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Survivor: Ghost Island is the thirty-sixth season of the CBS competitive reality television series Survivor.

The season was themed around mistakes from seasons past, offering the cast of new players a chance to rewrite history and correct those mistakes to further their own games. Two players, Domenick Abbate and Wendell Holland, dominated over much of the season and both made it to the Final Three, where the jury vote ended in a tie between two players for the first time in Survivor history. With Domenick and Wendell receiving five votes each, the third finalist, Laurel Johnson, broke the tie in favor of Wendell, making him the Sole Survivor.


The season was filmed in the summer of 2017, only a few weeks after filming for Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers wrapped. It followed the same filming schedule that was used for Survivor: Game Changers.

Notable non-playable relics found on Ghost Island include snuffers (all of which host Jeff Probst kept as souvenirs), tribal Immunity Idols, and individual Immunity Necklaces from past seasons. Some props that were previously auctioned off for charity were bought back by production.[3]


  • Ghost Island:[4] The tribe that wins a Reward Challenge gets the opportunity to banish one member from the losing tribe to Ghost Island, a variant of Exile Island that is adorned with authentic props from past seasons, some of which are Hidden Immunity Idols and advantages that can be played this season. To obtain a relic, inhabitants must first smash an urn to earn the right to play a game of chance. Winning the game earns them the advantage. The playable relics were:
    • Sierra Dawn Thomas's Legacy Advantage from Game Changers (obtained on Ghost Island).
    • Andrea Boehlke's unplayed Hidden Immunity Idol from Caramoan (obtained at the Naviti camp).
    • One of James Clement's unplayed Hidden Immunity Idols from China (obtained at the Malolo camp).
    • The fake Hidden Immunity Idol Ozzy Lusth created in Micronesia, which is now repurposed as a playable idol (obtained at the Malolo camp).
    • Sarah Lacina's Vote Steal, from Game Changers, which for this season is simply an Extra Vote (obtained on Ghost Island). This item was later put back in play on Ghost Island after previously being used on Day 29.
    • The individual Immunity Necklace from Micronesia that Erik Reichenbach infamously gave away before being voted out. This item is now repurposed as a Hidden Immunity Idol (obtained at the Yanuya camp).
    • J.T. Thomas's unplayed Hidden Immunity Idol from Game Changers, which is initially usable only at the immediate Tribal Council, but its shelf life can be extended by up to five times via a game of chance (obtained on Ghost Island).
    • Scot Pollard's and Tai Trang's Hidden Immunity Idols from Kaôh Rōng, the effects of which differ this season, as they are no longer idols on their own, but form a regular Hidden Immunity Idol instead of a Super Idol when combined (both halves hidden separately at the Lavita camp).
    • David Wright's fake idol that Jay Starrett played in Millennials vs. Gen X, which is still a fake idol (obtained at the Lavita camp).
    • Malcolm Freberg's advantage for the Final Immunity Challenge from Philippines, allowing him a second chance at the challenge. The advantage works in the same fashion, allowing the user a second chance at the Day 32 Immunity Challenge (obtained on Ghost Island).
  • Meager Supplies: For this season, tribes will only be supplied with a machete, pot, a fishing kit, and a supply of rice cut in half from the minimum the medical team allots for the castaways.[5][6]
  • Tribe Leader: Shortly after entering the game, both tribes will select a leader, who will, in turn, choose two people, one athletic and one puzzle solver, for an immediate Reward Challenge.[5]
  • Tribe Switch: On Day 7, the eighteen remaining castaways were spread across two tribes of nine.
  • Tribe Expansion: On Day 15, a second tribe switch introduced a third tribe, Yanuya​, spreading the fifteen remaining players across three tribes of five.
  • Merge: The merge occurred with thirteen players remaining.
  • Double Elimination: On Day 29, Lavita was subjected to a Double Elimination. The tribe was divided into two groups of five and two castaways would be eliminated through two separate Tribal Councils on a single night.
  • Simplified Final Four Tribal Council: Instead of a traditional vote, the person who won the final four Immunity Challenge got to choose one person to take with them to the Final Three. The remaining two castaways competed in a fire-making challenge to determine who would be eliminated.[7]
  • Expanded Jury and Final Three: Instead of the conventional Final Two facing the jury of seven, the Day 39 Tribal Council was held with a Final Three facing a ten-person jury.
  • Reformatted Final Tribal Council: Instead of having each jury member speak one by one, an open forum was held to ensure a more insightful rapport between the jury and finalists.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Switched Tribe Expanded Tribe Merged Tribe
S36 gonzalez t Stephanie Gonzalez
26, Ocala, FL
Graphic Saleswoman
Malolo 1st Voted Out
Day 3
S36 jacob t Jacob Derwin
22, Brooklyn, NY
Music Teacher
Malolo 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
S36 morgan t Morgan Ricke
29, Orlando, FL
Marine Animal Trainer
Naviti Naviti 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
S36 brendan t Brendan Shapiro
40, Herndon, VA
Physical Education Teacher
Malolo Malolo 4th Voted Out
Day 12
S36 stephanie t Stephanie Johnson
34, Chicago, IL
Yoga Instructor
Malolo Malolo 5th Voted Out
Day 14
S36 james t James Lim
24, New York City, NY
Business Analyst
Malolo Naviti Malolo 6th Voted Out
Day 17
S36 bradley t Bradley Kleihege
26, Los Angeles, CA
Law Student
Naviti Malolo Naviti 7th Voted Out
Day 19
S36 chris t Chris Noble
27, Brooklyn, NY
Male Model
Naviti Naviti Yanuya Lavita 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 22
S36 libby t Libby Vincek
24, Houston, TX
Social Media Strategist
Malolo Naviti Naviti 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 25
S36 desiree t Desiree Afuye
21, Brooklyn, NY
Naviti Malolo Malolo 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 27
S36 jenna t Jenna Bowman
23, Venice Beach, CA
Account Executive
Malolo Malolo Yanuya 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 29
S36 michael t Michael Yerger
18, Los Angeles, CA
Real Estate Agent
Malolo Malolo Malolo 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 29
S36 chelsea t Chelsea Townsend
25, Los Angeles, CA
Naviti Malolo Naviti 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 32
S36 kellyn t Kellyn Bechtold
30, Denver, CO
Career Counselor
Naviti Malolo Malolo 14th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 35
S36 sebastian t Sebastian Noel
22, Satellite Beach, FL
Fishing Guide
Naviti Malolo Yanuya 15th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 36
S36 donathan t Donathan Hurley
25, Kimper, KY
Malolo Naviti Naviti 16th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 37
S36 angela t Angela Perkins
42, Cincinnati, OH
Army Veteran
Naviti Naviti Malolo Eliminated
10th Jury Member
Day 38
S36 laurel t Laurel Johnson
29, Minneapolis, MN
Financial Consultant
Malolo Naviti Yanuya Second Runner-Up
11th Jury Member
Day 39
S36 domenick t Domenick Abbate
38, Nesconset, NY
Construction Supervisor
Naviti Naviti Naviti Runner-Up 2
S36 wendell t Wendell Holland
33, Philadelphia, PA
Furniture Company Owner
Naviti Naviti Yanuya Sole Survivor 5

