Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

About Me[]

About Myself[]

I'm Tzaro, Protector of the Brotherhood Outcasts.

Never played Fallout 1 and 2 sadly, But i've seen "Let's Play"'s of them, so I know the basic story.

I support the outcasts mainly in my belief that the mission of the brotherhood in the west seems to make alot more sense to me than the mission of Elder Lyons.

Feel free to ask questions about the games, and i'll answer them to the best of my ability.


I also frequent on the UESP (Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages) as Lucky the Cat Guy.

Story of Tzaro[]

(Note, this story is 95% non-canon, and is not to be considered as such. Only a few aspects are true. Dates and times are taken from the Fallout Timeline, and all information is from this Wiki. This story is told entirely in first person, and is merely for enjoyment and roleplay purpouses.)

Tzaro's Backround -

Race: Italian

Age: 42 (as of 2277)

Birthdate: December 4th, 2229

Chapter 1 - - 2254 - Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel - Age 19

It's been a while since things have really taken place. It feels like we've been flying for ages, yet I know it hasn't been too long. Everything just seems to take longer ever since I realized I would never see my wife's face again. The brotherhood was real strict on my terms. I wouldn't leave the east until my mission was done, and that was it. I guess I can't blame them, things like this need perfect attention. I was flying in Vertibird 705, part of the Omega squad group in the Brotherhood of Steel relocating to the east. Though since we never successfully captured enough fuel from the Enclave, we will have to continue on foot in a few hours. I can't complain, I'm not one to typically fail under constant travelling on foot. There are only 5 other men in my group, three troops, a scribe, and an Initiate. They don't typically talk to eachother much, I'm sure everyone suffers from the same thing I am now. Oh how I miss her, sweet Elane. No...I must keep my mind on the task at hand.

Suddenly Paladin Casdin sounds over the Vertibird intercom.

"Alright everyone, I'm sure you're all aware we're running low on fuel. Once all planes are below a fourth of maximum fuel, everyone land at checkpoint 63, and regroup at the old power station in Steubenville. Remember to watch for any groups of survivors. It's not likely that the few other civilizations destroyed by the war won't be as hostile as the rest. Remember, save young ones and innocents."

Save young ones and innocents. Apparently it's healthy to force children into service. Though I guess we need all the help we can get. Besides, the minds of children are the least tainted by war. The pilot announced the fuel shortage, and we slowly started our descend into Steubenville. The last time I visited Ohio was when I was fourteen. I doubt Uncle Baroff will still have his chicken stew ready for me. About 30 minutes after the announcement, we finally landed in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. I guess it's called the Wasteland for a reason. The Vertibird halted to a stop, and I could feel the force of the impact almost making me drop my rifle. Luckily nobody noticed my humiliating stumble for my gun. Scribe Phillips, the one travelling with us, stood from his seat, looking us over.

"Right, now. We're going to unload all of our ammo and supplies, and head over there. One of you is going to do guard duty in case any wildlife try and take our lives. Keith, can you do it?" Phillips asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Keith answered. Keith was an interesting one. Never talked much, and always seemed ready for a fight. Not really one you'd make friends with.

"Alright then. Everyone else, lets get out and grab a crate. Just grab a AER9 from our weapons supply, Keith."

We all got up as Phillips opened the side-door of the Vertibird. I was the last one out. The light of the sun that I had not seen for some time seemed brighter than anything I have ever seen before. Thick dusty air filled my lungs when I took my first breath outside the Vertibird, and the dry, warm air caught me as quick as I could feel sweat drip down my cheek. I gazed around at the desolate wasteland that used to be the great U.S. of A. The green grass replaced by beige dusty rock, The trees black and withered, the smell of death in the air...nothing really new to me. I never lived to see Pre-War America, though the stories I hear are amazing. I wiped my brow, and put my Power Armor Helm on, and started adjusting the optics. I looked back and saw everyone was already unloading. I threw my rifle into the weapon's stockpile, and picked up a crate. It wasn't too heavy, though it was heavy enough to tire me out after carrying it for hours. Which it did.

