F76 Vault 76 Main Door








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避难所网络的起源可以追溯到20世纪50年代早期,当时欧洲联邦-中东战争新瘟疫联合国的崩溃导致了全国范围的恐慌。作为回应,政府在2054年启动了安全屋计划。这项大规模的国防努力旨在建立避难所,以便在发生核战争或瘟疫时保护人民。建筑技术的突破使这些巨大的掩体得以快速建造。[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]

贫困的政府被迫用垃圾债券来资助这个项目,即使这样,也只有122个避难所被委托,只有不到0.1%的人口在大屠杀事件中幸存下来。单个避难所的成本是惊人的。例如,13号避难所的预算是4000亿美元,到建造结束时,总成本达到了6450亿美元,远远超过了最初数字的150%。[Non-game 3]

作为国防的关键要素,许多计画都被列为机密,大部分项目被归类并受到新修订的间谍法的保护,鼓励贪污和腐败。[Non-game 4]作为避难所科技社会保护计划的一部分而建造的设施通常声称其失败的几率为1,763,497比1;然而,现实与这一大胆的主张相去甚远。[3]

随着避难所科技公司在洛杉矶总部附近建造的示范避难所的成功,[Non-game 5]该公司赢得了建造避难所的投标。避难所的建设进展迅速,大部分在2063年完工。几个避难所的建设被推迟,特别是13号避难所(直到2063年8月才开始建设)和围绕华盛顿特区的网络,[Non-game 6]一些由于停工而被推迟。[4] 在已完工的避难所进行的演习慢慢地产生了"狼来了"的效果。随着时间的推移,参加演习的人数越来越少,这进一步限制了避难所在确保人类生存方面的作用。[Non-game 7]

其他问题是由于持续的管理不善、腐败和挪用公款造成的,这些似乎是战前安全屋计划的特点。然而,对于所有这些问题,避难所科技能够创造出许多奇迹技术,并开发出真正保护居民的避难所,只要它们正常工作。[Non-game 8]避难所科技甚至在新合并的加拿大为避难所做广告,尽管这些避难所还处于完成的早期阶段。[5]这对公司来说也是一个巨大的成功,使它能够将总部扩展到华盛顿特区[Non-game 9]甚至在首都的科技博物館赞助了一个大型博览会,旨在推广他们的庇护所并解释它们的功能。[6]宣传之旅和颁发奖品,如平整的避难所连身衣奖,也被用来提升公司的正面形象,而不顾与之相关的众多问题。[7]

编号 施工开始 施工结束
13号避难所 2063年8月 2069年3月
76号避难所 2065 2069 (计划)
2076 (实际)
87号避难所 2066年5月 2071年5月
92号避难所 2062年5月 2068年5月
106号避难所 2064年5月 2069年12月
108号避难所 2061年3月 2069年12月
112号避难所 2068年11月 2074年6月


与它的示范避难所所声称的相反,避难所并不是为了拯救人类。整个计划被一个涉及人体实验的国家阴谋所劫持,该阴谋由后来的英克雷监管。[Non-game 10]安全屋计划为了自己的目的而颠覆了它。作为社会保护计划的一部分,建造避难所不是为了直接拯救人类,而是为了测试他们的人口。[8]这个计划基本上是一个庞大的数据收集活动,为英克雷提供必要的信息来建造一艘多代星际飞船,这艘星舰将挑选一群人("最优秀和最聪明的人")离开世界去殖民新的世界,而不是试图恢复地球:英克雷的预测假设了最坏的结果: 全球热核战争使地球完全无法居住。[Non-game 11]在英克雷之外,这些信息只被避难所科技人员(主要是监督者)和军工联合体的高级成员(如大山脉的领导)所知。[9]

因此,所有的避难所都是用来向英克雷传送数据的。在122个已知的公共避难所中,有17个设计得或多或少能正常工作,作为操控避难所。[10]另外105个避难所被呈现了各种各样的场景,从恼人的到致命的,以衡量人类的反应以及他们如何生存(如果有的话):[Non-game 12]有些没有为他们的人口提供足够的食物合成器,有些只有男人在里面,或者被设计成过早打开。每一种独特的环境都会为宇宙飞船的建造提供重要的数据,[11]帮助英克雷弄清楚如何在低温悬浮中维持人类数百年的生存,以及“维持飞船所需的几代船员”,如何创造可持续的封闭生态系统来种植食物,净化水,保持可呼吸的空气,以及在像8号避难所这样的控制避难所的情况下,测试如何将避难所作为基地重新殖民地表。即使是13号避难所,表面上是一个对照组,也是为了找出理论上避难所科技技术的寿命限制。[Non-game 11]

避难所科技本身并不只是充当中介: 它利用这些庇护所创造了可以用来重新定义社会的技术,即使星际飞船项目失败了。整个避难所被预留出来作为试验场,用于测试各种原型设备,目的是将它们推广到其他避难所。一旦88号避难所全面投入运营,该公司预计将在每个财政季度推出新设备。与其他避难所不同的是,避难所科技将在2078年初开始,在任何灾难发生之前送出测试对象。人的生命被认为是无关紧要的,快速迭代时间被赋予了优先级。[12]这些原型旨在将“无用”的锻炼转化为对社会有用的活动,操纵居住者的情绪,甚至开发出原始形式的精神控制。[13]伦理方面的担忧被认为是适得其反和思想封闭的。[14]




2077年10月23日,大战爆发。避难所科技的空袭警报响了,但"狼来了"的效果导致很少有人进入避难所。它们被封存起来,实验进入了决定性阶段。控制避难所按预期运作并保护了他们的人口。其他人就没这么幸运了。[Non-game 13][15]

在接下来的几十年里,许多避难所将因为他们的实验而失败。少数幸存下来的往往会兴旺发达。2091年,在收到解除警报的信号后,8号避难所开放,地下掩體都市建立。[Non-game 14]一年后,洛杉矶废墟中的示范避难所开放了。居民们在后来被称为晒骨场的地方建立了内城区[Non-game 15]多年以后,15号避难所打开了。[Non-game 16][16]而在2097年冬天,离开拥挤的避难所的大部分居民将联合成掠夺者部落[Non-game 17] (标志着可汗帮毒蛇幫豺狼幫的开始)[Non-game 18]剩下的避难所居民会在春天找到砂荫镇。这个小镇很好地利用了G.E.C.K.。[17]没有人预料到这些卑微的开端最终会以强大的新加州共和国的形成而达到顶峰。[Non-game 19]

