Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia!

Hello, LovinglyGaslight, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Jspoelstra (talk) 19:34, December 17, 2018 (UTC)


if you need to see the difference between the scrapbots and the junkbots look up scrapbot and find a picture then compare it to the junkbot trust me I've played the game several times over so I know what I'm talking about I wouldn't be wasting your time if I didn't 15:41, April 10, 2019 (UTC)

hey a friend of mine uploaded the normal/servomech (keep in mind the normal and servomech scrapbots look the same) integrated cybermech and quantum scrapbot images as well as a screenshot of the galactic zone eyebot that he took he wanted me to let you know that if you need screenshots of other enemies he'll be happy to get them for you thank you for taking the time to read this message 12:03, April 11, 2019 (UTC)

Infobox on user page[]

So, I kind of went ahead before getting the ok from you (apologises if I have overstepped) on the issue you mentioned about the infobox on your userpage. The default box isn't exactly the most user friendly thing in the world as parameters go, but after looking at the template code and your page thankfully the issue was a pairing issue.

If you check the history on your page, you'll see I've paired the sectioned up, label1-1 with content1-1, label1-2 with content1-2 etc etc. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 17:10, July 12, 2019 (UTC)

Ah! Thanks, I didnt want to bother anyone with it, I planned to read through the template and such at a later date, it just seemed minor. xP Thanks for doing it for me, Like I said, I suck at wiki markup LovinglyGaslight (talk) 23:37, July 12, 2019 (UTC)

Shady Sands edit[]

For the record, the reason I immediately assumed it was vandalism is because "Sandy Shores" is also the name of a relatively famous location from Grand Theft Auto V, and I've seen a lot of vandals inserting nonsense like that over the past month or two.--DirtyBlue929 (talk) 03:42, September 18, 2019 (UTC)

Don't sweat it, dawg. Just remember to.... Dot your T's and cross your I's.. Gotta always do that good... faith... stuff. (Im tired) xD LovinglyGaslight (talk) 03:53, September 18, 2019 (UTC)

Nukapedia - Vault Merger: voting has reopened[]


As you may have already seen, voting for the proposed merger has been reopened. Voting was originally postponed so that users could better discuss the proposal, and after a lengthy conversation, that forum has since come to a close. For more information, please see the discussion itself. The post is a little lengthy, but if you are truly interested in making an informed decision, I would recommend reading through it.

Because this discussion may or may not affect how you voted initially or your rationale at the time, please review your post so that it reflects your current beliefs accurately.

This is only a notice of open polls and is not soliciting a change of vote. This is a generic talk page message intended only as for any and all voters, so as to avoid any indication of bias towards a particular outcome. Voting is slated to end on 5:01 pm November 1, 2019 (UTC).

The formal vote can be found here.


The Dyre Wolf (talk) 11:30, October 28, 2019 (UTC)

PL tribals[]

Actually, I think we need to get rid of <page> (character) pages altogether and also get rid of the Pitt raider and Pitt slave disambiguation pages as such. There's not enough content. So Pitt raider (character) should be renamed Pitt raider and Pitt slave (character) renamed to Pitt slave. Then we have consistency again. Brotherhood O(o)utcast(s) is good as it is. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 23:04, January 18, 2020 (UTC)


You are not helping anyone by involving yourself in my dispute, your not an admin don't try and tell me what to do--Branebriar1930 (talk) 00:01, February 17, 2020 (UTC)


why did you restore those edits? did you actually look at them before you restored them? Thorn-part of westside gray-part of north vegas square tribal village- no residents or quests sierra madre- no residents

it really seems like it was a kneejerk reaction to restore them without thought--Branebriar1930 (talk) 00:15, February 17, 2020 (UTC)

And no i would actually prefer if admin talked to me about this than some rando.


but then what about the citadel, old north church, prydwen, hoover dam, camp maccarren, institute and many others? basically the word city would be such a vague term

and by the way you are wrong about the sierra madra because the page itself states that a criteria for a city must be residents--Branebriar1930 (talk) 00:27, February 17, 2020 (UTC)

boulder city[]

Boulder city has boulder city workers(residents) and a functional bar (store) that's why its one there. --Branebriar1930 (talk) 00:35, February 17, 2020 (UTC)


After some review on the City article, it's been decided that you, along with Brane and JCB, were participating in an edit-war that resulted in the article being temporarily protected from further editing. The fact that it got to that point is pretty concerning, and it needs to be addressed.

