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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Professor X, see Professor X's Character Hub

"Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn’t mean they are lost forever."
―Charles Xavier to Doctor Strange[src]

Professor Charles Francis Xavier was a mutant with telepathic powers who served as a member of the Illuminati as Professor X. During the Infinity War, he joined the the other members of the Illuminati in killing Thanos on Titan. In 2024, Professor X attended an Illuminati meeting when another Doctor Strange who had traveled to their universe was brought before them. When Scarlet Witch attacked the Illuminati Headquarters, he gave Strange some parting advice before confronting Scarlet Witch. Professor X attempted to defeat her telepathically, but Scarlet Witch tore his head off, killing him in the real world.


Illuminati Member[]

Joining the Illuminati[]

Charles Xavier was a mutant telepath whose status and power soon made him be approached by Stephen Strange to join the Illuminati, a group of powerful individuals that would make the difficult decisions no one else could.[2]

Infinity War[]

"While the rest of us banded together to try to stop Thanos, Stephen, as always, chose to go it alone."
―Professor X to Doctor Strange[src]
Illuminati on Titan

Xavier and the Illuminati on Titan

In 2018, Xavier and the Illuminati banded together to stop the ferocious crusade of the genocidal Thanos. Seeing no other way to defeat Thanos, Doctor Strange turned to the Darkhold, against the better judgement of Xavier and the rest of the team. Thanos was ultimately defeated and slain on the planet Titan, with Xavier present alongside the rest of the Illuminati.

Professor Charles Xavier

Xavier watches Doctor Strange being killed

However, Strange's actions had caused an Incursion, eradicating two whole universes entirely. Realizing the atrocities he had committed, Strange had surrendered himself to death, and knelt before Xavier and the rest of the team. Xavier told him he would miss him dearly, before Black Bolt stepped forwards and told him he was sorry. The power of his voice vaporized Strange, as Xavier shut his eyes in sorrow.

Xavier and his teammates later returned to Earth, where all people expressed their gratitude for their victory against the Mad Titan. However, to prevent humanity from losing faith in their heroes, Xavier and the rest of the Illuminati claimed that Strange sacrificed himself to stop Thanos, leading the people of the Earth to remember Strange as the greatest hero of his age. Xavier and the Illuminati later offered Karl Mordo to join the Illuminati's ranks to fill Strange's vacant place.[2]

Meeting an Alternate Doctor Strange[]

Charles Xavier (Illuminati)

Xavier talks to 616 Doctor Strange

"We shall see what kind of Doctor Strange you are."
―Charles Xavier to Doctor Strange[src]

After an alternate universe's Doctor Strange and his colleague America Chavez were captured and apprehended by Mordo for traversing the multiverse, they were brought forth to the Illuminati to have their fates decided. The alternate universe Strange was introduced to the Illuminati before being told the truth of what happened to their Doctor Strange, referred to as Earth-838 Strange, and the actions he had committed. Xavier's associates explained that because of their Strange causing an Incursion, they believed all versions of Doctor Strange to be just as capable of evil and destruction, despite Earth-616 Strange's plead that it was the Scarlet Witch who posed a real threat.

Baron Mordo & Charles Xavier

Xavier and Mordo argue over Strange

True to Strange's word, moments later the headquarters would be attacked by Earth-838's Scarlet Witch, under the influence of Scarlet Witch's dreamwalking. Mordo and Xavier decided to stay behind to keep watch over Strange while the rest of the Illuminati confronted her. Strange once again plead his innocence, to which Xavier believed him, much to Mordo's surprise. He chose to have faith that this Doctor Strange was better than their universe's counterpart and offered him parting words, as well as revealed the location of the Book of Vishanti, before going to confront Wanda himself.[2]

Killed by Scarlet Witch[]


Xavier in Wanda Maximoff's mind

"Wanda Maximoff, your mind is being held hostage by your alternate self!"
―Professor X to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Once Scarlet Witch had made quick work of the other Illuminati members, Xavier confronted her personally, ordering her to stop just as she was about to capture America Chavez. He then used his telepathic powers to enter her mind, succeeding in doing so. Within Maximoff's mind, he wandered through a blank landscape, dotted with rubble attributed to her past. Xavier soon came upon his universe's Wanda Maximoff, trapped under rubble.

