
Gametitle-FO4 VW
Gametitle-FO4 VW
Build a brighter future underground with the all-new Vault-Tec Workshop. Create a massive Vault and attract new Dwellers using pre-war industrial kits complete with retro-nostalgic furniture, lighting, and art. And like every good Overseer, run Vault-Tec approved experiments on your Dwellers to learn what makes an ideal citizen. Vault-Tec has given you the tools, the rest is up to you!— Official description

避難所科技工坊Fallout 4第五個擴充內容 , 也是第三個擁有任務和主線故事的資料片,於2016年7月26日發售。當玩家等級到達20後自動觸發。






  • Security Chief Andersen
  • Overseer Barstow
  • Clem
  • Julian


Armor and clothing[]

  • Vault 88 jumpsuit
  • Legend of Vault 88 (Vault 88 jumpsuit with legendary modifier)

Miscellaneous items[]

  • Vault 88 Pip-Boy
  • Vault-Tec control board

World objects[]

Settlement objects[]


  • Vault 88 overseer's desk[1]
  • Power Cycle 1000 prototype[1]
  • Soda fountain prototype[1]
  • Phoropter prototype[1]
  • Slot machine prototype[1]


  • Vault
    • Domestic
      • Domestic - Hallway (x3)
      • Domestic - Transition to utility
      • Domestic - Hallway w/ window
      • Domestic - Hallway w/ windows
      • Domestic - 3 way
      • Domestic - 4 way
      • Domestic - Corner
      • Domestic - Hall to doorway
      • Domestic - Hallway & doorway
      • Domestic - 4 way w/ doorways
      • Domestic - Stairs
      • Domestic - Stairwell (x2)
      • Domestic - Prefab wall
      • Domestic - Prefab window
      • Domestic - Prefab doorway
      • Domestic - Prefab corner (x2)
      • Domestic - Prefab mid
      • Domestic - Wall endcap
      • Domestic - Doorway endcap
    • Utility
      • Utility - Hallway (x3)
      • Utility - Transition to domestic
      • Utility - Hallway w/ window
      • Utility - Hallway w/ windows
      • Utility - 3 way
      • Utility - 4 way
      • Utility - Corner
      • Utility - Hall to doorway
      • Utility - Hallway & doorway
      • Utility - Hallway & doorways
      • Utility - Stairs
      • Utility - Stairwell (x2)
      • Utility - Prefab wall
      • Utility - Prefab window
      • Utility - Prefab doorway
      • Utility - Prefab corner (x2)
      • Utility - Prefab mid
      • Utility - Wall endcap
      • Utility - Doorway endcap
    • Wide halls
      • Wide hall
      • Wide hall - 3 way
      • Wide hall - 4 way
      • Wide hall - Doorway (x2)
      • Wide hall - Corner
      • Wide hall - End (x2)
    • Rooms
      • Common
        • Common room - Wall
        • Common room - Wall doorway
        • Common room - Window
        • Common room - Mid
        • Common room - Corner (x2)
        • Common room - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Cafeteria
        • Cafeteria - Wall (x3)
        • Cafeteria - Wall doorway
        • Cafeteria - Window
        • Cafeteria - Mid
        • Cafeteria - Corner (x2)
        • Cafeteria - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Clinic
        • Clinic - Wall
        • Clinic - Wall doorway
        • Clinic - Window
        • Clinic - Mid
        • Clinic - Corner (x2)
        • Clinic - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Nursery
        • Nursery - Wall
        • Nursery - Wall doorway
        • Nursery - Window
        • Nursery - Mid
        • Nursery - Corner (x2)
        • Nursery - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Overseer
        • Overseer - Wall (x2)
        • Overseer - Wall doorway
        • Overseer - Window (x2)
        • Overseer - Mid
        • Overseer - Column
        • Overseer - Corner (x2)
        • Overseer - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Quarters
        • Quarters - Wall
        • Quarters - Wall doorway
        • Quarters - Window
        • Quarters - Mid
        • Quarters - Corner (x2)
        • Quarters - Corner doorway (x2)
      • Security
        • Security - Wall
        • Security - Wall doorway
        • Security - Window
        • Security - Mid
        • Security - Corner (x2)
        • Security - Corner doorway (x2)
    • Atrium
      • Atrium - Prefab end (x2)
      • Atrium - End (x2)
      • Atrium - Ceiling (x2)
      • Atrium - Floor
      • Atrium - Wall bottom
      • Atrium - Window bottom
      • Atrium - Doorway bottom
      • Atrium - Column bottom
      • Atrium - Corner bottom
      • Atrium - Inner corner bottom
      • Atrium - Column (x2)
      • Atrium - Wall mid
      • Atrium - Window mid
      • Atrium - Overseer window
      • Atrium - Doorway mid
      • Atrium - Column mid
      • Atrium - Corner mid
      • Atrium - Inner corner mid
      • Atrium - Wall top
      • Atrium - Window top
      • Atrium - Doorway top
      • Atrium - Corner top
      • Atrium - Inner corner top
      • Atrium - Column top
      • Atrium - Hanging floor
      • Atrium - Hanging floor corner (x2)
      • Atrium - Ceiling & floor
      • Trim
      • Atrium - Prefab wall (x2)
      • Atrium - Prefab doorway
      • Atrium - Prefab window
      • Atrium - Prefab corner
      • Atrium - Prefab inner corner
      • Atrium - Prefab column
    • Doors
      • Door
      • Window (x3)
    • Railings & stairs
      • Stairs
      • Bridge (x4)
      • Railing (x11)
    • Supports
      • Supports (x6)