避难所也有黑暗的一面。尽管它们具有保护作用,但它们也将确定其中的居民会被安置在任何目的地,无论这些目的是不道德的。2155年的情况就是这样,主教的军队从洛杉矶的避难所俘虏了一群避难所居民。他知道了避难所的位置,并把他的行动基地搬到了那里。在了解了该地区的其他避难所后,他意识到他们的居住者是他项目的完美对象。超级变种人开始在该地区搜寻避难所,极大地提高了玛丽博萨病毒桶的产量。[Non-game 20][Non-game 21]

八十年后的2242年3月16日,最初实验项目的设计者英克雷突袭了13号避难所,于是避难所又有了另一个邪恶的目的; 居民被带到石油钻井平台,以便接种使人类对FEV毒素免疫的疫苗进行测试。[Non-game 22][18]



Fo4VW Vault 88 Construction Site


典型的避难所建在地质稳定的地下深处(典型的选择包括山脉[19]和远离人口中心的偏远地区),[20]但这样的避难所也建在现代城市的地基下面[21]以抵御核爆炸的影响。[22]避难所科技的方法被授予了Triple-S技术专利(安全、生存和卫生),[23]在不损害居民安全的前提下,为他们提供最大程度的舒适。避难所通常使用钢筋混凝土和坚固的金属板建造,以确保避难所建筑的耐久性和寿命。[24]最主要的保护来自于大量的土地覆盖: 13号避难所被320万吨厚达200英尺(60米)的土壤遮蔽,[Non-game 23]而88号避难所则被昆西常见的花岗岩沉积物遮蔽。[25]





为了给整个装置供电,根据当地的地质情况和避难所的实际大小,为避难所提供了各种各样的电源(平均大约有220个居民)。[35]其中最大的一个,如13号避难所,每天需要近3.98兆瓦时才能为其1000名居住者(安置在一个热储系统中)持续运行。为了满足需求,该避难所使用地热发电厂作为主要能源,并以通用原子核能作为备用能源。[Non-game 23]基础设施的设计是为了耐用,但也为了方便。关键部件通常藏在墙板后面,以免受到伤害。


避难所 住户人数 主电源 二次电源
8号避难所 未知,估计100-200[36] 核反应堆[37]
13号避难所[Non-game 23] 500 (1000热床) 地热 通用原子核能
51號避難所[38] 52 (密封) 避难所星超级反应堆
75号避难所[39] 88 未知 未知
76号避难所[10] 500,后来减少到88[40] LightLife地热[10]
Dual Vault Star super reactors[41]
81号避难所[42] 96 (加上未知数量的研究人员) 核反应堆
87号避难所[43] 未知 通用原子核能 Versicorps核融化动力
88号避难所 施工未完成,没有给出 避难所科技超级反应堆
92号避难所[44] 245 通用原子核能
94號避難所[45] 未知 VI级聚变反应堆 VIb级聚变反应堆


95号避难所[46] 72 未知 未知
106号避难所[47] 107 Rok-Solid Brand地热 通用原子核能
108号避难所[4] 475 通用原子核能 (设计在240个月或20年后就会失败) Steam Whistle迷你地热
112号避难所[48] 85 可靠能量地热 X-Tra Sure Power地热
114号避难所[49] 120 未知 未知

所有这些电力都是为维持人们生活所需的设施供电所必需的。除了需要保持空气可呼吸的空气过滤系统之外,这已经是一个没有有毒污染物泄漏问题的,[50]避难所还包括水力农业农场和食物合成机,以提供食物,[51]水净化系统(能够将下水道废物转化为每天多达15,000加仑的饮用水,在250,000小时的运行中没有损失产出),[52]以及其他必要的设施,比如避难所范围内的内部网,可以从避难所的任何终端机即时访问任何娱乐、社交和教育文件。[53]避难所还配备了焚化炉,用于处理死者和其他可能的废物。[54]安全由重型门(在发生骚乱时可以由安全人员密封)和监视摄像头的广泛网络提供。[55]整个避难所通常由一个单一的中央计算机系统管理,其中最先进的是ZAX系列超级计算机,目前已知只在51號避難所中使用过。[56]最常见的品牌是Brainpower思维机[57][Non-game 23]

据报道,所有这些系统在近900年的时间里都没有出现过故障,[58]尽管部件质量参差不齐,但事实证明这种说法是不真实的。例如,净水芯片是由低报价承包商制造的,导致质量差,故障率高。这就是2161年中的13号避难所的情况,由于该过程过于复杂而无法使用变通系统,这一事实加剧了这种情况。[59]为了重新安置地表,避难所配备了完整的建筑设备,[Non-game 23]预先选定的设施收到了一两个G.E.C.K. ,旨在帮助居民在"安全"信号发出后,在后核世界创造一个可行的文明。[60][61]


Fo76 intro slide 17


居民总数可能高达500人(其中1000人有热床铺)。[62]13号避难所这样的装置[Non-game 23]76号避难所[10]低至100。[47]作为安全屋计划的一部分,政府只委托了122个避难所,实际上只有4亿美国公民中的一小部分会被接受进入避难所。[Non-game 24]逗留的时间各不相同。一些避难所只打算密封10年(13号避难所,尽管该指令已被推翻),而其他避难所的设计寿命为38年甚至更长,如108号避难所[4]

由于英克雷从来没有打算让避难所拯救任何人,他们利用安全屋计划和避难所科技的避难所网络进行了一场盛大的社会实验,在独特的环境下测试居住者。[51]英克雷最终放弃了在另一个星球上定居的目标,决定在他们已经拥有的星球上定居。避难所监控和研究作为避难所行为项目继续进行。为了监视被实验的人群,英克雷的石油钻井平台拥有大量的设备,使他们能够观察和控制避难所。例如,英克雷在战争结束后不久向8号避难所发送了解除警报的信号,促使他们离开避难所,建造自己的城市。这些监控工具也让英克雷看到13号避难所的人口基本完好无损,尽管这在很久以后才变得重要。[Non-game 25][63]

接受避难所科技庇护所的预先选择的部分人口将享受非常高质量的生活,尽管这与表面上经历的自由市场资本主义消费主义完全不同 - 一个有计划的地下社会主义乌托邦(让中国笑到最后)。作为一个封闭的系统,避难所的设计是为了回收和再利用[64][65]并实施一个完全的计划经济,在避难所计划的持续时间内维持该系统。每个居民都将登记一个唯一的11位避难所识别号码(或VID)[Non-game 26]并提供他们在避难所中生活所需的衣服,床上用品和其他住宿。[66]

