Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
  • If yer gunna do somethin wrong, do it right
  • Ya can put a ribbon n parfum on a pile o' shite, but it'll still be a pile o'shite
  • Tis' no good to follow sumone sumwhur if ye dun know whur ya goin
  • Guns? HA! To whur we're goin, we wun need guns!
  • So physics are just 'bout dudes without GFs n lotsa time in thur hands? Fuck...

-LIKES: good things

-DISLIKES: bad things

I'm just some dude who, at first, just wanted to fully enjoy Creepypastas (ironically, never wrote one [04/24/14]), hence my username. After a time, I ended up a little bit involved in some others wikis... And uh... That's it, there, it's done, leamme be.

would you believe me if I say I enjoy sliced bananas in my rice and beans?