You don't have a history of edit-warring, so consider this just a slap on the wrist. But in the future, if you have an issue with what another editor is doing, then you need to take your issues to the article's respective talk-page. If that doesn't work, then a mediator needs to be brought in to help determine where to go from there. In any case, I'll see you around the wiki - happy editing! 寧靜 Fox 20:32, February 17, 2020 (UTC)

Thank you![]

I appreciate your vote of confidence on my application. You are the best! -Kate (Kdarrow (talk) 09:13, July 20, 2020 (UTC))

Solid work[]

Thanks for getting rid of all these speculations all over the place. Right under my nose the whole time?! Good eye my friend. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 15:37, October 3, 2020 (UTC)


Are you Sigmund's sockpuppet? I noticed in the last two votes, you and he have this sort of groupthink/hive mind thing going on. Anyways, I also need to point out that it's really petty to declare an unfounded, quasi-paranoid conspiracy theory every time a vote doesn't go your way. Other people think differently than you. It's not a conspiracy. DauntlessX (talk) 17:45, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

It's sarcasm, bro. Sure, you can make up baseless conspiracy theories about other people. And they can make them up about you. Why don't you do the right thing from now on and vote on the merits, not based on a fictional story you made up? That's just so petty, and, from what I hear about you, it's very beneath you. Be the good person I hear you are, not the conspiracy nut. DauntlessX (talk) 08:05, 16 August 2021 (UTC)


I messed up and made a joke that ended up being offensive instead of funny. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I've seen you around Discord and think you're funny. Please don't think I don't like you - I hope we can mend fences and become friends. Again, I'm sorry for the rude way I spoke to you.DauntlessX (talk) 18:05, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

Block, one week[]

I am writing to let you know that I placed a block on your account for one week, mirroring a Discord ban given for non-adherence to chat conduct policy. All users are encouraged to express concerns on issues regarding the wiki, its content, or governance, but must do so in a civil and courteous manner, and must follow moderator instructions. You are welcome and encouraged to return shortly, and I am always available to hear concerns in the meantime or to assist in diffusing and navigating interactions afterward. You are a valuable member of the community and I look forward to moving past this and working with you in the future. -kdarrow 04:41, 30 October 2021 (UTC)

Re: Interjection on Great Mara and my conversation[]

If by "why keep doing it" you mean changing the subheaders, check recent changes before making accusations. --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:17, 5 November 2021 (UTC)

Yes, I was aware of 90% of the recent changes page. However I'm only seeing a "What" and not a "Why". I'll restate what I said on Mara's Talkpage; If you genuinely are going to put it to a vote, continuing to do so before it's voted upon under the assumption that it will pass is presumptuous. LovinglyGaslight (talk) 23:54, 5 November 2021 (UTC)

Attitude aka "turning the arrowhead"[]

Hello Rurin,

In response to your last reply on the ongoing forum, I would like to state I was under the impression, that at least two of your statements were placed in bad faith, and were disrespectful towards other users in the forum. If I erred, then please take my apologies.

In case you are wondering as to why I interpreted your comment the way I did, I would strongly recommend that you review your own user page in its current state.