唯一的例外是食物和水,因为这些只有用适当的配给券才能获得(至少在一些避难所)。[67]购买奢侈品和非必需品可以换取工作积分,这是一种通过为避难所工作赚取的货币。上述配给券有时也可用作一种货币。[68]营养将由水培农场种植的食物组合提供,就像13号避难所一样,或者是能够创造各种食物的食物合成器。水将由从当地地下水位抽取的净化液体提供。[Non-game 23]


作为在生活方式上做出这些牺牲的交换,居住者将获得配备最新家用电器的私人住所,包括Floorsuck自动清洁系统,以减少扫地,[72]用于烹饪的Culinator 3000厨房系统,[73]以及与公共娱乐室一起访问[Non-game 23]完整的社交和娱乐文件库。[74]所有避难所的居民都将接受标准化的教育,包括算术、化学、生物、历史和其他科学方面的教育。[75]高等教育也将被提供,在末日之后,避难所训练有素的专家将受到高度的追求,并在他们选择的领域中依靠稳定的职业,比如来自21号避难所米歇爾醫生,在避难所开放后,他在清泉镇开了一家诊所。[76]


避难所内部的安全由其专门的安全部队提供,通常由监督者亲自挑选。一个典型的避难所有足够的武器和盔甲来武装十个人。[Non-game 23]地面监视器和通信系统的设计是为了方便与其他避难所的连接,[Non-game 23]尽管这个功能要么从未实现,要么很快就失败了。[Non-game 27][Non-game 28]


Vault Schematic


1 - 天然基岩
2 - 建造避难所外壳的钢筋混凝土
3 - 入口区
4 - 生活区
5 - 指挥中心


主页面: 避难所门

避难所的设计是为了提供最好的保护,防止核沉降物,间接爆炸效应,以及全球热核战争后可能发生的任何动荡。由一个巨大的避难所防爆门保护,有几种不同的型号,从基本的密封- n -安全型号343,[84]穿过强化门,一直到高科技强化避难所入口,入口区域将成为一个超压气闸。在那里,未来的居住者将接受避难所科技人员的消毒和处理,然后在进入避难所之前换上密封包装的避难所连身衣[85]避难所的门要么是远程操作的[86]或者来自门附近的控制舱(避难所内外)。操作这扇门需要特定的访问密码。[87]一些避难所装有外部防爆门,提供额外的防爆保护。[88]






生活区通常位于避难所深处,其设计因安装而异。标准楼层的可用面积为20,000平方英尺。[Non-game 3][93]标准的做法是为避难所夫妇提供独立的公寓,提供私人卫生隔间、终端机和床,以及他们可能需要的任何额外设施。[94]







后来的设计放弃了独立的指挥所和大厅,转而选择了一个更朴素的办公室。监督者的工作场所通常位于俯瞰中庭的区域 - 这里是避难所的活动中心,居民们可以在这里度过休闲时光,进行社交活动,甚至从事体育运动。[101]办公室通常将连接必要的行政和安全设施,例如电脑核心、保安站和军械库、实验室和监督者及其家人的私人宿舍。[102]


FOTV ep8 Vault heat map ALTERED state overlay


  • 在电视剧中,一幅计划建造的避难所的地图只有115个点,尽管有些点可能隐藏在展示者的后面。如果你在地图上覆盖它,除了新罕布什尔州和印第安纳州,似乎所有的州都有避难所。它还表明,在加拿大的萨斯喀彻温省或马尼托巴省有一个避难所,在墨西哥至少有一个。
  • 51號避難所配备了一个ZAX人工智能,它寻找了一个监督者。
  • 12号避难所把监督者的房间封了起来,因为避难所的大门注定永远不会关闭。
  • 东海岸金库和莫哈韦避难所(3, 11, 19, 21, 22, 34, 51, 63, 75, 76, 81, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114, 118)使用与西海岸/加利州不同的门机制。这些避难所采用了一个完全包含在避难所内部的打开机制,将门向内拉并简单地将其滚动到一边。然而,西海岸/加州避难所的门会将封条向外拉出,并使用外部夹子将其滑动到一边(除了4号和33号避难所,它们的设计与76号相似)。
  • 东海岸和莫哈韦避难所没有监督者办公室的储藏室;它们位于中庭附近。
  • 0号避难所 (辐射战略版)和企业保险库 (辐射钢铁兄弟会)与其他避难所的布局完全不同。
  • 76号避难所有一个独特的避难所门外观设计,有一个突出的广场,周围有76号避难所标志,而不是在大多数其他避难所上看到的隐藏入口。33号避难所同样采用这种门的设计,但略有改动。
  • 81号避难所有一个完整的侧翼,与避难所的其他部分是隔绝的。
  • 111号避难所118号避难所都有一个电梯出口通向气闸外的地面。
  • 114号避难所可在公園街地鐵站内找到。
  • 118号避难所有一个停车场,在悬崖边缘酒店下面。
  • 联邦、阿帕拉契亚和缅因州的避难所被涂成黄色和蓝色,而华盛顿特区、加州和莫哈韦的避难所则是暗淡的金属灰色。此外,联邦、阿帕拉契亚和缅因州避难所的色调与传统的避难所连身衣相同,而华盛顿特区和莫哈韦则是浅蓝色。
    • 同样,避难所433似乎不受其他西海岸避难所的影响,而是使用与联邦、阿帕拉契亚和缅因州避难所相同的风格美学和连身衣。
  • 到目前为止,所有编号低于34号避难所的已知避难所都位于美国的西半部,而所有编号为51号及以上的已知避难所都位于美国的东半部。





在许多游戏过程中所遇到的避难所暗示着存在着低于200个的避难所,尽管也有可能这个数字更低,并且有些避难所只是从未完成(在数字列表中留下空白)。加州人口众多,所以它可能有大量的避难所 —— 但也可能没有;由于幕后的力量把避难所变成了社会学实验的实验室,他们的目的不是拯救大量的人,而是把当地城镇的人们吸引到一个不知情的实验中。如果你的真正目标不是拯救尽可能多的人,你就不需要在有很多人的地方放置大量的避难所。