Season Summary[]

The twenty castaways were divided into two tribes, Malolo and Naviti. Naviti's dominance in the early challenges allowed them to gain the majority even through two tribe switches and enter the merge with an 8-5 supermajority. Despite their successes, fractures within Naviti still surfaced, notably between Chris and Domenick, with both competing over tribe leadership. During the pre-merge, Domenick and Wendell also found allies from the dwindling Malolo tribe in Donathan and Laurel.

At the merge, Domenick rallied both tribes into voting out his rival Chris before the Naviti Alliance began to systematically eliminate the former Malolos. Despite the majority's imminent success, an all-female coup led by Desiree was foiled by Laurel, who already cemented her pact with Domenick and Wendell and leaked the plot, with Desiree swiftly paying the price. The purging of the Malolos continued until only Donathan and Laurel remained. With eight castaways remaining, the Naviti Alliance crumbled and the women from the Naviti alliance tried to take out Domenick and Wendell, but with Domenick and Wendell each possessing a Hidden Immunity Idol, they were virtually untouchable.

With the end in sight, Donathan began to waver in his pact with Domenick and Wendell and plotted to have their idols flushed out, but ultimately failed, getting himself voted out by both of them. After winning the Final Immunity Challenge, Domenick chose Laurel to join him in the Final Three, pitting his closest ally Wendell against Angela in a fire-making challenge with the goal that Angela will beat Wendell. Wendell however defeated Angela, advancing him to the Final Tribal Council with Domenick and Laurel.

