

33号避难所(英文名:Vault 33)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于洛杉矶加州 圣塔莫尼卡辐射电视剧 [3]它位于圣莫尼卡码头旁边。[1] 露西·麦克莱恩,电视剧辐射的主角之一来自避难所,她的父亲汉克2296年间是避难所的监督者


加州建造的一个试验性避难所,[4]33号避难所是独一无二的,因为它是避难所网络的一部分;它直接连接到它的姐妹避难所: 31号避难所32号避难所。为了防止威胁(例如传染病)的传播,除了定期交易(每三年发生一次,称为三年贸易)和避难所相互援助的情况外,三个避难所彼此隔离。避难所的功能和它的姐妹避难所一样是民主的,监督者由社区通过普选选出,任期四年,由避难所委员会提供建议。[5]它的居民被告知,由于辐射水平,地表不适合重新定居,而是鼓励彼此和其他两个避难所建立联系。[6]


多年来,该避难所与其他避难所定期交换,并一直运作到23世纪后期。监督者包括罗伯特·奥尔森(2101-2109),艾娃·韦斯特(2109-2121),乔治·亚菲(2121 - 2125),以及随后几十年的帕特里夏·彼得斯亚历山大·波默劳伦斯·罗纳德贝蒂·皮尔逊汉克·麦克莱恩。麦克莱恩担任了15年的避难所监督者,连续四次当选。[10]他带领避难所度过了最大的危机之一,2277年的大瘟疫,在此期间,他实施了严格的隔离,将居民限制在他们的公寓里。虽然许多居民都在挨饿,但麦克莱恩被认为是拯救了避难所的人,特别是因为他的体重下降到128磅(58公斤),以及他的妻子罗斯·麦克莱恩(Rose MacLean)也饿死了。[11]


FOTV Vault 33 attack











在与监督者巴德·阿斯金斯的对峙中,诺姆得知了真相。[28]避难所网络不是三个民主避难所的联盟,而是阿斯金斯创建的优生实验,[29]以解决人类寿命限制的问题,这限制了实施需要几个世纪甚至几千年才能取得成果的项目的能力。[30]考虑到让美国这样一个失败的国家存活下去的想法是疯狂的,阿斯金斯决定将美国的生存外包给私营部门,以确保避难所科技能够存活下来,以重建阿斯金斯认为合适的世界。为此,31号避难所里挤满了"巴德的蓓蕾" 的毕业生,他们都处于假死状态。这是阿斯金斯公司在大战前为有前途的高管设立的行政助理培训项目。[31]







FOTV The Vault of the Future



主轴通过主电梯连接避难所的所有12层(包括表面)。避难所的主要特点是一个巨大的中庭,延伸到三层(地下5层、6层和7层),模拟户外: 空白的墙壁充当了远程放映机的屏幕,播放着内布拉斯加州乡村的影像。中庭有多种功能,包括作为锻炼、社交聚会和农田的空间: 避难所科技结合了人工照明、灌溉和自然土壤,使居民能够种植作物。主要作物是玉蜀黍[33]也有土豆,向日葵,[39]黄瓜,[40]也种植豆类、土豆和桃子。避难所还可以生产动物或类似动物的产品,使避难所能够提供各种各样的饮食,甚至是果冻或蛋糕等奢侈食品(通常用于庆祝活动,如选举新监督者或举行婚礼)。[41]肥料是通过在214室堆肥有机废物提供的,包括人体。[42]水是由一个标准的避难所科技净水芯片控制的过滤系统提供的,它成功地运行了近220年,直到在掠夺者袭击之后破裂,只剩下两个月的水。[43]





  • 罗伯特·奥尔森 (2101 — 2109)
  • 艾娃·韦斯特 (2109 — 2121)
  • 乔治·亚菲 (2121 — 2125)
  • 帕特里夏·彼得斯
  • 亚历山大·波默
  • 劳伦斯·罗纳德
  • 贝蒂·皮尔逊1
  • 汉克·麦克莱恩 (2271 — 2297)
  • 贝蒂·皮尔逊 (2297起)1

