Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The organization of weapons into rifles/pistols needs to be retooled for FO4. Whether a gun is a pistol or a rifle appears to depend on the weather a stock or a grip is attached to the base gun. For example, it would make more sense to have a page for the plasma gun, and not two separate pages for plasma rifle, and plasma pistol. -- 04:05, June 17, 2015 (UTC)

Stills from the E3 presentation http://redd.it/39w70q -- 16:50, June 17, 2015 (UTC)

-- 15:34, June 22, 2015 (UTC)Theres no weapon durability anymore it seems, judging the lack of this stat.

tl;dr there should not be separate pages for modded variants of the same base weapon[]

I concur with the idea that this page currently isn't taking mods into account. This page should be for base weapons, and unfortunately, someone has gone on to create a bunch of unnecessary pages for different variants of the same base weapon, particularly with the plasma weapons. Since we've learned from the E3 presentation that the plasma pistol and the plasma rifle use the same base, and that one can be formed from the other with the only reason why their names are different is being a single mod, there should be just a single page called "plasma gun," for which the name shall remain until we learn what the base weapons are officially called (if they even have a name); otherwise, we are just making it all the more complicated and confusing given that it would require us to make pages for EVERY possible mod combination where there's a name change, like "Focused Laser Rifle" or "Scattered Automatic Laser Rifle." Likewise, "laser rifle" and "laser pistol" need to be merged into "laser gun" as well (not the laser musket though, as it seems to be a unique weapon), along with "pipe pistol" and the "pipe rifle" into "pipe gun." Once we learn that other base weapons' mods can change their names, we can work on those as well. --seventonblade 17:46 (EST), July 2, 2015 (UTC)

Not necessarily. See, I think we should just apply creating these separate pages only if they are common enough. I have my doubts that an enemy would use, say, "Focused laser rifle". I'd sooner say they'd use laser rifle, regardless if it is modded. To make it short, some pages should have, only if they are common enough. Perhaps there is also a way to say which pages can be created and which don't (say, being flagged in the editor), but we have yet to see.

And think of other things: a reader coming in here would be confused to see we store weapons onto one single page. Not only that, but it would make pages bigger and some content may just be ignored if that is done (like background section, you can't add it in table and make it look readable). ☢ Energy X ☣ 21:48, July 2, 2015 (UTC)

The issue with that is that we lack a standard of measurement with which we can determine if something is "common enough," and generally, we shouldn't be relying on subjective judgement on its own anyway. On that same note, what callsign we use for our weapons is also subjective, where in other words, YOU might call it "laser rifle" regardless and most others will too, but statistically, not everyone will.

And true, it might make a page look bigger, but it should hardly be to an overwhelming extent given that the vast majority of information regarding what makes a "laser pistol" and a "laser rifle" different, for example, would be stored in the mod charts that are already concurrently present in each of the pages. Right now, however, it's even more easy to ignore the information in that, as with the multiple plasma weapon pages, the same chart is being repeated over and over with added inconsistencies that occur when one edits the chart on one page and forgets to do the same on all the others despite them all being for the same base weapon, in which case, they would have to look identical. --seventonblade 18:20 (EST), July 2, 2015 (UTC)

Whether there are pages for each modded version or not, there should be an explanation that makes it clear that guns such as Laser Rifle and Laser Pistol are different versions of the same weapon. SterlingArbiter (talk) 21:30, November 16, 2015 (UTC)

Double Barreled Shotgun[]

I just thought I'd throw this out there but I saw a Double Barreled Shotgun in some of the gameplay videos for Fallout 4 but I don't see it listed.Ryker61Ryker61 (talk) 10:58, August 2, 2015 (UTC)3:57am 8/2/2015

Pipe Pistol[]

Pipe pistol is listed as having the caliber .308, but the pipe rifle is in .38. Is this really correct?

  • Incorrect. There are three (at least that's how many I found) kinds of zipguns in the game: Pipe Pistol, Pipe Revolver and Bolt Action Pipe Pistol. The last one runs on .308 ammo by default, and with Rank 4 of the Gun Nut perk you can upgrade a Pipe Revolver to fire .308 ammo. However, the basic Pipe Pistol runs on .38 ammo and can be only upgraded to fire .45 ammo.

