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Caroline Courtis is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels.

The don of the Middle-Aged Mafia and the primary ally of Kitty Blomfield, Caroline met adversity with vengeful haste as she coldly dealt with anyone who expressed ill-intent against her game. After taking control during the tribe switch, Caroline's irritable personality and occasional power trips made her a polarizing figure. Her emotional outbursts escalated in frequency during the early merge, when it became clear that she was a tribe pariah. Despite surviving many planned blindsides and managing to reunite the Titans, Caroline's game never rebounded to its former peak, and an idol misplay at the final six solidified her poor standing in the game. Regardless, she was able to win a fire-making tiebreaker and convince Feras Basal to bring her to the Final Two. There, a dismal performance in front of the jury sealed her fate as she finished as the runner-up with no votes to win.


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Caroline (Titan)


No nonsense and organised, Caroline is a midwife from the North Coast of NSW who knows all about performing under pressure. A mum of three, she's aware how quickly things can change and to expect the unexpected.

She says, "I know people think a midwife is a heroic job and it is amazing – we're bringing life into the world, we're looking after new life and it's the dearest thing to my heart but it's also tougher than that. You are under extreme duress and many many times, you get no breaks but you have to stick with what you're doing and get the job done. And that's what I'll do out here!"

Preparing for the island, Caroline upped her fitness, practiced her fire making skills, learnt how to weave and to fish. Citing Hayley Leake as her favourite Survivor player, she's also aware being one of the eldest in the game could mean she's underestimated by her younger tribemates.

Caroline says, "I think I'm going in with some advantages and some disadvantages. I've got a lot of life experience that's made me who I am today. If I'd done this as a younger person, I don't know if I'd be as strong. I think Survivor is going to test me in different ways and it's going to completely push me outside my comfort zone and I can't wait for it."[1]

Australian Survivor[]

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Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Titans Fire Starter Reward No Lost
Rock n' Roll Immunity No Lost
2 Tug of War Reward No N/A1
Nut Bucket Immunity No Lost
3 (No title) Reward No Won
Challenge Pitch Immunity No Won
4 (No title) Reward No Lost
Survivor Dodgeball Immunity No Won
5 Hipsters Reward No Lost
Great Escape Run Immunity No Won
6 (No title) Reward No Lost
Boats, Brains & Brawn Immunity Yes Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 15
7 Rebels (No title) Immunity No Lost
8 (No title) Immunity No Lost
9 Survivor Spelling Bee Reward No Lost
(No title) Immunity No Won
10 Chopstix Immunity No Won
11 Hangover Immunity No Lost
12 By Any Means Necessary Immunity No Won
Tribes Merged, Day 26
13 Tasi Bow Diddley Reward/Immunity Lost
Crocodile Rock Immunity Lost
14 (No title) Immunity Lost
15 (No title) Reward Invited
Over-Extended Immunity Lost
16 Survivor Auction
A Bit Tipsy Immunity Lost
17 Splash Back Immunity Lost
18 Shooting Gallery Reward Lost
(No title) Immunity Lost
19 (No title) Reward Invited
Holy Hell Immunity Lost
20 Domino Effect Immunity Lost
21 On Shaky Ground Immunity Lost
22 High Rollers Immunity Lost
23 (No title) Immunity Lost
24 Cling Ons Immunity Lost
Runner-Up, Day 47
^1 This Reward Challenge was played in four rounds, with the winner of each round taking a different reward item.

Episode Caroline's
Voted Against
1 Frankie -
2 Nathan -
3 Titans Tribe Immune
4 Titans Tribe Immune
5 Titans Tribe Immune
6 Nathan Nathan
7 Viola -
8 Sarah Alex, Mark, Sarah
9 Rebels Tribe Immune
10 Rebels Tribe Immune
11 Mock Vote1
12 Rebels Tribe Immune
13 No Vote
14 Winna Jaden, Kirby, Mark,
Valeria, Winna
15 Raymond;
16 Aileen -
17 Jaden -
18 Raymond3 -
19 Alex -
20 Rianna -
21 Feras -
22 Kirby Kirby
23 Raymond Feras, Raymond4
24 Ineligible -
Jury Votes
for Caroline
Runner-Up, Day 47

^1 In "It's Not Sarong, It's So Right", the Rebels were subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the players who received votes drew rocks to determine who would be switched to the other tribe.
^2 In "Master and Apprentice", the vote ended with a 6-6 tie between Eden and Raymond, forcing a revote. Caroline did not change her vote on the revote.
^3 In "The Best Actor Award", Raymond used the Ultimate Vote advantage, negating the unanimous vote against him.
^4 In "A Nation of One", the vote ended with a 2-2 tie between Caroline and Raymond, forcing a fire-making tiebreaker. Caroline won the tiebreaker and remained in the game.


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  • Caroline is the oldest member of the original Titans tribe and the oldest woman to compete on Titans v Rebels.
  • Caroline is the highest-placing woman on Titans v Rebels and the highest-placing member of the original Titans tribe.


Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels Castaways
AUS11 aileen t
AUS11 alex t
AUS11 caroline t
AUS11 charles t
AUS11 eden t
AUS11 feras t
AUS11 frankie t
AUS11 garrick t
AUS11 jaden t
AUS11 jessica t
AUS11 kelli t
AUS11 kirby t
AUS11 kitty t
AUS11 mark t
AUS11 nathan t
AUS11 peta t
AUS11 raymond t
AUS11 rianna t
AUS11 sarah t
AUS11 scott t
AUS11 tobias t
AUS11 valeria t
AUS11 viola t
AUS11 winna t