In the first paragraph alone, you claim that:

  1. Your goal to "keep the wiki organised" is no longer apt. (How you wanted to keep things organised, with a mere 200+ edits in almost 3 years, is honestly beyond me.)
  2. The wiki's current state is palpable. (Whatever you mean by that.)
  3. Staff is generally whimsical and full of malicious intent. (Bad faith assumption)
  4. Anonymous editing being turned off without community input. (Has been addressed in the past, was enacted as an emergency measure, is going to be addressed again soon, valid opinion.)
  5. Staff is more into ruling than running the wiki. (Bad faith assumption.)
  6. Staff is vain and fancies titles over dealing with issues brought forward. (Bad faith assumption, hand me a list with all your complaints, and I will gladly try to address them.)
  7. Quality declines for the sake of uniformity. (Subjective opinion, perfectly valid.)
  8. Staff and cult of personality in user base sit by and nod as the wiki gets destroyed. (Conspiracy-grade nonsense, this is what I was referring to, when I wrote "paranoia-induced manifesto" on the forum.)
  9. Staff with clean record have massive and major rule violations levelled against them. (Whom are you referring to exactly?)
  10. Recent staff additions are all bad, and hide their major violations from the public. (Bad faith assumption, close to conspiracy nonsense.)
  11. Sudden and unvoted removal of long-serving staff (Again, to whom are you referring to specifically?)
  12. Other bans have been overturned by, in part, merit of not being independently verifiable. (Another general claim, without addressing any specific bans.)
  13. FANDOM staff deleted the one ever-so-slight comment... (FANDOM is part of the staff conspiracy now?)

Let us count how I perceived those lines, we have:

  • 4 assumptions of bad faith on your end (#3,5,6,10)
  • 2 valid opinions (#4,7)
  • 2 conspiracy-grade claims (#8,13)
  • 3 unspecified claims without stating any names (#9,11,12)
  • 2 neutral statements (#1,2)

So, all in all, 6 negative, 2 positive, and 5 neutral.
Mind you, this is only the first paragraph, there are eight more, all equal in length or slightly shorter.

When you write stuff like this, are you honestly surprised that I, one of the staff so despised by you, express my dissatisfaction regarding your constant negativity, bad faith assumptions, and general open hostility, on every vote and every discussion? Or did you think, that no one would hold you accountable, for all the unjustified allegations you make?
Keep in mind, rights holders are first and foremost users, like yourself. Users who voluntarily assist with running this place, and which you indirectly insult, every time you decide to talk trash about staff.

At this point, I am going to be quite honest with you:
Someone caring about the wiki would work their butt off in order to improve both articles and its general state.
Someone caring about the community would be kind and helpful in interactions with others.
Someone caring about the bad staff with the "nasty habits" would try to garner community support in order to get rid of them, maybe even lead by example, take up responsibility, and become staff themselves, to be better than the previous folks.

Maybe ask yourself in a quiet minute, which approach you would choose? Because quite frankly, as of late I have yet to see you try any of them.

Regardless of my personal disapproval of your current behavior, my offer still stands. Feel free to send me a list of all the issues you have, with details where needed, and I will look into them, address them, and bring them forward where need be.

I sincerely hope that we will find a way for dealing with your current situation, as I can see that it frustrates you, while your toxic behavior in turn frustrates me, and likely other users as well.

For now, and despite all of this, I wish you a wonderful weekend.
FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 10:04, 7 November 2021 (UTC)