1 在汉克上任之前的一段时间里,贝蒂也是33号避难所的监督者。该列表是基于31号避难所的重新激活列表(见"The Beginning"),该列表显示贝蒂·皮尔森在汉克之前,在32号避难所的监督者伊恩·杰克逊之后重新激活。




  • Elderly speaker
  • 33号避难所医生
  • 33号避难所工程师
  • 33号避难所看门人
  • 33号避难所警卫
  • 其他未具名居民


  • 位于圣莫尼卡的33号避难所位于新加州共和国的领土内或附近,特别是洛杉矶墓地,它在2189年成立时被NCR接纳为洛杉矶州。在此之前,它可能位于大教堂之子教会的领土内或附近,这是一个为被称为同一的超级变种人军队服务的邪教,在2162年被击败之前,他们袭击了无数的避难所来增加他们的人数。
  • 所有的避难所居民都穿着避难所连身衣的变体,基于在辐射4中的版本介绍。
  • 一段来自Instagram上Vault-Tec Holotapes广播频道的宣传视频介绍了一段避难所之旅,由监督者汉克解说(由Kyle MacLachlan饰演)。[Non-game 1]





在许多游戏过程中所遇到的避难所暗示着存在着低于200个的避难所,尽管也有可能这个数字更低,并且有些避难所只是从未完成(在数字列表中留下空白)。加州人口众多,所以它可能有很多避难所 - 但也可能没有;由于幕后的力量把避难所变成了社会学实验的实验室,他们的目的不是拯救大量的人,而是把当地城镇的人们吸引到一个不知情的实验中。如果你的真正目标不是拯救尽可能多的人,你就不需要在有很多人的地方放置大量的避难所。

Jesse Heinig, Modiphius Discord
  • 当被问及是否考虑过在同一的权力基础大教堂附近设置一个避难所的想法时,辐射的原始开发者Jesse Heinig如上所述解释说,在开发过程中没有确定的避难所列表,因此25年后电视剧的进一步开发无法考虑在内。关于主教和他的军队为什么会在他们眼皮底下错过一个避难所,他也提出了几种可能性,包括缺乏信息,他的超級變種人士兵无能,或者避难所比其他避难所保护得更好。
FO76 Smiling Man encounter


  • 在2023年12月2日至12日期间,辐射76允许玩家免费下载33号避难所连身衣盔甲来宣传电视剧。
  • 2016年发行的贝塞斯达弹球桌包含一个编号为33的避难所,与后来在电视剧辐射中出现的避难所完全无关。
  • 此外,创作俱乐部Vault Suit Customization内容的图像(于2019年发布)在一本关于避难所套装的小册子上写了一些数字,这些数字写在其中一件连体衣旁边。其中一个数字是33,在41旁边被划掉了,取而代之的是101和64。


辐射 76 辐射
FO76 Angled Exit From V76
FO76 Open Vault Exit
FOTV Trailer 1 06
  • 避难所在中庭有一个独特的大玉米地,尽管它的大部分只是由一种特殊技术创造的"2.5D"投影。[Non-game 2] 然而,避难所确实有一个较小的农田,以农村农场为模型,周围是玉米田投影。这片农田位于地下室的第4层,与食堂一起。生活区位于第二层,第五层有辐射蟑螂侵扰。[Non-game 1]
  • 虽然大部分内部空间都是作为物理场景创建的,但避难所门走廊,主轴和农场区域的背景照片都是由Magnopus在虚幻引擎中创建的。Sarah Hudson Semple负责建模,纹理和布局这些区域,这些区域随后与物理集无缝结合。这项工作在虚幻引擎博客上作为引擎灵活性的一个例子进行了特别介绍。








