





死錢 同伴[]


赤誠之心 同伴[]


  • Follows-Chalk,一個充滿好奇心的死馬部落新手探子。他會先充當一陣子信使的同伴,在完成特定的幾個任務後會會永久性地回到死馬部落的營地。
  • Waking Cloud,一個悲傷部落的助產,時刻記掛憂慮著自己的丈夫。在丹尼爾的推薦下擔任信使的同伴。
  • 约书亚·格雷汉姆,前軍團特使,在新迦南浴火重生,現在擔任死馬部落的戰酋。他只會在最終任務「逃離錫安」或是「擊潰白腿」中暫時加入信使。

舊世藍調 同伴[]


孤獨之路 同伴[]

  • ED-E,一個ED-E的克隆體,用一個自定義化的焊接機武裝起來。這個版本的ED-E無法跟隨信使來到莫哈維廢土,並且永遠被歸類為至關重要的,因此即便在硬核模式下也無法被殺死。



  • 尤利西斯 也计划作为永久同伴,但已从基础游戏中删除。
  • 雙頭牛貝琪原本是一名同伴,但在遊戲本體中被減去。



  • 招募全部8名常駐同伴後會解鎖The Whole Gang's Here成就。
  • 在完成任務 友谊地久天长後,阿卡德會永遠離開隊伍直到胡佛大壩之戰打響。
  • 常驻同伴可以通过同伴轮盘来控制。
  • 玩家不需要同伴跟随左右也可以获得他们的特技;只要同伴在队内,即便是在原地等待,特技依旧生效。
  • 只要常驻同伴跟随在玩家左右,他们就会被标记为至关重要的人物(硬核模式除外)。但是要注意,只有在招募同伴的情况下他们才是至关重要的。在被招募前或是解散后都不是无敌的。在硬核模式下,即便在被招募后,同伴依旧可以被杀死,但他们仍然不需要进食或是喝水,也不会受辐射影响或是溺死。
  • 将同伴解散至幸运38后,他们会在总统套房等待并时刻准备再次与信使同行。
  • 辐射3不同,同伴解散后不会从当前地点徒步返回家中,辐射:新维加斯里的同伴在解散后会立刻传送至他们的家中。除此之外,在招募队友时,信使也无需通过道德值检定,不过有的同伴会对一个或多个阵营的声望有所要求。如果信使的道德值过低,会导致卡斯离队,不过这并不影响对她进行第一次招募。
  • 如果选择豪斯先生路线,那么在大坝决战期间会有一台电子保安伴随信使左右。然而,这台电子保安不是无敌的,即便在非硬核模式下它也可能会被摧毁。
  • 在完成一些大型任务后,不论隔多长时间后再和同伴对话,他们都会优先评论那项任务。
  • 游戏中可以同时让6名人形同伴在队内。详情请查看辐射:新维加斯 漏洞利用
  • 每个常驻同伴都有他们自己的个人任务。有的属于支线任务,有的属于未标记任务。
  • 如果同伴当前所配备的武器耐久度降低至零,那么他们会把它丢掉。
  • 玩家队内的同所能造成的伤害是基于游戏的难度设定的。
  • 用控制台对着同伴(哪怕同伴还活着)使用“resurrect”指令会清空所有玩家给他们的装备。
  • 在和玩家距离过远时,同伴们会选择更安全的路线(哪怕距离更远)来回到信使身旁。但如果信使在群山中或是峭壁旁,同伴就有可能跌落导致失去意识,在硬核模式下还会死亡。这种情况在玩家选择原地等待同伴时更容易发生,不过ED-E似乎是个例外。
  • 你给同伴的护甲和/或武器不会因为他们的使用而降低耐久度。



每个同伴都有其特属的属性,这种属性在游戏中被称为勇气(Nerve)。这种特殊的属性反映了玩家对同伴的影响。勇气会根据信使5%的魅力属性来增加同伴的伤害属性和DT值。所以玩家魅力属性为10,勇气会提升同伴50%的DT值和伤害。如果玩家魅力属性为1那么只有5%的增益,不过之后可以通过Empathy Synthesizer, Intense Training, 派对敏达 (+5), 提高生存技能(这样酒类就有+3魅力的效果)或是用私酿酒和其它酒类叠加来提升魅力属性。







所有永久同伴的默认武器都有无限弹药。如果为同伴配备更好的武器,(检查 DPS)添加弹药并不时检查其数量 - 他们似乎在弹药耗尽时抓住新武器或转而转为近战。同伴可以使用已经内置升级的独特武器,例如灭鼠者。大多数同伴使用以他们命名的武器。 它们与武器的标准版本具有相同的主要特征,只是名称不同,例如:





  • 所有同伴的基本设计理念都由约书亚·索亚提出,但具体的每一个人物及他们的对话、任务和其它内容则由其他的开发人员完成。[1]
  • 游戏中残存的一些内容显示游戏一开始打算让信使同时携带多名人型队友,例如信使和Mortimer的对话中,信使需要指明他们要具体提供哪一名人类队友。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When entering the casinos on the Strip, they will take all companions' weapons. Exiting will not return their weapons they own.[已验证]
    • On the Playstation 3, this can be fixed by telling the companions to use melee or ranged and switch back to what they were using.
  • Has platform::PCPC Arcade Gannon will sometimes not show the recruit dialogue when you have a nonhumanoid companion (Rex or ED-E). This seems to happen when Arcade is in the Lucky 38. The only way to fix this is to dismiss all companions, then recruit Arcade. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC After dismissing Arcade to the Lucky 38 and re-recruiting Boone at the same location, Boone's default weapons shifted to those of Arcade's (Plasma defender & Ripper).[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Items in companion inventories will sometimes disappear from the inventory, yet the weight of the item(s) will still remain.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes, when entering combat from a distance with a melee enemy while your companions are also set to melee and placed right behind you can result in them getting stuck on the Courier and ultimately killing him/her when they try to attack the incoming enemy. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Companions who are poisoned will have the full effect of their poison "dumped" when using a stimpak on them. This can result in negative HP which cannot be cured with more stimpaks, and they will die as soon as you exit the companion wheel. (For weaker poisons, this may lower their HP, but since it doesn't go below zero, they don't die.) On the other hand, they will not use antivenom, so the poison may end up killing them naturally. This is especially a problem with Veronica, as she prefers unarmed combat. Patched in Fallout: New Vegas patch [已验证]
    • A way around this is to turn hardcore mode off (if it is active). The poison will cause your companion to go unconscious a few times, but the poison will eventually wear off. After that, hardcore mode can be turned back on. The reason for this working is simply because, in casual mode, companions are set as essential and cannot die.
      • Note: Turning off hardcore mode at any point in the game will disable the hardcore achievement, so this solution is not recommended for anybody who is trying to get that achievement.
    • Yet another way is to tell the companion to wait, which appears to replenish the companion's health and remove the poisoning. The follower can then be asked to rejoin. This can be performed even during combat.
      • You may need to completely dismiss the follower from your party. After reacquiring them later on, if their health has not been replenished, have them engage in combat with an enemy (preferably weak and non-poisonous, to be safe). This should "reset" their statistics, and upon completing the combat encounter, they should auto-heal just as normal.
    • Temporary solution is sending your companion home or to the Lucky 38 then recruiting them again.
    • Alternatively treating them with stimpaks very quickly after they are poisoned will prevent their health from becoming negative and actually heal them instead of killing them. Note that it can take 20+ stimpaks to fully heal Rex.
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The option to dismiss companions to the Lucky 38 will disappear even before Mr. House becomes hostile to the player. This can be fixed by disconnecting from the internet, then removing the latest patch and reloading the game while still disconnected from the internet. Installing the patch again will not allow you to send your followers to the Lucky 38.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If a companion is given a weapon, and has equipped it, accessing the companion wheel to the option "Use Melee/Ranged" will delete the weapon from their inventory. When switching back the companion will go back to their unique ranged/ melee weapon. Highly suggest not doing this if companion is given a unique weapon.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 In hardcore mode, when a companion is nearing their carry limit, the player can still place ammo, (any under 1lb), in their inventory even if it exceeds the carry limit. When the player takes ammo out, unless it frees up the carry limit, the player cannot keep placing more ammo in. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If a companion is fired at with a minigun until rendered unconscious, and without ceasing to fire until the companion wakes up and is rendered unconscious again, their body will be flung up to the height limit, and will shortly thereafter respawn near the player. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Sometimes, when leveling up, your companion's health will remain the same. Using a stimpak will overheal them, giving them more health then they should. Entering and then exiting combat will fix this. [已验证]


  • If you have several companions in the Lucky 38 at one time and leave weapons lying around, they may start to fight each other, and will die due to the fact that they are no longer listed as an essential. A solution is recruiting the one that the other companions are ganging up on, so that they are essential. Once that companion is knocked out the fighting stops. (Sandbox-AI caused human companions to attack non-humans if the latter carried consumable goods)
    • This may not be completely fixed in player/1.20.352: There was an instance of Rex and/or EDE attacking the human companions upon returning to The Lucky 38: This only seems to have been corrected after going back a couple saves and removing all remaining inventory from Rex; see more details at Rex attacking companions and NPCs.
  • Has platform::PCPC Dismissing companions to the Lucky 38 can sometimes result in them staying in the same location instead of moving to the Lucky 38. So if you can't find your companions at the 38, check where you dismissed them. (As of Patch companions no longer walk to their residence but are teleported immediately).
  • The achievement/trophy The Whole Gang's Here doesn't count the companions you've currently recruited, but rather the total number of times you've recruited a companion. Furthermore, this count is not restricted to a single playthrough, so it will count "repeat" recruiting of a single companion. It is thus possible to recruit the same four companions over two playthroughs and get the achievement.
  • Sometimes when entering a casino, your companion will lose their weapons, and upon leaving, they will still not have their weapons. Mysteriously, the Courier will have it. It is impossible to give it back. The guns run on MCA ammunition, so they just clog up the inventory. To fix this, tell your companion to wait outside. This can happen to ED-E.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When entering Lucky 38, Vault 21 or the Gomorrah courtyard with Veronica, she occasionally is removed from the game.

