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Native Americans, also known as First Americans, Indigenous Americans, American Indians and other terms, are the indigenous peoples of the American continents.


Native Americans lived on the continent for millennia in relative isolation, until Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas and informed the countries of Europe of the "New World." The European empires would sail to these formerly unknown lands and colonize them and their people. When the British and French Empires went to war in the French and Indian War, the French used their Native American allies as forces against the British troops stationed in America.[8]

Years later, the Thirteen Colonies of the British Empire successfully gained independence as the United States in the Revolutionary War, and began to expand west.[9] Settlers encroaching on Native American land came into conflict with various tribes, and military instillations and defensive structures like the original Prickett's Fort in Appalachia were used to defend against such attacks.[10] Despite fierce resistance, more and more tribes were forced off of their land, and would eventually be given legal designations of land to live on known as reservations.[Non-game 1] Due to this history, the names of numerous locations across the American continent have their origin in native languages and tribes, including Seneca Rocks, the Potomac River, Cheyenne Mountain and many states.

During World War II, the United States used members of the Navajo tribe as code talkers, as their language was very complex and at that time completely unwritten.[6]

Hopewell Cave in Appalachia was a burial complex containing the remains and artifacts of members of the Adena culture, which existed in the area from 1000 to 200 BC. An anthropologist studying the site found this very striking, as the Adena typically buried their dead in burial mounds, and were not believed to have possessed the technology for stone carving. He hypothesized that the remains of the Adena might have been moved to the cave long after they ceased to exist, though he also noted it was strange for them to be buried with such respect if that were the case.[1][11]

The Dead Horses and White Legs are two post-War tribes, descended from Native Americans, other American citizens and European tourists.[Non-game 2] The Dead Horses are believed to have originated from a place known as Res, the former reservation of the Navajo people,[Non-game 1] and speak a creole of English, German and Navajo.[12] Likewise, the White Legs speak a creole of English, Spanish and Shoshone.

Notable Native Americans[]


  • Jonny, a little boy in Modoc, disappeared one day while he was out playing cowboys and Indians with his dog Laddie.[13]
  • When the United States adopted its Constitution, it was established that for the purposes of representation in the House of Representatives and direct taxation, Native Americans who did not pay taxes were not counted among the states' populations.[14]
  • In a speech, Hannibal Hamlin talks about Abraham Lincoln's military service fighting against "raiders" in the "war of the black hawks." This is a distorted reference to the Black Hawk War of 1832, a conflict between the United States (and some allied native groups) and the British Band, a mixed-nation alliance of Native Americans who entered U.S. territory with the apparent motive of reclaiming homelands they had lost in unfavorable treaties.[15]
  • One of the endings to Fallout: New Vegas draws a direct comparison between the Great Khans and indigenous groups through deployment of the term "reservations."[16]
  • Arcade Gannon offers frustration that his research into creating medicine from local flora is fruitless, claiming that "[i]f agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago."[17]
  • Supervisor Greene, a Mister Handy robot at Graygarden, can make a comment about the Sole Survivor being able to "sell ice cubes to Eskimos" with their powers of persuasion.[3]
  • Buddy, a modified Protectron, makes a joke about the Mayan calendar.[4]
  • In the face of declining sales of the Giddyup Buttercup toy line, Wilson Atomatoys decided to try to expand the market by releasing new versions of their signature pony. One of the options raised was a line of cowboys and Indians themed horses, though it was ultimately dismissed on the grounds of being insensitive.[18]
  • In the pre-War Western film Last Stand at Fort McGee, the starring duo of the Fighting Furies fought against Apache braves, as well as bandits and soldiers of the Confederate army.[2]
  • Scout Leader Jaggy mentions how Native Americans used dogwood root to lure muskrats into traps.[19]
  • There are a number of native petroglyphs found throughout Appalachia.[20]
  • The legal consequences regarding trying to sell an unearthed Native American artifact are a question in the Pioneer Scouts archaeologist exam. In the same exam, there is also a reference to the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, and the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu, which was discovered by Hiram Bingham III.[21]
  • The Pioneer Scouts heavily appropriated elements of Native American culture into their iconography. Their emblem features arrows, tomahawks, and a teepee,[22] and a defaced totem pole can be found at Camp Liberty.
  • A number of kids wear Native American feather headbands at Roys's birthday party in episode 1, The End, of the Fallout television series.


