
沙蔭市(英文名:Shady Sands)是新加州共和国的首府,也是其最大的城市之一。它也是已知最大的从零开始建造的城市中心,没有以战前废墟为基础,自2241年拥有超过3000名居民。[1] 沙蔭市是新加州共和国国会大厅以及总统及其办公室的所在地,总部设在同一栋楼内。



沙蔭市是由亚拉德什的祖先在离开15号避难所后建立的。[2][Non-canon 1][Non-canon 2][3] 该定居点是使用G.E.C.K.启动的,允许建立由砂混凝土和基本农业制成的土坯建筑。[4] 还竖立了一道防护墙,以保护城市免受冬季形成的掠夺者部落的侵害,掠夺边远社区以补充他们的食物供应。[5][6] 没有人预料到,这个不起眼的村庄最终最终形成强大的新加州共和国[7]


Fo1 Shady Sands



定居点基本上不对外开放,偶尔与来自垃圾城的商人进行交易。[9] 事实证明,它足以阻止废土带来的大部分问题,主要是当地的掠夺者部落(来自15号避难所的另一个幸存群体)和辐射蝎的反复攻击。这两种威胁都在慢慢升级,辐射蝎变得越来越多,更具攻击性,而掠夺者不断将力量和人数集中在这个刚刚起步的小镇上。



Fo2 New California Republic Satellite View


在2161年至2241年期间,小型定居点不断发展壮大,形成了战后美国最具影响力的政治派别之一 新加州共和国 (NCR)。坦蒂, 亚拉德什的女儿,最终升为庞大的新加州共和国总统。NCR成立后,乡镇迅速扩大。

2241年之前,沙蔭市通常简称为新加州共和国,即使名称从未正式更改。[11][12][13][14][15][16] 该镇已从一个小型农业聚居地转变为新加州最大的文明人口中心,到2241年已有3000多名居民。[1] 它通过与较小的边远乡镇的贸易及其巨大的农业力量而繁荣起来。沙蔭市的原始村庄几乎没有留下任何痕迹,只有一些看起来很熟悉的建筑物。城市的中心是国会区,国会大厅和总统府就在那里。



The State of Shady[]

包括首都沙蔭市,包括15号避难所垃圾城以及其他几个定居点和大量土地。[19] Shady州还与麦克森州中枢州接壤,这两个州都在南部,使Shady成为新加州共和国最北端的州。[20]




  • Fallout聖經0 成立于2142年春天。然而,这与贾维斯关于其由亚拉德什的一位伟大祖先建立的声明相冲突。
  • Fallout聖經6#毒蛇幫 确定毒蛇幫于2097年(游戏时间前64年)离开了15号避难所,与建立沙蔭市的定居者一起出现。



辐射3银河新闻电台中播放赫伯特·大膽·達什伍德历险记,"坚定的尸鬼男仆"阿盖尔提到了"沙蔭市洗牌" - 反扒窃 - 当他将手榴弹滑入敌对超级变种人的口袋时。[23]