  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout - A Special LIVE Report from Galaxy News news ticker: "VAULT-TEC ANNOUNCES COMPLETION OF VAULT 33 UNDER SANTA MONICA, CA"
  2. Headcount in the election results announcement scene.
  3. Prime Video on Twitter: "📍 Vault 33
    Location: Los Angeles
    Fallout, an original series, coming to Prime Video in 2024"
  4. TheGamer on YouTube: Interview With The Production Designer Of Amazon's Fallout TV Series, Howard Cummings!
  5. Betty Pearson: "We must remember how good we have it here in Vaults 31, 32 and 33. Three democracies in three vaults. Separated to prevent the spread of threats, but connected to aid one another in times of need. We are the lucky ones. We are the light burning in the darkness. And we will carry on until the day we bring that light to the surface. "
    (The Past)
  6. Hank MacLean: "Good evening and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness. Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty's children, will be able to recolonize. "
    ("The End")
  7. VAULT 33 COMMUNICATION LOG: "Martin Johnson
    February 24, 2095
    Vault 33 to Vault 31
    As you are aware, our vault has been experiencing some recent difficulties. Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to repair our internal systems and are currently exploring options.
    (The Ghouls)
  8. Lucy MacLean: "What about Reclamation Day? Th-The entire purpose of my vault was... to come up to the surface one day and...and restart civilization. It's-it's Reclamation Day, it's what keeps us all going and... It... It already h-happened without us."
    (The Past)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Lucy MacLean: "My name is Lucy MacLean, and I'm an active contributor to the wellbeing of my community. Repair Skills. I enjoy participating in the Young Pipefitter's Association, which keeps me active. Science Skills. Obviously, mine are nothing compared to my dad's, but I always relish a challenge. Speech Skills. My primary passion is teaching American History, with a focus on ethics. I also participate in Gymnastics Club, Fencing Team C, Intermediate Phys Ed, and I dabble in Riflery. Though I'm not very good. ♪ Change your mind... In my personal time, I enjoy taking walks and watching movies with my dad, gardening... also with my dad... and participating in my family book club. We're still trying to get my brother on board. He'll come around when he's ready. My reproductive organs are intact, my hygiene well-maintained, and yet I have been unable to find a suitable marriage partner. At least, one I'm not related to. And we have rules about that for a reason. ♪ I'll ever love... So, it is with sound mind and body that I hereby submit my application to the council to participate in the Triennial Trade with Vault 32."
    (The End)
  10. Inter-Vault Archive: "The following is a record of Inter-vault Trades implemented for the distribution of personnel
    Robert Olsen 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER 2101 - 2109 (...)
    Ava West 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER 2109 - 2121
    George Yaffe 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER 2121 -2125
    Patricia Pe[ters] 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER
    Alexander B[oamer] 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER
    Laurence Ro[nald] 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER
    Hank MacLean 31 to 33 ELECTED OVERSEER 2271 - 2297"
  11. Lucy MacLean: "You know, my vault has endured hardship, too. In the Great Plague of '77, everyone had to quarantine, they couldn't work the farms together. People starved. My mother included. My dad dropped to 128 pounds, and he still refused to do anything like this. "
    (The Ghouls)
  12. Lucy MacLean: "Oh, gosh. After ten years of cousin stuff, I'm definitely excited for the real thing."
    Stephanie Harper: "Oh, Lucy. I am just excited for us to raise our kids together."
    (The Head)
  13. Chet: "Lucy, I love you."
    Lucy MacLean: "We all know that, Chet. Messing around with your cousin, it's all well and good for kids, but it's not a sustainable, long-term sexual practice, you know?"
    Chet: "Yeah, I know."
  14. Hank MacLean: "Welcome, neighbors from Vault 32. I am Hank MacLean, overseer of Vault 33."
    Lee Moldaver: "Lee Moldaver, overseer of 32. Thank you for your hospitality."
    Hank MacLean: "Oh, we were sorry to hear of Overseer Jackson's passing in your telegrams."
    Lee Moldaver: "When blight hit our wheat, we lost a lot of good people, but this trade will help us get back on our feet."