Native American tribes are mentioned in Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, its add-on Honest Hearts, Fallout 4, its add-on Far Harbor, Fallout 76, and the Fallout television series. They are also mentioned in the design documents for Black Isle Studios' canceled Fallout 3 and would have appeared in the canceled Fallout Extreme.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The term "res," the name given as to the origin of the Dead Horses, is a commonly used slang for a Native American reservation.
  • The name of Hopewell Cave is a reference to the Hopewell tradition, a Native American civilization group which came after the Adena culture and had overlapping inhabitation zones. Their existence is also alluded to by the discussion of a successor culture to the Adena in the anthropologist's holotape.
  • The Indian-head test pattern that is seen throughout and commonly associated with the Fallout series was a real test card, introduced in 1939 and widely adopted by broadcasting networks across North America. It largely faded out of use in the 1980s with improvements in broadcasting technology, though a few stations continued using it until the 1990s.
  • Native Americans would have been mentioned in Black Isle Studios' canceled Fallout 3 project, Van Buren. When the bombs fell and the government collapsed, there was no longer anyone to keep the Native American tribes from expanding and claiming more land beyond their reservations. Bands of people left, heading into the wasteland and going on to join various factions. Starting in 2095, multiple groups encountered and joined the Blackfoot tribe. Their survival skills and knowledge of the area proved very valuable to the Blackfoot.[Non-canon 1]
  • The Inuit would have appeared in the canceled Fallout Extreme. Following the Great War, they have become fiercely territorial warriors, and battle against the Brotherhood of Steel. The Cause would have fought alongside them to eliminate the Brotherhood in the region, and the Inuit would in turn support the revolutionary group in their mission.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Anthropologist's holotape
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Eden Meadows Cinemas radio station announcer: "Keith McKinney and Stanley Van Robb star as The Fightin' Furies in "Last Stand at Fort McGee," a Western from the makers of "Aces and Eights." Grab your pistols and get ready for a old fashioned stand off as the Fightin' Furies return in "Last Stand at Fort McGee" Time to saddle up and circle the wagons as The Fightin' Furies take on bandits, Apache braves, and even the Confederate Army in "Last Stand at Fort McGee.""
    (Eden Meadows Cinemas radio station)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Sole Survivor: "I've got an idea. Let's make a deal."
    Supervisor Greene: "You could sell ice cubes to Eskimos with those powers of persuasion. Three hundred caps is the best I can do. It's all yours. Well, it's been a real pleasure. Thanks for playing!"
    (Supervisor Greene's dialogue)
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Buddy: "A Mayan asks his friend if he would like to grab a drink. His friend says, 'Well, I'm supposed to finish the calendar, but I guess if I don't it's not the end of the world.' "
    (Buddy's dialogue)
  5. ↑ Language of the Dead Horses
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Tadpole Exams, Codebreaker
  7. ↑ Language of the White Legs
  8. ↑ City of Steel scoreboard
  9. ↑ Museum kiosk: "The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. Proclaiming themselves 'states,' they issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The rebellious states defeated Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence. A federal convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments, was ratified in 1791."
  10. ↑ Appalachia landmarks - Prickett's Fort
  11. ↑ A plaque found at Hopewell Cave
  12. ↑ Courier: "Do they speak... our language?"
    Joshua Graham: "Most don't. It's been hundreds of years since the war. They've developed their own languages. Take the Dead Horses. We think they were originally refugees from a place called "Res," east of the Grand Canyon. They speak a combination of Res and a language spoken by travelers who were visiting Res when the bombs fell. Over time, the two languages blended. I was a translator years ago, but it's hard to keep up with all of the tribal variations."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  13. ↑ The Chosen One: "{182}{}{Pardon me, my name is [player name]. Now that we're properly introduced, you seem troubled.}"
    Balthas: "{187}{}{Did you say [player name]? Yes, I think I've heard of you. One of the guards on a passing caravan mentioned some good things about a person with that name. I know we've just met, but I could really use your help.}"