Chapter 2 - The Scourge, Part 1 - 2254/2255 - Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel - Age 20

The door to the power station threw open as we approached, and stepped inside. It seemed like a power armored gun convention. Hundreds of soldiers were everywhere, some looking through lockers and boxes, others sorting the ones we brought, some fixing up guns and explosives, some catching a smoke or a drink, even some sitting for a rest. I went over to the supply depot to drop my crate, and looked around. The group I was in disbanded rather quickly, and I found myself standing there alone amidst the chatter and noise of soldiers working. I didn't know much of what I could do, I wasn't of much importance to anyone at this point in time. I started over to the group resting up, and sat down. I intended on sleeping, though the man I sat next to kept me from such a task with his voice.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked.

"Been better..." I said.

He just nodded and looked back to the group. I guess it wasn't the day to make friends. Or he didn't feel like listening to my problems. I slipped out of my power armor, and laid down on the makeshift bedding. Many others were sleeping as well. I guess nobody really got any sleep. I think we'll need it, I hear DC is infested with the worst the Wasteland has to offer. I was out in about 15 minutes.

I woke up to the rushing and yelling of our soldiers. Looks like we're moving out again, I was one of the last ones to wake up, apparently, as only a few of us were left in the group of beds. I slipped into my armor as fast as possible, and ran over to my squad. It turns out another outpost of the brotherhood sent us Jeeps to keep us going with our supplies. Good thing too, I hated heavy lifting. I hopped into the driver seat of one of the jeeps, as three other armored soldiers hopped in with me. I wasn't sure if I knew these people or not, their helmets make it hard to recognize them, and I didn't feel like looking at their holotags. Once everything was ready, we all started moveing out. It was slow and steady, which is easy for me. During the move I'd look around constantly, seeing what was where and when. Sometimes people dressed in rags would stare us down from the sides of the roads, others would throw rocks while some would beg for help. We didn't pay much mind to them. It killed me a little inside, seeing the hopeless faces of those who would die within days and being unable to help them, but we had a mission.

About 3 weeks later the once empty wasteland turned into decrepit city. I was informed that we were in the exurbs of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. This worried me. Pittsburg is a heavy industrial area, and is problably pretty dangerous. The last thing I needed, more fighting. Luckily, i'm not usually one ot be put on front lines. But that dosn't mean there isn't risk. Everything went smoothly until a ear-shattering explosion occured down front in the line of jeeps.

"What the fuck was that!? Everyone, arm up, I repeat, arm up! Hostiles in that tower complex, three o' clock!"

Suddenly everything started up. Yelling and gunfire happened immediately as I hopped out of the jeep. I rushed to the weapons complex, taking out a AER9 from the stockpile. and running over to the front. I crouched down behind a jeep, next to a few others shooting into the windows. The building appeared to be full of what I think are Raiders. Hundreds of their men and hundreds of our men fired at each other, I was almost afraid to poke my head out, assumeing it would be shot off in mere seconds. Suddenly, the building behind us started emitting gunshots, then the next, and the next. Before long we were surrounded by bullets and gunshots. Their guns must have been pretty primitive, as I felt a few bullets hit my armor, without going too deep. It hurt like hell, but not enough to stop me.

"Everyone inside the buildings! Now! We're sitting ducks out here!" Yelled a paladin.

My squad leader rushed me and a few others over to a tower to the south, yelling "Go go go!" as loud as physically possible as we tried to rush into the complex without taking too many gunshots. The leader of the group kicked down the front entrance, and was immediately pelted by thousands of bullets. He fell to the ground, and off the steps, dead.

"Fuck! Bait 'em out!" One soldier yelled, as many of us threw Frags into the building. Upon explosion, I heard many cries and yells of pain as we all rushed inside, shooting everything in sight that wasn't in Power Armor. Turns out we somewhat underestimated them, as many of them rushed at us with weapons. Several stabbed at our armor with knives, doing little damage, though some getting stabbed through weak spots in our armor. I slammed the butt of my gun into one of their heads, Shot one of the raiders off one soldier, threw a raider off me, everything was in chaos, and I was in the middle of it.

After a few minutes, we managed to kill off the surounding raiders, and we all rushed upstairs to finish off the rest. The gunshots outside got less plentiful, showing sure signs of our easy victory in this square of buildings. After a few good bloody hours, The buildings were clear.

"Good work soldiers, report back to the jeeps."

Everyone emerged from the buildings, most covered in blood, others dragging wounded and dead. Not many of our men died, and the ones who did died out of a lucky stab or shot. It was a sad sight at most, having to strip them of their dignity, and leave them behind like meat. At least we kept their holotags, to chronicle their acts of bravery. We got back into our jeeps, and I looked forward. This was a big city. This won't be over quickly. We started on.