In reply to the talk page you left me earlier:
1) My "implication" is everything but flawed. You are basically saying that you only give lore advice and do proofreading - matter of fact, that means you let other people do the editing. Yet you are entitled enough to shame staff, for "making a mockery of the wiki," and telling them that they are "just terrible at what they do," literally judging their contributions and changes made to the wiki. Way to go, mate, way to go.
2,3,12) This has nothing to do with "naming and shaming," as you like to put it. You are just throwing around general accusations toward staff, and when asked about their specifics, you do not have the gut to speak up and name the people you think to be culprits and their alleged wrongdoings. I would recommend that you start gathering evidence, and once you deem your case to be strong enough, bring it forward with either the community, or if severe enough, with FANDOM. As that is the standard procedure, whereas making baseless accusations is not.
5,6) Do you actually intent to accuse someone, or would you rather skirt around the issue, as you do right now?
8) Just more skirting around, how about you speak your mind who those "certain people" are? Likewise, the assumption that staff can do what they want based on their relative popularity, really just showcases another case of bad faith on your end. I addressed what I thought to be a mistake by fellow staff just the other day on Discord, and I assumed good faith in their action, despite it being the wrong course of action.
9) None of the names you dropped, except for maybe Leon, had "massive and major allegations levelled at them." Obviously, I will not discuss any of those cases, out of respect for the users you mentioned. I just wanted to let you know, that most of the info needed for their cases is publicly accessible, in forums, on user talk pages, the ban log, etc. If you wanted to, you could fact-check them yourself.
10) Yeah, that info is correct, but I do not really get your issue with new staff actually enforcing the rules they are supposed to uphold? If anything, that should be a reason for you to rejoice, or not? Likewise, you still have not addressed any of the "major violations" that myself and other staff members allegedly hide from the public?
11) I am sorry, but this is simply not true. Leon stepped down as admin on his own volition, no one forced him to, as a matter of fact, several staff members (including myself) urged him to hold a reconfirmation vote, as we did not want to lose him. So your claim about his "sudden-and-unvoted removal" is simply false, and thus cannot be "independently verifiable," however you thought this would work.
13) Another case of you not really addressing anything, other than the fact that FANDOM has allegedly removed something, for which you provide neither evidence supporting your claim nor any actual context.
I am sorry to hear about the negativity surrounding you, and there is no reason for you to feel like you have to justify your engagement in a forum. However, you stated that the forum in question "comes off more as a deception to try and placate people," and this is an assumption made in bad faith, argue all you want. You may try to turn it the other way around, neither it is going to change the facts nor was I the one acting on bad faith.
As for the rest of your response, you still have not brought forward a single piece of evidence of anyone's wrongdoing until now. That you are having difficulties to see staff as regular users is sad, but that is probably an issue only you can work on. And yes, please message me the specifics, you can drop them all on my talk page, and you do not even have to bother about format or anything. I am eager to have a look at what you are on about.
And lastly, no, I will not be responsible, if you should finally decide to bring forth evidence to support your claims made. This is simply not how this works.
Have a great start into your week. –FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 21:26, 7 November 2021 (UTC)
Well, time for another round in reply to this:
1) I never said anything about the importance of you as a user or your opinion, so I do not know where you got that from?
If you simply cannot understand, that you criticizing other users for their work, while you yourself barely contribute anything on the wiki, is infuriating to them, then I do not really know what else to tell you?
The thing you apparently do not comprehend is that this whole project, the wiki, is a team effort. If you do not want to actively work on the project to improve things, that is totally fine. But then at least have the decency to refrain from telling people, who actually do work on it, how much they suck at it. You do not pay users to provide you content, as you would pay a cook to provide you food. Hence, I do not get as to why you apparently feel so entitled to discriminate a group of users?
And I never attacked your position, as it does not make sense to do so, when it is already overrun.
2,3,5,6,12) I have honestly no idea what you are even going on about. Neither am I prohibiting you from calling names, nor do you need anyone's permission to accuse someone of wrongdoings and provide evidence for it. I even pointed out the proper procedures for you in my last reply. If you have names and evidence, then take it to the forums and get it over with already.
And naturally I have "elected to assume" that you did not have any evidence. Because if you had evidence, you could have just disproved my claim that you make "unjustified allegations", which I made in my initial post.
8) I have no clue as to why you start this section with an informal fallacy, a contextomy in this case, but it surely does not help the point you want to prove. The whole first sentence of my Discord statement, and not just the cherry-picked, albeit wrongly cited part, was the following:
Yeah, damn right I read it with a bias, since I have been experiencing his kind of toxicity for quite some time now..— Findabair
You see, I merely stated that I read your forum with a bias, the reasons for being the same ones I listed in my initial post: Your negativity, assumptions made in bad faith, and open hostility. The point I criticized on Discord was the same I already brought forward, your statement regarding the forum "coming off as a deception."
Whereas you went and constructed a claim that I am openly considering myself biased towards you as a person, which you then judged to be "self-admitted evidence of my bad faith" towards you.
I can now either assume good faith, in that you merely misinterpreted my sentence. Or I can assume bad faith, in that you willfully fabricated "evidence" in order to discredit me. Since acting in bad faith is what this whole discussion is about, I will lead by example, and assume that you just misinterpreted me on accident.
9) Nah, I am still not willing to discuss the behavior of other users with you, as I consider doing so being inappropriate. If you want to wash your friends' laundry in public, that is your call. I can at least satiate your curiosity a bit, as I can confirm that a checkuser was run on both users mentioned by you. Also, none of your arguments brought up here changed my stance on the topic, I still do not consider the majority of these cases major allegations.
10) I am also not taking part in speculations about the motivations of users currently not being present. Sorry to be a spoilsport.
11) It later dawned on me that you might have meant that, but at that time, he was not even staff anymore. I am going to look for your arguments later, feel free to leave me a talk page with the Discord link, if you happen to find them before I do.
13) Without an actual background, e.g. what was said/written by whom, on which platform, it indicates nothing, other that Fandom found a comment to be too spicy, but did not overturn the ban. If you feel like interpreting something into the given facts, that is your pastime.
I am still convinced that you acted in bad faith on that forum, but since we are not going anywhere with this, I will just leave it be for now.
As for the "official say-so," I still have no idea what you even mean by that, since no such thing exists. Like I already stated earlier, if you have evidence, if you have names, feel free to create a draft for a motion of no confidence, or bring it up with FANDOM if it violates any of their terms. The wiki is a free place, and you do not need permission from anyone to bring something up. This place literally lives from the initiative shown by its users.
This is honestly just getting more bizarre by the minute to me. You make allegations, for which apparently you have the evidence. Yet you ask permission from staff to bring it forward...as I assume, to incriminate staff? And at the same time you ask me for assurances? If you intended to get me lost, congratulations, you surely did.
Also, I am just a content moderator, who is fed up with your attitude. I cannot ban you, nor would I in this case. I am only trying to address your frustration, in order to understand your points of view, and also to get less frustrated with your current behavior myself.
So long.
FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 12:00, 8 November 2021 (UTC)

