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Eden Porter is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels.

Eden started the game on a high note, rearing his strategic prowess by orchestrating Frankie Guascoine's blindside. Despite having a tendency for paranoia, he was able to keep his antsiness at bay with the help of his allies. After the explosive breakup of the Titans at the merge, Eden rallied the Titans to reunite against the Rebels. Although he was successful in this endeavour, the Rebels caught on to the Titans' duplicity and piled their votes onto him, forcing a tie. He was voted out by Jaden Laing, who flipped on the revote to exact revenge against him for blindsiding his ally Winna Bhun in the previous round.


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Eden (Titan)

Cinema Area Manager

A pop culture Titan, Eden is the area manager for multiple cinemas across Victoria, managing thousands of staff members, which he says will be a great asset to play the game. He's used to negotiating with different age groups, demographics and opinions and knows how to communicate with them, so everyone gets what they want.

Admitting he might not look like a cliched Titan, Eden says being underestimated is never a bad thing and thinks his fellow tribemates will be surprised at how much he'll be ready to do.

He says, "Do I look like a Titan? I'm not that person but it's about stamping my authority on this game and knowing I can do anything that's put in front of me. I also have a background of pushing myself to the extreme - I did two weeks in the Alaskan wilderness with just a backpack, a week in the Amazon jungle, and the Grand Canyon rim to river walk. I thrive when I push myself."

Chomping at the bit to get into the game, Eden loves Survivor and has grand plans to tick off his bucket list.[2]

Australian Survivor[]

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Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Titans Fire Starter Reward No Lost
Rock n' Roll Immunity No Lost
2 Tug of War Reward No N/A1
Nut Bucket Immunity No Lost
3 (No title) Reward No Won
Challenge Pitch Immunity No Won
4 (No title) Reward No Lost
Survivor Dodgeball Immunity No Won
5 Hipsters Reward No Lost
Great Escape Run Immunity No Won
6 (No title) Reward Yes Lost
Boats, Brains & Brawn Immunity No Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 15
7 Rebels (No title) Immunity No Lost
8 (No title) Immunity No Lost
9 Survivor Spelling Bee Reward No Lost
(No title) Immunity No Won
10 Chopstix Immunity No Won
11 Hangover Immunity No Lost
12 By Any Means Necessary Immunity No Won
Tribes Merged, Day 26
13 Tasi Bow Diddley Reward/Immunity Lost
Crocodile Rock Immunity Lost
14 (No title) Immunity Lost
15 (No title) Reward Lost
Over-Extended Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 31
^1 This Reward Challenge was played in four rounds, with the winner of each round taking a different reward item.

Episode Eden's
Voted Against
1 Frankie -
2 Nathan Jessica
3 Titans Tribe Immune
4 Titans Tribe Immune
5 Titans Tribe Immune
6 Jaden -
7 Viola -
8 Sarah -
9 Rebels Tribe Immune
10 Rebels Tribe Immune
11 Mock Vote1
12 Rebels Tribe Immune
13 No Vote
14 Winna -
15 Raymond;
Aileen, Alex, Feras,
Kirby, Raymond, Rianna;
Aileen, Alex, Feras,
Jaden, Kirby, Rianna2
Voted Out, Day 31

^1 In "It's Not Sarong, It's So Right", the Rebels were subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the players who received votes drew rocks to determine who would be switched to the other tribe.
^2 In "Master and Apprentice", the vote ended with a 6-6 tie between Eden and Raymond, forcing a revote. Jaden changed his vote to Eden on the revote, eliminating him from the game.


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Australian Survivor: Titans v Rebels Castaways
AUS11 aileen t
AUS11 alex t
AUS11 caroline t
AUS11 charles t
AUS11 eden t
AUS11 feras t
AUS11 frankie t
AUS11 garrick t
AUS11 jaden t
AUS11 jessica t
AUS11 kelli t
AUS11 kirby t
AUS11 kitty t
AUS11 mark t
AUS11 nathan t
AUS11 peta t
AUS11 raymond t
AUS11 rianna t
AUS11 sarah t
AUS11 scott t
AUS11 tobias t
AUS11 valeria t
AUS11 viola t
AUS11 winna t