Chapter 3 - The Scourge - Part 2

Three long months, this fighting continued. This place was fucking hell. Not too many of us were dieing, But these people didn't give up. We even managed to pick up a number of youth, who are becomeing more of a problem keeping alive then our own men. Two of the died already, actually. I can't even think of how many of them I've killed now. There are just too many of them. Some of them didn't even look human, and attacked us like cannibals. We encountered a Steelyard, full of insane survivors and creatures, dangerous industrial areas, people in gangs attacking us, and even more of these strange un-human like things attempting to...eat us? I didn't get it. But I was alive, and didn't feel like asking questions. A lot of our squads got mixed up. I was now in a squad with about eighteen people. Among those eighteen was Paladin Casdin, a man I owe my life to more than five times now. Out of the many paladins in the Brotherhood, he was one of the greatest, in my opinion. We moved on for a long time.

In all honesty, this was the hardest city we've have to run through, but that dosn't mean it was hard in general. It didn't take long to lay it down to a...somewhat suitable area. We at least eliminated the worse threat, and anyone else there would be left to fend for theirselves. After the event I learned that Paladin Ishmael Ashur was reported dead. This somewhat saddened me, as Ashur was the only high-ranking member of our unit who died in that event. He was also a person I knew quite well back in California.

Three months and two weeks since we entered Pittsburg, we were now back in our jeeps leaveing that horrid city. Somehow, the desolate wasteland seemed more hospitable than that place. I looked around, and looked to the man in the passenger seat of my jeep. Turns out it was Keith, I didn't think i'd see him again, though I was getting quite bored.

"Hey Keith."

He looked over at me quietly, waiting for a few seconds before saying "Hey."

"Hell of a ride, that place."

He nodded, wipeing off what I think is blood from his arm plate.

"I never did learn your full name."

"Keith V. Gallows."

"Uh...Okay. I'm Tzaro. Tzaro Valarne."

"Nice to meet you," He said, then looked away. It didn't seem like it, but I knew we were going to create a sort of friendship. This isn't the first time I've dealt with the quiet types. The only thing I knew about Keith was that he was a former Engineer back in California. He had a wife named Caroline and a son named Irving, who he hopes to find a place to live in our new base of operations. I thought of doing the same with Elane. But I wasn't so sure how easy it would be to find a place. Keith was determined, so I suppose I have to be too. We travelled for a good 2 months, finally comeing up to Washington D.C.

Chapter 4 - The Capital Wasteland - 2255 - Knight Captain of the Brotherhood of Steel - Age 20

This place was very quiet. Nothing really happened aside from the common Raider or Monster. I had also learned that contact with the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel never happened. I don't know if I should be worried or not. If something bad did happen, who's to say the same won't happen to us? None-the-less, we had to continue. I was also worried about this new "Super Mutant threat" that is apparently here. We havn't seen any until we came to the Pentagon in the D.C. Ruins. Many inhabited this place. This new breed interested me. It was very different and more unique than the mutants back in California. They appeared to have less mental capabilities than the ones out west, though. Eventually the mutants were cleared out, and we finally established our new center of operations there. The former Pentagon now donned the name "The Citadel". The place was extremely destroyed and ruined, But the sub-levels were intact, so we began work to rebuild it to it's former glory. Or at least glorious enough to be a stronghold.

Scribe Rothchild announced finding what appeared to be a large...Robot? This was strange and unique, never have I seen such a marvel. Hell, if this place had tech like this, it's no telling what else they have here. The brotherhood out west will shit bricks when they find out about this. From old files and the Scribes tinkering around inside the bucket of bolts, apparently the robot is a Pre-War War machine that was to be used in the U.S. liberation of Anchorage, but was cancelled. I wonder if it can be used to our advantage. When the brotherhood out west finally found out about our find, they elected Owyn to Elder. I wasn't sure what I thought about Owyn. He was a good leader, but something about him seemed odd. I didn't quite understand it.

