Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

2nd Oldest child in the vault? WRONG[]

You say here that he is the 2nd oldest because butch is the only other child at the party with a pipboy. Have you even tried talking to Wally? If you talk to Wally he says that your party is 'okay' but that his 10th birthday party was a lot better, and then mocks the player by saying 'oh yeah i didnt invite you!'. The fact that Wally doesnt have his pipboy with him at the time indicates that there is no telling where he stands in terms of age with the other children.

I can confirm this. 10:53, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Is it possible for Wally to have had his 9th birthday recently while being at the time taller than his friends? Just asking. -Radnus 00:02, 23 July


no PIP-boy not 10 Onikage01 18:21, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

All Wally says is "his birthday was way better" etc etc. He doesn't mention whether it was his 10th or not. He is also not wearing a pip-boy during that scene. -uberwekkness


We should make a character page for Dogmeat. I know from the information I've read already that you can have him search for ammo, rad-X (IIRC), and other supplies. If he dies, he can't be brought back. mrobviousjosh

We do have one: Dogmeat (Fallout 3). Ausir 11:48, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
You can now bring him back with the Puppies! perk. However, this is only obtainable and usable if you have the Broken Steel DLC. --Darth Kynval 02:23, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Canon 'name'[]

Reading up on the Game Guide, he seems to be called The Wanderer alot. 18:01, 30 October 2008 (UTC) Yeah, I thought that there should be some consistency, but the Narrator calls him 'The Lone Wanderer' consistently and Three-Dog calls him '101' consistently -- by now I don't think it would cause any confusion to use both interchangeably.-- 20:04, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

three-dog uses "The Lone Wanderer" too. I think it's pretty clear what the PC "name" is. He does use "101" for short once or twice but also uses stuff like "kiddo" and the like - those all seem like pet/nick names.--7h1s 12:18, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
One of Three Dog's lines: "Now, the Lone Wanderer, a.k.a. the kid from Vault 101..." confirms that the name IS canon and that he is directly referring to the PC.--Amitakartok 19:27, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

He/she isnt always the "lone" wanderer,most of the time someone will recruit a companion and thus no longer be the lone wanderer Werewolfhell 12:20, 18 January 2009 (UTC)

It's just a name. All the Fallout PCs have had "titles" (besides the name you can pick for your character). Fallout had the Vault Dweller, Fallout 2 had the Chosen One. The Vault Dweller in Fallout didn't dwell in a vault. He lived there, but the whole story is about him not being in the vault. But that is his "name". --7h1s 07:05, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

I've heard that there is a very hard safe in Vault 112 that contains a holotape from James, and that this holotape mentions the Lone Wanderer's real name. Can anyone confirm this?

James always refers to you as 'son' or 'daughter', I don't think there is any holotapes from James in vault 112. Also, I doubt the PC has a name because it's supposed to be you (the player) and can be either male or female.

The "canon" status of the name "Lone Wanderer" is disputable. However, from a story teller's perspective, such as the narrator, the name (at the time of telling the story)might be the most accepted name for the character. The time at which the story is told might be decades from the actual events described in the story. The story teller may have learned about this "lone wanderer from Vault 101" from his ancestors, who also uphold the name "Lone Wanderer" and, as such, considers this name to be the most prominent. Other names are also tied to this one special character, such as "Vault Kid", "101", "Crazy Kid from Vault 101" as well as names that are based on your reputation (Karma), but none seem to stand out as much as the "Lone Wanderer". I believe that if a future Fallout game would make reference to the events in Fallout 3, the PC would be described as a "person from a Capitol Wasteland Vault" or simply "Lone Wanderer". So, the name "Lone Wanderer" isnt really the name of the character, but is generally accepted as the most prominent, both currently and well into the future. --Radnus 19:08, September 8, 2009 (UTC)

With the parent's link with religion and even naming the passcode to the Project under 21:6 it's possible that the lone wanderer was named under the his birthday testament, Micah.

In one of the dialogues with a character in Little Lamplight (Bumble maybe?), he refers to himself as "the", or "a", "Vault Dweller". Error?

Roygbiv666 (talk) 01:15, August 27, 2012 (UTC)

Place of Birth -SPOILERS AHEAD-[]

I believe James clearly states ingame that the project failed after you were born, and the other scientists moved on to found what is now Rivet City. Suggesting that you were not born in Rivet City as it did not exist yet. 11:48, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

If not Rivet City... Has anyone tried using the console to leave the operating table and fly around the room to see if it looks like any place in particular? I might try to figure out how to do that. One thing to notice is that Dr. Li is there with James. She is the one that takes you out of the room when the mother is having some troubles. 12:17, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
I haven't used any commands to explore the room as mentioned above, however my guess is your character is born below Project Purity. If you explore the area (such as when your father has you restoring power and fuses and such) you'll see living quarters. It's clear you aren't in a vault, and Rivet City seems unlikely as well (as mentioned above). James and Doctor Li make it sound like your birth is the final event that ends the project, so it's likely it was being at least somewhat worked on and occupied at the time you are born. RandomInterrupt 18:54, 14 November 2008 (UTC)
It's most likely the medical room right near the entrance of the basement in the Jefferson Memorial.Fiddlesoup 09:16, 20 December 2008 (UTC)
There should really be a SPOILER tag at the beginning of this article due to Place of Birth; the game's designed to make you think it occurred in Vault 101.
Agreed. Pinkerton, Li, and rest founded Rivet City after the project failed. Also, Star Paladin Cross accompanies James and baby to Vault 101, and BoS were only stationed at Project Purity (as far as we know). The medical clinic in the basement of the Jefferson Memorial may also indicate 101's birthplace.--User:Ayumix 14:22, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