Jesse Heinig, Modiphius Discord
  • 正如辐射最初的开发者Jesse Heinig所说,最初的开发团队在制作辐射时从未有过一个确定的避难所列表或一个硬性数字。Heinig认为,根据迄今为止辐射系列中看到的避难所数量,有200个以下的避难所,由于缺乏完成和/或直接腐败,数量上存在差距。
  • 辐射3开始,避难所的视觉形象就由已故的Adam Adamowicz来定义。他的作品将继续影响开发者,因为他们在辐射4中的外观受到了他的概念图的启发,并且许多之前没有出现的细节都出现在了下一代游戏中,例如,由Josh Jay建模的生活区的斜角灯
  • 一个辐射76 预告片76号避难所是大战后被打开的。这其实不是真的,即使是在辐射76的背景下:
    • 94號避難所 — 于2078年10月23日重新开放,并最终导致了幽暗沼澤的创建。
    • 87号避难所辐射3指南中提到,"87号避难所的居民在2078年变成了超级变种人,从那以后就一直存在于首都废土",这表明他们确实设法离开了避难所。
    • 29号避难所 — 根据辐射圣经,哈罗德据说是在2090年离开的
    • 8号避难所 — 根据辐射圣经在2091年被打开
    • 洛杉磯避難所 - 根据辐射圣经在2092年被打开
    • 15号避难所 — 根据辐射圣经在2097年被打开
    • 22号避难所Sylvie据说到2097年就会离开22号避难所Year: 2097


  • 避难所实验是由Tim CainLeonard Boyarsky辐射2开发的初始阶段创造的一个想法。虽然这个概念是在2002年的圣经中提出的,[Non-game 29][Non-game 30]又过了21(!)年,Tim Cain才揭示了辐射中避难所的真正目的。是在辐射开发周期结束时被创造出来的,他的灵感来自于与Chris Taylor的一次对话。泰勒指出,即使有一千个像13号避难所这样大小的避难所, 避难所科技公司最多也只能保护美国数亿人口中的一百万公民。凯恩对此表示同意,并回顾了20世纪50年代对全球热核战争后人类生存的预测——当时的预测一直是一个无法居住的、被辐射的地狱 - 意识到这可能才是避难所的意义所在: 英克雷认为地球将无法居住,于是决定建造一艘多代星际飞船去殖民另一个星球,然后重新开始。然而,由于缺乏建造这样一艘船的技术诀窍(除了掌握核裂变几个世纪来为它提供动力),这需要数据。从那时起,让避难所科技公司主管建议使用避难所作为大型社会实验来收集建造船只的数据,测试技术,并解决突发事件,这是一个简单的步骤。避难所在辐射2 是基于这一目的而重新设计的,并且追溯的连续性能够更容易地解释放逐者被驱逐的原因在辐射 。凯恩指出,虽然他不知道后续游戏的设计细节,但他总是通过"星际飞船镜头"来解读它们,并看到即使是最奇怪的实验也可以为制作一代飞船提供有用的数据。[Non-game 11]
  • 开发者实际上是想让玩家在辐射2中阅读8号避难所的记录时首次接触到有关避难所实验的信息。他们可以发现一份机密文件(用成功的科学技能打开),解释8号避难所的目的是作为一个"控制避难所",设计用于容纳1000人,并在指定的时间打开。这份文件是为发现避难所的真实和邪恶目的埋下伏笔。玩家角色也可以将他们的科学技能应用到13号避难所的中央计算机上,以获得13号避难所的历史,监督者参与驱逐放逐者的历史,甚至更糟的是,获得避难所的真正目的。监督者意识到避难所的真正目的是大规模的社会实验,因此驱逐了放逐者,因为担心他们会破坏实验或揭露它。[Non-game 31]
  • 29号避难所70号避难所出现在范布倫中,这是黑島工作室取消的辐射3项目。范布倫也是第一款通过布卢姆菲尔德太空中心的位置直接阐述星际飞船理念的游戏,但这一理念并未在设计文件中得到体现和深入探讨。
  • 一个69号避难所的广告出现在范布伦的概念图中。


