This was a hell of a ride, and a new area means new tech. I can't wait to get out there and see what can be found. The Citidel was fixed in years to follow, and I did occasional odd-jobs in this new land. There is something strange about this area. People here seem more stronger than other survivors found around the U.S. I didn't let these things bother me. It turns out Keith was able to get his son Irving to join the brotherhood as a child, but he couldn't get his wife to come over. I felt bad for him, but I knew I might not be able to have my wife come over as well. This saddened me deeply, but life in the citadel wasn't too bad. I was ready for a life in D.C.

Chapter 5 - 2275 - Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel - Age 40

Twenty years have passed since the buidling of the Citadel. Now this place seems more like home than it ever was. I woke up one morning, dressing in Power Armor as I'm usually expected to, and going to get Coffee. Everything seemed normal, Though my life has taken some strange turns in the 20 years that passed since we first arrived. 13 years ago, I learned that my wife...my beautiful wife...had died in California due to radiation poisoning. I never did attend the funeral, and not doing so has haunted me all this time. It seems even more empty here, knowing she's gone. I was getting close to finding a home for her too. I had almost gotten enough money. But I just donated it to the brotherhood after I learned of her demise.

Keith, a person I had became good friends with, died four years ago from a Super Mutant raid on his encampment in the ruins. His son, Irving, is still here, training as a soldier. I'm the only one he really talks to. He inherited his silent traits from his father, but he is somewhat talkative around me. It feels bad without Keith as well, as he was somewhat of a partner to me. Killing mutants isn't the same without him making sure I don't blow myself up.

Standing there thinking of my past, Knight Jonen came into the barracks.

"Hey Tzaro."

"Hey, what's going on?"

"It's Casdin and the Elder. They're fighting again. This time it's pretty extreme. Cadin's yelling and threatening the Elder, saying he abandoned his old mission, that if he continues the Elders out west will not be pleased, all kinds of stuff...

"Damn...This is the fifth time this year."

"I swear, they're going to be at eachother's throats before long. Though for some reason, I agree. I don't like the Elder's new plans. Hell, he wasted good ammo on protecting a group of scavengers. And that was a shitload of ammo too....I don't know."

He walked out after that. Did I agree with Casdin? We were set out to collect technology, and the Elder is somewhat wasteing tech on useless things...though I guess there isn't anything we can really do about it. The brotherhood out west cut off all support to us, so we were now all alone. Nobody told me why, though I'd imagine it's Lyons' new.."policy". This seriously bothered me though. If we stuck with our original mission, My wife might still be alive, and maybe even Keith. I sighed, walking out from the A ring down to the Lab. On my way, Casdin walked out. He looked extremely pissed. He shoved me quite hard on accident, sending me to the ground. He looked back as I sat there on the step, but he said nothing and continued walking. I got up, brushing off dust, and walked down to the lab to do my job. I didn't ask questions.

Chapter 6 - 2276 - Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel - Age 41 - 2:35 AM - The Darkest Hour.

I was shaken awake in the middle of the night by Jonen, who looked like he was in a hurry.

"Get up, damnit!"

"What..? What the hell? What do you want?"

"It's Casdin. We're leaveing. Grab all the Power Armor and weapons you can carry."

He ran out before I could ask what was going on. It was quiet outside, but a lot of stuff was happening. Soldiers were running out, carrying piles of equipment. I had to find Casdin and find out what's going on. I ran out to the bailey, and Casdin was there with a truck out by the entrance. The night was cool and quiet, while many soldiers were loading up the truck with armor and weapons. Are we relocating again? Is our armor being replaced? Did someone find a bomb?

I walked up to Casdin. I hadn't talked to him in a while, but he knew who I was. I was problably the most trustworthy person he had right now.


"Casdin, what is happening? Where is the Elder?"

"Forget about it. Look. I'm sick of this bastard's little "Mission". I'm going to leave and finish what we came here to do. If you're going to help, grab anything you can and load it up."

I stared at him blankly. "Wait..You're just, leaveing? What do you mean?"

He sighed. "Look, If Lyons dosn't want to do what we came here to do, then we're going to take our tech, and start our own group to continue that mission. I don't care what he says, He has no power over us as far as I'm concerned. The east cut off support because Lyons decided to use our tech to help the people here in the wasteland. So they don't care what he does now. And frankly, he dosn't have control over us. I'm going to start this group, get back in contact with the East, and do what we're supposed to do."

"So you're going to leave Lyons' here?"


"How did you get this many people to support you?" I looked around. It looked like more than half the brotherhood was in on it.