Make no mistake about Rivet City: City Founders Log, April 25, 2239. That's quite a bit further back than the project failed. Also, Catherine's holotape is found inside the Memorial, most likely recorded on the day/night the PC is conceived. Assuming they stayed at Pr.Purity (due to Catherine's assumed determination) during her pregnacy, it would be unwise to have her travel to Rivet City to "unleash" (er... right) her child there as the Brotherhood could provide more protection at the Memorial. --Radnus 22:05, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Project Purity Journals #7 James:"I am... at a loss. My beloved wife is gone. In her place is my daughter, small and helpless." "As much as this place means to me... As much as it meant to Catherine, this is no place for an infant. Especially an infant without her mother." I believe this is evidence enough of being born at Project Purity.

Back to Life?[]

Rumor has it that the Vault 101 Dweller, or the Lone Wanderer, is brought back to life later via retcon. Any comments on that?

They say he/she will be brought back in broken steel even if the sacrifice option is chosen,i wonder how they'll do that,as the amount of radiation in PP's control chamber can kill any human VERY fast,but perhaps sarah lyons uses some of that "magic rad-x" that colonel autumn uses

But in the 'Sacrifice' way of finishing, i thought it showed Lyons looking in PP's Control Room, Showing Vault Dweller turning into dust (as if you killed someone with a Laser gun)! 03:54, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

It looks like glowing plasma goo,so its possible the lone wanderer is intact,but glowing with radiation Werewolfhell 16:37, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

My guess is that they'll change it so the radiation actually doesn't kill you. Either they'll make it so it -ghoulifies- whoever goes in there (which would be awesome), or it will not really do anything at all. Because, honestly? 11 rads/sec is pussy. It's cheap how that low radiation can end up killing you. PlasmaFox 14:25, 26 January 2009 (UTC)-- 05:31, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

Maybe the purifier has a dead man's switch? You have to keep it activated for a while, resulting in extended radiation exposure.--Amitakartok 19:58, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

From Broken Steel: According to Jeff Gardiner: "In our third DLC, “Broken Steel,” we’ve come up with a way of allowing the player to continue on past the game ending… by changing it!" --MadDawg2552 15:58, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

maybe theyll change it so the radiation drops as soon as the purifier is activated and make it so your just unconscious Werewolfhell 13:17, 16 April 2009 (UTC)


can we have a spoiler sign on this page please? theres stuff concerning the end-game on a page about pretty basic stuff... thanks 12:14, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Project Purity[]

In Broken Steel, the Wanderer should have at least turned into a ghoul due to the radiation. I believe this expansion ruined the essence of the original ending with his survival (not that that is a bad thing, mind you).

Thurrn the Ranger 21:18, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

CUZ NO ONE WANTS TO BE A GHOUL!!!!! --Kirby888 01:37, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

You know, you could just download the Ghoul race and use cheats to change your character after the ending. You'd need to re-add all your perks through the console though -- 08:12, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

Not everyone has the computer version of Fallout 3, so not everyone can do that. 21:45, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

According to several ghouls, it takes years of exposure for ghoulification to occur. ~KingHitmanlane

"leave the vault with amata´s help"[]

you can actually leave the vault WITHOUT amata´s help DrMGinius 22:55, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, you'll be pretty much doomed if Amata did not wake you up, so I guess it counts.--Reno Vercetti 10:30, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
Mmh, I guess youre right... well, yes, she technically warned the PC about the whole thing so...--DrMGinius 19:24, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Alpha and Omega?[]

What relevance (if any.) Does this have to the lone wanderer? TheLoneWanderer2 10:40, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Granted, this question was a ways ago, but I can speculate a little... Alpha is beginning, omega is end. The lone wanderer was born in project purity, and he died (without BS) in project purity, making PP his beginning and his end. Another possibility would be Alpha referring to life, and Omega referring to death, it's your choice to either kill or save... or both. Obviously not neccessarily canon, but that's all I can think of, IF it is even a reference to LW and not just PP (waters of life) 06:54, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the spoilers!!!1[]

Please, edit the spoilers of the major plots and THE ENDING. In the first paragraph it pretty much gives it ALL away without any kind of warning...

This is an encyclopedia about the game, everything here is full of spoilers - maybe you shouldn't read it before playing the game if you want to avoid them. -- Porter21 (talk) 16:00, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

NO. It should have a SPOILER WARNING like any other Wiki. Or at least not tell the ending in a random sentence when you are not expecting it.

