辐射Vault 13 jumpsuit
辐射2Vault City jumpsuit
Joanne Lynette's jumpsuit
辐射3Numbered Vault jumpsuit
Vault 77 jumpsuit
Child's Vault jumpsuit
Vault utility jumpsuit
Dad's wasteland outfit
Modified utility jumpsuit
Armored Vault jumpsuit
Vault lab uniform
The Surgeon's lab coat
Vault security armor
辐射:新维加斯Numbered Vault jumpsuit
Vault utility jumpsuit
Armored Vault 13 jumpsuit
Cut content Armored Vault 21 jumpsuit
Boomer jumpsuit
Janet's Boomer outfit
Boomer flightsuit
Vault lab uniform
Vault security armor
辐射4Numbered Vault jumpsuit
Vault-Tec lab coat
Vault-Tec security armor
Legend of Vault 88 Vault-Tec Workshop
辐射76Numbered Vault jumpsuit
Vault Tec University jumpsuit
辐射:避难所Armored vault suit (sturdy, heavy)
辐射:桌面游戏Vault suit

避难所连身衣(英文:Vault jumpsuitsVault suits) (这两个术语可以互换) 是避难所居民的标志性装备,基本上是避难所科技公司的象征,[Fallout 2d20 1]被吉祥物避难所小子避难所小妹所穿着。



一旦避难所启动,所有进入避难所的居民都要尽快换上连身衣。[3] 然而,延迟也可能发生:由于避难所连身衣除了背面大号的避难所编号外,还设计了生物识别系统,扫描结果的差异会延迟连身衣的发放。[4] 为了容纳大量涌入的人群,避难所准备了一批连身衣,用真空密封的包装提前发货,每箱十件。[5] 用现有库存更换破旧或损坏的连身衣,然后用安装在每个避难所的连身衣挤出机制造 (作为避难所实验的一部分,虽然部分设计失败了)。[6] 避难所科技公司还为英克雷提供设计,用于其民用设施,如总统油井平台[7]

不管哪一代,连身衣都被证明是一种坚固耐用的装备,而且很容易搭配。 避难所居住者通常会根据他们的工作情况,把它与各种设备搭配在一起:用于科研设备的耐用实验服,[8]用于维护工作的简化版,[9]以及用于安全人员的防弹衣和防护头盔。[10][11] 冒险进入废土的居民通常用各种简易护甲或改进衬里来加强他们的连身衣。[12][13]


游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76

坚固耐用的连身衣变体被设计大量用于在避难所科技的机械和基础设施中。 这套服装采用了牛仔布和天然皮革的结合,而不是挤压橡胶,[14][15][16]创造了一件特别坚固的装备。 这套衣服不如其他的连身衣合身,但是很舒适。和其他版本一样,这是一件单件制服,前面有拉链,皮革护手,腰部和大腿有宽大的口袋。加强的肘部和膝盖使它在长时间使用时具有额外的耐用性,左乳上的接口端口可用于多种用途。根据不同的工作任务,连身衣的设计可以容纳不同的皮带,包括儿童用的简单皮带、一般用途的坚固多用途皮带,以及公用事业、实验室和保安工作的专用装备。[17]

辐射和 辐射2[]

一种由挤压橡胶制成的单件连体工作服型号,易于保持清洁且极具弹性。和其他型号相比,这个版本的连身衣还很原始。[18]至少13号避难所的部分居民使用了此型号的衣服。也可能被其他避难所使用过,比如70号避难所,石油钻井上的英克雷居民,以及地下掩體都市的居民,虽然这些避难所服装的背面没有数字。[19][20] 尽管有橡胶材料,连身衣还是可以通过熨烫来提升其外观。[21]

辐射 3[]

  • 常规的避难所连身衣 (唯一的变体是77号避难所连身衣)
  • 附护甲101号避难所连身衣,配备了简易护甲。
  • 101号避难所安保护甲,搭配防护背心和黑色手套。
  • 童装版101号避难所连身衣,在角色生成期间穿着。
  • 避难所库实用连身衣 (改良型实用连身衣),在避难所的技术系统的密闭空间中使用的明显较脏的版本。没有前臂保护器和界面套件。 父亲的废土套装是一种独特的变体。
  • 避难所实验室制服,为科学和医学工作而设计,配白色实验袍。 The Surgeon's lab coat 是一种独特的变体。


  • 常规避难所连身衣
  • 3号避难所实用连身衣,与辐射3一样。
  • 附护甲13号避难所连身衣,临时配备的护甲,作为信使的密藏扩展包的一部分可用。基础游戏变体,附护甲21号避难所连身衣被裁掉了。
  • Boomer jumpsuits和Boomer flightsuits are old suits patched up by the Boomers and worn together with various Air Force uniform pieces. Janet's Boomer outfit is an unique, quest-related variant.
  • 避难所实验室制服,与辐射3一样。
  • 34号避难所安保护甲,与辐射3一样。

辐射 4[]