"You'd be surprised how many people hate Lyons for what he did." I couldn't blame him. I was one of those people.

"So were you just going to leave me here without saying goodbye?" I asked.

"I sent Jonen to wake you. I had hoped you would come with us. If you are, then get in the truck. If not, then stay here."

He didn't show it, but I knew he wanted me to come with him. He was just too confident to say so. "Alright, I'll come with you." I took my power armor sets from the armory, and unholstered my Laser Rifle, and threw them both into the truck. I climbed into the back, as well as many other soldiers, and we all drove off. As we were driving to god-knows where, I asked myself if this would be worth it. Staying with Lyons may result in my death, as there were more Super Mutants than hairs on my head. And they got stronger and stronger every year. We all just looked at eachother. It was quite packed in the truck, and the wind of the night was the only sound rushing through my ears. I think we were all thinking heavily about this. I didn't know where Casdin was driving us, and I'm sure nobody else did either. We all just sat there, confused, looking back at the quiet citadel. It felt as if we all abandoned the citadel, and it was now a empty shell of what used to be our stronghold. But there were still people there. They just didn't know yet. I looked around the group, and didn't see Irving. I wanted to tell Casdin to drive back, but that may ruin this whole thing. Irving was the closest thing I had to a friend in the brotherhood since Keith died, and now I'm once again alone. Well, not alone, but there is a sense of loneliness in what I've done. We drove on for about an hour, until we pulled up to a Fort. The fenced area outside was already open, and Casdin drove into the fenced area, parking the truck right outside.

Casdin got out, and walked to the back of the truck, looking up at all of us. "Men....Today, you are no longer in the Brotherhood of Steel. We have been cast out of the brotherhood due to our devotion to the Brotherhood of the West's true mission, and that is what we will tell them when we go back to them. This is Fort Independence. It used to be a Millitary testing facility, and it will now be our home. It is already cleared out, and ready to be lived in."

Casdin walked over to the front, turning off the truck. "I already set up beds. Everyone get inside and get some rest. Tomorrow, we will begin our mission."

This was the last thing Casdin said that night. He closed up the back of the truck after we all got out. I walked inside to our new home. It wasn't as luxurious as the Citadel, but it would have to do. I laid down in our new beds, and just waited there quietly until I drifted off.

Chapter 7 - 2277 - Protector of the Outcasts - Age 42 - The Outcasts

Everything was quiet for a long time. Nobody really said anything to eachother, as the event still impacted everyone heavily. Nobody regretted this desicion, but most of them believed that the Citadel is what kept them safe and alive, and everyone is just scared. Following that night we left the Citadel, we began repainting our armor and tech that we stole --..or rather, claimed, to show a symbol of our difference. We eventually took up the name "Outcasts", and established our own order. We've been tracking down tech much faster than the brotherhood has been, to attempt to get it before they do. We all stay away from the D.C. Ruins though, to avoid any unneeded conflict. We're sure our leave impacted the Brotherhood heavily, and we're damn proud of that. There are still doubts, but most of us trust that the Outcasts will be an established group and order. I'm still not sure if Casdin intends on keeping this name, or re-joining the real brotherhood out west once we gain contact. But it's a slow process.

I've been given the rank of "Protector", which is the Outcast equivilant of Paladin. This was an honor, as most of everyone else were named Defenders. I've been in the brotherhood of steel for more than 25 years, and now I have to deal with a sudden change like this. It feels the same, and in fact, feels more suitable, but it's still new.

It will take time to get used to, but perhaps I can grow to being called "Protector Valarne."

Chapter 8 - 2277 - Protector of the Outcasts - Age 42 - Vault 72

(Note: All dialogue will now be writtin in italics to save space.)

It's been nearly five weeks since we left the brotherhood, and things are already on headway. We are beginning to locate tech already. Casdin called me in to his quarters one day to inform me of a mission he had for us. I opened the door to his quarters.

