Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Welcome to my talk-page!
Nuka screen large

Hei! - I am always happy to have visitors. If you don't know much about me, I am a local lore junkie and ambassador here at Nukapedia.

  1. I love to debate! Even if you don't need me for cross-wiki reasons, I am always around to talk about Fallout lore and canon. I am pretty big with other games, too, so feel free to talk about whatever.
  2. I am no longer all that active here at Nukapedia! Life is weird and always changing for me, so you'll never know when I might be lurking around. So don't be surprised if I message you back at some awkwardly long period down the road.
  3. Politics don't interest me much. I used to be a sysop here, but I realized eventually that I don't have the disposition for that type of work. I prefer the community side of the wiki now, so you will likely bump into me on some blog. Or lore forum. Or while I am stalking your profile. Whichever.


Personal Apology

Hey Leon, I wanted to extend a personal apology for the events which occurred yesterday, and my particular hostility to your points over the past three days. Thursday night I received that screenshot while at a friends house, from an account I added as a friend some substantial amount of time ago. It's clear to me now, this was an alt account of someone likely present in both the server the screenshot came from, and Nukapedia, and provided the screenshot well aware of how controversial your forum on mental health was, and the events of the last 2 months. (Chris remarked that this reminded him of the days when Skype servers existed and people would post contextless screenshots to try and implicate people without context, leading to us having a chat bot for some time.) The individual responsible clearly had a strong dislike of you, for whatever given reason, and figured I would act right away on the information. I initially decided not to act on the image, as I considered myself emotionally conflicted on the manner. I brought this to the attention of Richie in private and asked what he thought. The conclusion the two of us came to was that we would need to act on this image after a day or two of back and forth, and I brought it into the admin chat to ask for opinions. The admins present supported a ban. I also consulted with Dyrewolf, a user I trust and respect due to their levelheaded thoughts on the matter, and his conclusion was along similar lines.

Had I brought the image to the attention of security desk, its clear now that proper context would have been provided, given at least three people jumped on me and provided it once the ban had been put through. It was not posted in security desk prior to the ban, as the leak has destroyed the reliability of that chat for discussion in that regards. This was a failure and a mistake on my part, and I now regret it. This is, unfortunately, a lesson in confirmation bias for multiple staff members. I extend my full apologies on the matter, and withdraw any negative implications I have made toward you in the past three days. While we have our disagreements at times, I've always respected your arguments as being well articulated though sometimes condescending. Banning you was not something I was particularly keen on doing, as I was and have been especially been excited about jumpstarting NUN again, and see you as an invaluable asset in doing so, whatever our history and previous disagreements may have been. I hope you'll understand and accept my full apology, and we can move forward, but I understand if that is not possible. -bleep196- (talk) 15:58, May 12, 2019 (UTC)