  • Beds
  • Chairs
    • Chair (7 different chairs, 9 color variants)
    • Bench (4 variants)
    • Table
    • Ottoman (two color variants)
    • Couch (three variants)
    • Stool
  • Containers
    • Vault trunk (clean or dirty)
    • Desk
    • Dresser (two variants)
    • Locker
    • Hamper
    • File cabinet (two sizes and two color variants)
  • Shelves
    • Shelf (two different styles, 8 total pieces)
  • Tables
    • Overseer's desk (generic, clean)
    • Table (7 variants)
    • Side table
    • Counter (three variants)
    • Desk (two variants)
    • Desk addition (two variants for each desk)
    • Kitchen table (three variants)
    • Cabinet (two variants)
    • Coffee table (two variants)
    • End table (two variants)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Cart
    • Night stand
    • Sink (clean)
    • Toilet (clean)
    • Water fountain (clean)
    • Dispenser (two variants)
    • Pommel horse[2]
    • Weight bench[2]
    • Counter
    • Ottoman
    • Projector
    • Television (three variants, clean)


  • Floor coverings
    • Floor mat (1x1, 2x2 and 4x4)
    • Floor mat (one 2x2 and three 4x4 variants)
  • Wall decorations
    • Signs
      • Construction-themed signs (10 variants)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Eat-o-tronic (clean)
  • Vault
    • Statues
      • Vault-Girl statue
      • Vault-Boy statue
    • Posters
      • Vault-themed posters (clean)
      • Vault-themed posters (dirty)
    • Signs
      • Room name (door)
      • Room name (wall)
      • Vault - arrow (left or right)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Console (three variants)
      • Crate (small, 5 color variants)
      • Crate (tall, 5 color variants)
      • Crate (wide, 5 color variants)
      • Crate (big, 5 color variants)
      • Tree (Christmas themed, two variants)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Jukebox (clean)
    • Ashtray (clean)
    • Radio (clean, tuned to Classical Radio)
    • Speaker (tuned to Classical Radio)
    • Stereo (holodisk recorder/player, clean)
    • The Sicilian Espresso Machine (clean)
    • Trash can (clean)


  • Generators
    • Vault-Tec reactor
    • Vault-Tec super-reactor
  • Connectors & switches
    • Vault power conduit
    • Power conduit (three variants, vault themed)
  • Lights
    • Wall light (white, red and green)
    • Fluorescent ceiling light (5 variants)
    • Fluorescent wall light (two variants)
  • Miscellaneous


  • Guard posts
    • Control post
    • Security desk
    • Guard post


  • Water
    • Vault-Tec water pump[4]
  • Vault
    • Power Cycle 1000[5]
    • Phoropter[5]
    • Soda fountain[5]
    • Slot machine[5]
  • Miscellaneous
    • Barber chair
    • Surgery chair


