Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Taking Drugs[]

I could have sworn I just saw this kid using Jet. He was sitting infront of a terminal, and I thought he was picking his nose. When I approached him he stood up, at which point I noticed a dark reddish/orange object similar to a Jet inhaler despawn from his hand.

What is this kid doing?!? 05:31, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

Anyone notice the Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference? When you ask Squire Maxson "They don't actually... make you fight. Do they?", he give a story about how Sentinel Lyons took him out once and after killing a Super Mutant (he swears he did), he accidentally shot Sentinel Lyons "a little", saying, "It was just a flesh wound". Hilarious. 23:34, 11 April 2009 (UTC)Xak

I remember seeing in a terminal whilst playing Broken Steel something about banning Squire Marxson from the firing range. Now I know why.

Saying something is flesh wound is not necessarily a Monty Python reference, but since you morons are so retarded and the admins won't do their jobs right, I guess we have to leave it in there. Stupid fucks. SpellChecker 02:13, 28 June 2009 (UTC)My, aren't you the pretentious little bastard? Yes, you're correct, a line about flesh wounds doesn't automatically refer to Monty Python, but the exact line "It's just a flesh wound" does. Jakkhali 13:56, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

Evil Enclave Member[]

There is no reference about what happens to him if you blow up the Citadel. Does he die? Is he disabled from the game? Or does he miraculously survive, move into the Taft Tunnels , suffer severe radiation poisoning, turn into a ghoul, leave the tunnels, walk over to Sentinel Lyons' body (who was killed three days ago by you), start crying over his lost love, go back to the tunnels, meet the ferals, turn feral and then become the youngest Feral Ghoul ever?! Please Bethesda or anyone help me!! The Victorious Phoenix

Just like the two kids in Megaton, Bethesda can't say that they died, but think about the chances of any person surviving such explosions. For the sake of no children dying in the game, let's just say some random Knight saw the missiles coming and left, taking the kid with him. FinalWish 16:42, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

Okay fine hey, maybe Paladin Bael took him with his Sentry (for full newly-written story see Bael's Talk Page)!

Am i the only one who caught him stealing whiskey from the elder's room? i also saw him drinkin a beer just sitting on a bench in plain sight! i think he's a boozer, hopefully he stole enough liquor to take with him if he really did run away lol.

Missing in some games?[]

I have played through the game with a good character and an evil one and I've never seen this character until tonight with my new neutral guy. Is it possible that there's some type of glitch or somewhere secluded he hangs out that I just haven't seen him in the past? I find it funny that with the hundreds of hours (yes I know, I'm crazy) I've sunk into this game I was shocked and awed tonight as I saw a little boy walking through the halls that I had never seen. Very cool! --Coldwinds 05:59, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

Hey does anyone else wonder if this kid is some sort of King Arthur reference besides Monty Python. I mean the Capital Wasteland BoS is split into, the Lyon forces and the Outcasts, its kinda like the thing were Arthur has to unite all the warlords of Britain into one united kingdom. Could it be maybe its sort of the same thing? Were Arthur grows up and he unites the the Outcasts and Lyons Bos?

--Kaiser maxson (talk) 17:01, December 14, 2013 (UTC) Kaiser_maxson

Kaiser, you nailed the reference man.--Epzo (talk) 20:26, December 5, 2015 (UTC)

Unlockable Haircut[]

So is anyone gonna add that you can unlock his haircut in FO4? Didn't test the trigger but I think that it unlocks after meeting him on the Prydwen.

P.S. Don't post here so I have no idea about posting etiquette and rules so I don't mind if you delete this. Just add a line so that someone can test and add it to the page, maybe find out if there are other haircuts and if there are console triggers for it. 11:15, November 16, 2015 (UTC)

More modern quotes?[]

Is it possible for us to add more Fallout 4 quotes for both Arthur and Macready? Because I find it weird how we have them grown up in the picture, but have a little kids voice for a quote.

Change the quote for the page?[]

I was thinking we should try and add the "beneath the Commonwealth, there is a cancer" bit to be his main quote for when you arrive onto his page.

I agree with this. Other wikia pages have quotes that best represent the character. Maxson is no longer the boy he was in Fo3. He's a much more... chaotic good type of character. --StagsKilledDragons (talk) 20:06, December 13, 2015 (UTC)

The current quote is outdated, by some principals. Meaning that you can change the quote if you wish to. ☢ Energy X ☣ 20:11, December 13, 2015 (UTC)

Does he show up for the attack during "Rockets' Red Glare"?[]

I searched all over The Prydwen before placing the bombs, but never found him. Does he not show up (so that "sequel-hook" can be written in block capitals later on somewhere), or is this a bug or something? I mean, I even found Proctor Ingram (who had been down at the airport with Liberty Prime before), but still couldn't find Arthur Maxson anywhere (this was the PC version).

