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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Victor Stein, see Victor Stein's Character Hub

"Everyone knows I'm a genius."
―Victor Stein[src]

Victor Stein is a genius engineer, inventor, the founder and CEO of Nemo, and a member of PRIDE. He is the husband of Janet Stein and the father of Chase Stein. While serving the needs of Jonah by creating the Dematerialization Box, which kept Jonah alive through human sacrifices, Stein also raised his son Chase with his wife Janet, being abusive to both of his family members. When a brain tumor caused Stein to struggle with his work he began to break apart, soon discovering his wife was sleeping with Robert Minoru. When Stein came close to death, Jonah saved his life but this only resulted in Stein having a mental breakdown in which he attacked his son, causing Janet to shoot him. Stein then fell into a coma and Jonah vowed to save his life somehow.

Victor was kept by Jonah in an Healing Algorithm so that he could design a new Dematerialization Box. Initially, Victor was reluctant to help Jonah, but Janet convinced him to achieve his task as soon as possible so that he could return into the real world and help PRIDE with its new objectives. Victor notably gave Janet insights about the deciphering of the Abstract before being taken out of the algorithm by Janet. He and Janet were decisive in the fight against Jonah at the PRIDE Construction Site, but it also caused Victor to be possessed by Jonah. Initially, Victor managed to keep his personality from time to time, but thought that his losses of time were due to the return of his brain tumor, which pressured him to convince his son Chase to return home. Eventually, however, Victor, who had helped to design weapons against the Runaways, was entirely possessed by Jonah.


Early Life[]

Relationship with His Father[]

Victor Stein was born to Curtis Stein who owned a diner. Victor often stayed at the counter and did his homework as his father cooked.[2] However, Curtis often beat Victor. One time he beat him in a car.[3] In 1976, Curtis left Victor alone and moved on.[2]

Meeting Janet[]

"Time travel's not about going back and forth. It's about staying right where we are, about positioning ourselves so that we remain in the presence of beauty."
―Victor Stein to Janet[src]

Victor Stein meeting Janet in class at Culver University

Victor graduated and went to Culver University, meeting a woman named Janet in class. The two discussed the idea of inventing time travel, where Stein believed time travel was letting themselves remain in the presence of beauty. The two would fall in love, graduate from Culver and quickly became smitten with each other.[1] Showing himself to have a brilliant mind, Stein worked himself in engineering and eventually moved to Los Angeles with Janet. In addition, Stein founded Nemo Industrial, an industrial company that focused on space transport, and manufacturing. [4] Ashamed of his past, Victor told Janet that his father was a banker, which was a lie.[5] He and Janet were very rebellious and one time created a machine that was soon confiscated by the FBI.[6]

Birth of Chase[]


Stein holding his newly born son, Chase

"He's ... he's..."
"Yeah. I get it now, what everybody says."
"And what's that?"
"This is the only thing that matters. Just this."
―Victor Stein and Janet Stein[src]

Stein married Janet and the two had a son named Chase in 2001. On the day Chase was born, Victor held him and talked with the nurse briefly. Victor told Janet that he understood what everyone meant when saying that a child is the only thing that matters.[1]

Joining PRIDE[]

Victor Stein - Rite of Blood 1

Stein at the PRIDE's first sacrifice

Victor and Janet joined PRIDE, a group led by Leslie Dean. Like all the members of PRIDE, Stein took part to rituals meant to revive Jonah. To that end, he was entrusted with the management of the Dematerialization Boxes used in these rituals. However, unlike most of his associates, Stein knew what would happen to the selected victims. As such, when they sacrificed Brooks Watten, Stein explained to the other members of PRIDE that the body of the young an had been converted into pure energy which had been absorbed by Jonah.[7] In 2007, Stein attended the funeral of Gene and Alice Hernandez.[8] In 2015, Amy Minoru was killed and Victor attended the funeral.[9]

Abusive Father[]


Stein questioning his own son's resentment

"You don't know shit about sh...!"
"Say it again."
"You don't know shit about...""
―Victor Stein and Chase Stein[src]