"Ah, Tzaro. Sit, please. Much we have to discuss." I sat in the chair in front of his desk, trying to find a good position that won't be uncomfortable in my power armor, and took off my helmet, setting it on the floor next to my chair. "Yes, sir?" I asked. "Before I left the brotherhood, I heard of a vault far to the south about fifty-six miles. Vault 72. I heard that the vault had been a rather large weapons testing facility. From what I have been told, their purpous was to create new weapons that would further help to protect humanity after the nuclear war ended. As far as I know, all those weapons should be in near perfect condition, and should be very useful." I thought to myself a minute. "Is the vault still closed?" "Yes, the vault is schedualed to open in about 35 years. If everything went well, they should still be alive." He explained. "So what are we going to do, exactly?" I asked. "Well, we're going to try and get anything useful out of that vault." He said. "I imagine they won't give them up willingly." I said. He nodded, and went on. ""I doubt they will either. I plan on having a friendly conversation with the overseer. You know, explain everything that's been going on. Maybe they'll give us weapons to aid us in our mission. Though if not, a little brute force hasn't failed me yet'."

I sighed. I never did like killing innocents. I never really cared what happened to them, but I didn't want to be the cause of their demise. However, the last time I entered a vault, everything tried to kill me. Either the dwellers are afraid and trigger-sensitive, or they're just plain mad. I don't have reason to believe this vault will be any different. I have yet to find a vault with people who are still sane. "So how do you plan on getting inside? Opening vaults isn't as easy as flipping a switch." He smiled. "As I planned. A member of ours, Defender Denaro, studied heavily on Vault-Tec mechanics and information. He wouldn't go into details with me, but he told me he learned how to hack vault door terminals. I hope to bring him along, and see what he can do about that door." I nodded and picked up my helmet. "When are we heading out?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning. Get a good night's rest."

The next morning, I woke up after a horrid nightmare. I imagined my wife being tortured by a Deathclaw in what seemed to be a large facility full of people in black-colored armor, the only thing truely visible was their bright yellow eyes. They didn't say anything, they just watched as the Deathclaw slowly mauled the body of my sweet wife...Then it turned to me and seemed to...grin? The black-clad soldiers walked up to me, studying me for a good minute, then one of them raised their gun to me...which looked rather strange and bulky. When his finger pulled on the trigger, I woke up screaming. Nobody heard me, though I kinda wish they did. I sat up, walked over to my dresser, and pulled out the photo of my wife. I clutched it to my chest, and felt a tear fall down my cheek. 23 years...23 long..painful years, I have not seen her face in person..I stuffed the photo in my waist pouch, and started for the door of the fort. I walked outside, and saw the truck was already packed with some weapons and food. In the back was Defender Denaro, Defender Jacomon, and Specialist Daniels. Casdin was leaning on the back of the truck, and turned to me when I left the door to Fort Independence. "Good to see you're up. All ready to go?"

I smiled. "You waited all morning for me?" He grinned, shrugging. "We thought of leaving you behind, but your ass had all the ammo." I laughed, and climbed into the back. Casdin walked to the driver seat, hopped in, and started it up. Soon after, we were headed down the road, the sun bright to my left. Everyone was quiet for a while, until Specialist Daniels decided to break the ice. "Hey Jacomon, how was your trip to the nuka-cola plant?" He grinned, pulling a box over next to him. "Quite successful." He opened the box, pulling out five bottles of Nuka-Cola Quantum. "I love this stuff.." Jacomon said. "It wasn't easy finding it, but I managed to get a bottle for everyone." He began passing out the bottles, sticking one into the driver seat back window for Casdin. I examined my bottle carefully. It had a faint glow, and I swear I saw a shooting star inside. I had tried Quantum before, but not in a while. It had a good kick though, and was great if you don't drink it constantly. I flipped off the cap, pocketing it, and began drinking. I swear, every bottle tastes different.

It was about noon by the time we arrived there. Like any other vault, it was a flimsy wooden door hidden out in the rocks. We got out of the truck, unloaded our weapons, put on our helmets, and started for the door. "Alright everyone, remember, no hostility here unless fully neccesary. I don't know how advanced their weapons are, but there's no telling if they have peashooters, or super-atomic death rays. Denaro, do you have your kit?" Casdin asked. "Yessir." Casdin nodded, and we all went inside the cave area. It wasn't before long we were in front of the Vault Door itself. A large 72 printed on the front. Denaro began his work on the control panel, and we all stood watch. I began to examine my Laser Rifle. I couldn't stand primitive guns anymore. Loud and messy, never hit where you aimed, sucked at piercing armor, they were just aweful. After a while, Denaro finally finished on the door, pulled down the handle, and we all heard the alarm of the vault door sound. Some clanking behind the door, and after an ear splitting screech, the door slowly rolled open.