Weapon Information[]

Hey, so I was messin' around today in the console and found some weapon ID's. I would edit them in myself to the pages that are up but I'm no good at formatting. Hopefully someone else can use these. Here is the ID list of my character's entire inventory of weapons:

Shovel (000822CB)
Laser Musket (0001DACF)
Molotov Cocktail (0010C3C6)
Fragmentation Grenade (000EEBED)
Switchblade (000FDC81)
Pipe (00024F55)
Double-Barrel Shotgun (00092217)
Pipe Revolver(0014831B)
Fragmentation Mine(000E56C2)
Institute (001633CC)
Baton (0008C14D)
Junk Jet (000E942B)
*note that in console it said '[CANNOT EQUIP]' after the parenthesis. Laser (0009983B) *this had a '- Worn' after the paranthesis.

Pipe Weapons[]

Regarding the pipe weapons, I think the best way to format the page about them would be something like this:


(type) Lever-Action a seperate table for each mod slot.

(type) Revolver seperate tables for each mod slot

(type) clip/magazine seperate table for each mot slot


the the receiver tends to determine if it's an automatic weapons or not, and in the case of lever-action and revolver, some will change the caliper. which is why they can't just be grouped by caliper or SMG/non-SMG

The grip will determine if it's a rifle or pistol. This is why they need their own category and not just grouped together with "rifles" or "pistols"

Magazine types tend tend to affect capacity and reload rate.

Lever Action is best for accuracy weapons like snipers, and a good option for silenced weapons since reload time and clip capacity isn't as important as the accuracy since your likely to be crouched and get more critical's.

revolvers seem to offer more damage for the rounds they support so make good hand guns when capacity isn't as important

and the clip/magazine (in the game it's not listed as anything than the base gun being just "pipe pistol") is what you'd use for those smg's, and high capacity weapons. you trade off some of the accuracy and power for more ammo capacity. really good for going against large numbers of ghouls and the like.

Waya(Talk)(C) 16:22, November 11, 2015 (UTC)

Weapon organization and stats[]

In my opinion the best way to place the stats and different weapons is to use the MODS that say standard in the description or name. For example the pipe pistol's rifle stock and pistol grip say standard in the name or description so it would make sense to use those. So you would have pipe pistol under pistols and pipe rifle under rifles (like it is currently)

Also for example the 10mm pistol starts out with a short barrel but the long barrel says standard in the description so that one should be used for stats. Which changes range to 119 and also changes value and weight.

If there is no standard than use the option at the top, for example with muzzles use the no muzzle option.

Only exception would be Unique, just use th stats from them you get when finding them unless those are randomized as well.

Durability no longer exists for guns.

Weapon spread is now named accuracy. So that should be changed as well.

Explosives don't require skills or strength.

--BiscuitCookie 17:35 (GMT+1), November 16, 2015

Another way of organizing the weapons on this is list we could use is like organizing them the same way as in the "vault dweller's survival guide".

--BiscuitCookie 10:17 (GMT+1), November 17, 2015

The bonuses from unique weapons seem to be shared by "stared" weapons dropped by random Legendary Monsters (eg. Legendary Raider). For example, the laser gun "Old Faithful" provides a double damage vs. enemies with full health, which is the same effect as the "Instigating" weapon prefix (eg. Instigating Gauss Rifle). So far, I having "stared" weapon effects with most monster-drop modifiable weapons, so I recommend creating a list of Legendary Effects and placing the link near the top of this page.

~Added, November 27, 2015

Sniper Rifle with a bipod?[]

In one of the loading screens, it's possible to see a fully upgraded sniper rifle (based on the Hunting Rifle receiver), with a Marksman frame, muzzle brake, light long barrel, long scope and a medium mag. The weird thing though is the fact that it also has a folded bipod, an attachment which the Hunting Rifle can never equip. Is this an unique weapon or just an unused model?

Fallout 4's IMFDB page even has a screenshot of it: http://www.imfdb.org/images/0/01/F4_R700_modified1.jpg

Incorrect Institute weapon code[]

This is the incorrect code for the Institute pistol. It gives you an institute weapon that makes no sound. The real code is something like 163000 (not it, but I don't have the game open).

