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David Voce is a contestant from Survivor 41.

Voce found himself in an early alliance with Evvie Jagoda and Xander Hastings, believing them to be in control of the Yase tribe. After Yase lost the first two Immunity Challenges, however, Evvie instead chose to side with the tribe's women, and Tiffany Seely's paranoia regarding Xander's advantages led to the women voting out Voce instead.


Retrieved from

Age: 35
Hometown: Highland, Calif.
Current Residence: Chicago, Ill.
Occupation: Neurosurgeon
Hobbies: Traveling, snowboarding, eating
Three Words to Describe You: Determined, passionate, stubborn
Pet Peeves: My pet peeves revolve around people's incompetence, laziness and lack of self-awareness. When you work an insane number of hours in a week, you just can't tolerate pure ineptness.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Hands down I'm most proud of becoming a neurosurgeon that focuses on treating the brain cancer that claimed my father's life. No one in my family is in healthcare and no one in my family has left our area in Southern California. Becoming a physician, let alone a neurosurgeon, just wasn't something that was done in my community and was not something that seemed achievable as a kid.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? Despite a confident exterior, I still have and process a lot of emotional baggage. As with all neurosurgeons, I have a "trail of tears" that I have to cope with on a routine basis.
Who is your hero and why? My mom is my hero. She raised me and my sister herself after my father passed. She has sacrificed so much and worked so hard so that I could shoot for my dreams. She never pressured me to do or be anything; she just wanted me to be the best that I could be.
Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I would play with a similar aggressive nature as Russell Hantz. He was aggressive, but his social assimilation needed work. Todd Herzog had a brilliant social game. He did in final tribal what Russell couldn't. I know how to pander to people and make them feel valuable even if I don't believe it. I would dominate in final tribal. Natalie Anderson also had a brilliant social game, she made big moves and covered her tracks perfectly. Kelley Wentworth was aggressive and had an uncanny ability to read her surroundings, and so do I. Cirie Fields is the master of this game If she was a little more athletic, she would dominate. Her social ability and her social awareness is amazing. She relates to people and makes them feel comfortable. She's calm and doesn't appear to be overly aggressive.
Why do you believe you can win Survivor? I will be the Sole Survivor because I possess an ideal balance of charm, wit, athleticism and grit. Neurosurgery training has prepared me to push myself physically and emotionally beyond what is normal. As a neurosurgeon I have to be charming, relatable and able to connect with my patients, who place their identity and lives literally in my hands. I know how to be cool under stress. In neurosurgery the stakes are incredibly high and the only person I can trust to get the job done is myself. In Survivor, you always have to assume that people are trying to screw you over. I am extremely athletic and work out twice a day. However, I am not a "jock" or "golden boy" like Joey Amazing, Malcolm or Ozzy, who will always be targets because of their persona. I can also be extremely eloquent and persuasive — my Final Tribal Council will rival the likes of Todd Herzog's.[2]


Voce was initially placed on the Yase tribe. Upon arriving at camp, the tribe was given the option between a "Savvy" and a "Sweat" task to earn their flint. Although Voce was initially hesitant to perform the "Sweat" task, he eventually agreed to it, even forming an alliance with Xander Hastings as they completed the task together. Upon Yase's loss at the inaugural Immunity Challenge on Day 3, the pair were approached by Eric Abraham about voting out Tiffany Seely for supposedly being a liability in challenges. Despite this, Evvie Jagoda, who did not want the men to have the majority, managed to pull in Voce and Xander to eliminate Abraham instead, citing him as a potential threat.

The following day, Xander found the Beware Advantage, which would only work as a Hidden Immunity Idol when someone from each tribe found the advantage at their respective camp. He shared this information with Voce and Evvie, and also disclosed that he could not use the idol or vote until the other idols were found. When Yase lost immunity again the next day, Voce and Evvie agreed to vote out Tiffany for costing them the challenge. Unbeknownst to Voce however, Evvie secretly formed a women's alliance and planned to vote out Xander to flush his advantages. However, Tiffany became paranoid about the rules surrounding Xander's advantages and proposed voting out Voce instead to circumvent any potential idol play from Xander. At Tribal Council, Tiffany's allies followed her plan, blindsiding Voce in a 3-1 vote.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Yase Marooning Reward No Lost
Bonus Track Immunity No Lost
2 Water Sports Reward/Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 5

Episode Voce's
Voted Against
1 Abraham -
2 Tiffany Evvie,
Liana, Tiffany
Voted Out, Day 5


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  • Voce was originally cast for Survivor 41 before production was suspended due to the outbreak of COVID-19.[3][4][5]


Survivor 41 Castaways
S41 abraham t
S41 brad t
S41 danny t
S41 deshawn t
S41 erika t
S41 evvie t
S41 genie t
S41 heather t
S41 jd t
S41 liana t
S41 naseer t
S41 ricard t
S41 sara t
S41 shan t
S41 sydney t
S41 tiffany t
S41 voce t
S41 xander t