Death of Charles Xavier

Professor X is killed by Scarlet Witch

Xavier informed his universe's Wanda about what had happened to her and attempted to pull her out in order to free her from Maximoff's control; however, a blood red mist approached them both. Xavier realized what was about to happen, but did not move despite his Maximoff being pulled into the darkness. The Scarlet Witch then burst from the mist and ripped off the upper half of Xavier's head. In the real world, Xavier felt his neck being snapped and slumped over, dead in his chair.


Despite his failure at stopping the Scarlet Witch, Xavier's death was not in vain, as his attack on Scarlet Witch stalled her enough to allow Christine Palmer to free America and escape with Doctor Strange. Ultimately, Xavier was proven right on his belief that just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they are lost forever when Strange was able to make Scarlet Witch realize her wrongdoings and destroy the Darkhold, saving the Multiverse and proving himself as a good Doctor Strange like Xavier asked him to show.[2]


"We should tell him the truth."
―Charles Xavier[src]

Unlike his Illuminati teammates who often come off as stoic and calculated, Xavier has shown a great capacity for empathy and care for his friends and teammates, looking visibly upset and bidding a touching farewell to his teammate Stephen Strange before he was executed by Black Bolt.

Xavier has also shown to be a highly moral individual, insisting that the Illuminati should tell an alternate Doctor Strange the truth about what really happened to their teammate. Unlike the rest of his team who did not trust this Strange, Xavier has openly put his trust into the alternate Stephen Strange to protect America Chavez, believing that he could be different than his other variants and that nobody is truly lost forever.

During their telepathic duel, Xavier has committed an astonishing act of bravery during his attempt to rescue the mind of Wanda Maximoff, whose body had been possessed by an alternate version of herself, even at the price of his own life. Unlike his other teammates who decided to go directly against Wanda Maximoff without further thought that this act would be dangerous to the 838 Scarlet Witch, Xavier had a kind personality and chose to try and restore the conscious of his native Maximoff.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Grab my hand. Perhaps, if I can pull you from under the rubble, the spell will break."
―Professor X to Wanda Maximoff[src]
  • Mutant Physiology: Professor X was a powerful mutant possessing incredible telepathic powers. However, Xavier's abilities were no match for Scarlet Witch.
    • Telepathy: Xavier could read the minds of others as well as speak to them telepathically. He could also show people his memories, as he showed Doctor Strange his memory of his Doctor Strange being killed.
    • Mental Manipulation:
      Professor Charles Xavier (Earth-838)

      Xavier entering Scarlet Witch's mind

      Xavier was able to enter Scarlet Witch’s mind in an attempt to defeat her by rescuing the consciousness of his universe's Scarlet Witch from the enthrallment of her Dreamwalking counterpart.
      • Subconscious Walking: Xavier was able to enter the subconscious of others. This was demonstrated when Xavier entered the Scarlet Witch's subconscious in an attempt to break the Dreamwalking spell. Even though Professor X has such powers to delve into others' minds, he ultimately failed to stop the Scarlet Witch as her mental powers, with the augmentation of the Darkhold, far exceeded his and eventually Xavier's head was ripped off in the subconscious world.


"Your alternate self created the Illuminati, to make difficult decisions that no one else could."
Captain Carter to Doctor Strange[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Xavier was chosen to be a member of the Illuminati for his formidable intellect, as the council was brought together to make difficult decisions that no one else could. Given that he was in the same position of power as Mister Fantastic, who was proclaimed to be "the smartest man alive," this speaks to Xavier's intelligence. In addition to his mind for strategy, Xavier was very wise in not judging Doctor Strange of Earth-616 for the actions of his variants.
  • Master Tactician: Xavier was a formidable strategist, being able to come up with a plan to defeat Thanos on Titan before he could execute his plan of universal genocide.


  • Hoverchair: Due to his lower body paralysis, Xavier used a hoverchair to travel around.


  • Illuminati Headquarters: Xavier often met with his fellow Illuminati members at their headquarters in New York City. At one point, Doctor Strange was brought to the Headquarters, where he would be met with hostility due to the Illuminati's original Doctor Strange turning against them in the past. Xavier, however, showed faith in Strange and pondered what kind of Doctor Strange he would turn out to be. Xavier would also meet his end at the headquarters after facing the Scarlet Witch, who prevailed over him during a psychic battle.





Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Professor X.
Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Professor X.

External Links[]