    Hank MacLean: "Yes, well, as arranged, we offer you seed and parts for machinery."
    Lee Moldaver: "In exchange, we offer you a breeder."
    (The End)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Template:Fotv
  16. Lucy MacLean: "Everyone settle. I have a proposal for the assembly. We send a search party to the surface to find my dad."
    Woody Thomas: "To the surface?"
    Lucy MacLean: "We can spare four people from farm duty for up to two weeks, even with our dwindled numbers."
    Woody Thomas: "Sorry, Lucy, but you're talking about opening the outer vault door?"
    Lucy MacLean: "Just for under a minute. Okay? It's just enough time to..."
    Woody Thomas: "Okay, I-I know we're just... we're brainstorming here, and there's no bad ideas in a brainstorm, but that's not something that we ever do or have ever done, never, ever, ever."
    Lucy MacLean: "I-I know, I know that."
    Betty Pearson: "I know we're all hurting right now, but our first priority has to be to maintain the security of this vault. That means not opening any of our doors."
    Woody Thomas: "Well said, Betty."
    Reg McPhee: "Yes, thank you, Betty."
    Norm MacLean: "They don't want to find Dad. If they did, they wouldn't get to be in charge."
    (The End)
  17. Fallout, The Head
  18. Woody Thomas: "We can judge a person, and a society, by how they treat their enemy. And here we are with 16 highly-violent individuals incarcerated in our temporarily repurposed reading room. It's an ethical dilemma like nothing we've dealt with before."
    Reg McPhee: "Personally, I'd say it's more of an ethical opportunity to demonstrate to the surface dwellers, and to each other, what we mean when we say we're going to build a better world. "
    Woody Thomas: "Thanks, Reg. That is a positive spin to put on it."
    Reg McPhee: "It's not a positive spin for me. It's the goshdarn truth!"
    Woody Thomas: "Okay, well, uh, the fact remains we need to decide what to do with these prisoners. And that is a decision that we need to make as a collective. In a manner befitting our shared values."
    Reg McPhee: "Yes."
    [quiet, overlapping murmuring]
    Reg McPhee: "I think this conversation would benefit from some actual ideas. Well, you know what? The young man Woody interrogated this morning? He left an impression on me."
    Woody Thomas: "That is the gentleman who showed me his butthole."
    [crowd gasping]
    Reg McPhee: "Yes, but what I took from that is a desire to communicate. To reach out across the cultural divide. That's a spark we can work with... to create a great citizen."
    Woody Thomas: "Given our recently dwindled numbers, the most ethical solution would be to rehabilitate the prisoners and then integrate them into our Vault Society."
    [indistinct, overlapping chatter]
    [microphone squeaks]
    Woody Thomas: "To be clear, this is not a process that will happen overnight. Based on what I saw this morning, it may take years."
    [crowd murmuring]
    Woody Thomas: "But... - But... there is nothing we can't do when we set our minds to it!"
    Reg McPhee: "Yes!"
    ?: "Yes! I can teach the raiders Shakespeare... and when they're ready, Marlowe."
    Marianne: "I don't want to be insensitive, but I think Shakespeare might be too advanced for these people. Look, I would like to start with a moral framework. Kant, Mill and-and so on. I'd be happy to teach them introductory calculus."
    Norm MacLean: [scoffs]
    Reg McPhee: "Is there something you'd like to say, Norm?"
    Norm MacLean: "I don't know. I don't think it's our job to help these people. They're murderers."
    ?: "They didn't know any better."
    Marianne: "And how could they - without a formal education?"
    Reg McPhee: "Norm, buddy, the hard truth is, we can't just let them go. [laughing] Uh, it's just, they have intimate knowledge of our Vault security."
    Reg McPhee: "So what do you propose we do?"
    Norm MacLean: "We can do what they would have done to us."
    [crowd gasping]
    Woody Thomas: "Wow."
    Reg McPhee: "Geez Louise, Norm."
    Betty Pearson: "Young Norm was just expressing a feeling. I know. I've got anger. We all do. But I think you would agree that murdering these prisoners of ours is not under serious consideration."
    Norm MacLean: "I'm sorry. You're right. It was not my intention to question your leadership, Overseer."
    Woody and Reg: "Thank you."
    Engineer: "All right. Sirs? Uh, sirs? Uh, uh, may I... may I speak with you for a moment, please? Uh, it's about the Water Chip."
    Reg McPhee: "Go ahead."