Maybe this entire page should be sorted by ammo type not weapon type? sometimes rifles are pistol, but if a gun shoots .308 it doesn't also shoot .38?

I'm having a lot of trouble finding the weapon I want to look up on the current version.

Unique weapons on the weapons page[]

There seems to be an ongoing edit war regarding the presence of unique weapons on this page. Please note that this page is 'weapons' and not 'basic weapons' and as such probably should contain all weapons. As an example, take a look at the Fallout 3 weapons page.

Please do not make massive edits removing content until we can finalize the layout for this page, it removes the hard work by dozens of contributors and makes it harder to answer simple questions like 'which weapon is best' that should be answered by this page. While the Fallout 4 unique weapons page does exist, it is a list of locations for each weapon and does not compare the weapon stats.

If you see large removals of content from this page, please revert them unless someone has written a good explanation for the edits here. Alpha219 (talk) 16:41, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

Someone has removed a portion of unique weapons that I added (others added some missing data) recently and I am unable to revert these changes atm. 1 2 3 Here are the links to the pages if anyone is willing to add them again that would be appreciated because I'm busy right now. Thank you Rogue1965 (talk) 00:09, November 26, 2015 (UTC)

Incorrect Shotgun thumbnail[]

Wanted to point out that the thumbnail for the Double Barreled Shotgun is wrong. The thumbnail shows a Short Double Barreled shotgun, which comes with a Standard Receiver, Short Barrel, Short Stock, Standard Sights, and No Muzzle. A Double Barreled Shotgun comes with a Standard Receiver, Long Barrel, Full Stock, Standard Sights, and No Muzzle.User:Ryker61Ryker61 (talk) 03:15, November 22, 2015 (UTC)7:13pm 11/21/2015

Sorry but you are incorrect. Even though the 'normal' Double Barreled Shotgun is called a Short Double Barreled Shotgun in the game, it is the default, unupgraded version. Look at the upgrades. A short barrel and short stock are both 'standard.' That is the default for the double barreled shotgun. Degrelescence (talk) 14:45, November 24, 2015 (UTC)
Sorry, but your the one that's wrong. I do look at the upgrades. When I put a Long Barrel and a Long Stock on a Short Double Barreled Shotgun, the name is changed to Double Barreled Shotgun. That's the name in-game. Mods change the name of the weapons. I stuck a Napalm tank on a Flamer yesterday, and the name was changed to Napalmer Go play with the gun and mods if you don't believe me. The same applies to the .44 Pistol thumbnail. The thumbnail shows the Snubnosed .44 Pistol variant, but putting a Long Barrel changes the name to just .44 Pistol.Ryker6101:06, November 25, 2015 (UTC)~5:05pm 11/24/2015
Again, that's not how it works. The name is irrelevant. The STANDARD build is the base build. To be honest, there are a lot of guns on here that shouldn't even exist. For example there is no Pipe Rifle. A Pipe Rifle is a Pipe Gun with a stock. The base Pipe Gun has a pistol handle and is called Short Pipe Pistol in the game. Look at the base ID in game for the items. A Double-Barreled Shotgun has a short barrel, the long barrel that gives it a 'normal' name is a modified ID. Meaning it took the normal ID and added a 'with-change' modifier. Degrelescence (talk) 15:47, November 26, 2015 (UTC)

Melee Weapon Speed[]

I did some exhaustive calculations to find that all weapons in a speed category strike at EXACTLY the same speed, regardless of type or weight. That speed is 1.33 attacks/sec for fast weapons, 0.85 attacks/sec for med weapons, and 0.55 attacks per second for slow weapons. Not sure where to include this information but it makes a huge difference. Degrelescence (talk) 14:41, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

Damage Type[]

We need another column on our charts for additional damage type. Reason: elemental damage does not work like normal damage in this game. A weapon that does 10 'normal' damage and 5 energy damage does not do 15 total damage. It does 10 and 5 energy. The most obvious reason comes with thing like radiation or cryo damage, which don't stack at all. Also poison and fire are damage over time, not instant. I assume energy damage is actually fairly normal besides having different resistances, but still. Degrelescence (talk) 15:37, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

Junkjet damage[]

Deleted the "+ weight bonus" part from junk jet damage. After loading a junkjet with a 80lb weight, this writer did not notice a change in damage. Please observations from other players differ from this one, please correct.