Victor became more focused on his work, leading him to become abusive towards Janet and Chase Stein. Despite being named Time's man of the year, he constantly disappointed his son who became to resent him. One day, Victor missed the city championship where his son won the trophy, failing his promise he made on the morning. Picking up Chase, Victor was criticized by Chase who mocked him for being awarded and considered a visionary. Victor ordered him to stop, but Chase cursed him, leading to Victor to punch him hard enough to hit the door window, shocking the boy. Stein dared his son to say again, having to hit him again in anger when he cursed him for the second time.[1] He soon got the news that he had brain cancer and started a special treatment. However, he did not tell Janet nor Chase.[10]

Rite of Blood[]

Killing Destiny Gonzalez[]

Victor on MBox Ep2

Stein works on the Dematerialization Box

"You shouldn't be here!"
"Help me!"
―Victor Stein and Destiny Gonzalez[src]

In 2017, Victor, who kept behaving as an abusive husband and father to his wife Janet and his son Chase, had trouble fixing issues with the Dematerialization Box, which added to the high level of distress Stein experienced since he had been diagnosed with an extremely hard to cure brain tumor. Nevertheless, Stein chose not to disclose any of these information to the other members of PRIDE, claiming that he would fix the Box and that the headaches he suffered from were benign.

Victor and Janet went to the Wilder Mansion for the PRIDE's annual meeting, during which Leslie Dean gave them the file of the next victim: Destiny Gonzalez. Victor noticed that Geoffrey Wilder did not read the file and asked him whether he questioned their activities. Still, PRIDE decided to carry on the ritual. Victor prepared the Dematerialization Box, waiting for the arrival of Gonzalez with Leslie Dean. He then helped the members of PRIDE to restrain Gonzalez as she was frightened by what was happening, and closed the Box on Gonzalez when she entered it, initiating the ritual.

Assassination of Destiny Gonzalez

Stein murders Destiny Gonzalez

As the members of PRIDE noticed a flashlight, Victor remained in the secret basement while Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder left to investigate its origin. When they returned and informed them that their children were in the mansion, Victor remained alone in the basement to pack up the Dematerialization Box. However, he heard a strange noise coming from it. When he opened it, Victor was shocked to discover that Gonzalez was still alive in it. Although Gonzalez begged him to help her, Victor chose to murder her to cover up for his failure in fixing the Box. Keeping her body inside the Box he took back to the Stein Mansion, Victor later dropped Gonzalez's body into the ocean.[11]

Highly disturbed by the failed sacrifice, Victor had a hard time finding sleep, having visions of Gonzalez begging him to let her go. He was found in his lab by Janet, who expressed concern at the idea that Victor might have a problem he was keeping for himself, but Victor angrily retorted that he needed Janet on his side and trusting him without question.[8]

Kidnapping of Potential Victims[]

Empty Van Destiny

Stein realizes he has been driving an empty van

"Robert, slice his Achilles tendon! Disable him!"
"Are you insane?"
―Victor Stein and Robert Minoru[src]

Stein would go and kidnap someone himself before meeting with any other member of PRIDE, He hit a young girl with a tire iron and tied her up in his van, which he took to the other PRIDE members which he informed Wilder and Minoru. Stein remained deaf to the young girl's screams and drove to the Wilder Mansion, where Wilder and Minoru awaited him. However, it turned out that the van Stein was driving was empty, and that Stein, due to his brain tumor, had simply hallucinated the kidnapping.

PRIDE Meeting Destiny

Stein and the rest of the PRIDE gathers in the Wilder Mansion

The PRIDE gathered in the Wilder Mansion, where they tried to discover what was wrong with Stein. Stein assured his associates that he was fine and Dean agreed that his idea of kidnapping someone outside of the Church of Gibborim, like a homeless person or a prostitute, was the right idea. As Stein insisted to do the kidnapping, Tina instructed her husband Robert to join him and make sure that Stein would not fail again.