Agreed.-- 00:08, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Disagreed. As Porter has explained, this is an online encyclopedia about the game and everything in it. Nearly every piece of information on here is a spoiler.--Gothemasticator 04:22, November 29, 2009 (UTC)
Old but agreed, don't want spoilers? Then don't come here to an encyclopedia(a place that has any and all information relating to) on the game, these game based wiki's are what people go to for information, meaning, if you don't want to play the game, you come here and read the story, or if you've already played the game but don't understand the story you come here and read it in more detail, it doesn't work very well when you come here and don't expect to be spoiled. If you want a spoiler warning, have it on the homepage because that is the ONLY place it belongs because if you come here and read anything, you're reading spoilers regardless of whether you want to or not.Kornflakes89 01:39, March 8, 2012 (UTC)

Immune to Radiation Mutation[]

When you have radiation poisoning, at a critical level, why dont you; like other survivors in the wasteland, mutate or turn ghoul-ish? is the lone wonderer immune to radiation mutation?

He probably is not immune, but Bethseda obviously did not add ghoulification, or some F.E.V virus thingy that mutates you. I really wished they did...... Onipix 03:12, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

They do have the Barkskin Perk im which you are infected with Harold's FEV strain. Doesn't that count? What about the Rad Regeneration one from Moria? These are at least two mutations the Lone Wanderer can pick up.--KnightNapier 13:51, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

You probably aren't supposed to have crit rad poisoning for an extended period of time. Otherwise, (assuming instant ghoulification) going through certain areas, you'd pretty much instantly be ghoulified and.... well, there's upsides and downsides to that, but it would kind of rule out dieing from rad poisoning if you just instantly turned into a ghoul and started being healed by it... Another possibility would be that the lone wanderer doesn't have the physical capacity to store enough rads to become a ghoul, as some die of poisoning before getting the opportunity to become a ghoul. 06:59, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

Happy Birthday![]

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...

Happy (pre-) Birthday to the Lone Wanderer. :) Birthday Suit 03:26, 14 July 2009 (UTC)


I hardly believe that the PC learned Mandarin in the Vault. The PipBoy may have translated it for the PC, just as much as it translates the physical status, ammo and CND of equiped weapons to the PC. (beyond 2000 bullets you lose count of the remaining ammo of one weapon, imagine switching weapons...) --Radnus 00:07, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

In addition, Pipboys may not translate Japanese from Kago as it has no priority. Although during the OA simulation the translation may come from the sim itself, it still requires a Pipboy to enter the sim, suggesting that Pipboys are either federal or semi-military devices. As such, to properly interrogate Chinese (Jingwei understanding you might be the work of the Pipboy too) or to counterspy on Chinese looking people (as in Point Lookout before the bombs fell), Mandarin might have been installed in the Pipboy. This could somewhat help American federal agents to seperate the Japanese from the Chinese, and as such, prevent mass execution from Japanese folks. Last but not least, even if Kago were Chinese, he would speak an older version of Mandarin, thus still making it hardly possible for a Pipboy to translate it (Kago is supposedly over six hundred years old according to his crest). Further more, Terminals can have their Chinese texts translated by the Pipboy as it is most likely that Pipboys and current Terminals are both made by RobCo as well as the fact that RobCo also produced military hardware (this of course only adds to the possibility of the Pipboy being somewhat of a military device, even if its only known contractor for the devices is Vault-Tec, which on its own was already working for the US government. It was never mentioned that Pipboys were not directly sold to the military but its not denied either). It is possible that Pipboys were outfitted with Mandarin translators in case some Chinese remnants would remain in the US after the Vaults opened (which was indeed the case). A Japanese encounter was probably never expected. --Radnus 21:33, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Currently working on a better and more refined explanation. --Radnus 01:30, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

The PipBoy may even have a scanner: Chinese books are translated, but perhaps only because the characters are small enough to be understood by the PipBoy. Chinese posters can not be interacted with, probably because the characters are too big or too faded over time, and as such, can not be translated by the PipBoy. I would also like to point out that one of the two Chinese radio broadcasts is a very clear spoken, uncorrupted loop of a female voice. This broadcast is most likely intended for those US born Chinese or American people sympathetic to the Chinese cause and does not need to be translated, or that it's an external electronic source, like the Holotape found in PL (the one needed for opening the safe, it is mostly spoken in English, but part is in Mandarin, and not translated). The other broadcast is broken, with a few words sounding like what one would expect to be Chinese. Both broadcasts and the PL Holotape are not translated. The terminals in O:A are probably written in Mandarin and, when hooked up to the PipBoy, might be translated much better since the external electronic source is written and not spoken. As for verbal sources, the PipBoy may simply pick the sounds up and translate them. Once again, Japanese might not be included in the translation module. --Radnus 18:08, September 8, 2009 (UTC)

Can somebody edit the sentence "Another possibility is that the Pip-Boy has a built-in translator, however this may be proven false by Mothership Zeta, where you meet a Japanese samurai who's subtitles aren't translated; although, the Japanese language may not have been considered necessary for translation since at the time the U.S. was at war with China and not Japan" to "Another possibility is that the Pip-Boy has a built-in translator that can convert written and spoken Mandarin. The translator may not be universal as Kago's Japanese is not translated". This sentence has "however" and "although" in one line. It doesnt read away very well. --Radnus 18:09, September 8, 2009 (UTC)

Wait... So, you can clone yourself?[]

In the article, it mentions using the console to spawn yourself. Does this second "you" look like you, and does it wear and have the same inventory as you do when you spawn it? Or perhaps it just spawns a generic Caucasian model sort-of-thing? Ronin

Can't say yes or no for sure, as I don't have the PC version, but in another game I have, spawning yourself would result in cloning yourself (skills, appearance, weapons, etc.) however.... if one of these 'clones' would accidentally attack another... every clone would become hostile to the other... hopefully bethesda would've better scripted that out >.> So, essentially, it should create a clone. 07:05, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

yes it creates a clone that looks like your character but it doesnt have any items

Moved From Article-Not Germane[]

You can try to spawn a Vault 101 Dweller by typing this command player.placeatme 00000007. Killing the Vault 101 Dweller will give a variable karmic result. This is based on the player's Karma. Neutral karma = Neutral karmic gain/loss. Good karma = Positive karmic gain/loss. Bad karma = Negative Karmic gain/loss.