Stay Strong, Emerge Stronger[]

I've recently read your comments on the state of the wiki. I speak to you not as a staff but as a fellow nukapedian. I'd be inclined to agree with you, however, I do believe that it would be a pity to see you go or continue in protest. Either ways, I believe that you're a valuable member of the wiki, and I remember you as far back as we have gone before, so don't let this incident define Nukapedia for you. Just do what you do best and continue to stay strong despite these challenges and injustices you see, and then emerge even stronger in the future. LogoMakr 14Z3y6 00:10, 8 November 2021 (UTC)

A venerable gift[]

Test tube
You have been given the ruggedest test tube.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A big ol dang on thank you for all the exceptional ruggedw+nk removal and accompanying edit summaries that were nothing short of pure joy.
-Pickman heartkdarrow 08:15, 20 November 2021 (UTC)

You prove my point.[]

Exactly. Thank you, and have a good night! ―AoD (talk) 13:38, 24 March 2022 (UTC)

A gift for you too![]

I took that mug you gave me and broke it down, here are the raw components!

Empty Syringe
You have been given Empty syringe x 2.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Go make some stimpaks for me alright!
The Mug Monarch
You have been given Wonderglue.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Here's some glue, i hear you can make books with this!
The Mug Monarch

Your average insane mug collecter - The Mug Monarch ContentMod Today at 23:12
23:12, 28 March 2022 (UTC)


Hot dog, this seems to be my 2 thousandth edit! Golly! I wanted to use it to thank you for just bein' a solid pal. You're a real one man. We all appreciate you. \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/ -Rubbinmahbelly Atx 4570leveractionstock blueridge Have a great day 04:00, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