Murray Fights Back against Stein

Stein getting choked by Murray

Stein and Robert took the van to a poor area of Los Angeles, they spot a homeless man in a wheelchair who had seemingly passed out. Stein wanted to make sure that he would not wake up and said that he would hit him with his tire iron. Before they could proceed, the homeless man woke up and violently attacked them, trying to choke Stein.

However, the brawl was ended due to the arrival of a LAPD car patrolling in the street. In order to avoid trouble, Robert called Detective Flores, PRIDE's ally. Stein then met at the Los Angeles Police Station, where Stein and Robert were quickly free to go, although they had failed to kidnap their target.[12]

Bonding with Chase[]

Victor returned home to find Chase Stein in his lab. Victor walked up to him and saw that Chase was making gloves. Victor threw them, saying the execution was bad. However, he offered to work on the project with his son. Chase told him they were called Fistigons.[12]

Victor worked with Chase and eventually perfected the Fistigons. Later, he was called by PRIDE, who found a victim. Victor went to the Church of Gibborim and set up the Dematerialization Box. PRIDE then sacrificed Andre Compton. Victor returned home and found Chase in his lab again. Victor decided to show Chase his latest work, a Time Machine. Victor asked it to show Los Angeles in the future; however, it did not work, causing Victor to angrily throw it. Suddenly, he heard a high pitched noise, causing him to collapse to the ground. He gained his bearings, telling Chase that he had cancer. The two walked off while talking about it.[10]

PRIDE Gala[]

Chase Stein returned to Victor, claiming to give the Fistigons a test run. Victor was proud of his son that the Fistigons worked and they went to fix them together. However, Chase said that he was going to go meet with his friends. Victor offered to drive him and they could talk on the way, but Chase said he could drive himself.

Victor then went to the computer and hacked Janet Stein's phone. He listened to a conversation between her and Robert Minoru which revealed that the two had been having an affair. Later, Victor attended a PRIDE gala. He acted like everything was normal despite having heard sad news. During a speech, Victor groaned as his brain hurt from the tumor. Tina Minoru noticed it and thought Victor wanted to talk.

Tina complimented Victor as one of the smartest men in the world. Victor walked up to the microphone and publically called out his wife and Robert for having an affair. As Tina stormed off in sadness, Victor collapsed from his tumor. Chase rushed over to Victor and PRIDE brought him into a room. Victor told Janet to go as he did not want to see her. Jonah then walked in and told Chase that he needed to go, but assured him that Victor would get better. Jonah then gave Victor a fluid that healed his tumor. Victor emerged a new man. He happily hugged Janet and Chase afterwards.[7]

Healing Algorithm[]

Shot by Janet[]

"What, what were we moving on to? Father and son, playing together at the beach."
"I'm an idiot."
"I am making you a man! But you don't want that, do you? You wanna be a baby!"
―Victor Stein and Chase Stein[src]

Victor returned home and slept in his lab. When he woke up, he saw that his Time Machine was working. However, it displayed footage of an older Chase Stein telling his father not to pick up the Fistigons. Victor then talked to Janet and Chase Stein about the affair before going to another PRIDE party. There, he met with Robert Minoru and thanked him for taking care of Janet. However, he pulled Minoru in closely and squeezed his hand hard. Janet noticed this and told Victor that they needed to go.

At home, Victor found Chase working on the Fistigons in the lab. Victor grew tense, telling Chase that he told him not to be in there without Victor. Chase apologized saying he thought it would not be a problem as they were working on it together. Victor said it was not Chase's Fistigons, but his as it was his money that was paying for it. Chase got mad saying he thought Victor had changed. Victor walked up to Chase, who backed away. Victor then picked up the Fistigons and pointed them towards Chase, who pleaded for him not to do it. Victor then shot Chase, causing him to go flying. As he prepared to shoot again, he was shot by Janet using a gun.[1]


The PRIDE members attempted to heal Stein, but it was too late. Jonah arrived with a Dematerialization Box and forced one of the members to sacrifice themselves for Victor. However, Tina Minoru destroyed the box, so Jonah was forced to keep Victor in the Dematerialization Box with its technology keeping him alive in a comatose state.[13]