  1. Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Young Dweller Development Terminal, Introduction 3
  2. Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Vault-Tec Mission Statement Terminal, Introduction 3: "Thanks to our innovative Vault(tm) system, we've developed a way for man to persevere in this cruel and unforgiving atomic world. Vault-Tec University is confident that all graduates from this institution will be one hundred percent ready to Prepare For The Future(tm)! "
  3. Vault 101 PA System: "Did you know - the odds of a Vault-Tec shelter failing are 1,763,497… to 1?"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108
  5. Rejected letter from Vault-Tec: "For a full list of Vault-Tec facilities with available accommodations, in exciting locales such as Oklahoma and newly-annexed Canada, contact your local Vault-Tec representative!"
  6. Museum of Technology Vault tour
  7. Vault locations v34.129
  8. Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal: "{360}{}{Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control…AccessDenied}"
  9. The Courier: "Test cities?"
    Borous: "-YES. In the past... individuals would come to us. Pay for technology. And if their town, community, or city was jusssst right...- -We could USE that city as a controlled experiment. Vault-Tec was MUCH better at it, of course, we had to make do. Get permission. Sometimes.- -If only we could have used Commie cities... but capturing whole cities was HARD! So we captured enough Commies to make cities of our OWN!- -So we had a group of Chinese prisoners to experiment on... those were the days... but the true test was SCIENCE on unsuspecting AMERICANS.- -Whether it was holograms, NEW Auto-Docs, toxins, vending machines... we wound them up, let them go into TINY ISOLATED TOWNS. Then... we OBSERVED!-"
    (Borous' dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 76
  11. Dick Richardson: "{220}{prs34}{Well, no. No... not quite. You see, we had planned ahead. We were ready. }"
    The Chosen One: "{221}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the Vaults - were part of the great plan.}"
    The Chosen One: "{223}{}{Those damn Vaults didn't work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{An experiment?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{226}{prs36a}{The Vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}"
    The Chosen One: "{227}{}{What about Vault 13? What was it's purpose?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{228}{prs37}{Ahh. Vault 13 was a special case. It was supposed to remain closed until the subjects were needed. Vault 13 was, in scientific parlance, a control group.}"
    The Chosen One: "{229}{}{But they would all have died if my ancestor didn't get them a replacement water chip. That doesn't seem to fit in with your plan.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{230}{prs38}{An unfortunate, and unforeseen, accident. However, as it turns out, a rather fortuitous one.}"
    The Chosen One: "{231}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{232}{prs39}{As it turns out we needed test subjects from untainted, pre-war, human stock - your ancestors in Vault 13 - and some freshly mutated stock - the villagers from Arroyo.}"
    The Chosen One: "{233}{}{Why?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{234}{prs39a}{For the Project. It's almost ready. Humanity's salvation is almost at hand and the United States of America will be the progenitor of that rebirth.}"
    The Chosen One: "{235}{}{Rebirth? What do you mean?}"
    (Dick Richardson's dialogue)
  12. Vault 88 terminal entries
  13. Valery Barstow: "Here we are. Here. Among these papers is my life's work. I'd like to share it with you. Doctor Braun tasked me with something vital. A series of prototypes and their related... well, experiments, that could redefine society. But as you can see things did not go according to plan."
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  14. The Sole Survivor: "So these experiments can be run ethically?"
    Valery Barstow: "If you insist on hobbling the prototypes' potential, yes, you could abide by as many ethical standards you'd like. I suggest being more open-minded, but the choice will be ultimately yours."
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  15. Fallout 4 loading screens: "In the year 2077, the world was destroyed by nuclear fire. Very few managed to escape to the safety of the Vaults."
  16. The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{Tell me a bit about the town.}"
    Jarvis: "{111}{}{Well, Shady Sands was founded by a great ancestor of our current leader, Aradesh. He could tell you more of the story. We have a well and irrigation, so we do well for ourselves.}"
    (Jarvis' dialogue)
  17. The Chosen One: "{117}{}{Do you have a GECK?}"
    Mikey Frazier: "{119}{}{A GECK? Well, that's old history, so what the hell. You mean the old Garden of Eden Kit. We had one - I mean our grandparents had one. Used it when they came out of Vault 15. Got this place started, they say. It's all used up now.}"
  18. The Chosen One: "{141}{}{That sounds nasty. Why are they using your people for a test?}"
    Martin Frobisher: "{142}{}{They took us all from our Vault because they wanted test subjects for the antidote. They needed people from outside the Enclave, and who were still pure-strain-humans. So they took us.}"
  19. Vault 13
  20. Vault 106
  21. Vault 12
  22. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.1–2: "Vault-13 is designed to provide protection from the effects of a nuclear blast. To better understand the protection provided, we have included a section from the High Energy Weapons FAQ that explains how a nuclear blast causes damage."
  23. Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Triple-S Technology is Vault-Tec's convergence of the three most important parts of apocalyptic endurance: Safety, Survivability and Sanitation!"
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  24. Vault appearance in the games.
  25. Location of Vault 88.
  26. Vault appearance in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas.
  27. Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Sleep in quiet comfort knowing that our impenetrable Vault doors can withstand a direct hit by an atomic bomb with only a projected 2% failure rate."
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  28. Cut content Vault 87 overseer's terminal: "The main door to Vault 87 is damaged beyond repair and we are detecting extremely high levels of lethal radiation outside and in the entry tunnel.."
  29. Fallout 4 trailer
  30. Damaged sections of Vaults clearly show rebar used to reinforce concrete.
  31. Assets used to depict the Vaults in Fallout and Fallout 2 are also used to depict the Glow, Mariposa military base, the Sierra Army depot, toxic caves bunker, and Navarro.
  32. The evolution of Vault technologies between Fallout and Fallout 4 follows a path of technological progression and refinement.
  33. Vault-Tec Workshop components.
  34. Vault 88's construction site demonstrates late model Vault construction in practice, see this image.
  35. Average calculated from known Vault dweller sizes.
  36. The total size of the citizen population is 103 in 2241, when it's nearing capacity. Approximate figure, adding in the outsiders and servants.
  37. The Chosen One: "{221}{}{Broken Hills? Where are those?}"
    Lumpy: "{230}{}{Broken Hills is where we get all the uranium that we need for the atomic reactor from. From what I understand, the uranium is mined by mutants down there. But they have humans trade the stuff for them.}"
    The Chosen One: "{231}{}{Why do they have humans trade the stuff for them?}"
    Lumpy: "{250}{}{Well, because they trade uranium to Vault City, too. Vault City treats anyone that’s not a pure strain human just like lepers. So, Broken Hills uses human traders. Some guy named Chad, I think.}"
  38. See article for references.
  39. Vault 75 Survey data
  40. Construction plans
  41. File:FO76 Vault 76 interior 95.png
  42. Vault 81 Survey data
  43. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 87
  44. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 92
  45. Vault 94 terminal entries
  46. Vault 95 Survey data
  47. 47.0 47.1 Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 106
  48. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 112
  49. Vault 114 Survey data
  50. Vault 22 terminal entries; terminal, Vault 22 Expedition, entry 3
  51. 51.0 51.1 The Chosen One: "{221}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the vaults - were part of the great plan.}"
    The Chosen One: "{223}{}{Those damn Vaults didn't work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{An experiment?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{226}{prs36a}{The Vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}"
  52. Vault locations v34.129: "Vault 12