Chapter 9 - 2277 - Protector of the Outcasts - Age 42 - Vault Dwellers

We all stepped inside. The area was dark and quiet, but not decrepit, like most vaults. After a while a man with a flashlight, dressed in what seemed to be a Vault suit with a vest, stepped in from a doorway, shining the light on us. "W-h-hat the..hell!? What are you doing here? How did you get here!?" Casdin stepped forward, removing his helmet. "Relax, we mean you no harm. We just need to talk to your commanding officer." The man studied us carefully. "Well..you..you havn't killed me yet..so you can't be all bad...what do you want to speak to him for?" Casdin continued, "We heard about your weapons and technology advancements. We came here seeking information, and perhaps a portion of it to assist us in our mission outside in the Wasteland." The officer went quiet again, then motioned us to follow.

The area he took us through was much better lit. There were many people, most dressed in lab coats. Many of them gave us strange looks, but never said anything. After a while, we entered the Overseer's office. The officer didn't follow us in, though. The Overseer turned to us, giving a faint smile. He was rather old, Caucasian, with a rather large build. He wore glasses, fastened to a chain on his jumpsuit. I looked at the computer on his wrist, which I failed to notice on anyone else. The Pip-Boy 3000. I only read about the device, though never saw it in person. It looked quite advanced, and I was curious to see what it did. But I don't think I would ever aquire one, let alone be able to study it carefully. "Gentlemen, your arrival is very unexpected...but not entirely unwelcome. We've been wondering if anyone out there was still alive." He said. "Now tell me, what can I do for you?" Casdin stepped forward again. "We are part of an orginization known as the Brotherhood Outcasts. I won't go into detail of how we aquired that name, but we have read much information on your vault. You are a weapons testing and maintaining facility, Correct?" The overseer nodded, and allowed Casdin to continue. "We are part of a national mission of the Brotherhood of Steel in the attempt to capture remaining pre-war Technology, and use it in our advantage to rebuild humanity as a whole. We were wondering if you could share some of your weapons research, and possibly a share of those weapons, in the attempt to aid us in our mission." The overseer nodded again. "Yes well, I believe we could oblige to that. If you'll come with me, I'll take you to our labs."

The tour of the vault took quite a bit of time. Most of it was us observeing unique weapons, learning things about newly developed weapons, and other sorts of technology developed for side-uses. At the end of it, the overseer began sorting a number of items into a crate. After he was finished, he closed it, and handed it over to Casdin. "Here, we can share this with you. Most of it we don't even really need, since we rarely see conflict inside the vault. Though I'd hate to leave you with nothing new...hm..." He walked over to a display-case sort of machine. The inside was not visible, and it glowed a pure blue. He opened the case, and took out the strangest looking pistol I ever saw. "This item is...very unique. A long time ago, the former U.S. Government aquired this item in a crash-site of what was believed to be an...Alien Aircraft of sorts. We've been studying this weapon for a very long time, but never fully figured it out. Maybe you can get something out of it." The overseer handed it out to us. Casdin nodded at me, and I walked forward, taking the gun out of his hand. I could feel the ice-cold metallic material of the gun through my glove. it felt very light, and almost seemed breakable, but it was extremely sturdy, from what I could see. "I included what I think are Power Cells to the device in the crate. Please stay in contact, we'd love to know what you learn from it." He handed over a small chip, the kind used to transfer information through Terminals. Casdin nodded. "We'll get back to you. Thanks again." Denaro and Daniels picked up the crate together, and we proceeded to leave the vault. The heavy door closed behind us, and we went outside. Denaro loaded the crate onto the truck, and as we were about to leave, Six men in heavy black armor walked up to us.

"Alright men, step away from the truck if you want to keep your head." one of them said. They were heavily armored and all carried Gatling Lasers. I looked the men down carefully, and realized they were the people I had seen in my dream. The men in black-clad armor and yellow eyes. Casdin looked to us. "They are too strong. Don't do anything stupid. Just let them take it." It was here that I realized I was still carrying the strange weapon the Overseer gave me. Being behind the others, they couldn't see me. I turned a knob on the side, and found out a cell had already been loaded. Silently, I pushed myself up to the front of the group, raised the gun to the group of men in black armor, and pulled the trigger.

Chapter 10 - (in progress)
