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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Christine Palmer, see Christine Palmer's Character Hub

"This is where it starts for you, with the death of Doctor Christine Palmer."
―Ancient One to Doctor Strange[src]

Doctor Christine Palmer M.D. was a surgeon at Metro-General Hospital and the girlfriend of Stephen Strange. Her death in a car accident motivated Strange to study the mystic arts, hoping to achieve the power to avoid her tragic fate or bring her directly from the dead. Now corrupted, Strange managed to break the "Absolute Point" in time of her death and bring her back, but doing so the entire universe began to collapse, resulting in its total destruction and her final death.


Destined Death[]

Dating Doctor Strange[]

Christine Palmer began working at the Metro-General Hospital as a surgeon, where she met and developed a relationship with Doctor Stephen Strange. They began to date as a result.[1]

Unfortunate Dinner[]

"Evening, handsome."
―Christine Palmer to Stephen Strange[src]
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Palmer getting in Stephen Strange's car

One day, Stephen Strange performed a successful radical hemispherectomy, which they viewed as something worth celebrating. Later during the night, Strange arrived at Palmer's apartment to take her out at a dinner party. However, on their way to dinner along a cliffside, their vehicle was crashed by another car, and it toppled off the road through the cliff before crashing into a nearby river bank. While Strange miraculously survived, Palmer didn't. She was buried in a cemetery later.[1]

End of the Universe[]

Absolute Point[]

"Stephen. Something wrong?"
"Why does this keep happening? Aren't we allowed to be happy?"
―Christine Palmer and Doctor Strange[src]
Christine - heart attack

Palmer inevitably dies in every time loop

Having become the Sorcerer Supreme, on the two-year anniversary of Palmer's death Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to go back in time to try to save the love of his life. However, regardless of Strange's actions, Palmer always ended up dying in some way. The Ancient One later explained to Strange that her death was an "Absolute Point" in time, an unavoidable event that if changed would potentially end the universe.[1]


Christine Palmer - Ressurection

Palmer is resurrected

"Stephen. What did you do?"
―Christine Palmer to Strange Supreme[src]

Once Strange Supreme gained more power and managed to merge with his other half, he gained the necessary power to revert an Absolute Point and bring Christine Palmer back to life. Once she woke up and saw him, she became horrified at what Strange had become and assured herself it was a dream.

Christine - reality's destruction

Palmer dies in Strange Supreme's arms

Palmer then noticed her arm and the rest of the world were turning into a black goo. Strange, noticing the end of the universe, tried to contain it by blasting its walls with magic, but to no avail. Palmer witnessed Strange begged the Watcher to help him, but he refused, not wanting to interfere, which would cause more destruction, and to make Strange learn the consequences of his arrogance. Soon, when the Watcher left, the world shrunk into a small patch of land and Palmer, questioning Strange for what he did, faded away, leaving Strange completely alone.[1]


Christine Palmer was a kind and caring person towards Stephen Strange, being concerned when she watches him act weird or distant in his numerous attempts to prevent her death. Following her resurrection, Palmer couldn't believe all the horrors she was witnessing, and ultimately felt pity for Strange when she questioned his actions.





Behind the Scenes[]

  • What If...? head writer A.C. Bradley was inspired by her older cousin's death and her desire to go back in time to save him to have Christine Palmer's death drive Strange Supreme into seeking ways to avoid her death.[2]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Christine Palmer/Corrupted Doctor Strange.

External Links[]