If you try to talk to the spawned Vault 101 Dweller, it will appear like the start of a speech tree except he/she will not say anything to you then immediately end the conversation afterwards

These cloned Vault 101 Dwellers are immune to radiation and can only be killed by being attacked

They also do not fight back.(No AI)--Gothemasticator 07:12, September 21, 2009 (UTC)

Rank in BoS[]

Is the Lone Wanderer not promoted to Paladin after you complete the last mission in Broken Steel? I'm confused a little. - User:Chiefsean16

Well, this is the original dialogue of Elder Lyons when he greets you after finishing "Who Dares Wins":
"When I first met you some time ago, I was leery of your motivations and even more concerned with your methods. At the battle for Project Purity, you proved yourself... and any doubt that I had about you dissipated on that day. Now, with the Enclave in ruins and with you to thank for it, I'm almost at a complete loss for words. I feel proud to call you one of our own, and I promise that what you've done here today will be recorded by our scribes as a historic moment."
I don't see anything about a promotion to Paladin in there. -- Porter21 (talk) 12:32, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

Oh ok --Chiefsean16 21:16, January 1, 2010 (UTC)

British-American Nationality[]

Ok, so twice now I've removed an entry in "Behind the scenes" that states that the Lone Wanderer can be considered British-American because of his/her parents' accents. I thought I'd spell out some reasons for my edits.

  • There isn't really an America or a Great Britain in 2277.
  • Given the current state of travel and security in the two hundred years since the Great War, it is unlikely to the point of unbelievability that either parent (or any of their parents) is a recent immigrant from the Isles.
  • There is no in-game mention of the player character's nationality.
  • Without any corroborative info, text, dialogue or anything, the accents remain merely "color," and no conclusions should be drawn from them (no conclusions that belong on an informative article page, that is).

To sum up, the entry I removed is purely speculative.--Gothemasticator 17:04, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

Who ever wrote that it is because of the accents obviously really doesnt watch movies. Cathrine doesnt really have an accent and James's voice actor (Liam) used his natural voice for the character. 21:44, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

Sorry to necro, but what the fuck? You do realise that Liam Neeson is Irish, right? And that movies aren't exactly the best way to show accents? Try meeting a British person sometime in your life. They're vastly different from the movies. -- 05:07, January 11, 2012 (UTC)

Background section[]

In the background section it says he/she was born in the Jefferson Memorial or Rivet City Lab. WTF? I thought he/she was born in the Jefferson Memorial!? Not the Rivet City Lab! This has confused me now! --Chiefsean16 21:11, January 1, 2010 (UTC)

fixed now. It was a recent change for what reason I don't know. You can make edits like that yourself, you know.--Gothemasticator 22:08, January 1, 2010 (UTC)


Call me crazy, but would it be perfectly possible that the Lone Wanderer learned to speak Chinese in the vault? I mean, think of it...All chinese dialogue is translated in subtitles, including in conversations. This could also explain why the player cannot understand Toshiro Kago, who is Japanese. Anyone else think this could be true? Tzaro the Outcast 22:32, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

A red scare culture would not look favorably on anyone studying Chinese, let alone implement the studies on any official level.--Gothemasticator 00:12, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

Recent edits on headline introduction[]

Somehow we have gone from; this: The Lone Wanderer was born on July 13, 2258 in the sub-basement of the Jefferson Memorial to James and Catherine. Soon after Catherine's childbirth-related death, the Lone Wanderer and his/her father moved to Vault 101. to: LONE WANDERER was born on July 13, 2258 in Vault 101 to James and Catherine.

Vault 101 Dweller[]

When/where and by whom is the player character referred to as "Vault 101 Dweller?"--Gothemasticator 06:55, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Never to my knowledge does Three Dog use the name Vault 101 Dweller. He says Vault Dweller and Hole Dweller, and the kid from Vault 101, none of which are actually names, just descriptions.

I'm removing the second name from the article opening.--Gothemasticator 05:23, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Lone Wanderer isnt always 19[]

Well theres no constant update that tells how old you are, but the wait function gives the year your in and it does change so anything in this article that says the Lone Wanderer is 19 when he does such and such isn't entirely true. But keeping it standardized at 19 is probably best. Just something to point out however moot it is. My Lone Wanderer is uhhh (*remembers the late night fireworks of 2 New Year's Eves) is probably 21... Holy Shit, I can legally bar hop now, hells yea. --FLaSHBaCK HaSH 23:22, April 21, 2010 (UTC)

Canon 'Gender'[]

In Fallout canon what is the lone wander's gender?