  • 编号: 63号避难所连身衣, 76号避难所连身衣94号避难所连身衣96号避难所连身衣
  • 废土小子附护甲避难所连身衣绝缘避难所连身衣


它们出现在所有的辐射游戏中。在辐射辐射2,它们是游戏玩家的默认配置, 并且在 辐射3辐射:新维加斯辐射4辐射76,它们以游戏物品的形式出现。


  • Adam Adamowicz表示:“设计或重新设计避难所服意味着要坚持标准,更新纹理和触觉,以满足我们现在在游戏中可以实现的细节。我选择了更耐用的牛仔布料,这是典型的美国风格,适合进行涉及重型机械和攀爬金属管道的避难所任务。总体而言,避难所服似乎代表了一种普通男女一致的制服,一旦穿着者逃到恶劣的荒原环境中,它就成了一块白布作为装饰。保留50年代复古风格似乎可以支持这一点,我希望这套服装在《禁忌星球》这样的50年代经典科幻电影中有宾至如归的感觉。加固的肘部和膝盖似乎给这个压抑而又严酷的环境带来了一点那样的风格。”[需要引证]
  • 辐射4艺术设定集 其中一条写道:“设计一件亮蓝色和黄色的紧身衣,又不让人觉得很傻,这是一个相当大的设计挑战。” 我们通过专注于高科技材料的图案和纹理的有趣混合和添加细节来实现这一点。对于标志性的黄色条纹,我们采用了金属金箔作为散热条,并与集成在衣服中的生物识别传感器一起工作。”[24]
  • 喬安·琳娜特的面部特写是从她作为51区科学家代言人的版本回收来的,因此她的衣服有细微的差别,包括一个很大的领口。[25]




  1. Vault-Tec scientist: "The Vault suit is designed to be fashionable as well as comfortable."
    (Vault-Tec scientist's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken during the quest War Never Changes.
  2. See respective articles for details. ie Vault Boy, Pressed Vault Suit Award
  3. Vault 114 terminal entries; check in terminal
  4. Mr. Able: "When do WE get our suits, huh? What's taking so long?"
    Vault-Tec scientist: "No, no, happens all the time. We'll clean things up real quick. Don't worry."
    Mrs Able: "Is something wrong?"
    Vault-Tec scientist: "Mister and Missus Able. We're detecting a very small anomaly in your biometric scans. Just hold tight right there for a second."
    (Mr. Able's and a Vault-Tec scientist's dialogue)
  5. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 suit package and shipping box props.
  6. Fallout Bible 0 Vault system: "Vault 70 All jumpsuit extruders fail after 6 months."
  7. Enclave citizens' character description: "{100}{}{You see a person in a vault suit.}"
  8. Vault lab uniform
  9. Vault 101 utility jumpsuit
  10. Vault 101 security armor
  11. Vault-Tec security armor and helmet.
  12. Armored Vault 101 jumpsuit and other modified suits.
  13. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 Vault suit modifications.
  14. The Courier: "Sarah, stop right there. Do you actually have any vault gear?"
    Sarah Weintraub: "Okay, I do, but who wants a lame sensor module, or a nitrogen canister, anyway? All the popular stuff has been sold - especially the vault suits. I need to find more because people buy them like hot cakes."
    (Sarah Weintraub's dialogue)
  15. Vault 21 terminal entries; Vault 21 guest terminal, Gift Catalogue
  16. Vault 21 terminal entries; Vault 21 reception terminal and Sarah's terminal, Our Influential Friends.
  17. Conceptual Design: "The Vault Suit
    Designing, or redesigning the vault suit meant adhering to canon, and updating the textures and tactile feel for the detail we can achieve now in games. I opted for a more durable denim like material, something quintessentially American and, suited to carrying out vault tasks involving heavy machinery and crawling through metal pipes.
    Overall, the vault suit seems to represent an Everyman/Everywoman uniform of conformity, and a blank canvas for accessorizing once the wearer had escaped into the harsh environment of the wasteland. Preserving the retro 50’s flavor seemed to support this, and I wanted the suit to feel at home in a classic 50’s sci-fi film like Forbidden Planet. The reinforced elbows and knees seemed to introduce a bit of that flair to the otherwise oppressively Orwellian environment."
  18. Mad scientist: "{142}{}{Who are you? And why are you wearing that suit? [to himself] I haven't seen one of those in a long time.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{146}{}{It's extruded rubber, so it's real easy to wipe your blood off after I kill you!}"
  19. Darrow's character description: "{100}{}{You see a Citizen in a bright blue jumpsuit. It looks like the Vault Dweller's suit, but there is no number on the back.}"
  20. Descriptions for the various generic characters of Vault City; VCURINE.MSG, VCWRKCIT.MSG, VCGENFAM.MSG, VCBARCIT.MSG
  21. Wallace's character description: "{101}{}{You see a thin man with a pinched face. He is wearing a sharply pressed Vault suit.}"
  22. The Art of Fallout 4 p.15: "VAULT SUIT
    Creating a skintight costume in bright blue and yellow and not having it come across as goofy looking was a considerable design challenge. We achieved this by focusing on an interesting mix of patterns and textures for the high-tech materials and adding details that grounded the design."
  23. The Art of Fallout 4 p.16: "VAULT SUIT
    For the iconic yellow stripe, we went with a metallic gold foil that serves as a heat-dissipation strip and works with the biometric sensors integrated in the suit."
  24. The Art of Fallout 4 p.15
  25. Joanne Lynette as she appears in Fallout 2.
Fallout 2d20
  1. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p. 129: "The standard garment for all vault inhabitants, provided by Vault-Tec. A close-fitting blue jumpsuit with a golden-yellow strip running around the neck, down the torso, and along the sleeves. This strip is a metallic foil which aids in heat dissipation and works with the suit’s integrated biometric scanners. Each Vault Jumpsuit has a number on the back, signifying which vault it originated from."