At the Final Tribal Council, the jury lambasted Laurel for wasting multiple opportunities to come out of her own and turn against Domenick and Wendell, while torn between Domenick's aggressively strategic game and Wendell's stronger social game. The jury vote ended up in a 5-5-0 vote between the two, which was broken by third-placer Laurel, who voted for Wendell in respect to their closer friendship in the game. The deciding vote was read live, and with six votes to Domenick's five, Wendell was crowned Sole Survivor.

Episode Air date Challenges Exiled Eliminated
Finish Viewers
(in millions)
Reward Immunity
1 "Can You Reverse the Curse?" February 28, 2018 Malolo Naviti Jacob Gonzalez
1st Voted Out
Day 3
8.19[8] 1.7/7[8]
Naviti1 Donathan Jacob
2nd Voted Out
Day 6
2 "Only Time Will Tell" March 7, 2018 Malolo1 Chris Morgan
3rd Voted Out
Day 9
8.23[9] 1.7/7[9]
3 "Trust Your Gut" March 14, 2018 Naviti Naviti Kellyn Brendan
4th Voted Out
Day 12
8.39[10] 1.7/7[10]
4 "A Diamond in the Rough" March 21, 2018 Naviti Naviti Stephanie Stephanie
5th Voted Out
Day 14
8.61[11] 1.8/7[11]
5 "Fate Is the Homie" March 28, 2018 None Yanuya None James
6th Voted Out
Day 17
8.15[12] 1.7/7[12]
6 "Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit" April 4, 2018 Naviti Yanuya Kellyn Bradley
7th Voted Out
Day 19
8.42[13] 1.7/7[13]
Yanuya Malolo
7 "Fear Keeps You Sharp" April 11, 2018 None Kellyn Chris Chris
8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 22
7.97[14] 1.6/7[14]
8 "The Sea Slug Slugger" April 18, 2018 Angela,
Angela Jenna Libby
9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 25
7.73[15] 1.6/7[15]
9 "It's Like the Perfect Crime" April 25, 2018 Chelsea,
Chelsea Angela Desiree
10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 27
7.81[16] 1.6/7[16]
10 "The Finish Line Is in Sight" May 2, 2018 None Chelsea None Jenna
11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 29
7.84[17] 1.5/7[17]
Domenick Michael
12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 29
11 "A Giant Game of Bumper Cars" May 9, 2018 Sebastian
Domenick Wendell Chelsea
13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 32
7.74[18] 1.5/7[18]
12 "Always Be Moving" May 16, 2018 Domenick,
Laurel Sebastian Kellyn
14th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 35
7.54[19] 1.5/6[19]
13 "It Is Game Time Kids" May 23, 2018 Wendell1 None Sebastian
15th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 36
7.31[20] 1.4/6[20]
None Wendell Donathan
16th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 37
Domenick Angela,
(no vote)7
10th Jury Member
Day 38
Jury Vote Laurel
Second Runner-Up
11th Jury Member
Day 39
Sole Survivor
14 "Reunion" 4.62[20] 0.8/3[20]
^1 Combined Reward and Immunity Challenge.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^3 The Legacy Advantage was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^4 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^5 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, a revote would commence.
^6 Sebastian was instructed to send someone to Ghost Island where the person going would be guaranteed to win an advantage. Wendell volunteered to go, giving up his spot on reward.
^7 Instead of a traditional vote, the person who won the Immunity Challenge, Domenick, would choose someone to take with them into the Final Three. He chose Laurel. The remaining two castaways, Angela and Wendell, would compete in a fire-making challenge to determine the last finalist.
^8 The final vote resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, the second runner-up, Laurel, would become a member of the jury and cast the tiebreaking vote.