Victor woke up inside a Healing Algorithm where he was in 1976, the day before his father left. Victor looked around before being met by Jonah who explained the situation. Jonah needed Victor's expertise to create another Dematerialization Box as the last sacrifice did not work as intended. Victor agreed to help.[2]

Refusing to Work[]

Stein worked on recreating the Dematerialization Box[14] while inside the diner. However, he was met by Jonah, who rushed him greatly. Stein grew tired of Jonah's impatience and told him off. The two got into an argument so Stein attempted to punch Jonah, but went right through him as Jonah was not truly there. Stein then walked off despite Jonah saying the street was a circle. Stein flipped him off in response.

Victor was later met by Janet Stein. Victor was very happy to see his wife and hugged her, but went through her as well. They talked and Janet was confused on why Victor was not mad that she shot him. Victor then realized Janet was the one who shot him, saying he figured it was Robert Minoru. He then angrily walked away until he remembered why she shot him and forgave her. She then said they will finish the box and he would be let out right away. She also asked him if he knew how to read a code from Jonah's book. He helped her by helping with Jonah's password to unlock it.[5]

Helping Janet[]

Victor was eventually able to finish the Dematerialization Box.[15] Victor then tried to make philly cheesesteak when Janet Stein visited him. Victor immediately complained that there was real cheese as he preferred the processed cheese. Janet changed the subject, revealing that Jonah had anti-gravity rockets on his ship. Victor was intrigued, but saddened when Janet wanted to destroy it. He simply asked why he would destroy something that was just discovered, but reluctantly agreed, especially when Janet made him a philly cheesesteak with processed cheese.[16]


Victor was still in the Healing Algorithm when he suddenly woke up, collapsing to the floor. He looked up to find Janet Stein and thanked her. He went to touch her, but she backed away, still remembering his abuse. He backed off, understanding of the past. Janet then revealed that they were going to destroy Jonah's spaceship together.[17]

Later, Victor watched his time machine display future Chase's warning about the Fistigons. He talked to Janet Stein saying that this meant Chase survived. He touched her leg, but she backed away. He then leaned in and kissed her. He continued to work on a way to kill Jonah until everyone was texted a codeword by Leslie Dean: TSUNAMI.[18]

Taken as a Host[]

Body Taken by Magistrate[]

All of the parents arrived at the dig site and found the Runaways trying to fight Jonah. The parents began to help and were able to destroy the ship, much to Janet Stein's delight. Angry, Jonah marched towards the parents, but was caught off guard when Nico Minoru sneaked up on Jonah, stabbing him through the heart and seemingly killing him. Victor then reunited with his son, telling him that he saw the warning. Chase was confused, but said it was not the weirdest thing he had heard that day. They then hugged. Suddenly, Nico Minoru put Victor and the parents to sleep.[18]

Unbeknownst to Victor, Jonah had escaped his old body and took Victor as his new host. "Jonah", known as the Magistrate, waited in Victor's body until he would be awakened.[19] Victor and the rest of PRIDE returned to their building and drank. They toasted to the end of PRIDE and the end of Jonah, agreeing to help their own children and only their own children. Once it was reported that "Victor's" ship was in the explosion, Victor used this to announce his return to the public eye after a "health scare."[20]

Creating Trackers[]

PRIDE was met by Flores, who was mad they they did not tell him of their kids powers. When Flores left, Victor said that he planned to make weapons that could track their kids down. They did not need to use the weapons if the kids complied. Victor worked with Robert Minoru on the project until Janet Stein came in, wanting to help. Later, AWOL gets the okay from PRIDE to take down Flores.[19]

Losing Control[]

Victor woke up from his sleep and went to his lab to find it all wrecked and dirty. When Janet Stein walked down, he asked what happened. Confused, she wondered if he remembered them having sex just an hour ago. He told Janet that that was absurd as he would never let his lab get this messy. He sat down, exhausted, and confused on what happened.[21]

More Devastating News[]