Unknown, likely male. Seeing as Black Isle had the Vault Dweller as canon male. Nitty Tok. 19:25, February 14, 2010 (UTC)
No canonical gender. At this point, still left completely open.--Gothemasticator 07:08, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'd say male cause of the pic on the back of the game case

Just because the picture has the lone wanderer as male doesn't mean he actually he is, Betheseda hasn't announced the "Cannon" gender of the lone wanderer yet and until they do this is a mute subject. ---bleep196- 21:20, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Probably Male , My reasons of thinking this is because , first of all he was Male in one of the trailers , second of all he is male on the back of the game case , third of all the first gender option the game has it set on is Male . though i am not at all sure , i just thik that he probably male . 20:33, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

look you, the gender along with choices have no canon, its up to the player and rightly so, otherwise it will be just another good-game-turned-crap game with fixed paths and ending with fake choices such kotor or fable. The reason why there is a male character in trailers and the back of the case is because...what else are they going to use? a blank piece of paper? a 4 multi-racial half-transsexual that is both good and evil? No! its called advertisement. they had to use something, and so they used a pre-created character for screen shots etc. there is no canon in the fallout universe besides the main storyline and characters of the game, choices, gender, age and morality are completely up to the player. end of story same goes for new vegas. why can't people just enjoy the game and its choices without trying to label something canon and ruin it the rest of us, we like the choices, we like the ambiguity of the endings and past and we want it to stay that way. to have something fixed makes having choices absolutely worthless and pointless. Mr.Scryer. 10:51, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

Male. Mostly because in all the screenshots, the fact that he was going to be named albert and the much more reasonable storyline.--For NCR 17:30, March 2, 2012 (UTC)

Screen shots don't matter, they are advertisement, the gender is up to the player 19:39, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

That's why we're saying most likely, not definate. Honestly, you can preach all the player choice crap you want, but at the end of the day there's a cannon. The Vault Dweller was male, The Courier was presumably male and the blonde dude from the ads and the first selection, just...there's a cannon. A loose cannon that allows wiggle room, but a cannon. The FoA still exist, the NCR didn't die out, the BoS didn't become The Steel Plague, The Master didn't rule the world, and is referenced to be dead. Cannon PCs exist, they just leave a lot of room for you to fill in.

But you're probably a dude. F comes before M, so alphabetical doesn't make sense, and the ads have a guy. I'd put money down that you're a guy, possibly going by the name of Albert.

The only canon ever made PC-wise was over the Vault Dweller and Chosen One being male. The Vault Dweller was shown to be male after re-appearing in FO:BoS. The Chosen One was confirmed as male do to a certain ending in Fallout 2 being reiterated upon in FO:NV when traveling through Novac. Neither the Courier nor the Lone Wanderer have a canon gender. Yet. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 17:37, March 18, 2013 (UTC)

The article states it's a guy, according to Moira's diary entry in 'Afterward'. But in that entry, she specifically says that nobody knows whether it was a man or a woman, so shouldn't that still be 'Player's choice'?

No. Moira specifically refers to the Lone Wanderer as "him" or "he", and since she met the Lone Wanderer she would know, she is referring to the other wastelanders.

I agree, simply because there is always some kind of cannon gender in every fallout game, as to say, even his figurine is male. Of course, this shouldn't stop anyone to wander around the wastes and complete the whole game with a female character. Also, the cannon character for FO1 may very likely be Albert Cole, if you dig a bit on the wiki, you will find out why these speculations are credible.


Where do you guys get July 13th? I've read the entire intro to the offical guide (talk about a life lol) and it has nothing about his birthdate and only the year can be calculated. So please tell me how you got July 13, I really want to know some more infromation. (unsigned)

if you look at your pipboy while at your 10th birthday it will say July 13 2268 so if u take 10 years away it becomes July 13 2258 which is the lone wanderers birth date Chiefsean16 10:23, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

Do Growing Up Fast again and look at what day and month it is on your pip boy. User:Riond55

Did he just answer his own question?--Canadian Reject 05:27, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Actually, I think I accidently joined my response to the question which was signed by an unknown user, lol. I'll fix that. Chief Talk to meh. 18:18, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

Remind me to buy the lone Wanderer, a Grognak the Barbarian Comic book!

Happy Birthday[]

Happy birthday the Lone Wanderer! xD Chiefsean16 09:55, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Happy 22nd Birthday!!! User:Riond55 24:46, July 13, 2010

My God, he's already 22?!? They grow up so fast! <:OBlahmarrow 23:07, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

Happy -249th birthday! (a bit late tough)

Factions question[]

If your the Instrument of Annihilation, do the Enclave still attack you onsight? —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Yes, because the Enclave is under the control of Colonel Autumn but it's President Eden who wants the purifier sabotaged; Colonel Autumn doesn't want it sabotaged, because he knows that too many people will die from it. --Kris mailbox 19:06, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Chosen One[]

Is it me or does the Lone Wanderer's accomplishments sound like the Chosen One? They are both sent to find a geck, they do, and they both stop the enclave from killing super mutants and humans. --Drldrl 12:44, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

If you ask me FO3 is a partial rehearsal of FO1&2. FO1 and 3 involve water purification and an exile from the vault (with an Amata dialogue being very similar to the one with the FO1 overseer) while the presence and ultimate destruction (at least, in the region) of the Enclave and the President's intentions with FEV in FO3 is an obvious nod to FO2. In short, when it comes to the main story of the game it isnt quite original. Radnus (talk) 14:07, July 23, 2012 (UTC)


PLEASE, people stop being retarded, the devs said that NV had no conection watsoever with FO3 so why do you keep saying he's the lonesome drifter, he is ulysses IT'S NOT POSSIBLE, he lives in THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY, for god's sake.