圖標 任務名稱 地點 給予者 報酬 Form ID Editor ID
Icon Fo4 side quest
您好,這裡是避難所公司 昆西採石場
Vault 88 radio beacon Location of Vault 88
300+ XP
xx{{#pad:0043e5|6|0|left}} DLC06MQ01
Icon Fo4 side quest
更好的生活就在地下 88号避难所 Overseer Barstow Vault 88 as a settlement
300+ XP
xx{{#pad:00480b|6|0|left}} DLC06MQ02
Icon Fo4 side quest
模範公民 88号避难所 Overseer Barstow 350+ XP xx{{#pad:004840|6|0|left}} DLC06MQ03
Icon Fo4 side quest
探索88號避難所 88号避难所 Overseer Barstow 300+ XP xx{{#pad:004f65|6|0|left}} DLC06MQ04
Icon Fo4 side quest
產電於民 88号避难所 Overseer Barstow 350+ XP
Power Cycle 1000 as a settlement object
xx{{#pad:004a7e|6|0|left}} DLC06E01
Icon Fo4 side quest
一路喝到掛 88号避难所
HalluciGen, Inc.
Overseer Barstow 350+ XP
Soda fountain as a settlement object
xx{{#pad:004ad5|6|0|left}} DLC06E02
Icon Fo4 side quest
著眼未來 88號避難所 Overseer Barstow 350+ XP
Phoropter as a settlement object
xx{{#pad:004f72|6|0|left}} DLC06E03
Icon Fo4 side quest
幸運女神 88號避難所 Overseer Barstow 400+ XP
Slot machine as a settlement object
Legend of Vault 88
xx{{#pad:005117|6|0|left}} DLC06E04
Icon Fo4 side quest
Overseer's Most Wanted 任意聚落 避难所科技人口管理系统 同伴的地点 xx{{#pad:003de1|6|0|left}} DLC06CompanionTracker


名称 要求 成就点 奖杯类型 PC/PS4 图像 Xbox 图像
更好的生活就在地下 解锁88号避难所内所有地点 15 Gamerscore Bronze Better Living Underground Achievement Icon Better Living Underground Xbox achievement
Oversight 成为大头领 15 Gamerscore Bronze Oversight Achievement Icon Oversight Xbox achievement
避难所居民 定居者上装备88避难所连身衣哔哔小子 20 Gamerscore Bronze Vault Dweller Achievement Icon Vault Dweller Xbox achievement


  • The vault door under Structures > Doors is a scaled down 1x3 tiled-version of a Vault door, and is a reference to Fallout 1.[6]
  • The majority of new objects added are simply a 'clean version' of the filthy ones already on the game.
  • Most prefabricated tiles already have wiring built in.
  • Vault power conduits transfer power from and to vault structures. This not only saves a lot of space and resources, but also allows for better looking structures, without needing to run wires all around.
  • Vault prefab structures cannot be built outside Vault 88 until the quest Lady Luck is complete.

Behind the scenes[]

This add-on bears a number of similarities to the mobile game Fallout Shelter, such as constructing a vault and maintaining a community within it. Vault dwellers in the DLC will also occasionally say lines that previously appeared in Fallout Shelter, such as, "Who do you think would win in a fight, a lumberjack with tentacle arms or a shark riding a unicycle?"


Has platform::PCPC A bug can occur in the DLC wherein a supply line appears between Vault 88 and another random settlement. The trigger for this is unknown, but it can occur at any point after the initial quest is given, even before gaining access to the Vault 88 workshop.[7]


Official trailer[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 This object is only available to be built during its related quest, and can only be built once
  2. 2.0 2.1 This object can be used by settlers and the Sole Survivor, and gives a happiness boost to the settlement
  3. It works as a normal settlement terminal, but with some additional features
  4. It cannot be built, and isn't listed on the workshop menu, but can be found and used at Vault 88
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Its building cost, requirements and generated resources may vary depending on which one of the three parameters were selected during the prototype phase
  6. https://youtu.be/Wb6edgIP7y8?t=30m
  7. "Known issue but unsolved : supply lines." on Steam discussions

Template:Navbox Vault-Tec Workshop