I think it should be mentioned that the 'rename' function has an inbuilt limit on the number of characters in it.

Which can get annoying when you just want to add an identifier to an item for sorting purposes, but you have to go from the current name of 70+ characters down to about 30. I'm not sure what the exact limit is.

Health and Repair[]

Would it be better to just use "@hide" on those 2 subjects as it is completely useless information and a waste of space on the page to have 2 boxes with just "N/A" in them. I personally think it would be better to hide them as Fallout 4 has no weapon health or repair system in it at all just weapon modification. - Daveo1996

Doesn't have them YET. While arguably it's also one of the downsides and Bethesda might rethink it in the future. Are we 100% sure that weapons in DLC's will also be unbreackable? 08:11, December 9, 2015 (UTC)
Goofy reply. They aren't going to fundamentally change the entire game using DLC. There is no durability in this game. End of story. Also, you don't have to hide the columns, just remove them. Degrelescence (talk) 08:29, December 19, 2015 (UTC)

Followers and unusual guns.[]

How do followers choose targets if they weapon has Medic's Legendary. Whom they heal: us or our enemies. Can they use the syringer? Do they use it as an ordinary gun or they can choose ammo type if given? 08:26, December 9, 2015 (UTC)


It should be added in the melee section, although it looks aesthetically identical to the Baseball Bat, it's actually stronger. WhoeverReadThis (talk)WhoeverReadThis

Explosive minigun vs two-shot gatling laser.[]

What weapon is more OP with all the needed mods and perks: accelerated explosive minigun or two-shot gatling laser? 22:13, December 17, 2015 (UTC)

The Explosive Accelerated Minigun (EAM) is more OP under the stated conditions, it will deal about 40% more damage per second than the Two-shot Gatling laser. An Overcharged Plasma infused Gatling laser (OPG) fares slightly better, being about 9% more poweful than the Two-shot Gatling laser. This is against all types of DR higher than 2, below which the Two-shot Gatling laser will be slightly superior to the EAM. Against a Mythic Deathclaw (DR 300, ER 400) the EAM will deal 480 dps and the OPG will deal 335 dps. Against a full suit of unupgraded T-60 Power armor (DR 900 ER 645) the EAM deals 320 dps and the OPG deals 281 dps. Laconeko (talk) 22:30, April 13, 2017 (UTC)

Base id for unique modded weapons[]

There have been differnt approaches for documenting the base id of unique weapons (that are internally just modded versions of other weapons) like Shem Drowne sword‎‎. One was to document a leveled list that gives an item with the same name, but without the mods of the original. That seems to be just wrong. Another is to document the base id of the un-modded base weapon. Technically this is correct, but the information is almost entirely useless. I feel we should just not document a baseid in such cases. --Alfwyn (talk) 19:24, January 14, 2016 (UTC)

Weapon Mod w/o perk requirement[]

In the weapon mods section, it states that a user can attach a mod that though it is beyond their perk status to BUILD, if found on another gun can be taken off and put on another gun despite lacking the perk status otherwise needed to BUILD the mod.

Either I don't know how to make this work or it was a bug that was recently patched. I found a pipe gun with a Long Night Vision Scope, pulled it off so the mod is listed in my mod inventory and attempted to put it on another pipe gun as I would when I normally make a mod. It didn't seem to see that I already had the mod and didn't need to build one. It still said my perk status wasn't high enough.

Please advise. Thanks!

