Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Hello, I am Thurrn the Ranger of Redwall Wiki and I am an advocate of the Fallout franchise.


Attribus' Biography[]


Attrius was born on 2248 within the isolated territories west of the Mojave Wasteland. Concieved during a Legion raid upon his native tribal village that was forcefully inducted into Caesar's Legion, Attribus was assigned to the Frumentarii by his brutal centurion father where he earned a significant reputaion and was given the honorary title "Morpheus" due to his prowess in assassination and subterfuge. Throughout his time in the Legion, Attribus' admiration was soley held by the Malpais Legate Joshua Graham who served Attribus as a mentor of sorts. When Graham was put to death, Attribus was devestated but was soon relieved when Caesar revealed that he survived only to have his hopes destroyed again when he was assigned to assassinate the former Malpais Legate.

Pursuit and Revalation[]

Attribus tracked Graham throughout the wasteland and found him on the banks of the Colorado River upon the bodies of previous Legion assassins as he traveled to his home of New Canaan. However, Attribus hesitated in attacking his former mentor, during which Graham spoke to him as a changed man and commanded Attribus to forsake his anger and leave the Legion forever for greater prospects. Owing no real loyalty to Caesar, Attribus obliged and the two seperated paths.

Later Travels[]

Attribus then wandered the wasteland, presumed dead by Caesar's Legion, performing odd jobs whilest seeking the happiness and strength that Graham had discovered and revealed unto him. Considering Graham's words, Attribus eventually decided that the Legion was the opposition to the righteousness he was seeking and has since joined the NCR in their endeavers to eliminate Caesar's Legion. Throughout his travels, Attribus has acquired a legend of his own as a distinguished explorer having found the incredible Sierra Madre Casino, the wonderous Big Empty and the magestic canyon of Zion.