Victor went to the doctors for a check up and was told his condition was actually getting way worse. Outside, Victor did not tell Janet Stein about this and instead, decided to say he was all better and Jonah worked a miracle. Victor was optimistic about his new inventions, saying he could win a nobel prize. At home, he went to work as using voice recognition to find the kids. He called everyone in the city in hopes to find a match. Finally, he got an answer from someone with a match. He asked if it was Chase Stein. Victor then broke the news to Chase, that he was dying. Chase was heartbroken, by this fact and was interrupted by Alex Wilder. During this time, Victor hung up.[22]

Reuniting with Chase[]

Victor was notified by Chase Stein that he wanted to come home. Victor and Janet Stein waited on the curb until they saw their son walking towards them. They hugged their son, finally getting him back.[22] The next morning, Victor did a lot of work to re-enroll Chase in Atlas Academy. He then brought Chase outside and explained that he had been blacking out. He also unrolled his sleeve to show Chase the dead skin, similar to what showed on Jonah's skin. Chase then agreed to work at the PRIDE building.

Later, Victor met with Chase at the building, knowing that Chase was only there to snoop. He voluntarily unveiled that secret room to Chase. Inside, was all of PRIDE. They talked to Chase and convinced him to join them in PRIDE. Chase walked over to them and greeted everyone, agreeing to help them get their children back.[23]

Losing Full Control[]

Victor continued working on the weapons before blacking out. He returned to his lab to find Chase Stein. Confused, he asked why his lab was a mess and why the weapons seemed to be way more lethal than when he left it. Chase claimed to have nothing to do with that. Victor took a breather and went to lower the danger, but knew that the weapons were already made to be that dangerous. He soon lost full control to Magistrate, not being able to come out.[24]

Regaining His Body[]

Back to the Past[]

Magistrate was expelled from Victor's body thanks to Nico Minoru. Victor was transported to the Dark Dimension along with Stacey Yorkes, Tina Minoru, and Alex Wilder. Victor met Quinton the Great and walked through a door. However, this door brought him to a vision from the 1970s where he was back with his father. Curtis continuosly beat Victor in their car with a bat. Eventually, Victor was saved by Chase Stein who got Curtis away and drove off after embracing his father again. However, Curtis found them, so Chase took the bat and started beating Curtis senseless. Victor stopped him, saying he wanted to erase the family abuse from Chase.

They drove to where Stacey and Gert Yorkes were. They took them and drove to the city where they met back up with the Runaways. They soon found both Molly Hernandez and Nico Minoru forgetting things so Victor urged them on to get back to the Hostel. They did so and Nico and Tina were able to create a portal to send them back to Earth. Victor and the rest emerged in the real Hostel. Victor looked around, impressed that it was where the Runaways had been all that time. They went over to a computer and realized they had been gone six months.[3]

Finding Janet[]

Stein tried to return to his old life and found out that Janet Stein had been merged with the Healing Algorithm. He then talked to Stacey Yorkes, as they both suffered a lot. She pushed Stein to go to an Alien Abductee Anonymous meeting to talk about his feelings. Stein did so and told everyone all that had happened: getting sick; being injected with Jonah's DNA; the DNA causing him to beat his son; being taken by Magistrate; and having a constant feeling of drowning when not in control.

Much to his surprise, his story was apparently so unbelievable that he was kicked out because they thought he was mocking everyone. When Yorkes and him left, Stein offered for her to help him with a project at his house. Stein returned home and tinkered a little bit before finally connecting with the Healing Algorithm. This allowed him to help communicate with Janet, who had now become an artificial intelligence. Yorkes arrived, surprised to see Janet.[25]


Janet Stein then found out that Chase Stein was live streaming, so she archived the video. Soon after, the video was deleted without a trace. Janet showed Victor and Stacey Yorkes the video which had Chase and the others talking about how the Corvus phone was evil. He claimed that it caused violence, which Victor thought was outrageous, but somehow less than the fact that a video could be erased without ant trace.