Ryebread5if (talk) 03:41, January 27, 2016 (UTC)

The only thing I can think of is that you're removing from, say, a "pipe pistol" and trying to attach to, say, a "pipe revolver". The pipe gun/revolver/bolt-action mods are not interchangable. Aya42 (talk) 19:42, January 26, 2016 (UTC)

Fire rate[]

This value is displayed in-game and the help just says "how quickly the weapon can be fired". But in what unit is it measured? Infoboxes say shots/minute, but the values found (and displayed in-game) just seem to make no sense at all. .44 pistol has a rate of 6 (measured a bit faster than 1/s), 10mm pistol one of 46 (nearly 2/s) - there is certainly no speed factor difference of 8 here. --Alfwyn (talk) 14:46, February 3, 2016 (UTC)

From some previous testing, the in-game values seem to measure the maximum number of shots that can be fired in a ten-second period, for some bizarre reason. Aya42 (talk) 19:07, February 4, 2016 (UTC)
There is a float value at offset 24 in WEAP.DNAM that FO4edit calls delay. Sometimes fire_rate=1/delay, other times 10/delay (those values that seem to be particular off) and sometimes no relation at all. The 10mm pistol just doesn't shoot nearly 5 per second. It seems the displayed value is computed after a complex formula and somewhere along the way the value becomes nonsensical for at least several cases. --Alfwyn (talk) 17:06, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
I haven't looked into the WEAP records, but the displayed in-game value for a 10mm with a large clip (24 rounds) is 46. So if it's measured as shots per ten seconds, it'd take ((24/46)*10) = ~5.2 seconds to empty the clip. Spamming the fire button takes about 6 seconds to empty the clip, so, accounting for the accuracy of my timing, it's about right. I actually measured based on how long it took to empty a clip of 500 rounds in the minigun. Which of the in-game values seems "nonsensical"? Aya42 (talk) 18:43, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
Another test: 4 seconds to empty a clip of 50 rounds on a submachine gun. (10/4)*50 = 125. In-game value is 127. Aya42 (talk) 19:03, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
The huge difference (up to factor 30) in fire rate found at Fallout_4_weapons#Pistols (and displayed in-game). That doesn't match experience at all. Measuring with reloading, it's 8/10s (rate 6) for the .44 pistol and 23/10s (rate 46) for the 10mm pistol. If one toggles godmode reloading can be taken out of the equation. It's 34/10s (rate 46) and 11/10s (rate 6) for me then. The value is alternately considerable lower or larger than measured shots per 10 seconds. In-game the difference of .44:10mm seems to be a factor of 3 or 4, displayed it is 8. The Pipe bolt-action pistol displays a rate of 2, which is totally off (5 with reloading/10s) if interpreted as shots/10s. --Alfwyn (talk) 19:24, February 5, 2016 (UTC)

Nonsensical isn't the right word, a weapon having a lower fire rate seems to be ineed slower than one with a higher one, it just doesn't seem to match a specific shots/s value (and certainly not shots/minute as our infobox claimed). --Alfwyn (talk) 19:37, February 5, 2016 (UTC)

You're right. I hadn't tested all the weapons. I just tested a few of the automatic weapons which have a large number of rounds in the clip, to minimize errors based on the accuracy of my timing, and they all came out pretty close to shots fired per 10s, excluding reload time. Perhaps the in-game unit varies depending on the gun action, e.g. automatic, semi-automatic, single-action revolver, bolt-action, pump-action, etc.
Something else I'd noticed about the non-automatic weapons, is that during the period while the weapon is readying the next round, any presses the fire button are ignored. So in order to accurately measure the timing, you'd have to hit the fire button on the exact frame where the weapon is ready to fire the next round, or perhaps find some way to spam the fire button at 60Hz or more. In practice, I'd noticed that when spamming the fire button on the 10mm, the shots would sometimes be noticeably closer together in time, which I figured would account for the slight discrepancy on the 10mm.
But, as you pointed out, the pipe bolt-action is way off. I'll have a quick dig through the WEAP records, and see if there's anything obvious in there, but if not, this may have to remain a mystery, unless someone can be bothered to try to find the logic in a disassembly of the game binary. Aya42 (talk) 15:03, February 6, 2016 (UTC)

Melee weapon categories[]

What is the source for dividing melee weapons into bladed (dismember limbs) and blunt (stagger)? I can dismember limbs with the super sledge just fine, and I don't see this categorization in the game data. I see there a division into 1-handed and 2-handed melee weapons instead. Haven't done any comparison tests though. --Alfwyn (talk) 22:12, February 15, 2016 (UTC)

