Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Cause is a group of revolutionaries, fighting first against the oppressive regime of the Brotherhood of Steel, and then imperial China.


This gang arose from the settlements around Mount Hood. After initial success in Washington and Oregon, destroying a major Brotherhood fort and gaining recruits from surrounding communities, they proceeded north. They pushed through Canada and into Alaska, wiping out Brotherhood positions and locations all the while. Only after almost completely wiping out the organization do they learn the reason for the push north: Imperial China is constructing a devastating nuclear weapon to destroy the remnants of the United States of America once and for all. The Brotherhood of Steel had been attempting to reach Beijing and destroy the missile before it can be completed. The Cause adopts the Brotherhood's mission and crosses the Bering Strait into what remains of the Soviet Union. They pass through Mongolia, fighting a group of raiders known as the Huns, and finally reach China. They defeat the Army of the Golden Tiger and New Imperial Guard, kill the Chinese Emperor, and destroy the missile.


The player characters of Fallout Extreme were all members of The Cause.


The Cause would have appeared in the canceled Fallout Extreme.