They all decided to infiltrate Wizard to try to recover the video for redistribution. However, they needed a virus to get into Wizard servers. Janet said that she was that virus. Victor and Yorkes went to Wizard headquarters and found Geoffrey Wilder now working for them. Wilder decided to allow them in to get the message out. However, he tricked the two and locked them in a room. Yorkes then realized he was wearing a crow necklace, signifying he was enchanted by Morgan le Fay. Victor and Yorkes were soon tied up with the Runaways and Dale Yorkes having been captured.[26]

Victor watched as Chase managed to tip over his chair and untie Gert Yorkes; however, he struggled. Victor told him which not to pull, annoyed that they wasted four years on sailing classes. Suddenly, Wilder returned and saw what was happening. Nico Minoru, Cloak, and Dagger then arrived to help. Minoru ordered Cloak to teleport the parenst out. Cloak teleported them to the Hollywood sign and left them stranded, still tied to their chairs.[27]

Defeating le Fay[]

Victor and the rest were eventually able to get back home where they were called by Geoffrey Wilder. All of PRIDE arrived, but Victor was hesitant to trust Wilder. He explained that Victor out of all people knew what it was like to have his body controlled. Wilder then explained that Morgan le Fay had Molly Hernandez. They needed to help save her. To do this, PRIDE dressed up in hazardous suits and staged an evacuation due to illness so that Wilder could get to the top of the building.

Wilder was eventually able to get Hernandez and the group went to the Hostel. They discussed with the Runaways how they could defeat le Fay. Victor and Chase Stein then went to the backroom to figure out how to hack into Wizard servers and disable the Corvus satellites. This could weaken le Fay. When they got there, Victor showed Chase that Janet Stein was alive. The family rejoiced.

As le Fay arrived, Victor struggled to hack in. He brainstormed with Janet and was able to remember the machine they made that got confiscated by the FBI. Victor then used this method to shut down the servers as the Runaways distracted le Fay.[6] Victor then ran out of the room to help, but sadly found Chase Stein dying on the floor, having defeated le Fay. Victor ran over to Chase, unable to grasp that his son was dying. Suddenly, another Chase Stein ran down the stairs, happy to have won. He high fived Victor, who was very confused. The dying Chase then disappeared from existence, confirming that he was a future, time travelling Chase.[28]


"He's angry. Resentful."
"Paranoid. Abusive. Try living with it for 20 years."
―Jonah and Janet Stein[src]

Victor had a complex and somewhat changing personality which was influenced by his own nature, but also the brain tumor from which he came to suffer and the treatments he took for it. Despite falling in love with Janet Stein and being marveled by the birth of their son Chase, Victor behaved as an abusive husband and father, frequently berating his wife and son, going as far as to physically abuse Chase. In that perspective, Victor actually replicated his own father Curtis' behavior. Victor did not accept that his genius was put in question and arrogantly claimed that no one could help him in his engineering work. His unbearable brutality caused Janet to have an affair with Robert Minoru while Chase deeply hated his father, and physically trained to be able to retaliate against him one day should Victor once again be violent towards him. Learning that he was suffering from a brain tumor and that he might die did not soften Victor's behavior, and he remained the same abusive and violent man that he had been.

Nevertheless, Victor could sometimes show a softer side to his family. He admitted to Chase that he was hard with him, but claimed that he only did so because he wanted Chase to be better than he himself had ever been. Under the influence of Jonah's Serum, Victor's personality even changed completely, as he showed a more affectionate aspect and went as far as completely forgiving Janet for having cheated on him. However, when the effects of the serum wore off, Victor suffered from withdrawal symptoms which caused him to violently attack his son and nearly kill him.

During his time in the Healing Algorithm, Victor had the opportunity to reflect on his past behavior. When visited by Janet, he chose not to resent her upon learning that she was the one who had shot him and confessed both his mistakes and his lies to her. When Janet helped him to make his time in the algorithm more comfortable, Victor once again claimed that he deeply loved her. Once out of the algorithm, Victor, despite still appearing as cold and stern, retained some of this softer personality, complimenting Janet for her design of the Anti-Gravity Device, openly regretting him attacking Chase and agreeing to work with Minoru, his wife's former lover. Victor also worried about a possible return of his disease, unaware that he was being possessed by the Magistrate, causing him to successfully contact Chase for him to peacefully return so that the Stein family would be reunited.