Questionable table accuracy[]

Wondering how this should be addressed, since the accuracy of the weapon stats in relation to unique weapons with randomly generated modifications can't be spot on. For instance the basic hunting rifle, Reba, Reba II, and the Tinker Tom Special all have the same base stats when using the same mods. The only difference being that Reba II and TTS have Legendary weapon effects. Values in the table as they are now seem to be based off of the mods that were randomly generated when the user entered them into the table. Great Mara (talk) 03:57, March 13, 2016 (UTC)

Critical Damage[]

Looking through the CK, Fallout 4 uses a critical damage multiplier value rather than a fixed critical hit damage number. This makes sense, given weapon modding could make flat numbers behave unintuitively. This value appears to be 2.0x for every weapon the player can use, with only legendary effects modifying the value. Can we remove the column or just rename it to a multiplier and populate all of the cells with 2.0? Sortitus (talk) 02:09, July 14, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, we could easily remove the column, but... Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure that headshots from shotguns and snipers do different damage? In FO3, pistols did 2x, shotguns did like 1.25x, and snipers did between 4x and 10x crit damage. I am not saying you are wrong. It seems possible, being as a sniper is just a rifle with a scope in this game. I am just asking you to be sure. Degrelescence (talk) 21:45, July 16, 2016 (UTC)

Hitman institute rifle is missing under list of energy weapons. It is a weapon from the Far Harbor DLC and adds +10 % damage bonus while aiming.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 14:44, July 18, 2016 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Differing Values[]

I've been doing some data collection in-game and noticed there are some differences in values. Based on some talk pages, it seems like at least some of the data was gathered from the game files, so I'm having a hard time deciding if I should update the listed values on this site to match the gathered ones. This is mostly in regards to mod changes to weapons. Anyone have any thoughts? -Caraamon (talk) 09:07, June 24, 2018 (UTC)

Removing Non-Placeable IDs[]

So as some may have noticed, I'm deleting the reference IDs for a number of unique weapons. This is because these weapons are basically standard weapons with a special name and legendary effect attached, "assembled" via script. As far as I can tell, there's no way to directly add them to your inventory, and many of them have "DoNotPlaceDirectly" in their editor id. Console adding these weapons only produces a weapon with the name, but without the effect. There are some exceptions, as determined by in-game testing, and I've left them as is. Besides spawning your own copy, I can't think of any reason to need the IDs, and leaving them up may lead to confusion and frustration for those who are less tech savvy. If people disagree and decide to revert my work, I would ask that some method of indicating this issue be added. -Caraamon (talk) 17:05, July 6, 2018 (UTC)

Speed and ROF of Automatic Weapons[]

So previously I'd based my calculations on this page when working on the rate of fire of automatic weapons. However, I actually went into the Creation Kit and tried plugging numbers in and found a different set of values. The equation for 10 seconds ROF with automatic fire is (2 * (10 / attack animation time) * speed value). I'm not sure why it's double the expected value for 10 seconds of fire, but it's consistent across the weapons I tested. -Caraamon (talk) 16:10, July 23, 2018 (UTC)

Hardened Sniper Rifle?[]

Where is it listed on this wiki? I can't seem to find it listed even though its in Fallout 4. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 00:45, August 3, 2019 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

That's a modified hunting rifle. Great Mara (talk) 00:58, August 3, 2019 (UTC)

Creation Club content[]

Should creation club items really be on this list? It's user content, little more than paid mods and I really don't think it's appropriate to put them on here.—Preceding unsigned comment added by NaethanC76 (talkcontribs) 12:48, July 17, 2020 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Special Effect section[]

I was thinking and I purpose that we could possibly add a section to the chart that lists the special effect of weapons. If a weapon doesn't have a special effect, we could leave it blank or write down some text stating no special effect. How does this sound?—Preceding unsigned comment added by Thatguy1888 (talkcontribs) 14:43, March 21, 2022 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I am not sure if that would not be too specific for this list, as the main reason for their existance is to have an easy comparison between weapon stats. But feel free to give it a whirl, maybe it checks out. ;-) –FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 16:39, 21 March 2022 (UTC)