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Fallout Wiki

The splintered statue is an unmarked location in the Commonwealth, situated north of Somerville Place.


A raider has set up a worksite here to rehabilitate a derelict pre-War concrete statue.


The site consists of the raider's equipment, including a construction light alongside both yellow and blue paint. At the foot of the statue, his tools can be found, including a screwdriver, blowtorch, and a hammer. A single Day Tripper can be found adjacent to a drinking glass on a bench that is next to a heavily leaning ladder.

The statue has been reassembled so that the head is attached to the right wrist and the hand is attached at the neck. A chem box has been placed in the statue's left hand. The raider has set up a small campsite for himself next to the statue, with a tarp laid over fallen branches. He has gathered some miscellaneous items near his sleeping bag, and a suitcase rests in front of the makeshift tent. The raider is always hostile.[1]


The splintered statue appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 367: "[5.12] THE SPLINTERED STATUE
    Everything is in place for the repainting of a long-forgotten statue—that is, until you arrive. Check the cabin to the northeast for a trunk."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)