Has anyone else found and killed him, or additionally, found and killed him during the Institute's version of this quest...? Also, I felt this topic belonged here rather than on the forums, as it has to do with potential bugs and would help flesh out the "player's interactions in Fallout 4" section of the page... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 23:20, December 9, 2015 (UTC)

I've messed around with this extensively on two different play-throughs now. I was SURE he was supposed to be on the Prydwen during Rockets' Red Glare, etc. Playing around at the console, it turns out he is actually on the command deck during this quest, but the actor is disabled. If I run "0001cc18.enable" (or "prid 1cc18" followed by "enable"), he appears on the flight deck with Final Judgement and wearing his coat etc, accompanied (at least for me at this level) by a pair of Brotherhood Knight-Sergeants (one was in power armor, the other had a missile launcher). I'm pretty sure this is a bug in the quest, because it definitely adds to the engagement, and it all works fine after you enable Maxson. I'll bet they did something like "maxson.disable, maxson.moveto PrydwenCommandDeck, other.thing" and forgot to re-enable him at the end. Defiler99 (talk) 05:35, January 6, 2016 (UTC)

Update; I started a clean playthrough when the 1.3 beta came out, finally got to this step, and Maxson + entourage were there like they should be, no console tricks required. Nothing about this was in the patch notes, but it has possibly been fixed regardless. Defiler99 (talk) 04:45, January 28, 2016 (UTC)


Is Arthur an elder or high elder? Every Maxon has been one and as he is the last of the Maxon line, so far, I would have thought he would have been raised to that rank when contact was re-established with the west coast leadership.

Infobox sharing[]

Sharing the infobox between FO3 and FO4 will become icon riddled and hard to read once we add more detailed information about FO4 too. One solution would be to simply use two infoboxes. Are there any better approaches? I dimly remember to have seen cleanly separated game specific data sections for some infobox somewhere, but it doesn't seem to be the NPC one. Robert Joseph MacCready has the same problem. --Alfwyn (talk) 20:09, January 2, 2016 (UTC)

We've always just used one infobox per character, even if they appear in multiple games. Especially since two infoboxes looks odd at best. Paladin117>>iff bored; 20:18, January 2, 2016 (UTC)
Would it be possible to separate the info regardless? Either a separate infobox, or if we need to keep it in one, Jspoel did the Metal armor (Fallout 4) infobox which might serve as a useful example of formatting. Have we had any other characters that have appeared in two games that aren't Fallout 4? We've essentially got two different characters here, the young Maxson and the adult Maxson, and both have separate stats, traits, locations, etc. The only reason they share a page is because they have the same backstory. We need some way to identify which stats came from which game. --Xernoc (talk) 21:41, January 2, 2016 (UTC)
What I remembered was perk infoboxes like Animal Friend. Would be nice to have the technical aspects sorted that way. I'm aware that this is not possible with the current infobox, just trying to throw some ideas around. --Alfwyn (talk) 13:47, January 4, 2016 (UTC)


you can't pickpocket from him/open his inventory when crouching in Fallout 4.08:18, February 13, 2016 (UTC)


Recently did a merger of the Maxson page from TV and put all the relevant info into NP's page. It was reverted, however, because of "some inaccuracies" that were not stated. When I rollbacked the revert, it was then re-reverted because some inaccuracies mean it needs to be reverted entirely instead of discussed and improved. If these inaccuracies are not discussed here, I'm going to redo the merge again. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 00:51, October 12, 2019 (UTC)

I'm just going off of the differences between your version and Paladin's version, but I think the issue is that The Vault article heavily references the emotions that Arthur would be feeling, which because it's not explicitly stated that is what he is feeling, can come across as speculation. Aiden4017 (talk) 02:52, October 12, 2019 (UTC)
Do emotions have to explicitly stated when the acting portrays it more than well enough? And even then, there are dialogue file comments referenced as well to get a more than an adequate emotional profile on both the young and adult Maxson. But outside of the emotional side of things, is anything else that's just inherently wrong? Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:50, October 12, 2019 (UTC)
Well, for one, where is it stated the West Coast chapter refuses to improve technology? The first Fallout shows them improving tech and I haven't seen any statements to the contrary. And yes, guessing someone's reasoning based off a vague terminal entry is pretty speculative. Paladin117>>iff bored; 17:01, October 12, 2019 (UTC)
There's nothing vague about "Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity." Also, I assume you're referring to the last paragraph that's still in the article before I did the merge? I thought I should keep it there since people don't like content being removed, but I don't see how content that was there before justifies reverting a merge. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 00:50, October 13, 2019 (UTC)

'leader of the east coast chapter'[]

is he not the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel? it's my understanding he orders the eradication of "maxson cults" on the west coast, which implies a very strong political influence over the west coast --Anachorite (talk) 22:59, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

Leadership and influence aren't the same thing. Arthur's gained substantial respect in a short period of time as a member of the Brotherhood, and his actions are what convinced the West Coast to break their silence and reintegrate the East Coast into the Brotherhood. The legendary figure he's become is stated to be something he's uncomfortable with, and given how recently the two reconciled, the West Coast wouldn't want to jeopardise their newly reestablished relationship by alienating him. Him telling the West Coast to stop worshipping him isn't the same as being in charge of them. Aiden4017 (talk) 23:43, 2 November 2023 (UTC)