Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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"Agent Fury is building up the most complex aerospace defense system in the history of mankind."

The Strategic Aerospace Biophysics and Exolinguistic Response, or S.A.B.E.R., is an aerospace defense system spearheaded by Nick Fury comprised of both humans and alien species such as Skrulls and Asgardians.



Following the Blip, Nick Fury was relocated to a space station far away from Earth to build the most complex aerospace defense system in the history of mankind.[1]


Fury (Far From Home)

Nick Fury on the S.A.B.E.R. station

Reestablishing contact with the Skrulls, Fury had Talos and Soren impersonate him and Maria Hill on Earth.[2] He also had a Skrull impersonate an FBI agent in order to approach Monica Rambeau and recruit her.[3] Fury was contacted by Talos who informed him about the Mysterio and Spider-Man situation, which prompted him to end his vacation and get back to work.[2]

Secret Invasion[]

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In 2026, after being informed by Hill of the clandestine Skrull invasion led by Gravik, Fury returned to Earth without authorization in order to stop Gravik. "James Rhodes" found out about it and tried to contact him or Hill but failed, which essentially meant that Fury went AWOL.[1]

Restoration of Hala[]

To be added[4]

Equipment and Technology[]

To be added


In chronological order:


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