

FO76 Brotherhood Fatigues Female

In Fallout 76 the apparel system allows the player character to piece together their outfit from a variety of clothing and armor choices. The system is primarily broken up into 11 standard slots, and 5 layers.

Armor, body suits and power armor will be subjected to condition degradation. When the condition of any piece deteriorates to 0, it breaks and will offer no protection. Broken armor and clothing can be repaired using scrap at any armor workbench.

Many of the armor and clothing sets also have minimum level requirements before they can be equipped, including power armor parts. Power armor chassis are not leveled, so removing higher level parts will allow entry.

Characters can enter power armor wearing any combination of clothing, adding an additional layer of armor. However, wearing power armor nullifies all bonuses provided by the lower layers.

Apparel layers
Layer Slots Priority
FO76 UI NoArmor Naked 0
FO76 UI Underarmor Underarmor Underarmor
FO76 UI Armor Armor Chest
Left arm
Left leg
Right arm
Right leg
FO76 UI Outfit Coverall Outfits
FO76 UI SCORE PA Power armor
Left arm
Left leg
Right arm
Right leg


關於Atomic Shop underarmor,參見Atomic Shop/Apparel/Underarmor

Underarmor is upgradable apparel that is layered below equipped armor and outfits. Each underarmor is assigned to a single lining group, each with their own modifications which provide additional protection and grant SPECIAL bonuses. For example, the Vault 76 jumpsuit may only be modified with Vault Tec underarmor linings. Template:Dynamic table FO76


關於Atomic Shop outfits,參見Atomic Shop/Apparel/Outfits

Outfits can be worn over clothing and over armor pieces. Many of them are "skins," meaning they will just hide what's worn under them. Template:Dynamic table FO76


關於Atomic Shop headwear,參見Atomic Shop/Apparel/Headwear

Full headwear[]

Headwear which counts as hats, eyewear and/or masks. Template:Dynamic table FO76


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Includes apparel that can be on the player character's fingers, arms, neck, etc. Template:Dynamic table FO76


主页面: Fallout 76 armor

All types of body armor provide Damage and Energy Resistance in varying measures. Most can be modified with lead lining to also provide some Radiation Resistance. Robot, Marine and trapper armor provide Radiation Resistance without the need for additional modification.

Events and Legendary enemies (enemies with the "legendary" name and/or stars next to their name) have a chance to drop a piece of Legendary armor. These cannot be scrapped and have one or more legendary effects. Template:Dynamic table FO76

Unique armor pieces[]

Some armor pieces come with an unique name and pre-attached mods or legendary effects. They cannot be re-rolled using legendary crafting feature. Template:Dynamic table FO76

Body suits[]

主页面: Fallout 76 body suits

Full apparel body suits, such as the hazmat suit and the Garb of Mysteries, will unequip any armor, outfit or underarmors. They cannot be upgraded with legendary mods. Template:Dynamic table FO76

Power armor[]

All pieces of power armor must be attached to a power armor chassis.

Template:Navbox apparel FO76