辐射:废土战争,在成为新加州共和国的首都后,它的名字更名为“海象奇观“ ( Sandy Shores )。 它被框定为共和国最大的城市,也是整个废土最大的城市之一。[26]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Chosen One: "{106}{}{I'm new to NCR. What can you tell me about your town?}"
    Karl: "{114}{}{This is NCR, capitol of the New California Republic. Population 3000 and growing. No slavery, no gambling, no drugs. President is Mrs. Tandi, my boss is Sheriff Dumont. That answer your questions?}"
    (Karl's dialogue)
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{Tell me a bit about the town.}"
    Jarvis: "{111}{}{Well, Shady Sands was founded by a great ancestor of our current leader, Aradesh. He could tell you more of the story. We have a well and irrigation, so we do well for ourselves.}"
    (Jarvis' dialogue)
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{130}{}{Tell me about yourself.}"
    Katrina: "{137}{}{My life was very boring. I was raised in a Vault. I lived there for many years. Unfortunately, we were crowded and life was very bad. There was a schism, and many people left, taking with them the best equipment. Still, some of us tried to stay in the Vault. But then we were attacked. I was hurt, and I ended up here. Now I try to help people . . .}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{117}{}{Do you have a GECK?}"
    Mikey Frazier: "{119}{}{A GECK? Well, that's old history, so what the hell. You mean the old Garden of Eden Kit. We had one - I mean our grandparents had one. Used it when they came out of Vault 15. Got this place started, they say. It's all used up now.}"
  5. Fallout Bible 0; Timeline repair Second strike: "2141 Winter Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements."
  6. Fallout Bible 3; Timeline repair: Second strike: "2141 Winter Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements."
  7. The Chosen One: "{127}{}{Ever hear of a GECK?}"
    Slave overseer: "{138}{}{GECK, eh? Back when I was studying Vault tech, I read about those. Supposedly every vault got one and it was supposed to be the first thing used once a vault got opened. They say that's how Shady Sands got its start - from a GECK. That help at all?}"
    The Chosen One: "{139}{}{You studied vault tech? Impressive. Say, I got some more questions for you.}"
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{I want to know about this place.}"
    Seth: "{124}{}{Shady Sands is a peaceful community. We have our own irrigation system, so we can grow our own food. If we were not plagued with raiders and Radscorpions, we would have no problems.}"
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Junktown}"
    亚拉德什: "{1109}{Ara_60}{垃圾城就在这南边。他们的商人偶尔会来做生意,但并不经常。}"
  10. The Chosen One: "{241}{}{I'd like to hear your story.}"
    坦蒂: "{242}{tand29}{Figures. (sigh) Well, I was pretty young when we met. There was a gang of raiders - The Khans - Who'd gotten hold of me. Things were looking pretty bad when, all of a sudden, this stranger shows up and rescues me. Your Vaultdweller.}"
  11. The Chosen One: "{164}{}{Is this the Shadeesands the Elder speaks of?}"
    Tandi: "{248}{tand31}{Was Shady Sands; Most folks call it NCR now. New California Republic - pretty impressive name, huh?}"
  12. Tandi: "{278}{tand38}{I'm Tandi, president of the New California Republic. Welcome to Shady Sands. I hear some pretty impressive things about you. No point in dancing. Got some business I want to discuss.}"
  13. The Courier: "You remember everyone who passes through here?"
    Sterling: "Got a good memory for faces. Landmarks and such, too. Comes with practice, that's all. And a lot of scoutin' from place to place. I reckon I've walked every inch of ground between Shady Sands and the Colorado... or close enough to make a man's feet plenty sore."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  14. Crimson Caravan invoice
  15. The Courier: "What's the Thaler Act?"
    Trent Bascom: "Something the politicians back in Shady Sands came up with. They pay us to move here and farm the land. They even protect the fields."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "Do you have a problem with the NCR?"
    Tom Anderson: "I don't go looking for fights with them, but they don't have the best interests of people in mind. Certainly not locals. The bottom line for NCR is productivity and growth. Politicians back in Shady Sands are completely detached from the people actually living here."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  17. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.190: "The NCR is a clean town filled with honest, hardworking folk—at least that's how President-for-life Tandi would like to have it. The reality falls somewhat short of that goal. The NCR does keep order within its walls with a large and competent police force. Outside the walls, the NCR has so far been operating through others, buying and trading for things that they cannot yet take by open force."
  18. Fallout 2 manual "Life on the Outside
    My first few days were harrowing to say the least. I fought off some giant mutant rats that were more interested in eating me than they should have been.
    My only clue was the location of another Vault, number 15. I spent a couple of days stumbling through the desert before I came upon a small settlement. I stopped there for help, and encountered the little town called Shady Sands. I helped them, and they helped me. Understand that survival requires that you work together, even with people you may not trust. I did earn the trust, however, of two prominent citizens of Shady Sands - Tandi, and her father, Aradesh."
  19. Fallout Bible 5; Questions: Q: "14. One thing - what's happened to Junktown? Was it just too little to be it's own state? Or maybe it has managed to survive as an independent enclave inside NCR, a hive of scum and villainy, so to speak. And what kind of folks would live in Glow? After all, that place must still, well, glow, at least somewhat. Ghouls?'" A: "Junktown became part of NCR as part of the state of Shady, and it was one of the first provisional states, considering it was one of the first (and most trustworthy) of the Shady Sands trading partners during its early formation. Its alliance with Shady Sands did cause some alarm from the caravans in the Hub, but it didn't hurt the Hub communities any... and the Hub eventually became part of NCR as well." "As for the Glow (or the state of Dayglow), most of the state is actually north and west of the glow, but they are still able to see the Glow from their borders. A number of ghouls are rumored to live there now, as part of the Great Migration from Necropolis - once the ghouls learned of West Tek, they were eager to see if they could scavenge technology from the abandoned center. Some ghouls formed partnerships with scavenging companies from New Adytum and the Hub and have built quite a profitable corporation from their salvage efforts. At least one super mutant, a refugee from the Cathedral, was also rumored to be working with the ghouls and humans in Dayglow."
  20. NCR history holodisk: "Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home."
  21. 21.0 21.1 Courier: "Are you a scientist?"
    Angela Williams: "I know I don't sound the part. Get raised by brahmin ranchers, and you never lose the twang. Drives Hildern crazy. But I know every inch of the power grid from Hoover Dam to Shady Sands. That's what we do here - try to optimize the power output from the Dam. Some of the others are working on an agricultural project, but... truth be told, they aren't making much progress. Not yet, anyway. "
  22. 信使: "坦蒂。"
    传教士: "Interesting. Okay, next question - what was the original name of the NCR capital - The Boneyard, Shady Sands, Aradesh, or Vault 13?"
    (Missionary's dialogue)
  23. The Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood Super Mutant Mayhem!
    Argyle mentions a "Shady Sands Shuffle" as he slides live grenades into the pockets of hostile super mutants.
  24. The Mysterious Stranger (note)
  25. Kellogg memory radio broadcast
  26. Sandy Shores.png
  1. Fallout Bible p.25: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    "2142 Spring: Shady Sands founded, wall erected against the raiders."
  2. Fallout Bible p.11: "VAULT SYSTEM"
    "Vault 15: Intended to stay closed for 50 years and include people of radically diverse ideologies. Gathered from what you hear from Aradesh in Fallout 1, he has quite a bit of multi-cultural flavoring to his speech."