Like several other members of PRIDE, Victor was worried that his child would follow the path of violence he had walked onto before trying to engage into a more virtuous behavior. As such, when both Victor and Chase were trapped in the Dark Dimension, and Chase began beating up a recreation of Curtis, Victor managed to convince his son to stop, explaining that such a violence was always the result of a choice, and that Chase had the potential to make the good choice Victor himself had failed to see. In the aftermath of his escape from the Dark Dimension, Victor even went as far as to reluctantly admit that he needed help, agreeing Stacey Yorkes' offer to join the Alien Abductee Anonymous, starting some kind of friendship between the two due to their shared traumatic experience of being possessed by the Gibborim.


"Forgive me if I'm too busy changing the world to notice that your bangs have grown out."
―Victor Stein to Janet Stein[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Stein showed himself to be brilliant individual, being awarded and crowned a visionary by many news companies and magazines. His technical skills are impressive, even when in a mildly disoriented state, as seen when he was able to discern that the equipment which the PRIDE intended to use on their children were modified to the point of being weaponized, after merely observing for a moment the implements' design schematics shown in his lab.
  • Master Engineer: Stein excelled in engineering, working with his son on the Fistigons and X-Ray Specs, as well as a time machine which can display images coming from the future. Stein's skills enable him to understand the functioning of the Dematerialization Box, which makes him a highly valuable member of PRIDE. As such, Jonah declared that Stein was the only member of PRIDE he truly needed to ensure his own survival and to fulfill his projects; this was perhaps established by the fact that he always tried to maintain a civilized conversation with Victor, never outright subtly threatening him the way he has with the other PRIDE members and even went out of his way to save Stein when the latter came close to dying at least twice.
  • Expert Businessman: Stein is an accomplished businessman. Prior to his coma, he was the founder and CEO of the company Nemo. The company was well known for its technological prowess and Stein's leadership was regularly praised in magazines.
  • Hacker: To be added



  • Fistigons:

    Stein wearing the Fistigons

    Stein helped his son Chase to work on the energy-blasting gauntlets named the Fistigons. Ignoring the warning given to him earlier by his own time machine, Stein picked them up when attacking Chase in an anger outburst and fired at his son with it.

Other Equipment[]

  • Disruptor: Along with Janet Stein, Victor created and tried a powerful computer virus which was eventually confiscated by the FBI.
  • Dematerialization Box: Stein was the only member of PRIDE able to understand the mechanisms of the Dematerialization Boxes used to revive Jonah, and was therefore entrusted with one Box he kept in the garage of the Stein Mansion, trying to fix it when it experienced malfunctions.
  • Victor Stein's Time Machine: As part of his main scientific ideas about time travel, Stein invented a time machine designed to show pictures of both past and future events. However, he was never able to make it properly work until he decided to resume the project with his son Chase. The time machine notably gave him images of a warning coming from a future Chase.
  • X-Ray Specs: Stein used the X-Ray Specs during the Rescue of Molly Hernandez, observing the Coven's ritual to determine whether the path was clear for Geoffrey Wilder to intervene.







Appearance for Victor Stein

In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]

  • James Marsters has stated that his performance as Victor Stein is inspired by Vincent D'Onofrio's portrayal of the Kingpin in Daredevil: "He did a Kingpin that so surprised me. It was in so many ways exactly opposite of what I was expecting, of what I’d read in the comics. In the comics, Kingpin is always charming. He’s an extrovert. He’s in control of any social situation. And in private he’s mean and that’s the contrast. Vincent just flipped it 180° and went for the vulnerabilities and the insecurities in the character. He was able to bring out a sophistication that you can’t get in a static image."[29]
  • Simon Potter and Donald Mills were stunt doubles for James Marsters in the role of Victor Stein.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Victor Stein.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Victor Stein.

External Links[]