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Switched Tribes Expanded Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out S36 gonzalez t
S36 jacob t
S36 morgan t
S36 brendan t
S36 stephanie t
S36 james t
S36 bradley t
S36 chris t
S36 libby t
S36 desiree t
S36 jenna t
Tie S36 michael t
S36 chelsea t
Tie S36 kellyn t
S36 sebastian t
S36 donathan t
S36 angela t
S36 laurel t
S36 domenick t
S36 wendell t
Vote 8-1 5-2-1 4-3-1 5-42 7-1 4-1 4-1 10-24 4-1-05 8-2 3-1-05 2-2-1-16 3-0 5-3 3-3-16 4-1 4-1-1 4-02,5 No vote8 6-5-09
Wendell Angela Chris Michael Desiree Michael Michael Chelsea Kellyn Kellyn Sebastian Donathan Jury Vote
Domenick Angela Bradley Chris Michael Desiree Michael Michael Chelsea Kellyn Kellyn Sebastian Donathan
Laurel Gonzalez Jacob Morgan Chris Libby Desiree Kellyn None Chelsea Kellyn Kellyn Sebastian Donathan Wendell
Angela Libby James Libby Michael None3 Jenna Wendell Donathan Kellyn Sebastian Donathan Eliminated Wendell
Donathan Gonzalez Exiled1 Morgan Bradley Chris Michael Desiree Sebastian Chelsea Domenick None Domenick Laurel Wendell
Sebastian Brendan Stephanie Chris Michael Desiree Jenna Chelsea Donathan Donathan Donathan Wendell
Kellyn Brendan Stephanie James Chris Libby Desiree Laurel Michael Wendell Donathan None Wendell
Chelsea Brendan Stephanie Bradley Chris Libby Michael Jenna Wendell Wendell
Michael Gonzalez James Bradley Stephanie James Chris Wendell Desiree Wendell None Domenick
Jenna Gonzalez Jacob Bradley Stephanie Chris Michael Desiree Donathan Domenick
Desiree Brendan Stephanie James Libby Libby Michael Domenick
Libby Gonzalez James Morgan Bradley Chris Michael Domenick
Chris Exiled1 None3 Domenick
Bradley Brendan Stephanie Libby
James Gonzalez Jacob Morgan Desiree
Stephanie Gonzalez Jacob Bradley Desiree
Brendan Gonzalez Jacob Bradley
Morgan Angela
Jacob Exiled1 Michael
Gonzalez Donathan
^1 After winning the Immunity Challenge, Malolo was given the opportunity to send one member of the losing tribe to Ghost Island, allowing them to abstain from Tribal Council.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, however, no votes were cast against its user.
^3 This castaway lost their vote on Ghost Island, thus they were unable to cast a vote.
^4 The Legacy Advantage was played, but did not negate any votes against its user.
^5 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^6 The vote resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, a revote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for those involved in the tie.
^7 This castaway played an Extra Vote advantage, allowing them to vote twice at Tribal Council.
^8 Instead of a traditional vote, the person who won the Immunity Challenge, Domenick, would choose someone to take with them into the Final Three. He chose Laurel. The remaining two castaways, Angela and Wendell, would compete in a fire-making challenge to determine the last finalist.
^9 The final vote resulted in a tie. Per Survivor rules, the second runner-up, Laurel, would become a member of the jury to cast the tiebreaking vote.


  • With an average age of 27.9 among its castaways, Ghost Island has the youngest average age of any season.
  • Ghost Island is the first season since Samoa to have a cast of all new castaways and not have a themed tribe division.
  • Ghost Island is the first season since Cook Islands to have a Tribe Switch result in two tribes of nine.
  • Ghost Island is the first season where both starting tribes had multiple members be voted out at their first Tribal Council.
  • Ghost Island is the first and only season in which a tie occurred at the Final Tribal Council.
    • As a result, Ghost Island is the first season to have 11 jurors. This record would be broken by the 13-person jury in Edge of Extinction, and later by the 16-person jury in Winners at War.


  5. 5.0 5.1
  8. 8.0 8.1
  9. 9.0 9.1
  10. 10.0 10.1
  11. 11.0 11.1
  12. 12.0 12.1
  13. 13.0 13.1
  14. 14.0 14.1
  15. 15.0 15.1
  16. 16.0 16.1
  17. 17.0 17.1
  18. 18.0 18.1
  19. 19.0 19.1
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3

Survivor (U.S.) Seasons
BorneoThe Australian OutbackAfricaMarquesasThailandThe AmazonPearl IslandsAll-StarsVanuatuPalauGuatemalaPanamaCook IslandsFijiChinaMicronesiaGabonTocantinsSamoaHeroes vs. VillainsNicaraguaRedemption IslandSouth PacificOne WorldPhilippinesCaramoanBlood vs. WaterCagayanSan Juan del SurWorlds ApartCambodiaKaôh RōngMillennials vs. Gen XGame ChangersHeroes vs. Healers vs. HustlersGhost IslandDavid vs. GoliathEdge of ExtinctionIsland of the IdolsWinners at WarSurvivor 41Survivor 42Survivor 43Survivor 44Survivor 45Survivor 46Survivor 47