    Under the sprawling metropolis of Bakersfield, lies the technological magnificence of Vault 12. Built with every amenity in mind for the prospective Vault Dweller, Vault 12 was given the "Pressed Vault Suit" award for attention to preparedness. Buried far underground, the protection that Vault Dwellers will receive will be unprecedented. Much like all other Vaults, Vault 12 has been fitted with the newest in Vault Water Purification Systems. Able to take even the waste located in the sewers of Bakersfield, this system is able to deliver over 15,000 gallons of pure, refreshing drinking water every day.
    Vault 13
    Located in a scenic mountainous region northwest of Vault 12, this Vault offers an endless supply of pure water to the inhabitants. The rumors that the water table in the area could easily be contaminated in the event of a Nuclear War have been found by the Department of Water and Power to be completely unfounded. In the event that the water in the area were to become tainted, remote even though it may be, Vault 13 has been fitted with the government approved Vault Water Purification System. Rated to work without significant loss of output for over 250,000 hours, prospective Vault Dwellers should have nothing to fear.
    Vault 15
    Due east from Vault 13, construction on this Vault has gone extremely smoothly. Much work was done to reinforce the walls of the third level of this Vault, to make all the future Vault Dwellers more secure in the knowledge that in the event of even a major earthquake, the regulatory computers of the Vault would continue to function. Recent tours of the newly constructed Vault, have had many a potential Vault Dweller walking away with a new found awe of the improvements done to this already impressive Vault."
  53. Vault networks are referred to in Fallout and other games.
  54. A birthday poem
  55. Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Concerns about security? Our Eye-On-You Cameras enable the Vault's leader to watch your every move. You'll never be alone again!"
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  56. See ZAX 1.3c for details.
  57. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal
  58. Vault 101 PA System: ""Did you know - Vault-Tec water and life support systems can sustain a vault for over 900 years, without failure?""
  59. The Vault Dweller: "{105}{}{Do you have a water chip?}"
    Paul: "{134}{}{A Water Chip? The ones from the old Vault-Tec shelters?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{135}{}{Yes!.. Do you have one?}"
    "{136}{}{No. Those things were junk, they were prone to failure. We don’t deal with purifying our own water here. We have water delivered by caravans from the Hub.}"
  60. Vault City central computer: "{238}{}{According to the archives, there is no GECK currently in stock at Vault City's Amenities Office. The people of Vault City seem to have used the only one they had to help establish the place when they came to the surface.}"
    "{239}{}{Scroll through the remaining information.}"
    "{240}{}{From what you can make out in the archives, two GECKs were part of every Vault's standard inventory package. Only one was shipped to Vault 8, however.}"
    "{241}{}{Cross-reference the GECK shipment information.}"
    "{244}{}{Due to a shipping error, it appears Vault 8 received a box of surplus water chips intended for another Vault. The other Vault most likely received Vault 8's second GECK.}"
  61. Vault 101 terminal entries; overseer's terminal, Letter from Doctor Stanislaus Braun
  62. Due to scaling, the size of Vaults in games should not be taken at face value. None of the explorable Vaults in the games have enough space or facilities to actually house 1,000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used at maximum capacity).
  63. PoseidoNet in Fallout 2 identifies the Oil Rig as "Control Station Enclave" along with many other sites named "Enclave".
  64. Vault 101 PA System: “Remember - Your Pip-Boy is not a toy. Proper cleaning and maintenance will ensure the device's operation for this, and future, generations.
  65. The Lone Wanderer: "It's all right. Seems kind of old, though."
    Stanley Armstrong: "Of course it is. Just like everybody else's. They don't make 'em any more now, do they? That one I've been saving just for you, though. The A series is a bit heavier than some of the fancier models, but it won't let you down. I bet you could drop a bomb on one and it would still work. As a matter of fact, I know you could."
    (Stanley Armstrong's dialogue)
  66. 66.0 66.1 Letter from Vault-Tec: “Vault-Tec provides all clothing, bedding, and accommodations for residents. Personal belongings must be reviewed and approved of by an authorized Vault-Tec hermetics technician before such belongings can be delivered to your reserved quarters within the Vault. In the event of an emergency entrance to the Vault, no personal belongings will be permitted beyond the main door of the facility.
  67. The Lone Wanderer: "You do look hungry. What, your mom drank up all the ration coupons again?"
    Butch DeLoria: "Don't you talk about my mom, you little punk!"
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  68. Vault 92 terminal entries; Supply Shop, Intra-Vault Mail 000482
  69. Vault jumpsuit appearances.
  70. Vault 101 PA System: "Remember - A clean Vault is a healthy Vault. Please place all trash into the appropriate incineration receptacle on your scheduled burning day."
  71. Alphonse Almodovar: "Congratulations, young man/lady! I don’t have to tell you how special this day is, do I? Down here in Vault 101, when you turn 10, well, you’re ready to take on your first official Vault responsibilities. So here you are. As Overseer, I hereby present to you your very own Pip-Boy 3000! Get used to it. You’ll be getting your first work assignment tomorrow. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
    (Alphonse Almodovar's dialogue)
  72. Museum of Technology automated Vault system tour: "The living sections make use of our revolutionary Floorsuck Autocleaner System for those darned messy kids. Never sweep again!"
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  73. Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Moms will love how our Culinator 3000 Kitchen System makes cooking a breeze. Mmmmm, I can smell the muffins baking now!"
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  74. Museum of Technology automated Vault system tour: "Bored? Don't be! Step into our Entertainotron Room and watch the latest holotapes or perhaps listen to a symphony. Another Vault-Tec innovation!"
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  75. Future Imperfect
  76. The Courier: "Tell me about yourself, Doc."
    Doc Mitchell: "Well, I already told you I came from a Vault. After that, was a traveling doctor for a spell. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Most folks out here ain't educated, so people with medical knowhow are hard to come by. Found that I could help a lot of people with what I knew, and that was all right with me. Eventually, I went back and married my childhood sweetheart and that was the end of my traveling days. Didn't miss it none then. Still don't."
    (Doc Mitchell's dialogue)
  77. The Chosen One: "{209}{}{I think endorphine blockers could be used to neutralize Jet once it's in someone's system. I can't test it without some endorphine blockers, though.}"
    Troy: "{212}{}{We don't have endorphine blockers here, but I could program the Autodoc to manufacture some. Would you care to explain to me your theory?}"
    The Chosen One: "{213}{}{Well, you see Jet's chemical addiction is probably the hardest thing to shake, so I was thinking that if we introduced endorphine blockers into the body we could...}"
  78. The Courier: "Where would I find a diagnostic scanning module?"
    Caesar: "It's been said that Auto-Docs were standard equipment in the underground Vaults where mankind survived when the bombs fell centuries ago. You can search the Vaults, but every Auto-Doc my Legion has run across has been stripped for parts long before we found it. Some of my scouts did report an abandoned Vault near Nellis Air Force Base. Overrun by ghouls, they said. Maybe the infestation has been there long enough to keep scavengers out. Why don't you go and see?"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  79. The Chosen One: "{290}{}{You mentioned before you were a doctor... I'm something of a doctor myself.}"
    Troy: "{124}{}{You are? It's a pleasure to meet you. If you have the time, perhaps we could compare notes? It is not often that I get the chance to speak to another physician.}"
    The Chosen One: "{125}{}{Absolutely. I'd love to learn some of the medical techniques you Citizens use.}"
    Troy: "{128}{}{Excellent! Well, first, let me take you on a tour. Over here, we have the monitoring systems...}"