    The Chosen One: "{189}{}{Why don't you tell me what your problem is, and maybe I'll be able to help.}"
    Balthas: "{191}{}{[He picks up a metal chisel and starts to wring it anxiously. To your amazement, the chisel begins to bend like putty. This guy's strong!] My boy, Jonny, is missing! He went out to play a few days ago and never came back. We've searched everywhere, but still haven't found him.}"
    The Chosen One: "{192}{}{Where does Jonny normally play? Does he usually play with someone else?}"
    Balthas: "{196}{}{Does that mean you'll help me? Thank you! Jonny was last seen playing cowboys and Indians with his dog Laddie out front. The two of them are inseparable; in fact, that's how we knew something was wrong. One day, Laddie came back without Jonny. We've been searching ever since. Take Laddie with you; maybe the two of you will be able to find Jonny.}"
    (Balthas' dialogue)
  14. ↑ First page of the Constitution of the United States of America
  15. ↑ Hannibal Hamlin: "Let me tell you the story of Abraham Lincoln. He was born a Tucky Tearsman. The truth of this mysterious title has been lost, but we know it was a great honor. As a child he could not bear to see any animal chained or imprisoned. He was even known to set free the family brahmin on occasion. As a youth, Abraham Lincoln fought Raiders in the war of the black hawks. When the war ended, he settled down to rule the Linoy, a small tribe of free men. He grew so famous that one day he was made President. He ruled over all the land. When he declared that all slaves must be freed, the slavers rebelled against his rule. They fought a great war, which Lincoln won. When he came to free the slaves, an assassin of the slavers struck him down. In the confusion, a few of the slavers escaped. Lincoln's generals hunted them, but could not find them. The bombs ended the era of Lincoln, but we will resurrect his voice. We will restore the greatness of his vision where all men are created equal, and all men can live free!"
    (Hannibal Hamlin's dialogue)
  16. ↑ Fallout: New Vegas endings: "After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Great Khans returned for a time to Red Rock Canyon. The NCR's pressing need to expand proved greater than its promise of amnesty, and before long the government decided the Khans had to go. The surviving Great Khans were relocated to an isolated, barren reservation, well north of NCR trade routes."
  17. ↑ The Courier: "What kind of research?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh, you know. Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries. Stimpaks out of barrel cacti and other fantastic improbabilities. As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims."
    The Courier: "You don't sound too enthusiastic about it."
    Arcade Gannon: "I'm enthusiastic about helping people, but nihil novi sub sole."
    The Courier: "Nihi-what?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh. Sorry. 'There is nothing new under the sun.' If agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  18. ↑ Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ terminal entries; development office terminal, Documents, Product Brainstorming
  19. ↑ Jaggy: "Native Americans once used dogwood root to lure muskrats into traps."
    (Jaggy's dialogue)
  20. ↑ Vault-Tec University terminal entries; terminal, Blake, Michael, Jacquelyn
  21. ↑ Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Possum Exams, Archaeologist
  22. ↑ Pioneer Scouts of America emblem


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream Part 3 (reference starts at 14:50)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'If the Res mentioned in Honest Hearts is referring to Los Alamos National Laboratory...' It's just the Navajo reservation. That's all. It's just the Navajo reservation."
  2. ↑ J.E. Sawyer on Tumblr: "I understand why people see it that way, but how the DLC shipped was not how it was planned. The tribes in Zion are descendants of a mix of North American native people as well as other American citizens and European (of various non-native ethnicities) tourists/campers. This survives in the language of the Dead Horses, for example, who use a large number of German-derived words.
  3. ↑ PlayStation Blog Meet the Companions


  1. ↑ Blackfoot Tribe design documents, page 8: "During this time several wandering groups of Native Americans (who left their reservations after the American government collapsed and there was no longer anything to stop them from claiming nearby land) established a relationship with the raiders/ranchers and the two groups joined together for greater strength; the tribes gain access to some technology and a fortified home, while the raiders/ranchers gained access to skilled outdoorsmen who knew the area very well."