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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Balthas, tanner in Modoc.


{100}{}{A heavy set man wearing a leather apron.}
{101}{}{Balthas the tanner.}
{102}{}{A tall, muscular man who looks and smells of leather.}

{151}{}{My son was mistakenly killed in the fight.}
{152}{}{I can’t bear to live without Jonny.}
{154}{}{Meet us down at the Ghost Farm. We’re going to attack the ghosts.}
{155}{}{Hello, my name’s Balthas. I run the tannery here in Modoc. Can I help you?}
{156}{}{You seem a bit preoccupied; is there something wrong?}
{157}{}{I’d like to see your wares.}
{158}{}{Have you seen a gold watch lying around anywhere?}
{159}{}{I’ll be back later.}
{160}{}{I’m searching for an item called a GECK. Do you by any chance know anything about it, or how I might obtain one?}
{163}{}{What can I help you with?}
{168}{}{Just looking, thanks.}
{171}{}{Any luck finding Jonny?}
{172}{}{I found this at the bottom of the old dry well. A part of the well had fallen in, and this was in the debris. I’m sorry, but I believe Jonny is dead.}
{173}{}{No, nothing yet.}
{175}{}{Thank you for returning my boy to me. There’s no way I can ever repay you, but please take this leather armor as thanks. I’ve been experimenting with a new curing process; I think you’ll find this armor very durabable, and besides -- you look really good in it.}
{176}{}{Thank you for saving my son!}
{177}{}{Please leave me to my grief.}
{178}{}{Jonny is alive! Some people called Slags have rescued him. If you can wait just a little longer, I’m working on a way to get Jonny back home to you.}
{179}{}{Jonny’s been kidnapped. The ghosts at the farm have got him, and plan to sacrifice him to their dark god.}
{180}{}{I understand; sorry to disturb you.}
{181}{}{Huh? Look, I don’t discuss my personal life with strangers. Do you have any business with me or not?}
{182}{}{Pardon me, my name is }
{183}{}{. Now that we’re properly introduced, you seem troubled.}
{184}{}{Yes, I’m interested in some leather goods.}
{186}{}{I guess I don’t.}
{187}{}{Did you say }
{188}{}{? Yes, I think I’ve heard of you. One of the guards on a passing caravan mentioned some good things about a person with that name. I know we’ve just met, but I could really use your help.}
{189}{}{Why don’t you tell me what your problem is, and maybe I’ll be able to help.}
{190}{}{I have problems of my own, sorry.}
{191}{}{[He picks up a metal chisel and starts to wring it anxiously. To your amazement, the chisel begins to bend like putty. This guy’s strong!] My boy, Jonny, is missing! He went out to play a few days ago and never came back. We’ve searched everywhere, but still haven’t found him.}
{192}{}{Where does Jonny normally play? Does he usually play with someone else?}
{193}{}{I’m sorry about your kid, but what could I possibly do?}
{194}{}{That’s horrible! But I just stopped in to look at some leather goods. I don’t suppose I could see some of your merchandise?}
{195}{}{Oooh! Look at the time. I have to be going.}
{196}{}{Does that mean you’ll help me? Thank you! Jonny was last seen playing cowboys and Indians with his dog Laddie out front. The two of them are inseparable; in fact, that’s how we knew something was wrong. One day, Laddie came back without Jonny. We’ve been searching ever since. Take Laddie with you; maybe the two of you will be able to find Jonny.}
{197}{}{Well, you have the air of an experienced traveler. With your skills, maybe you’ll be able to track down my son.}
{198}{}{Well, yes! I am quite a skillful tracker, if I do say so myself. Okay, I’ll help.}
{199}{}{Flattery will get you nowhere. Look, I need to ask you some questions.}
{200}{}{My prayers are answered! Take Laddie with you; maybe he can help. Please hurry!}
{201}{}{Well, maybe you’re right. Thanks for listening.}
{202}{}{I’ve heard of you. Look, I don’t want any trouble; we’re a peaceful community. Let’s just keep the subject to business, OK?}
{203}{}{I have some questions for you.}
{204}{}{I don’t have any business with you for now. Bye.}
{205}{}{Well, I’m worried about my missing son, Jonny. We’ve searched everywhere, but still can’t find him. I fear that maybe wild animals got him.}
{206}{}{Maybe I can help. I do a lot of traveling; I’ll keep a lookout for your boy.}
{208}{}{I would really appreciate that. Every little bit helps. In the mean time, did you have some business with me?}
{210}{}{No, not really. I’ll be going now, thanks.}
{211}{}{Sorry, I never heard of it.}
{214}{}{Hehehe. Has Old Cornelius got you looking for his pocket watch, too? No, you won’t find it here. That old coot probably just left somewhere and forgot about it.}
{215}{}{Thanks anyway. I’ll keep looking. Bye}
{216}{}{[He looks at you closely and then smiles.] Why don’t you be a good little boy and run outside and play?}
{217}{}{[He looks at you closely and then smiles.] Why don’t you be a good little girl and run outside and play?}
{218}{}{Please keep looking. I know he’s still alive, I can feel it!}
{219}{}{That’s Jonny's BB gun all right. Noooooooooooooooooooo! [Balthas breaks down and starts to cry uncontrollably.]}
{220}{}{I knew Jonny wasn’t dead! You say I have to wait… I don’t understand! Is he hurt? My instincts tell me to go to my son, but I sense you have my son’s best interest at heart. Please hurry, and bring my son back to me.}
{221}{}{Oh no! Not the ghosts! I knew we should’ve burned that place to the ground. I won’t let them take my boy... I’m going to get little Jonny back, whatever the cost. I’m sure the residents of Modoc will help me get my son back! Meet us at the Ghost Farm. We’ll kill them all!}
{230}{}{You have safely returned Jonny back to Modoc.}