    "{130}{}{... and that is how we can clone cells to make replacement limbs. We have to be careful that the tissue cultures don't get contaminated, but... in any event, I think I've talked enough... hope it was informative.}"
    The Chosen One: "{132}{}{Thanks for the tour, Doctor Troy. It's been very educational.}"
  80. Museum of Technology Vault system tour: "Being underground got you down? Smile! Our SimuSun Lighting mimics the feeling of being outside with only a fraction of the sunburn potential."
    (Vault-Tec exhibit messages)
  81. Vault 101 PA System: "Did you know - the average life expectancy of a resident in a properly maintained Vault is 92.3 years?"
  82. Vault 101 terminal entries; Vault 101 medical data system, Freddie Gomez
  83. Examples include Michael Angelo, who doesn't dare leave his workshop even for inspiration, the Boomers who shoot artillery at anything that comes close to them, and the Vault 101 security, who still don't exit the Vault even after the Lone Wanderer opens its door. (Escape!)
  84. Fallout, Vault 15 townmap
  85. Vault 111 procedures, as depicted in Out of Time.
  86. Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4 have remotely locked entrance doors.
  87. Fallout scenery description: "{17100}{}{Door Entry Computer}"
    "{17101}{}{This computer controls the large Vault door. You have to enter a specific access code for the computer to work.}"
    (PRO SCEN.MSG (Fallout))
  88. Vault 8 and Vault 111
  89. The Los Angeles Vault contains a prototype Vault door and airlock combination, establishing it as the earliest variant
  90. The pre-rendered cutscene after the overseer's briefing shows the interior of the airlock in detail
  91. Appearance of airlocks in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas
  92. Appearance of airlocks in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76
  93. Vault 15 worldmap
  94. Fallout and Fallout 2 Vault design
  95. Vault 11
  96. 96.0 96.1 Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 Vault designs
  97. Fallout, upon entering the Vault 13 EML for the first time
  98. Variations in Vault design across the series
  99. Location of the water chip at Vault 12
  100. Vault appearances in Fallout and Fallout 2
  101. Referenced in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas: Baseball, Catch the Mutant, and other games would be played in the atrium
  102. Vault appearances in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 In light of the Euro-Middle-Eastern conflict and the plague scare, the United States sets Project Safehouse in motion. The project, financed by junk bonds, is designed to create shelters, called Vaults, for the populace in the event of a nuclear war or deadly plague. Construction begins late in 2054 and proceeds rapidly due to advances in construction technology."
  2. Fallout history marketing picture
  3. 3.0 3.1 Fallout manual
  4. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide title page: "NOTICE.––This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the New Amended Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by the law."
  5. Chris Taylor interview for Vault13.net:
    Saint Proverbius (SP): "Which Vault number was the Master's base?"
    Chris Taylor (CT): "The Master was in the Vault-Tec private Vault. This was the demonstration model built for the federal government, it was also very close to the Vault-Tec headquarters."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2063 August The construction of most Vaults completed, except for Vault 13, whose construction finally gets off the ground... heralding a development cycle that seems plagued with problems. Drills begin in the other cities with completed Vaults, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on."
  7. Fallout Bible 0: "2063 August The construction of most Vaults completed, except for Vault 13, whose construction finally gets off the ground... heralding a development cycle that seems plagued with problems. Drills begin in the other cities with completed Vaults, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on."
  8. Fallout Bible 6:
    "1b. What may be suitable for planting in the present may not be suitable in 20 yrs. This is esp true I would think in the FO universe with its rather unstable ecosystem. I mean if one really wanted to be certain that what one was panting would grow the best thing to do would be to collect the seeds, spores etc from already growing food sources - these have a guaranteed fertilization rate. After all those corn seeds that were put in the GECK 50 yrs ago now have not sufficiently mutated to endure the new Wasteland (even in a "normal" ecosystem, the only strains of plant that survive are those that mutate)."
    "You're absolutely right. The GECK builders had no idea what the post-nuclear world would be like, and they had no real way to anticipate it, despite their "thorough tests" (it's doubtful they gave it much thought, to be honest, considering how badly organized the Safehouse project alone was, not to mention the experimental nature of the Vaults) - still, it seems as if the seeds present in the GECK were viable for Vault 8."
  9. Chris Taylor interview for Vault13.net:
    Saint Proverbius (SP): "Which Vault number was the Master's base?"
    Chris Taylor (CT): "The Master was in the Vault-Tec private Vault. This was the demonstration model built for the federal government, it was also very close to the Vault-Tec headquarters."
  10. One Man, and a Crate of Puppets, panel 1: "The Vault
    Experiments were never designed to rescue the people that lived inside them. They were a vast social experiment designed to study pre-selected segments of the population."
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Cain on Games, The True Purpose of Vaults in Fallout
  12. Fallout Bible 0:
    "I read the start thing of the bible thats on the net. One thing I don't agree with in the fallout universe is that the Vaults were just a bunch of "social experiments". I mean why. Even though the enclave were a bunch of assholes, why would they want to purposely see their own country men die when the Vaults were societies last chance at a good survival. I like to think that lots of people died because the Vaults just didn't work. Like in FOT there is a terminal that says that money had been diverted from much needed common sense things to an underground game hunting facility or whatever it was. experiments was a bit over the top, but corruption is far more believable. that's what i think anyhow. and Fallout 3, is it a possibility or not?"
    "Answer: The Vault experiments were an idea created by Tim Cain, and I don't really know the reason behind them, but I can offer some speculation."
    "First off, thematically, it's pretty creepy, and we all know that developers will pull all sorts of crazy shit to try and mess with players' heads. It's possible that Tim had just finished watching an X-Files episode and had conspiracy theories swimming around in his subconscious. As to your comment about the experiments being a bit over the top, well, yeah. We're guilty as charged."
    "Secondly, as proven time and again in Fallout 2, the Enclave isn't a particularly rational bunch of fellows. Thematically, they embrace a paranoid view of the world and a heightened sense of superiority over everyone else in Fallout."
    "Third, the federal government (or whatever branch of federal government was responsible - it was not necessarily the Enclave) may not have ever considered the Vaults as society's best chance for survival - the government may have considered themselves the best candidates for rebuilding the world and already had their asses covered in the event of a nuclear or biological war by relocating to other remote installations across the nation (and elsewhere) that weren't necessarily Vaults. The Enclave certainly didn't seem to be devoting much effort to digging up any other Vaults and trying to use the human stock there to rebuild civilization."
    "Fourth, a lot of people did die because the Vaults didn't work. Some suffered worse fates."
    "Nonetheless, even members of the Enclave probably could not answer the question of who created the Vault experiments and their reasons, as many of the people responsible for the creation of the Vaults died long ago, and many records were lost in the great static of 2077. President Richardson was familiar with the purpose of the Vaults, but he never saw them as more than little test tubes of preserved humans he could mess with."
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 October 23 Great War: Bombs are launched; who struck first is unknown... and it is not even known if the bombs came from China or America. Air raid sirens sound, but very few people go into Vaults, thinking it is a false alarm. The Vaults are sealed."
  14. Fallout Bible 0: "2091 Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertile ground for their city. This eventually becomes Vault City."