Lol They live one state away neveda and California get it smart smart one


Some added a fan made pic of the lone wandner thats quite famous on devianirt. For gods sake, we don't include fan art on real wiki pages, save those for your own page. Someone delete that pic

This issue with Lone Wanderer's Forgotten childhood.[]

I still don't understand why people (or just one person, I haven't really checked thoughly but it looks like some admins are also editing it), keep reverting the edits on the subject of the note:

  • Much of the Lone Wanderer's childhood was forgotten when part of his or her brain was removed by Tobar in Point Lookout, leaving vast portions of the Lone Wanderer's life as a jumble of voices and white light.

As far as my knowlage, this is never stated anywhere to be true, and confirmed by cannon, leading me to believe its 100% speculation. It would be more appropriate if it were:

  • It is possile that much of the Lone Wanderer's childhood was forgotten when part of his or her brain was removed by Tobar in Point Lookout, leaving vast portions of the Lone Wanderer's life as a jumble of voices and white light.

Maybe theres some solid evidence out there (like an offical magazine article or something) which I'm not aware of. If this is the case (as unlikley as it is) I think a reference would also be nice. Chaos ian7 23:56, February 8, 2011 (UTC)

The source is Nadine's dialogue. --Flower of Pock-Lips 00:49, February 9, 2011 (UTC)

I've played through Point Lookout a few times and I get the idea where the wanderer's brain was damaged and that he 'forgets his childhood' (hintingly describing the the gameplay device used to fast-forward through time early in the game). I think its stupid to say though that this must be a fact, even if its hinted at by one line of dialogue and a name. If so we should add a note about the Wanderer also seeing text of 'eight years later' when he tries to remember, and the fact that everything uptill Point Lookout would be past-tense gameplay (with no clear transition to present-tense), even if the player doesn't have it installed. Chaos ian7 03:14, February 9, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe the "forgotten childhood" is the result of who the hell would want to play a game where for 18 straight years you just perform mundane everyday activities in a subterranean labyrinth? FinalWish 22:05, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

There isn't any proof of this, and if it was real, why would he want to remember his boring childhood life anyway? - Sparkybigp 00:44, October 22, 2011 (UTC)


Can there be a quotes section? Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 14:54, February 20, 2011 (UTC)

I don't think so. Has the Lone Wandere evever said anything?-- 01:01, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

The dialogue options should count. TJMW, 22:07, July 26, 2011


Is the destruction of the Enclave Crawler canon?--Canadian Reject 05:24, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

We don't know yet since Bethesda still have to say what's canon and not. Hope so anyway, I like playing as a good Lone Wanderer. Chief Talk to meh. 18:24, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

oh so its ok to ruin everyone's gameplay by saying whats canon and whats not?! how about never!! i like playing as evil but i would never want it canon because i value choice! and thats what fallout is about. yes the "core" storyline is canon but the choices and morality should be left alone as it gives everyone their own unique gameplay and path. if its made canon then choices will have no weight and be worthless. 20:38, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

You are so pathetic.--For NCR 19:47, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

watch your tone, ncr, you have no right to call someone pathetic. 19:36, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

I don't see how saying what is and what is not canon "ruins everyone's gameplay" they'd just be saying what did and didn't happen, as well as how it happened, they wouldn't be saying "this is how you should play the game" and lets not forget there are plenty of games that have established what is and is not canon, the Hitman series for example, in those Agent 47 does not get detected, and only kills his targets, but that doesn't make the choices of killing every sorry bastard in sight worthless, as the game isn't going to make you redo the mission all over again because you killed someone who wasn't a target, if it's your playstyle then that's that, it shouldn't matter what is or isn't canon, you're not being forced to follow what is canon down to the letter.Kornflakes89 01:52, March 8, 2012 (UTC)

I agree with Anon, it does ruin gameplay because when something like choices and paths is left ambiguous then it left up to us to decide what path he or she (wanderer) took (so we can believe or choices matter) But when something is made canon, then only the canon choices matter and have weight which makes all the other choices pointless and for nothing thus it ruins gameplay, fable is a game that suffers from canon, first game was wonderful and all about choice and consequences, then the sequel came along and made all choices(except the good)in the first game utterly pointless because only one path was accepted and the true one, they could have easily left it ambiguous but they did not. Fallout, mass effect and dragon age are smart in that they either leave it ambiguous (so we can decide for ourselves which what fallout 3 and NV does) or allow memory transfer to make choices from previous games matter and affect the current game (dragon age and mass effect) 19:36, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

According to evidence found in Afterward and in Fallout 4, the canon Lone Wanderer saved Megaton, helped Moira Brown with her survival guide, refused to plant the Advanced FEV into the purifier and destroyed Raven Rock, either went into the purifier by themselves or sent an irradiation-immune companion into the purifier (likely the former), and destroyed the Mobile Base Crawler. Seeing as Lucas Simms died before 2297, and it was the "Lone Wanderer's fault", it is likely that he was killed by Mr. Burke.