    Engineer: "Uh, it's-it's... it's the type of thing Overseer MacLean would have preferred to discuss, uh, privately? Uh, before bringing it to the full group?"
    Betty Pearson: "Well, he's not here now, is he? Let's hear it."
    Engineer: "Okay, well, uh... the Water Chip is destroyed. The Vault only has enough water to keep our population alive for, uh, two months. And-and that's not accounting for the prisoners, who..."
    Reg McPhee: "Okay. That's fine, that's enough."
    Woody Thomas: "Thanks, though."
    crowd murmuring and dispersing
    Reg McPhee: "Okay. Uh... meeting adjourned."
    Woody Thomas: "I was also gonna say meeting adjourned, so... That went well."
    [indistinct, overlapping chatter]
    Steph Harper: "They killed my husband. You're right, you know. If your father were here, he... he'd do the right thing."
    (The Head)
  19. Norm MacLean: "Whatever happened here happened a long time ago. The last bio-signal detected was two years ago."
    Television: "This rodent colony is called a mouse utopia. Inside, the mice enjoy all the amenities... all the food they can eat, all the padding they can sleep on... but eventually overpopulation occurs. The mice fight for the once bountiful food, the once endless space. They eat each other in their desperation to survive."
    Chet: "So, if they were already dead when the raiders got here, who killed them? I mean, it looks like they strangled each other with their hands. It just doesn't make any sense."
    (The Ghouls)
  20. Fallout, The Ghouls
  21. 21.0 21.1 Davey: "You ran a great campaign."
    Woody Thomas: "I know. Must've put ten posters up."
    Davey: "Yeah. That's what you got to do. You put a few posters up and let democracy run its course. You know, I ran once. And then that weevil famine came. Lost to none other than Hank MacLean. You know what they say. When things look glum, vote for somebody from Vault 31."
    (The Past)
  22. Betty Pearson: "Good morning, Vault 33. This is Betty, asking for your vote for overseer today. As you step into the balloting kiosk, remember that today is about the future of our vault and, more importantly, the future of civilization. Reclamation Day. One day we will have the incredible opportunity to repopulate the Earth and bring order and civility up to the surface. Who you choose today is an important step to accomplishing that mission. I have faith you will make the right choice. Thank you. "
    (The Past)
  23. ?: "It is my honor to announce that, with a 98% majority, Betty Pearson has been elected vault overseer."
    Betty Pearson: "I'm so honored to step into Hank MacLean's shoes. Better luck next time, Reg. "
    (The Past)
  24. Norm MacLean: "You don't think it's weird that we always elect an overseer from Vault 31? They did the same exact thing in Vault 32."
    Chet: "Honestly? No. By all accounts, Vault 31 has more resources, a better education system, and you know, they got that phrase."
    Norm MacLean: "When things look glum, vote 31."
    Chet: "Shh. It's a powerful slogan."
    Norm MacLean: "You think 200 years of coincidence comes down to a slogan?"
    Chet: "You might as well be asking why everyone prefers Jell-O cake to apple pie. I don't know why, they just do."
    Norm MacLean: "So, if it's not at all worrisome, why are we whispering?"
    Chet: "Because we just snuck into a vault filled with dead bodies. Not to mention Steph's from Vault 31."
    (The Past)
  25. Betty Pearson: "Hello, Vault 33. In my first edict as overseer, I will be hosting a vault-wide meeting about the future of Vault 32 tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. See you there. "
  26. Betty Pearson: "Thank you for coming, everyone. It is important to me for us all to see this place together. As a community. As a family. So that we can heal together and rebuild together. What is happening here? Now, I spoke with the overseer of Vault 31 and we agreed these vaults of ours are too sacred to leave empty. Which is why I am announcing a resettling campaign. Some of us will stay home to rebuild 33. Others will be moving into Vault 32 in the coming weeks to start anew. "
    (The Past)
  27. Betty Pearson: "And now we say goodbye to all those who are leaving us for Vault 32. Each of them have been chosen for their agreeability, stick-to-itiveness, and all of the other qualities that make for a successful pioneer. And of course, every vault needs an overseer. Which is why I have conferred with the high council. And we are proud to announce as interim overseer of Vault 32, Stephanie Harper. And with that, now our friends become neighbors. Good luck, 32ers. "
