianna at Tribal Council.

Episode Rianna's
Voted Against
1 Rebels Tribe Immune
2 Rebels Tribe Immune
3 Raymond -
4 Alex -
5 Mock Vote1
6 Rebels Tribe Immune
7 Viola Alex, Viola
8 Mark2 -
9 Rebels Tribe Immune
10 Rebels Tribe Immune
11 Mock Vote3
12 Rebels Tribe Immune
13 No Vote
14 Mark Individual Immunity
15 Eden;
16 Aileen -
17 Valeria5 Individual Immunity
18 Raymond6 Individual Immunity6
19 Alex Individual Immunity
20 Mark Caroline, Feras, Kitty,
Mark, Raymond
Voted Out, Day 41
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In "Where Angels Fear to Tread", the Rebels were subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the player they voted out was switched to the other tribe.
^2 In "The Divorce", Mark used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Rianna's vote against him.
^3 In "It's Not Sarong, It's So Right", the Rebels were subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the players who received votes drew rocks to determine who would be switched to the other tribe.
^4 In "Master and Apprentice", Rianna used a Hidden Immunity Idol, but did not negate any votes against her. Also, the vote ended with a 6-6 tie between Eden and Raymond, forcing a revote. Rianna did not change her vote on the revote.
^5 In "Floater or Flexible?", Alex used a Hidden Immunity Idol on Valeria, negating Rianna's vote against her.
^6 In "The Best Actor Award", Kirby originally won individual immunity, but gave it to Rianna during Tribal Council. Also, Raymond used the Ultimate Vote advantage, negating the unanimous vote against him.


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  • Rianna is the only member of Tasi to never be on the Titans tribe.


Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels Castaways
AUS11 aileen t
AUS11 alex t
AUS11 caroline t
AUS11 charles t
AUS11 eden t
AUS11 feras t
AUS11 frankie t
AUS11 garrick t
AUS11 jaden t
AUS11 jessica t
AUS11 kelli t
AUS11 kirby t
AUS11 kitty t
AUS11 mark t
AUS11 nathan t
AUS11 peta t
AUS11 raymond t
AUS11 rianna t
AUS11 sarah t
AUS11 scott t
AUS11 tobias t
AUS11 valeria t
AUS11 viola t
AUS11 winna t