Who Removed the Faction Section?[]

Why did somebody remove the faction section. I found it to be both informative and usefull. Charlie1121 22:18, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

So did I! Who removed it?! I hardly noticed it was gone. Chief Talk to meh. 18:21, August 18, 2011 (UTC) 18:27, September 17, 2011 (UTC)Lone Wanderer's signature weapon110.138.7.105 18:27, September 17, 2011 (UTC) is it hunting rifle ?because on the trailer and wallpaper,he used it


Is the Lone Wanderer right handed?

-- 18:45, October 10, 2011 (UTC)

Hello! -- 06:05, October 11, 2011 (UTC)

Right handed probably. -- 10:25, October 15, 2011 (UTC)

I sure hope this wasn't a serious question.Kornflakes89 01:53, March 8, 2012 (UTC)

The Wasteland Survival Guide[]

Would "Wasteland Survival Guide (quest)" quest be considered canon because of the book's apperance in Fallout New Vegas? --Ryanwa24 08:28, October 22, 2011 (UTC)Ryanwa24

Yes, it sure does!--For NCR 15:19, March 5, 2012 (UTC)


Every time I try to count I only see four...I don't know why I needed to count them.--OmnipotentPotato 10:40, December 18, 2011 (UTC)

He/she doesn't have toes O.O--For NCR 19:25, April 9, 2012 (UTC)

There's little lines. I assume they mark toes, and I only counted four--OmnipotentPotato 18:26, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

Male or female in canon[]

I noticed it is said that The Lone Wanderer is male accodring to canon, and as ref Afterward is used, most probably because Moira says "he", but further on, she writes that there is discussion either the Lone Wanderer was either male or female. So my question is: should we choose Moira her memories as canon when there is mentioned in the same doculent that there is discussion? I think Moira is probably the most reliable source possible together with Doctor Li and some Vault 101'ers, but still I have my doubts either we could say without speculating that the Lone Wanderer is male by canon. Any other thoughts? - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 10:53, July 23, 2014 (UTC)

Well, Moira does always refer to him as "he", and she met and knew him extensively back in his day. I think what she meant by the debate around the gender was that because so many of his actions became conflicted in truth, etc., people who never knew him started debating that due to the storytelling nature of stuff. Not really sure how to explain it. User OfficialLolGuy  OfficialLolGuy  Talk  Blog  10:58, July 23, 2014 (UTC)

The strategy guide is of a dubious source, and is considered largely semi-canon at best. I would not base the Lone Wanderer's canon gender off of a book that was written by a commissioned party that added quite a bit of false information. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 11:24, July 23, 2014 (UTC)

Please keep in mind that is just my personal opinion. Policies state that it is fine to consider guide information as canon until contradicted. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 11:28, July 23, 2014 (UTC)

To me, the part about the gender discussion rather seems added to leave both options open. - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 11:37, July 23, 2014 (UTC)

Action Figure[]

Not sure if anyone noticed, but along with the Power Armor figure, legacy is making a figure of good ol 101. Might want to add that in the gallery.

Here is the link: http://store.bethsoft.com/brands/fallout/legacy-action-fallout-lone-wanderer.html

Piper's reference to Uncle James[]

Guys, please stop adding this reference as a proof of Piper's relationship to the Lone Wanderer's family. James is a fairly common name, and without any evidence to back up this theory, it is just speculation, and has no place here. --Desyndra (talk) 11:29, December 30, 2015 (UTC)

But there is no evidence to the contrary? But in games the Fallout series a lot of references...:) --Судья пустоши (talk) 00:25, December 31, 2015 (UTC)
No evidence to the contrary isn't proof at all. It's just speculation. Paladin117>>iff bored; 00:27, December 31, 2015 (UTC)
But we can say that this assumption...--Судья пустоши (talk) 00:31, December 31, 2015 (UTC)
We don't put assumptions on pages. Great Mara (talk) 01:04, December 31, 2015 (UTC)
By that rationale, every wild theory that is explicitly not refuted by in-game facts should be included in the Wiki. Uncle James can be any random guy whose forename is James. Unless somebody digs up another clue from the game files or some other official source that confirms the identity of this mysterious James, it is just speculation. --Desyndra (talk) 07:54, December 31, 2015 (UTC)

The Lone Wanderer is 39 years old when Moira starts to write his biography.[]

I just thought I would point that out for informative purposes only. Also, this subject is open to speculations as for his status (in short, whether he would still be alive or dead after traveling beyond the Capital wasteland...)