    (The Radio)
  28. 28.0 28.1 Fallout, The Radio
  29. Barbara Howard: "Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do, no one needs to know. And may the best idea win. "
    (The Beginning)
  30. Bud Askins: "Well, I call it Bud's Buds. The basic idea is that the biggest obstacle to achievement has been the brevity of the human lifespan. It's prevented us from working on projects that require centuries, maybe even millennia, to see through. So ideally, Bud's Buds will keep my project on track centuries into the future. Nifty, huh? "
    (The Beginning)
  31. 31.0 31.1 Norm MacLean: "Is this where my dad's from?"
    Bud Askins: "You'll never find out. Oh. He's gonna find out. These are Bud's Buds. My Buds. America outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector. But it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. So, we kept Vault-Tec alive instead. A well-trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assistant training program. Because the future of humanity comes down to one word: Management."
    (The Beginning)
  32. Norm MacLean: "So what's Vault 32 and 33? Just people to be controlled?"
    Bud Askins: "What? No! When you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable. They're our breeding pool, the ultimate expression of HR R&D. Genetically selected to breed with my Buds to create a class of super managers. People with positivity, people who make lemonade. People who will inherit the Earth after we've wiped the surface clean."
    Norm MacLean: "We wiped the surface clean?"
    (The Beginning)
  33. 33.0 33.1 Siggi Wilzig: "You come from Vault 33. Your primary crop is corn. You have a Telesonic projector in your farm. It loops images of the Nebraskan countryside. You've been brought up in a meritocracy, where people pride themselves on doing the right thing. I think I know enough to know you need to go home."
    (The Target)
  34. They are disturbed when people break expectations; even something simple as Norm preferring cake instead of jello is shown to disturb Betty Pearson. Another example is when some residents are resettled to Vault 32, no one appears to suggest simply leaving the door open for communication, with people acting as if it is their final goodbye.
  35. Residents of the Vault are raised to openly talk about sexual matters and reproduction. While this may be viewed as the residents being sex positive, the explicit mention of both being a breeding pool indicates it's intentional. This would allow for Vault 31 dwellers to carry out eugenic breeding as dictated by Askins, while the elimination of social taboo surrounding sex and reproduction would prevent it from affecting Buds' social standing.
  36. Lee Moldaver: "Rose was so clever. Like you. Lucy, your mother discovered that something was siphoning the vault's water away. From that one clue, she deduced that maybe... civilization had returned to the surface. When she told her husband, he said it was a ridiculous idea, and that she should tell no one."
    Hank MacLean: "Lucy, let's go. Let's..."
    Lee Moldaver: "And that's when she realized that her husband, the Overseer, was hiding things."
    Hank MacLean: "Lucy, let's go. Let's get out of here."
    Lee Moldaver: "So she ran away. Like you did, Lucy. And took her children. And she found this wonderful city that was everything the vaults had promised to be."
    Hank MacLean: "She is lying!"
    Lee Moldaver: "But then, her husband came after her. And when she decided not to return home, he took the children. And he burned that city to the ground."
    Lucy MacLean: "Shady Sands."
    Hank MacLean: "She's lying, Lucy."
    Lee Moldaver: "That's how Vault-Tec deals with competition. Just like they did 200 years ago."
    (The Beginning)
  37. Fallout, The Head: The external structure is clearly visible around the 22:44 mark, which is also an aerial shot of Santa Monica.
  38. 38.0 38.1 Vault diagram
  39. Fallout, The End: Sunflowers are used for decoration during the wedding scenes.
  40. Fallout, The End: Hank drowns Monty in a barrel of pickled cucumbers.
  41. Fallout, The Head: Food served to the prisoners includes baked beans, mashed potatoes, peach slices, and cuts of cram.
  42. Fallout, The Head: The dwellers drag dead raiders to room 214 for composting.
  43. Fallout, The Head
  44. Fallout, The End: Lucy's apartment layout.
  45. Fallout, The Radio
  46. Fallout, The Head
  47. Fallout, The Head: Lucy's intro and the opening of the door to let Moldaver in.
  48. Fallout, The Radio: Terminal exchange with Vault 31.