  15. Fallout Bible 0: "2092 LA Vault opens, the Boneyard is founded and attracts survivors."
  16. Fallout Bible 0, Fallout Bible 3 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2141 Spring Vault 15 opened."
  17. Vipers design document included in the Fallout Bible establishes that Vipers left Vault 15 in 2097 (64 years before the game's time), emerging alongside the settlers that would establish Shady Sands.
  18. Fallout Bible 0: "2141 Winter Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements."
  19. Fallout Bible 0: "2122 Spring Shady Sands founded, wall erected against the raiders."
  20. Fallout Bible 0: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (Vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  21. Fallout Bible 5: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of Vault dwellers, Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  22. Fallout Bible 0: "2242 May 16 Less than a day later, Vault 13 is opened, only to be greeted by two Enclave verti-assault squads. The squads kill three of the citizens who were "resisting capture," and storm the Vault, kidnapping all the inhabitants."
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.1–1: "Important Vault statistics
    Vault Number ............................13
    Starting construction date .........August 2063
    Ending construction date ..........March 2069
    Starting Budget .........................$400,000,000,000
    Final Budget, with interest ........$645,000,000,000
    Total number of occupants .......1,000 (at capacity)
    Total duration ...........................10 years (at capacity)
    Number of living quarters .........100 (hot bunking required if at maximum capacity)
    Door thickness ..........................4 yards, steel
    Earth coverage .........................3,200,000 tons of soil, at 200 feet
    Computer control system .........Think machine
    Primary power supply ...............Geo-thermal
    Secondary power supply ..........General Atomics Nuclear Power backup systems
    Power requirements .................3.98mkw/day
    Stores .......................................Complete construction equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, water purification from underground river, defensive weaponry to equip 10 men, communication, social and entertainment files (for total duration)"
  24. Fallout Bible 0: "Basically, the Vaults were never intended to save the population of the United States. With a population of almost 400 million by 2077, the U.S. would need nearly 400,000 Vaults the size of Vault 13, and Vault-Tec was commissioned to build only 122 such Vaults. The real reason for these Vaults was to study pre-selected segments of the population to see how they react to the stresses of isolationism and how successfully they re-colonize after the Vault opens."
  25. Fallout Bible 0: "Vault 13: Intended to stay closed for 200 years as a study of prolonged isolation, the broken water chip forced the Overseer to improvise and use the Vault Dweller as a pawn. Later study of the Vault 13 records by the Enclave led them to their current plan to end the war."
  26. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Character biographies p.3–1-2
  27. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5–14: "EQUIPMENT
    Vault-13 comes prepared with the latest in survival equipment. The items in your storage containers will last 1,000 people over 10 years in comfortable and modern surroundings. When it is time to leave the Vault, and return to rebuild America, your friends at VaultTec have provided you with everything that you will need. We have ensured that all of your rebuilding needs will be covered"
    "Yeah, right. Who wrote this? What budget did they get? We already used most of the equipment on failed attempts to contact an outside civilization. And we’ve been in here a lot longer than ten years. We have little left to give you, but we will give you what we can."
    "undergone extensive testing to make sure the equipment is reliable."
  28. Fallout Bible 4:"7. When the bombs dropped, all communication between the Vaults where severed, so if their was no way to communicate with the Vaults how did the Enclave send a massage to Vault 13 telling the people its time to go?"
    "Communication between Vaults was never in place (it might ruin the experiments), but communication with the government/Enclave/Vault-Tec was a different story... they needed some way of monitoring the Vaults."
    "The Enclave, having access to the Vault-Tec construction plans (not too surprising, considering the fact that the Vaults were funded by the government) had a way of monitoring events taking place within the Vaults... not only could they access their computers and systems remotely, (including PIPBoys and the personal logs of the Vault Dwellers), but the early Overseers of most of the Vaults knew of the ties to the government, and it was part of their duties to download information on the citizens and the Vault into an computer游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 archive that the government could easily access."
  29. Fallout Bible 0:
    "I read the start thing of the bible thats on the net. One thing I don't agree with in the fallout universe is that the Vaults were just a bunch of "social experiments". I mean why. Even though the enclave were a bunch of assholes, why would they want to purposely see their own country men die when the Vaults were societies last chance at a good survival. I like to think that lots of people died because the Vaults just didn't work. Like in FOT there is a terminal that says that money had been diverted from much needed common sense things to an underground game hunting facility or whatever it was. experiments was a bit over the top, but corruption is far more believable. that's what i think anyhow. and Fallout 3, is it a possibility or not?"
    "Answer: The Vault experiments were an idea created by Tim Cain, and I don't really know the reason behind them, but I can offer some speculation."
    "First off, thematically, it's pretty creepy, and we all know that developers will pull all sorts of crazy shit to try and mess with players' heads. It's possible that Tim had just finished watching an X-Files episode and had conspiracy theories swimming around in his subconscious. As to your comment about the experiments being a bit over the top, well, yeah. We're guilty as charged."
    "Secondly, as proven time and again in Fallout 2, the Enclave isn't a particularly rational bunch of fellows. Thematically, they embrace a paranoid view of the world and a heightened sense of superiority over everyone else in Fallout."
    "Third, the federal government (or whatever branch of federal government was responsible - it was not necessarily the Enclave) may not have ever considered the Vaults as society's best chance for survival - the government may have considered themselves the best candidates for rebuilding the world and already had their asses covered in the event of a nuclear or biological war by relocating to other remote installations across the nation (and elsewhere) that weren't necessarily Vaults. The Enclave certainly didn't seem to be devoting much effort to digging up any other Vaults and trying to use the human stock there to rebuild civilization."
    "Fourth, a lot of people did die because the Vaults didn't work. Some suffered worse fates."
    "Nonetheless, even members of the Enclave probably could not answer the question of who created the Vault experiments and their reasons, as many of the people responsible for the creation of the Vaults died long ago, and many records were lost in the great static of 2077. President Richardson was familiar with the purpose of the Vaults, but he never saw them as more than little test tubes of preserved humans he could mess with."
  30. RPG Codex interview with Leonard Boyarsky
  31. Fallout Bible 0: "The player was also intended to apply his Science skill to the central computer in Vault 13 to obtain a history of Vault 13, the Overseer's involvement in the Vault Dweller's expulsion, and even worse, the true purposes of the Vaults. The Overseer was conscious of the true purpose of the Vaults as social experiments on a grand scale, and he drove out the Vault Dweller because he was afraid that he would ruin the experiment... or uncover it. Of course, the Overseer himself caused problems not long after this, according to Martin Frobisher, the leader of Vault 13 in Fallout 2:
    "There used to be an overseer, many years ago, but he did a bad thing and many of our people left the Vault. Only to die in the Wastes, I'm sure. He was tried and sentenced to death for his crime. We haven't used the title since."
    Martin did not see the Overseer executed, however... his information comes from the Vault 13 records passed down by his ancestors."