Data from G.E.C.K.[]

A no-name entry specifying the height of the Lone Wanderer (1.0) was added to this page. I have removed it twice, but I do not want to start a 'deletion war' so I've opened this topic to discuss the matter. In my opinion it is pointless to add bloat to the page in this way. 1.0 is a GECK unit height for adult NPCs (0.8 is for children). It is absolutely useless on a page dedicated to a specific character: it does not provide any valuable information about the Lone Wanderer. If there was a referenced source that says "the Lone Wanderer was 6'3" tall" or if a certain NPC's height differed from the standard height, that would be a different story and a piece of valuable information. The unit height (1.0) could be mentioned on the Fallout 3 characters page. --Desyndra (talk) 12:29, November 29, 2016 (UTC)

To me, this is relevant information, especially on the characterpage of the protagonist. While this information is most notable on pages where the value isn't the standard 1.0 (For example Lanius or Van Graff), it is important that the reader also knows the height of the player character to have a better idea of scaling. To some extend, the player character is the reference for the perspective the player will have while playing the game and encountering these people. As to why I think it should be mentioned on all pages and not just the protagonists and the non-1.0's, the answer is pretty simple: standardization. I prefer standardization in our infoboxes where possible. It would be strange to add it to some pages, where it's for example 1.05, but not add it to all other pages. It makes our infoboxes look incomplete. And lastly, I wanted to tell you that I appreciate it that you bring it up to the talk page to discuss this. - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 12:58, November 29, 2016 (UTC)
While I'm all for meaningful standardization, I'd prefer it if standard values were only mentioned on pages that discuss generic entities, and pages that are dedicated to unique subjects only contained unique information/values that differ from the standard (in that regard, hair color, eye color, hairstyle, RefID and BasedID are relevant: the first three entries are important for the lore, and the last two are useful for people who want to use the console in the game, either to fix something or to cheat). However, telling a visitor that e.g. Moira Brown's height is 1.0 is meaningless. It is meaningless for both G.E.C.K. users (they can easily find this value by opening the Edit dialogue of the actor) and for visitors who come here for the lore (1.0 is a relative value, lore buffs would be more interested in learning that she was e.g. 5'2"). Height becomes important only when it is unique. For example, as you mentioned, Lanius' height is 1.15. It is relevant because it is different from Average NPC Joe. But Lanius does not have a carry weight stat (it is still calculated for him by the game), because he cannot be a follower so even though his carry weight is 240, the 'carry weight' value does not appear here, because it is not relevant. Mechanical standardization would require, however, that this stat should also appear on every character page. --Desyndra (talk) 15:52, November 29, 2016 (UTC)
It's really not the most important stat in the infobox, but while it's there, let it stay I think, doesn't really hurt. At the time someone took it upon himself to add it to a lot of pages, along with plenty of other minor stats in the technical and psysical traits etc. Better to focus our attention now to further completing the FO4 infobox stats instead of looking back correcting old pages. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:22, December 6, 2016 (UTC)

Lone Wanderer is essential?

Lone Wanderer is essential?[]

Verify Reference[]

"The Lone Wanderer's birth date, 07/13, is a reference to a Bible quote in the book of Micah chapter 7 verse 13 - "Not withstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.""

When this was originally added it was removed by JS, is there anything that backs up the reference there are a lot of 7/13 in the Bible, I get that it ties into the Fallout theme but any actual reference? Xa3MysteriousStranger 19:34, July 31, 2017 (UTC)
Not that I know of. It seems it is just speculation, much like the 'Piper's Uncle James = Lone Wanderer's father' hypothesis. --Desyndra (talk) 20:10, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

Canonically the Lone Wanderer is implied to have been good[]

I believe that the article it should state that it is "Implied" that the Lone Wanderer was good during the events of Fallout 3, evidence for this includes the fact that all references to Fallout 3 quests in later titles seem to suggest that the "good" outcome happened instead of the evil option, for instance the bad option for the Wasteland Survival Guide is to ruin Moria's Research by lying to her about certain topics making the Wasteland Survival Guide worthless or to make her give up writing the book however in Fallout New Vegas the Wasteland Surivial Guide actually gives the Courier a increase in survival skills and helpful skills and tips are also taught in Fallout 4 therefor making the "Evil" Option of the Quest resulting in the Book being cancelled or Useless non canon, additionally whenever Project Purity is mentioned in Fallout 4 nobody mentions anybody getting sick or dying as a result of drinking it, also Paladin Danse says that the Brotherhood won during the Battle of Adams Air Force Base and the Prydwen Terminals suggest that Elder Lyons and Sarah Lyons died some time after the events of Fallout 3 that, along with Arthur Maxson being alive after Fallout 3 when they all should be been killed during the "Evil" Lone Wanderers Orbital Strike on the Citadel therefor making the "evil" scenario of Who Dares Wins non canon, although Paladin Danse sometimes yells "Remember the Citadel!" during combat that doesn't prove that it was destroyed by the Lone Wanderer as it probably was a reference to a attack that resulted in one of the Lyons deaths and Danse also speaks about the Citadel seems to mention the Citadel in present day context when he mentions how it is better than the Cambridge Police Station when you meet him which also suggests that the option to destroy the Citadel never happened, so never once is any of the Bad Options in Fallout 3 ever stated to have happened and all evidence points to the "Good" scenarios being canon, I honestly believe that we should reference The Lone Wanderer is Canonically implied to have been good or at the very least neutral. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Chinese as language[]

I'm unsure about the indication that the page gives of the Lone Wanderer knowing Chinese, which is currently sourced to "Tranquility Lane simulation and Anchorage Reclamation simulation". Are these really indicative of the Lone Wanderer being familiar with the Chinese language? What specifically about those two things makes that the case? If it's the translated dialogue of the Chinese characters within them, I don't think that's enough to justify inclusion, as that's more of a gameplay aspect meant as clarification for the player, rather than the character. LaymansReign (talk) 18:53, 3 January 2024 (UTC)
